Girl Enslaved

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Girl Enslaved Page 7

by Tawny Taylor

  She and Brad walked out to the living room. Someone had set a small wooden platform in the middle of the room. There was a wooden railing attached to one side. She felt as if she were a slave, about to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, as Brad helped her step up onto it. He tied on the blindfold while she grasped the railing to keep herself steady. The world went dark, her other senses taking over as her vision was cut off.

  At the sound of footsteps approaching, she quaked.

  “I’m right here, Jamie,” Brad said. His voice was a deep, soothing bass.


  “Here they come,” he warned.

  “She’s lovely,” a woman said.

  “What about her ass? Can she take cock in the ass?” another woman asked.

  “How well does she suck cock?” a man asked.

  “Does she have any piercings yet?” another one asked.

  “May we touch her?” a third asked.

  “Yes, you may,” Brad answered.

  While Brad and Logan answered the Doms’ many questions, hands explored her body, pulled her nipples into hard points and slipped between her thighs to explore her slick heat.

  So much stimulation. Too much.

  She tightened her grip on the railing and concentrated on breathing.

  A warm mouth closed over one of her nipples.

  A fingertip trailed down her spine.

  Her skin puckered with goose bumps as a chill swept through her body.

  She was cold. And hot. And nervous. And aroused. And…ohmygod, someone had just pushed a finger into her pussy.

  She trembled and swallowed a whimper.

  Someone pressed on the insides of her ankles, coaxing her to widen her stance.

  Someone else helped her turn so she was facing the railing. Holding on now with both hands, she let him or her bend her at the waist. Now they all had an even better view of her ass. The thought of all those strangers staring at her tight hole made her uneasy and incredibly aroused, both.

  Someone coated her ass with lube then pushed a finger past the ring of muscle. She trembled as a wave of erotic heat flared through her body.

  “Does she come on demand?” someone asked.

  “Must she have clitoral stimulation?” another asked.

  The finger in her ass slowly pulled out until only the very tip remained inside. Then it surged back inside. In, out, in, out, it stroked. With each thrust, she grew warmer, tighter. Someone else, or perhaps the same person, inserted a dildo into her wet pussy. Her inner walls clamped around the toy.

  “Very nice,” someone said. “She’s tight. Responsive.”

  Responsive was the right term for sure. Shockingly, she realized she was going to come. From being fondled by complete strangers. The toy fucked her slowly, the thrusts timed with the finger still working in and out of her ass. Gradually, the heat burning in her body built up, moved out from her center. The person fucking her ass added a second finger and she exploded, an orgasm ripping through her body. Her knees quaked, threatening to buckle. A pair of strong arms slid under her, supporting her as she rode out the climax to its completion.

  And then they all left.


  The blindfold came off.

  Logan and Brad were standing there. Brad was holding the dildo. Logan’s fingers were still glistening with lube.

  It had been them fucking her pussy and ass. Relieved and giddy, she glanced around. “You tricked me?”

  Logan’s smile was one hundred percent evil. “We thought it would be more powerful if you felt a little anxious.”

  “You know me too well.” Accepting both their hands, she stepped off the platform. “Are they all gone?”

  “Not exactly.” Logan slung an arm over Jamie’s shoulders, and the three of them followed the sound of muffled voices toward the den. There, blankets and rugs, some of them looking like thick animal furs, had been thrown on the floor, a fire blazed in the fireplace and the warm light of a dozen or so flickering candles created a cozy, romantic ambience. The party’s guests seemed to all be there, in various stages of undress and engaged in a wide variety of sexual activities. In one corner, a threesome, one woman and two men, was engaged in oral sex. In another, a pair of men were fondling each other’s erections. And in yet a third, a pair of women were kissing and caressing each other’s pussies.

  Jamie had never seen anything like this. It was a sex free-for-all, as far as she could tell. The closest she’d ever gotten was a make-out party she’d attended while in junior high. Standing sandwiched between Logan and Brad, Jamie let her gaze wander the room. She could appreciate the beauty of the bodies, both male and female, and the acts they were engaged in like never before.

  “Shall we join them?” Brad asked, cupping her ass.

  A little jolt of erotic need buzzed through her system.

  This was turning out to be a night of many firsts. “Yes,” she said, looking to them to direct her where they might settle.

  The guys led her to an empty spot close to the fireplace. The coaxed her to her knees. Kneeling on what felt like a genuine animal skin, so soft, she let them position her. She watched, the warm, golden light of the fire reflecting off their beautiful bodies as they stripped off their clothes. Logan knelt facing her. Brad sat behind her, resting on his knees. He pulled her onto his thighs and looped an arm around her waist before sweeping her hair over one shoulder.

  Logan, eyes flickering with emotion, kissed her. His lips caressed hers until she sighed. Then, stealing his opportunity, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He tasted, possessed, took while Brad cupped her breasts and kissed her neck and shoulder.

  She was melting. No, she was being swept away. Into a world of carnal sensation. Where sounds and tastes and scents and touches blended, whipping and swirling around her body like a storm cloud. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the pleasure Brad and Logan were stirring with their kisses, their strokes, their whispered promises. One of them parted her knees. Someone stroked her pussy. A finger slid inside, tormenting her. She arched her back, her head resting on Brad’s shoulder. More. She needed more. No more torture. No more kisses. No more fingers grazing her aching clit.

  “Fuck me now. Please.” She wrapped her arms around Logan’s neck and kissed him, letting her mouth, her tongue, her body tell him what she couldn’t iterate verbally. She was too lost in carnal need to speak.

  Brad gripped her hips, lifting her. She remained on her knees, upright, her mouth being plundered by Logan’s while he rolled on a condom. Fingers spread cool gel around her anus. Two fingers filled her and she cried out her pleasure into Logan’s mouth. The fingers stretched her, preparing her for the bliss she knew would come. Wave upon wave of heat crashed through her body.

  “Please,” she mumbled against Logan’s lips. “Now.”

  Brad’s hands, gripping her hips, brought her back down slowly. The tip of his cock pushed against her entry and she shivered. The skin burned as the pressure built. It was so good. Almost enough but not quite.

  “More,” she said.

  Brad pulled her down harder. Her anus opened and his cock slid home. Quaking, she groaned, breaking her mouth free from Logan’s kiss and tossing her head back. Such glorious fullness. Behind her, Brad moaned, the deep rumble vibrating through her whole body. Logan started rubbing her clit and she tensed all over. Using him as leverage, she lifted herself off Brad’s cock, until just the tip of the flared head remained inside. Then, after tormenting them both for a fraction of a second, she let herself fall back down. His cock surged inside. Up and down, she rode him. And ‘round and ‘round Logan’s finger waltzed over her clit. The room filled with the sounds of lovemaking. The slap of skin against skin. The moans and groans and sighs of ecstasy.

  More hands caressed her body, her legs, her breasts, her stomach. All of them couldn’t belong to Brad and Logan. Curious, she opened her eyes and discovered Logan was stroking her clit but strangers, two men and one woman were touching her
everywhere else. The woman gave her a coy smile before tipping her head down to flick her tongue over Jamie’s sensitive nipple. Jamie’s ass gripped Brad’s penis as a surge of pleasure blazed through her body. One man, a gorgeous blond with a body that rivaled Brad and Logan’s cradled one of her hands in his, lifting it to his mouth. He pulled her finger into the heat and suckled, and it seemed every nerve in her body came alive.

  The other man, kneeling behind the woman suckling her breast, reached up to her head, curled his fingers into her hair and tugged just hard enough to make her scalp tingle.

  Good God, she was about to explode.

  Succumbing at last, Jamie screamed. Orgasm gripped her tightly and her legs, stomach, pussy and ass spasmed. Brad cried out as he found his release. Wave upon wave of pleasure crashed through her system. The orgasm had just barely started to ease up when Brad lifted her off him. After Logan rolled on a condom, she was transferred to Logan’s lap. Reclining back against the blond man, Logan held her over his cock for a moment, his gaze searching hers. He kissed her as he pulled her down onto him, her pussy sheathing his erection.

  Their moans mingled.

  Strong hands supported her as she knelt upright over Logan, allowing him to thrust up into her. Harder he drove, harder, faster, as his fierce hunger overtook him. Once again, the caresses of Brad and Logan and the strangers took her to that glorious place, where sensations blended and nothing existed but her need and Logan’s and the fire that burned within them.

  She shouted as her climax crashed over her, “Logan!”

  He answered, as he too climaxed, “Mine!” He followed that statement by several jerky, fierce thrusts, as if those movements would somehow brand her as his forever.

  Jamie’s body softened. Logan pulled out to tug off the spent condom. Jamie collapsed forward onto Logan’s reclined body. Brad lay beside them, one of is bent legs resting on Jamie’s calf.

  “How did you like your surprise?” Logan asked, gently chafing her back with a flattened hand.

  “That was some surprise.” Jamie, hearing movement, lifted her head. The guests were all quietly leaving, none of them saying a word to Brad or Logan as they gathered their clothes and redressed. “Aren’t you going to see your guests out?”


  “Isn’t that a little rude?” she asked.

  “Not at all. They understand.”

  “You’ve done this before.” Something inside her twisted painfully. She log rolled off Logan, landing in the small space between Logan’s simmering body and Brad’s.

  “Yes,” Brad said, turning onto his side and bending an arm to support his head. “And no.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “It means we’ve gone to parties like this. But we were the guests,” Logan said, “not the hosts.”

  “Have you shared a woman before?” she asked.

  “Only once,” Brad answered. “For one night.”

  “This is different,” Logan added.

  “It is?” she asked.

  There was a stretch of silence. Jamie wondered what Brad and Logan were thinking, why they’d stopped talking.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked, sensing some tension.

  “Wrong? I guess that depends upon what you think,” Brad answered.

  “Think about what?” she asked.

  “About making this arrangement an ongoing thing.” Before Jamie could respond, Logan added, “We told you it was just for a week. And we’ll keep to our word if that’s what you want.”

  “What do you want?” she asked him. She looked at Brad. “Brad?”

  “We want to continue this journey with you. See where it takes us.”

  “I’ve learned something about myself this week,” Logan confessed. “I thought I knew what I wanted in a relationship. But after spending this time with you, I realize I’d been lying to myself.”

  That surprised her for some reason. All along she thought she’d been the only one learning about herself, struggling to understand what she was thinking, feeling. “How so?”

  Logan, now lying on his side too, toyed with a lock of her hair. “I kept telling myself I didn’t want a commitment. Not with anyone. But now the thought of saying goodbye and going back to what we were is killing me.”

  “Me too,” Brad said.

  They looked at her with dark eyes.

  “It’s been bugging me for the last day or so too,” she admitted. “But I don’t know…”

  “What are you worried about?” Logan asked, pressing the lock of hair he held to his lips.

  Her teeth sank into her lower lip. “I’m worried about getting hurt.”

  “We care for you,” Brad said, caressing her cheek.

  “I know. But what if you change your minds? What if you see someone else who looks better at one of these sex parties? What if you decide I’m not submissive enough for you?” After a beat, she added, “What if you decide someday you’d rather be married, settle down and have a normal marriage and family?

  “Those are a lot of what-ifs.” Logan let the curl of hair slip from his fingertips. “And we can’t know for sure if they won’t come up in the future. Not yet.”

  Her heart lurched. It was a painful sensation. “So, why wouldn’t we cut our losses now? Right? As uncomfortable as it might be, it would be a hundred times worse six months or a year or more from now.”

  “Sure, it would be worse.” Brad pulled her tighter against him, until she was on her side, her entire front smashed up against his. She squeezed her eyelids shut, attempting to hold back the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. “But what kind of chicken-ass dipshits would it make us if we asked you to set aside your fears all week and then sissied out on you at the end?” He cupped her chin. “Jamie.” When her eyes met his, he continued, “We all feel a little afraid sometimes, but you see now what happens when you let fear rule your life.”

  She sniffled. “Yeah.”

  “I’m not going to let you slip back into that bad habit. And neither is Logan.”

  Logan, on cue, scooted closer, his hot body curled against hers. His arm wrapped around her waist, holding her in place. “You got that right.”

  “We’re going to give this a chance to work. And we’re going to do everything in our power to make it last for the rest of our lives.” He kissed her forehead. Her cheeks. “I can’t do any less. I’m falling in love with you.”

  At the sound of those words, the tears Jamie had been holding back burst free. She sobbed into the crook of Brad’s neck while he and Logan held her. They weren’t tears of sadness. They were tears of relief, of joy. “I’m falling in love with you too. Both of you.”

  It was hard to imagine that in one week’s time, her life had changed so dramatically. But it had.

  Ironically, the one fantasy she had been afraid to accept was the one that had come true. And that one fantasy had helped set her free. She was a slave to fear and guilt no more, but was enslaved by the pleasure, and love, she’d found with Logan and Brad.

  After this week, she wasn’t afraid to try anything. Nor did she feel guilty in the least. And as far as books were concerned, she would be reading more smutty novels about threesomes, because all of a sudden they held a whole lot more appeal. She might even write a few.

  About the Author

  Nothing exciting happens in Tawny Taylor’s life, unless you count giving the cat a flea dip—a cat can make some fascinating sounds when immersed chin-deep in insecticide—or chasing after a houseful of upchucking kids during flu season. She doesn’t travel the world or employ a staff of personal servants. She’s not even built like a runway model. She’s just your run-of-the-mill, pleasantly plump Detroit suburban mom and wife.

  That’s why she writes, for the sheer joy of it. She doesn’t need to escape, mind you. Despite being run-of-the-mill, her life is wonderful. She just likes to add some…zip.

  Her heroines might resemble herself or her next door neighbor (sorry Sue), but they are sure t
o be memorable (she hopes!). And her heroes—inspired by movie stars, her favorite television actors or her husband—are fully capable of delivering one hot happily-ever-after after another. Combined, the characters and plots she weaves bring countless hours of enjoyment to Tawny…and she hopes to readers too!

  In the end, that’s all the matters to Tawny, bringing a little bit of zip to someone else’s life.

  Tawny welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Tawny Taylor

  Asteroid 6969: Siren’s Dance


  Body & Soul 1: Pesky Paranormals

  Body & Soul 2: Phantasmic Fantasies

  Double Take

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Tales from the Temple IV anthology

  Immortal Secrets 1: Dragons and Dungeons

  Immortal Secrets 2: Light My Fire

  Immortal Secrets 3: Spells and Seduction

  Lessons in Lust Major

  Lust’s Temptation

  Mark of the Beast

  Masters of Illusion

  Passion and a Pear Tree

  Private Games

  Sexual Healing

  Stolen Goddess

  Tempting Fate

  Touch of the Beast

  Twilight’s Possession 1: Burning Hunger

  Twilight’s Possession 2: Carnal Hunger

  Twilight’s Possession 3: Everlasting Hunger

  Twilight’s Possession 4: Torrid Hunger

  Wet and Wilde

  Wrath’s Embrace

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer ebooks or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.


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