Love Under Three Valentinos [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Three Valentinos [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 22

by Cara Covington

  “Damn, I love that. Kiss me.”

  She lowered her head and shivered when her nipples brushed his chest. He combed his fingers in her hair, holding her head, as his mouth devoured hers.

  Hot and tasty, Paul’s kiss aroused and soothed. His taste, subtly different from his brothers’, became a hum in her bloodstream. He flexed his hips, thrusting up, and Kat moaned in pleasure.

  “Your ass is so sweetly pink.” Lucas sounded pleased.

  Kat lifted herself out of her kiss with Paul. He grinned at her, and she smiled back. Then she looked over her shoulder at Lucas. “It feels red—red hot.”

  “I’ll be as gentle as I can, babe. And as I feel the heat of your ass on my flesh, I’ll reflect on what a relief it is knowing you won’t make that mistake again.”

  Kat’s bark of laughter surprised them all.

  Lucas used two fingers to spread the lubricating gel between the cheeks of her ass, back and forth over her anus.

  “Your pussy is gushing. You like having your ass played with and fucked, don’t you?”

  “Oh yes.” She’d had no idea there were so many sensory receptors in her anus. Every time one of them touched her rosebud, her body filled with delightful little pleasure bombs.

  Paul cradled her head on his chest so that she was facing toward the left. She smiled when Wesley came into view. He fisted his cock, and then climbed onto the bed and inched toward her.

  She inhaled deeply, drawing the aroma of all three of her lovers into her body. Her spirits soared, her mouth watered, and her pussy gushed.

  She hissed when Lucas spread the cheeks of her ass, his grip on her spanked flesh causing a sting. But when his condom-covered cockhead pressed against her rosette, she pushed back to receive him.

  Burning slid into a solid pain as Lucas stretched her, as his cock, inch by inch, worked its way into her. Paul’s cock in her pussy had already filled her to capacity. Now she felt so full, so complete, that the pain and the pleasure embraced each other.

  Kat’s arousal climbed, and she wanted more.

  Last time they’d controlled her movements. This time, she decided to take a bit of control. I wonder how long they’ll let me call the shots? Experimenting, she moved her hips up and out, down and in, and whimpered from the bliss that teased her.

  “Suck me, woman. Drink me down.”

  She had no thought but to do and to give. Opening her mouth, Kat leaned slightly left and sucked Wes’s cock into her mouth.

  Oh, yes, yes! This is it. This is what I need.

  Unable to think, Kat surrendered to the cascade of pleasurable sensations washing through her. She moved, her body claiming what it wanted, what it had to have. She fucked and was fucked, and she sucked and swallowed and moaned when hands gripped her head, making her a prisoner of her own passions and her own desires.

  Nothing mattered but this, this giving, this taking, this having. They moved, as one. They strove, as one. And as one, they rejoiced when rapture took them. Like the consummation of the phoenix of mythology, Kat knew the four of them were consumed by the flames of love and passion, a forever kind of connection. And they emerged, no longer separate, but a unit, no longer wanting, but arrived.

  Kat swallowed each of Wes’s convulsive ejaculations just as her pussy and ass took in each pulsing stream her other lovers gave her. And her bliss, complete ecstasy, became a spasm through her to them, making them one flesh—making them each whole.

  They kissed her and coddled her, they bathed her and cared for her and even gently spread aloe on her reddened ass. Then they tucked her into the midst of them.

  Katrina felt loved and happy in a way she’d long believed to be impossible. She sighed, and she knew the tension of the day had been exorcised.

  “We want to go back to Lusty for a couple of weeks,” Paul said. “At least until we find out about that sniper.”

  “All right.” Kat didn’t have any pending cases, and her mother was still there. They’d come back to Los Angeles to do only what they’d done earlier. “I like it here, but there’s just something about that small Texas town.”

  Lucas, on her left, leaned over and gave her a sweet kiss. “For us, too. We stayed away too long. We swore not to do that again. So it’s good that you like it there, too.”

  “I guess you can write from just about anywhere,” Kat said.

  “True,” Wesley agreed. “But when it comes to the work being produced—”

  Kat giggled. “You’re as much about control over your work as I am with mine.”

  “Busted,” Wesley said.

  “Maybe you could look into alternative career paths,” Paul said. “You already said you didn’t know if you wanted to carry on in your current line of work. Now’s as good a time as any to see what the possibilities might be.”

  “True. I think I dug into being a bounty hunter mostly because I thought my brother, sister, and mom were so against it. Of course, I enjoyed the work, the challenge of it and the adrenalin rush I got. But I don’t really have to keep doing it if I don’t want to. The only thing is I don’t know what else it is I might want to do.”

  “Well,” Lucas said, “have you ever thought about being a consultant?”


  “Yeah, you know,” Wesley said, “sharing your knowledge of your own particular area of expertise—that of a fugitive recovery agent.”

  “Sounds interesting, but I can’t imagine who’d be interested in picking my brain that way.”

  Paul chuckled. “Well, as it happens, there’s a trio of screenwriters who might be very interested in basing a project on that fascinating occupation.”

  Kat rolled onto her back. She looked up into three smiling faces that were looking down at her.

  “Is that right?” She loved these men. She loved them like crazy.

  “Rumor has it,” Wesley said.

  “Well then...we’ll negotiate.”

  Kat snuggled down, and her eyes drifted shut. She didn’t know where her career path would take her, but she knew where her life path had led her—making love under three Valentinos. She couldn’t think of a single fate better than that.

  Chapter 23

  Conversations blended together, creating a symphony of sound that felt happy and hopeful.

  Kat had never been a party person. Living in Los Angeles, and with several acquaintances connected, one way or another, with the film industry, any party she attended held the potential for overkill. She never knew if she’d find herself in a situation where there would be too much booze, too many egos, or a funny smell in the air from smoke that didn’t come from good old American tobacco. Any or all of those circumstances could turn a happy occasion into a test of endurance.

  Most times, Kat had opted to just stay at home instead of taking the chance.

  This gathering here at Lusty Appetites, complete with an open buffet and a banner of congratulations to her and the brothers Jessop, was in a whole other league from what she was used to.

  She liked this party more than any she’d ever attended.

  “We’re going to split our time between Lusty and LA, for now.” Paul said.

  The other Jessop brothers, Warren and Edward, had arrived, along with their wife Carol. Over the past few weeks Kat had gotten to know her future in-laws. Carol reminded her in some ways of her own mother, in that she seemed quiet and liked to keep to the background. But the woman had a sharp mind and a keen sense of humor. She loved being an esthetician and, as Kat could attest, took pride in her work.

  Everyone could tell at first glance that Carol Jessop was a very happy woman.

  I’ve come a long way. I’ve learned that being true to who you are, and being happy, are the most important achievements in life.

  “Don’t you run a risk of sliding into obscurity, not being there in the heart of the action?” Edward asked. “Rubbing elbows with the movers and shakers is important in your work, isn’t it? I know I’ve teased you guys about being in Lotus Land, but
I always understood you had to be where the industry was.”

  Lucas shook his head. “That’s not as true now as it was five years ago. In fact, most of our screenplays have been produced by independent producers, anyway. Not all of them are in California. We’ve even had some interest expressed by a Canadian company.”

  Warren raised both eyebrows. “Canadian? Really? I heard that market was open only to Canadian writers.”

  It didn’t surprise Kat that Warren would know something like that. Because their brothers were screenwriters, Warren and Ed had clearly kept themselves versed in things like what was happening in the film industry, which studios were the best to work with, and, of course, how their brothers’ careers were going.

  One of the things that had impressed Kat the most was how interested in and supportive of each other’s endeavors her fiancés and their siblings were.

  “Apparently, those film companies that receive grants from the government have to have that Canadian-only policy,” Paul said. “But there are other, independent filmmakers who, just like the independents here, make their own rules.”

  “As long as you don’t have to go there in the winter to film.” Edward shivered. “Clay has told us how cold it gets up there in winter.” Edward frowned. “Oh, and he also said if you ever have to go to a place called Red Deer, make sure you pack thermal underwear for your thermal underwear.”

  Nancy arrived with her husbands, Eli and Jeremiah. The three of them had just spent a couple of nights in Houston while the two feds had worked on closing their latest case. Nancy split her time between the bookstore, attached to Lusty Appetites, and being a wife to her two husbands.


  Nancy’s hug was enthusiastic. Her men hugged Kat as well and then, of course, clustered together with their brothers-in-law to talk. She, Nancy, and Carol had their own little circle right there, and for once, a typical “female” chat circle didn’t bother her. Both her future sisters-in-law were interesting women. As time went by and their families grew, Kat had a sense that they’d become and stay closer.

  “I’m so glad we all get along,” Nancy said as if having read her mind. “I grew up always wanting a sister. Now I have two!”

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” Kat said. “Although I did grow up with a sister.”

  “I had two sisters, much older,” Carol said. “Yeah, this is better.” Carol’s shy smile told Kat she didn’t make it a habit of saying anything negative about anyone. In this instance, though, Kat completely understood.

  Kat didn’t get along very well with her own sister, Laura. They simply rubbed each other the wrong way. Her relationship with her brother had improved in the last few weeks, and she supposed that was a good start.

  Maybe once I’m an old married lady, Laura and I will have more in common.

  Kat and her men had been over to the Winthrop-Bartons’ for supper a couple of times. Jeremiah did most of the cooking in that family, but no one could say Nancy wasn’t a wife who took care of her men, in her own way.

  It really is all about being yourself and what makes you happy. Now that Kat understood that, she was amazed she hadn’t realized it sooner. Most likely that giant chip I had on my shoulder impaired my vision.

  Nancy was expecting their first child and had just begun to show. She was still forbidden to drive by her men—a rule they insisted upon, as one of her early pregnancy symptoms had been fainting. Nancy grumbled about it some, but Kat knew she appreciated being cared for.

  “Here come the folks,” Warren said.

  Kat followed his gaze to the large group of people walking down the sidewalk, approaching the restaurant.

  “We’ll catch up later,” Paul said.

  The six siblings moved off to grab their seats and make room at the front of the restaurant for the parents.

  “Warren wasn’t kidding,” Lucas said. “Here come our parents, all right. All our parents, and some of the cousins’ folks, too.”

  Along with Anna, Craig, and Jackson Jessop came Kat’s mom and dad, Edna and Earl Lawson and some Benedicts as well.

  Kat had known the Jessops were taking her parents over to the Big House. Bernice had invited them all to supper, earlier. She didn’t expect they’d all turn into such good friends so quickly. As she watched, her father laughed at something Craig Jessop said and then turned his attention to Caleb Benedict. And her mother looked to be thick as thieves and happy to be so with not just Anna but Bernice as well. The lone single man in the group she’d met a few days before. Mike Murphy was in business with the senior Benedicts, and he was also the adoptive father of Colt Evans and Ryder Magee, who’d married Susan Benedict.

  “It’s the damndest thing,” Earl Lawson announced as soon as he’d reached her and given her a hug. “I met Caleb and Mike a few years back at a law enforcement conference in Sacramento. I never imagined I’d find myself spending time here with my fellow cops!”

  “You mean retired cops,” Kat said. Because he seemed to be in such a jovial mood, she couldn’t resist giving him a second hug and kissing his cheek.

  “No such thing.” That had been said not only by the cops in question but all their wives, too.

  Kat laughed. “Right. I’ll try to remember that.”

  She had introduced her men to her father before they’d left LA. Likely warned by his wife, Earl Lawson had been quiet, not unwelcoming, exactly, but definitely unsure.

  Now he met each of her fiancés’ gazes in turn. “I’m getting a little more used to the idea that you’re all marrying my daughter. And I’ve decided that this isn’t karma for all those times I told her she was enough trouble for three daughters, either.”

  Everyone chuckled at that. Earl nodded. “I’ve also always said that I would support my kids, no matter who they loved, and I do. She’s my baby girl. You gentlemen better treat her right.”

  “Yes, sir,” Paul said “You have our word. Kat’s the most important thing in our lives.”

  Edna had hugged Kat and then moved on to her men, hugging each one in turn. “I, for one, am thrilled to be getting three new sons.” She turned her attention to Kat. “And I’m going to tell you, Katrina, to be careful with their hearts. Some men love with all they are. Your father is like that. And so are your men.”

  Kat wouldn’t have said that about her dad, but she was beginning to understand it hadn’t been only her mother she hadn’t seen clearly in the past. So she hugged her mom again, too. “I’m going to do my best. I love them, more than I ever thought I would love anyone.”

  “That’s good, then.” Her mother held her at arm’s length and met her gaze. “I can see that you’re happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, daughter.”

  Kat knew beyond a doubt, in that moment, that her mother spoke the absolute truth. That was all Edna Lawson had ever wanted for any of her children. Kat was sorry for the way she used to think of her mother but very pleased that she’d finally figured everything all out.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the way her men were looking at her. They’ve known all along that my thinking was off. And they also know it’s not, now.

  “I wish your brother and sister could have been here,” Edna said.

  “Larry has promised he and Sandy will come to the commitment ceremony.” They still hadn’t nailed down a date for that, but none of them particularly wanted a long engagement. “It was kind of short notice for them to get away.”

  “I’ll speak to your sister when we get home. Siblings don’t always get along, growing up,” Edna said. “But being an adult is supposed to signal a putting away of childish things.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m going to try harder to be a good sister to her, too.”

  “Love has changed you for the better. It will make me very happy if you make an effort toward your sister. Just understand, she has to make one, too, in order for you both to connect.”

  Anna gave her a hug, her smile huge, her dark blue eyes fairly twinkling.
“I’m so happy to have a new daughter. Welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” Three simple words, and yet she knew she’d made her future mother-in-law very happy.

  “If these three give you any trouble,” Craig Jessop said, “you just let me know. Jack and I will have a talk with them.” He hugged her soundly and then passed her to his brother.

  “Craig’s right. We’ll see to it they behave.”

  “Thank you both. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Well, thanks for that, Dads.” Paul laughed, even as he hugged his fathers.

  Craig beamed. “You’re welcome. It doesn’t seem all that long ago that our dads said something very similar to our Anna. You know how strongly your mother feels about Jessop family traditions.”

  “We do know,” Lucas said. “So let me assure you we’re going to take very good care of our Kat.”

  “I expect you will,” Craig said.

  Bernice, Caleb, and Jonathan Benedict added their congratulations, as did their friend, Mike Murphy. The three men had opened a private investigation agency, specializing in smaller cases. While family could be counted on to provide support, the trio of men—two cops and a rancher—had also found a clientele in the county at large.

  Kat didn’t know the aunts and uncles in the family as well, yet, as she knew she would. Lusty was a very close-knit community. In the beginning, she had assumed that was because of the alternative lifestyle thriving here. Now she understood that it was genuine love and affection that kept the families close.

  The parents and the Benedicts and Mr. Murphy moved off. The Jessops and Benedicts introduced the Lawsons to those family members who’d arrived earlier. Mr. Murphy settled down at a table with Colt Evans and Ryder Magee and his daughter-in-law, Susan, and his grandson and namesake, Michael.

  Kat was glad she had an affinity for remembering names and faces and connections. Though they wouldn’t live full time in Lusty—that much they’d already decided—that particular talent helped. She smiled as she watched her parents meeting new people. Her father, she knew, would recognize the other law enforcement officers as soon as he met them.


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