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Dungeon Love [The Dom's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Cara Adams

  “Yes. He’s good though. We’d been working together every day for a couple of years before I finally figured out what was different about him. It was a bit of a shock to my brain at first. I was thinking, ‘This can’t be right.’ But I knew him so well, and we were such good friends, that the fact that he sometimes runs around on four legs instead of two hardly seemed to matter, really.”

  Beckett still didn’t understand how either of them knew he was a wolf. He hadn’t told them. “Who told you about me?” he asked Juliana.

  “No one. I can pick the shifters. It’s one of the ways I entertain myself when the reception desk isn’t busy. I watch the guards and the staff and work out who is and who isn’t. For a long time I actually thought The Dom’s Dungeon was a pack, but then I realized it’s about half human, half shifter. Although I still think most of the wolves defer to Simon as a sort of secondary Alpha.”

  “You’re right. He is very much respected and obeyed.”

  They kept walking and soon reached the top. Juliana ran ahead to climb the steps to the actual lookout, and Beckett watched her lithe figure, admiring how much energy she still had after hiking over a mile up a steep path. She wasn’t short of breath either, which he expected many people would be.

  Even though it was Sunday, there’d been no other cars in the parking lot when they arrived, and they hadn’t seen any other people on the trail. That wasn’t to say a busload of people wouldn’t arrive any minute now, but Beckett didn’t care. Watching Juliana, sitting close to her in the truck, being with her now, her hair redder than ever in the bright sunshine, was making his dick harder than a rock. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anyone before. And he wanted her right now. Likely fucking her in a public park wasn’t a good idea, but surely no one would complain if he kissed her.

  He stood back from her a little, and when she turned around, he asked, “Will you knee me in the balls again if I tell you I want to kiss you?”

  She blushed and said, “I’m sorry about that. Likely I overreacted.”

  “Apology accepted. I probably shouldn’t have thrown you over my shoulder either. But what about now?”

  “Yeah, I’d like to know, too. I want to kiss you again myself,” said Jason.

  Juliana giggled. “You can both kiss me, but remember, this is a public park and children could appear around the corner at any minute.”

  “Does that mean if it wasn’t a public park you might let us do more than kiss you?” Beckett’s dick really, really liked that plan. He flicked a glance to Jason and knew Jason was more than onboard with finding a private place.

  Juliana didn’t answer the question. “But it is public, so just a kiss.”

  She stepped closer to both men, but Beckett wasn’t waiting. He pulled her into his arms, holding her pressed hard against his body, wanting her to feel the thick, hot ridge of his cock digging into her belly. Leaving one hand flat on her back, he used the other to tilt her head up, and then he swooped over her lips, driving his tongue inside and possessing every inch of her mouth, fucking her firmly with his tongue and rubbing his cock against her pelvis the whole time.

  Only the knowledge that she might go for his balls kept his hand on her back, instead of letting it do what he badly wanted to do, which was to slide it inside her jeans and finger fuck her cunt until she orgasmed on his hand.

  Finally he released her and stepped away. He had to be fair and let Jason have his turn. Jason stroked her shoulders and arms, but Beckett turned away, spreading his legs wide, needing to give his aching dick some space to move. He looked around the plateau, but there was nowhere private at all. No copse of trees, no area sheltered by rocks, no grassy depression for them to rest in. Well fuck. They’d just have to walk back down to the truck. He’d noticed signs at the bottom of the park about various walks. Maybe one of them would be private. Especially if there were still no other cars in the parking lot.

  * * * *

  When they were almost back to the parking lot, Jason said, “When I was looking at the maps, I picked out somewhere that might be appropriate for our picnic.”

  Juliana glanced at him and then at Beckett. She was pretty sure Jason wasn’t referring to an icon of a picnic table on a map. He was talking about somewhere private. Her belly clenched. Was she ready for sex with two men? Two men? A ménage or even one and then the other?

  The idea was still very strange to her mind. It didn’t matter how often she reminded herself that Leif and Simon, the co-owners of The Dom’s Dungeon, had partnered with Tammy, and that Kon and Niel, the two accountants, had partnered with Trinidad. Or even that Asher, the chef, and Elijah, one of the security guards, had partnered with Ryia. The whole concept was still quite new to her.

  It seemed like only five minutes ago that she was trying to attract Beckett’s attention to ask him to be her Dom—which he still wasn’t—and now she was contemplating fucking both sweet, kind Jason and Dom Beckett. That was such a huge leap her brain could hardly cope with it.

  However, her cunt could definitely keep up its end of the plan. Already she was creaming at the thought of both men fucking her. Of touching their delicious bodies, exploring their muscular chests. She’d seen Beckett’s naked chest in his Dom outfit. But she wanted to touch him, and she really wanted to see and touch Jason. She knew he’d be just as enticing to look at, and his thoughtfulness and gentleness was an aphrodisiac in itself. Besides, it was such a contrast to Beckett’s authoritarian stance. She wanted both, and there was no reason why she couldn’t have both. Both were on offer right now.

  Yes. Her answer was going to be yes.

  They all climbed back into the truck, and Jason pulled some pages he’d printed off a website out of the glove compartment. He riffled through them and put one on top of the pile. “This one.”

  Beckett took the sheets of paper from Jason and said, “I’ll direct you. It looks like there should be a dirt track to our right down that road a little way.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Juliana sat back and let the men work it out. She was certain she could have navigated their way, but if Beckett wanted to play macho man, that was fine by her.

  They turned onto a narrow dirt track with a sign that read, “Falls five miles.” Juliana wondered if this was supposed to be a walking track, but she wasn’t interested in a ten-mile hike so was content to drive as far as possible, even if they had to walk the last bit. The track got rougher and narrower, with thick grass and small bushes growing up between the dirt wheel ruts of the route, but they finally arrived at a small turn-around. Jason reversed the truck, facing the way out, and pulling up beside a nice patch of thick grass.

  They all got out of the truck, and Beckett picked up the blanket he’d bought and spread it out a little way into the grass, where they were partially hidden from the track by trees and bushes. Juliana watched him, wondering whether they’d be having their picnic now. Suddenly food, and even water, didn’t interest her nearly as much as the men’s bodies did. Jason brought the picnic basket over to the blanket, but Juliana no longer cared.

  Beckett looked at her. “You know Jason and I want you. Would you like that?”

  Jason took her hand. “Juliana, you mean so much to me. Please let us be with you now.”

  Juliana smiled at Jason. At least he had the brains to say something nice to her, and she thought very likely he meant it as well. Beckett? She stared into his face, and his gaze was full of lust. But also of need. Did he care for her at all? It was difficult to tell, but she thought he might. After all, he’d spent the morning with her and had gone to the effort of packing a picnic basket. He didn’t have to do that. She hoped she wasn’t making a major mistake, but she nodded.

  “I’ve never had two men together before. You’ll have to guide me.”

  “All you have to do is relax and trust me. Jason and I will do the rest.”

  She let Jason lead her over to the blanket and sat on the edge to remove her shoes and socks. Then sh
e crossed her legs and watched the men. Jason had unlaced his boots and was undressing fast. She smiled as his cock bobbed free from his bright red briefs. Just as she’d expected, his abdomen was a tight six-pack and his shoulders and upper arms were very muscular. His thighs were strong and corded, and his entire body was very nice to look at.

  His cock was long and thick, the head red with need. It stood out from his body as if it was searching for her. Juliana turned to look at Beckett. He’d removed his boots, nothing else, and was rummaging in the picnic basket. Surely he wasn’t expecting them to eat first? But no, he pulled out a ball gag and a pair of handcuffs.

  “This isn’t the dungeon. Why the handcuffs?”

  Beckett frowned at her. “I don’t care if you’re a Domme or not. But here and now, we’re doing this my way. Only if you follow my instructions will we all receive maximum pleasure. I know you want to touch us, but if you do that, we’ll come too soon and spoil it for everyone.”

  “Don’t you think simply asking me and explaining things to me would work as well?”

  “Can you do that? Can I trust you to wait?”

  “I don’t think there’s much hope of a relationship between us if you’re not even prepared to ask me about something. I repeat. We aren’t in your dungeon at the moment. And just so you know, I can wait. I’m a very patient person. For example, I’m not hitting you over the head with a blunt instrument right now.”

  He looked up at her, startled, as Jason snorted with laughter. “She’s got you there, Beckett.”

  “Very well, we’ll do it your way. But our next date will be in the dungeon, and we’ll do that my way.”

  “I haven’t agreed to a next date yet. Show me why I should.”

  Jason crawled across the blanket to her, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her again. As before he began so softly and gently she could barely feel the pressure of his lips against hers. But then he slipped his tongue into her mouth and tasted her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, and behind her teeth. He sucked on her tongue, and when she melted against him, he pressed her body flat down on the blanket, lying on top of her and rubbing his cock over her body.

  “You really need to get undressed. We aren’t going to get anywhere until that happens.” He gasped as he rolled off her.

  She grinned at Jason and looked to Beckett. “He’s right.”

  She pointed to Beckett, who was still dressed. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  Once again Jason snorted and laughed, but Beckett frowned. “Can you stop being a Domme for five minutes and do as I ask?”

  “I’m not a Domme. I’ve never been in the dungeon with anyone. That was just a scene for a show.”

  “You aren’t a Domme?” Beckett and Jason spoke together.

  “How did you learn all that stuff with the whip then?” asked Jason.

  “I’ve been to workshops and things just for fun. But I’ve never been in the dungeon with anyone at all either as a sub or as a Domme.”

  “You’ve never been in the dungeon? Does that mean you might agree to being dominated?” asked Beckett.

  “Maybe if we were in your dungeon, but this is a picnic between three people who, at this stage, don’t even have a relationship. If we are to build a relationship together, I need to be treated as an equal partner, a regular person, out in the world. I can’t have you going all Dom on me when I’m at work, changing the script, and taking over. No clients would obey me for a second if they saw you treating me as a doormat.”

  “I’d never treat you as a doormat. If you do things my way, you’ll receive endless pleasure.”

  “Up until now all I’ve received is a lecture.”

  However, she was still intensely aroused. Their bickering was driving her lust up higher and higher. Jason’s gentleness and respect was the perfect foil for Beckett’s dominance. She knew Beckett was in full control of himself. He’d made no attempt to touch her apart from the kiss. But the knowledge that he wanted to was enough to send her need spiraling higher and higher.

  Her panties were damp and her nipples ached. Her brain was still working just fine, but her body was ready to melt into their touches.

  Beckett dropped the handcuffs back into the picnic basket and picked up the ball gag. “Can I trust you not to scream when you orgasm? If you scream, people might come running and interrupt us.”

  Juliana hid her approval that he’d asked her. “Yes you can. And I won’t touch either of you anywhere I’m not allowed to, but I do want to touch both of you somewhere.”

  “Why don’t you suck Jason’s cock then? That will keep your mouth and your hands fully occupied while I fuck you from behind.”

  Juliana shook her head. Much as sucking Jason’s cock sounded like a wonderful thing to do, Beckett was still being way too bossy. “This is a picnic, not a dungeon. Can you go for two minutes without ordering everyone around?”

  Juliana caught Beckett’s surprised look at the same time she heard Jason’s snort. Then she grinned herself. It was too hard to stay stern when every fiber inside her wanted to do what Beckett was suggesting.

  “Well can I suggest that Jason lies on his back on the blanket, and, Juliana, when you’re undressed, get on your hands and knees over him.”

  He was still stage-managing them, but Juliana was too hot to care anymore. She took off her jeans, shirt, and underwear. That was actually a good arrangement. They’d all be together for their first time, and she would indeed be able to touch and enjoy Jason. Maybe afterward she would stroke Beckett’s skin. At least he’d loosened up and listened to her. That was major progress as well. And as for a dungeon scene, if he really did suggest it, she’d absolutely agree as long as Jason was there as well. She’d need to make sure Jason was happy with that though. She had no knowledge about his own inclinations in that area.

  Jason’s cock was absolutely divine—long and thick, the head still red with need. But most of all, she was entranced by the way it seemed to try to attract her attention all by itself, almost as if it was independent of Jason. Or, at least, not subject to his beautiful, sweet good manners.

  She understood that Jason worked in construction and, on the job, was likely as rough and tough as all the rest of the crew. But with her, he was unfailingly polite and considerate. She really appreciated that, and it was such a contrast to Beckett’s determined opinion that he knew best about everything. She also understood that likely Beckett couldn’t help his opinions, but she wasn’t going to put up with his rudeness or him ignoring her anymore either. Some of Jason’s social skills needed to rub off onto Beckett.

  She kneeled over Jason, her knees on the outside of his legs, and bent forward leaning her elbows on the blanket, leaving her hands free to hold his cock. Gently, she stroked his length and then cupped his balls in one palm as she held his erection in her other hand and flicked her tongue across the head of his cock. It was already damp with need. He tasted sweet, just like his nature, and she smiled to herself at how fitting that was.

  She bent lower and sucked his cockhead deep into her mouth, drawing out his flavor some more and then teasing along the ridge where his shaft and cockhead joined. Only when she couldn’t suck any more did she slowly let him out of her mouth.

  Now Juliana held his shaft in her hand and licked long swipes up and down it, making it quite wet, knowing the slight breeze would provide its own erotic addition to this part of her game. She pressed the pads of her fingers into the big vein there, feeling Jason’s life force pounding beneath her hands, loving the sense of connection with him it gave her.

  She’d moved slightly, ready to suck Jason’s balls, when Beckett gripped her hips tightly with both hands and pressed his cock at her pussy entry. She held still and sighed as he opened her wide, driving deep inside her, filling every inch of her channel with his thick cock. Ah, that was something she hadn’t stopped to think about with two men. While she was concentrating on one, the other one was still free to surprise her. She needed to continue
to always remember that there were two of them.

  Jason’s hand brushed past her face and circled her breast, rolling the globe in his palm, and then his fingers tweaked her nipple. Juliana needed to bend lower to suck his balls, but his fingers were arousing her so much she was frozen in place, her hips moving to Beckett’s steady thrusts in her cunt and her breast in Jason’s gently enticing grip. Juliana shook her head. Wow. It was damn hard to focus with so much happening. Forgetting about Jason’s balls, she sucked his cock again, drawing it deep into her mouth and scraping her teeth lightly across the cockhead.

  Beckett pushed his hands on her back, forcing her upper body lower and her ass higher as he drove hard and fast deep inside her. In this position she was still able to suck Jason’s cock, but now her forearms were flat on the blanket and her hands could only reach a short distance. Nevertheless she petted the sensitive skin of Jason’s inner thighs and continued to lick and tease his erection.

  She must have been doing all right because as soon as she put the head back in her mouth and sucked him strongly he groaned and her mouth filled with cum. Hastily swallowing, she pulled back a little before sucking again. She continued to pet and stroke Jason’s belly as she swallowed the last of his cum. Then she dropped flat onto his body as Beckett drove deep inside her cunt, pounding into her fast and furiously. His actions drew the orgasm that was growing inside her from a tingle to an all-consuming fire that blasted through her body, leaving her shivering in its wake.

  She rested her head on Jason’s belly, panting hard, as a blast of heat in her cunt told her that Beckett had released into the condom she’d only vaguely been aware of him wearing. His heavy weight rested on her back briefly, and then he sat up. She noticed her back was sweaty and wished briefly for a shower but knew that people got sweaty on a hike all the time and no one would remark on it. But still, she liked being clean. Too bad. She’d had an amazing climax and had seen and touched Jason. His body was as delightful as she’d imagined it to be, and Beckett had given her an excellent orgasm, as he’d promised.


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