Evlon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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Evlon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 75

by Maia Starr

  I snarled with envy as I watched. I did not want her doing that to anyone but me, yet I had no claim over this human female. Her mouth moved up and down on his cock as the man squirmed under her, letting me know that she was good at what she was doing. She licked and sucked and made a show of it. Then she stopped and said something to the man. He smiled. He got up on his knees and she moved her body so that she was facing the window, but she was still on all fours. The man moved behind her and placed his cock inside of her. She stared directly at the window. I knew that she could not see me, but she sensed that I was there.

  The man entered her and she arched her head back in ecstasy. He grabbed her waist and began to move in and out of her over and over. I wanted to be in his place. I grew hard watching her. My cock was very rigid as I watched her tits bounce up and down as he hammered her from behind. Finally, I could not take anymore of this. If I watched any longer, I would break down the glass, fly in, and take her myself. I flew straight up into the sky toward the moon of Earth.

  It was a beautiful sight, and I was hoping the cold air of the night would cool off my loins. She was a feisty and sexy human female, this Marissa Volander. She must be extremely smart as well to head a corporation. The females on my planet did not hold such positions and were more docile. They were mothers and cared for the offspring. Their skills did not go beyond that. The females of the Drackon were not shifters, only the men. We were the dragons and they were the mothers; it had always been that way. Now I was taking a feisty female whose scent drove me crazy on a long journey to my planet where none of the females were like her, except for the few human females that already lived there.

  Being near her would be too much for me. How the hell was I going to spend four weeks on the ship with her? I would have to have as little contact with her as possible. I would have to order Lieutenant Axon to oversee her needs and watch her. This seemed like a very good plan, until it wasn't.

  "Prince Jarith, the human female has been taken to her quarters and shown how to adapt to our ship systems," Axon reported to me as I sat on the flight deck with the captain of the ship and the rest of the crew.

  "Good. I hope that she will stay to that part of the ship. I do not need a whiny female human around making this journey feel longer than it already is. Report to me if anything changes in her health, but other than that, do not disturb me with her and her needs."

  "Yes, prince," he said as he left the deck.

  There; everything was set in motion. I had done what my father asked. Now I would return to Mooreah and go back to the life that I had become accustomed to. It was my right as a prince to not have to deal with these sorts of absurd and petty assignments. These are the assignments that should be assigned to Traydon, and not I. My father expected I was going to learn something. The only thing that I truly learned on this trip was that Earth was a beautiful planet out in the wilderness, without the humans. If anything, it made me want to get rid of the humans. That would be best for their entire planet, since they were ruining it.

  Days passed aboard the ship; I was growing concerned because I had not heard a word from the saucy human female. I thought she would have complained by now. There must be something wrong with her. I took it upon myself to search for her in the part of the ship where her quarters were located. I rarely went to that part of the ship. Mostly because her scent was so strong that I could not be anywhere in that part of the ship without inhaling her. If I were to be able to not give a shit about her being given to my father, then I was going to have to distance myself from her. It was the only way.

  "Now this is how we keep the oxygen levels in correct balance. It is a self-sustaining system. It practically runs itself, and with no energy," I heard a familiar voice say as I walked down the hall.

  "That is absolutely amazing. We have nothing like this on Earth. Please show me more, Axon," I heard Marissa say.

  As soon as I heard her voice, I knew that Axon and Marissa were spending time together. Jealousy moved throughout my body. I knew that I had ordered him to take charge of our guest, but I did not think that included him showing her around and intriguing her mind with the science of the ship. She was a science-based human that worked for a science corporation; of course learning the technology of the ship and the ways of the Drackon was a way to interest and keep her attention. Perhaps it was even a way to her heart. I grew angrier by the second with these thoughts moving in my mind as I moved into the room.

  "What are you doing in here?" I said sternly. I looked to see that the two of them were only inches from each other and Marissa had been staring up at him with admiration in her eyes. I wanted to grab him and slam him against the wall. I wanted to grab him and throw him off the ship into space where he would implode. They quickly moved away from each other when they heard the interruption of my voice.

  "Our guest took an interest in the mechanics of our station. In the interest of not letting her get too bored, I offered to show he, Prince," Axon said with a smile on his face.

  Clearly he did not know about the attachment I was feeling for the human female. All he knew was that I thought she was annoying and I did not want to deal with her. For him, this probably meant that she was up for grabs. I started to wonder if he had taken her to bed. I had left them to their own devices for almost a full week now. I saw what kind of human female she was when I watching her in the window, taking that human male; why would she not do this with one of the warriors aboard my ship? I looked at them both, searching for an answer to that question: had they been together?

  "Thank you, Axon. I will take it from here. Please check in with the captain and make sure that we are still on course," I said, giving him a fake order in order to get him to move clear across the other side of the ship. He sort of frowned, and I could only think it was because I was forcing him to leave the side of the beautiful human female, because he had never frowned before when I gave him an order. He saluted me, gave Marissa a smile, and left.

  "There you are, Prince. I was beginning to think you stayed on Earth," she said in a sassy tone that piqued my interest automatically. She wanted to fight.

  "What makes you say that, Marissa?" I asked, moving toward her and leaning against the wall, allowing my eyes to get their fill of her delightful figure. I had forgotten just how beautiful she was after having deprived myself of looking at her the last week.

  "Oh, I don't know, perhaps you like peeking in windows so much that you stayed on Earth," she said playfully.

  I laughed. "Without you on the other side of those windows, there is no point."

  She was silent for a long time as she stared at me and then she looked at the controls. "Well, Prince, since you have robbed me of my escort, perhaps you can continue guiding me through the science of this ship," she said as she moved her eyelashes up-and-down in a flirty manner. It worked.

  "I would be delighted," I said to her and began to point out the various controls and switches and what they did. She listened intently. She was learning. I wondered what the company she worked for had at stake on this journey. Was it to simply do with our advanced technology, or was it something more?

  After a few hours of walking around the ship, I noticed a change in both of us. It was a sort of truce that had come between us. What choice did we have other than to get along? But this was not good for me, and she did not know why. I could not tell her the real reason why she was going to my home planet of Mooreah: to simply be used by my father, the king. I could not betray my father that way. He came before any simple human female, but I wanted to tell her, badly.

  "Are you hungry, Marissa? I know I am," I said as I moved my body inches away from her. She looked at me and licked her lips. There was double meaning in the question.

  "Famished. What do you have for me to devour?" she said as she took a step closer to me. I wanted to take her in my arms once again. But I had to force myself to fight the urge.

  "Let us go to the dining hall and see," I said, turning away from her an
d walking ahead of her. If I stayed another second, I would have been on top of her. I heard her sigh as I moved away from her and I smiled knowing that she was disappointed.

  Chapter 5


  I am not sure how it happened, but it did. Something had changed between the prince and I. It was as if we had both thrown in our white flags of truce and began to become friends. I think it had to do with the fact that I was spending time with his lieutenant. Once he realized that, he made it a point to visit me for the rest of the journey to the planet Mooreah. Almost every day we had a sort of outing on the ship as he showed me around. I enjoyed it and looked forward to it, as there wasn't much to do on the ship. But there was something else: I liked his company.

  Beep. The door to my quarters rang. My quarters were comfortable. Archer was right; it was luxurious. There was a large, bay window that gave me the most epic view, the view of our galaxy. The furnishings were plush and made of rich materials, but light enough not to weigh down the ship. I had a sitting room and a bedroom with a private bathroom. For a spaceship, it was like a luxury hotel in space. But very few people ring the door to my quarters except for food delivery when I chose to take my food in my room. So I was surprised when I opened it and saw the prince on the other side of the door. I was surprised, but turned on.

  "You know it is only two days until we land on my planet," he said as he moved inside my quarters even though I had not invited him. I shut the door behind us.

  "You came to my quarters to tell me this?" I said, taking a seat on the bench sofa.

  "Yes, but just to see how you are. Since this is your first, long space journey, it can't be easy," he said, taking a seat across from me. I looked at his long body stretched out on the chair; he was so attractive and dominant that sometimes it was hard to concentrate, even when he was just sitting.

  "True, I do have a little cabin fever. I long to be on land and breathing fresh air and feeling the sun on my skin," I said to him.

  "We have all of that on my planet. I think you will like it very much. You will stay in the castle as our guest," he said.

  "Castle? You live in a castle? That cannot mean the same thing it means on Earth," I said to him.

  "It does. We live in a castle fortress. Our society is close to what you humans call the Medieval period."

  I was surprised that in all my study of the Drackon, I did not know that. We knew that they were technologically advanced, and that they had a king and a feudal society, but we did not think it went as far as castles and fortresses. I found it fascinating. "I cannot wait to see it. Your home."

  He stood up and came toward me. I held my breath. What was he doing? He sat next to me, very close. His manly scent enveloped me.

  "Jarith...what are you doing?"

  "That is the first time that you have not called me Prince," he said, moving closer to me.

  Shit, he was too close. He was going to kiss me. Shit, what should I...

  But it was too late; his lips pressed against mine. My breath caught in my throat as though he was taking my breath away with his kiss. I felt that confusion once more. The same confusion I had felt before when he kissed me.

  I was lost in a haze of cloudy desire and lust. It was overtaking me and overpowering me. I allowed myself to enjoy it. I pushed my hands into his long hair. His large, strong hands went around the small of my back and rubbed me up-and-down. I became immediately wet. I pressed my body firmly against his hard chest, wanting to feel all of him.

  I moaned inside of his mouth. The kiss went deeper and his tongue explored my mouth. My hands went from his hair down his shoulders and pressed against his chest. My fingers pressed against the hard muscle that was like a brick. A brick that had to do with the biology of the Drackon weredragons, and I was going to try to steal that biology. I was going to betray this weredragon that was kissing me with passion. I could not let myself get caught up in feelings for him or I would not be able to do the job that I was sent to do.

  I pulled my lips from him and escaped his grasp. He growled as I did so. I ran out of my quarters into the ship. I needed to be alone. Fuck. This was not good. I had allowed myself to spend too much time with this attractive weredragon, the prince. Now I had a familiar feeling that I had repressed so long ago: I was falling for him.

  This was something that I did not allow myself to do with any male, not even a prince. Dammit. I was going to have to avoid him at least until we were on his planet. We only had two more days of this journey. I would have to isolate myself, and force myself to be able to control the passion that I was feeling for this powerful Drackon weredragon.

  Finally, we landed on the planet of Mooreah. I was astounded by it. I was not expecting it to be, but it was a beauty. The sky was a mix of blues and purples lit by a brilliant, bright sun. For a technologically advanced alien race, I expected a city full of neon lights, skyscrapers, something like a futuristic space city. But it was not that at all.

  In fact, it was the complete opposite. It was a city built within nature itself. I was amazed at the way that the Drackon had incorporated nature into their building and into their technology. But it made sense. Their own bodies were a mixture of hard, metal-like scales and soft, natural body, and they had designed their world in the same way.

  Buildings were built into the mountains and carved with beautiful, intricate designs. The tall trees came in all colors: pink, yellow, purple, orange, like a rainbow plants. But Jarith was right; it did look like a Medieval city. The castle complex was carved into the stone of the mountain and it had many verandas for the Drackon to land.

  It was a beautiful planet, like a fairytale children's book, including dragons. My mouth was wide open as I walked from the spaceport toward the castle, escorted by the warriors on our ship. I looked up in the sky and saw so many dragons flying in every direction. It was a sight to be seen. They were all just going about their business; there were even youngling dragons playing and learning the skills of flying.

  As I watched, it almost made me cry at how beautiful and simple this alien Drackon race was when for so long we thought of them as so technologically advanced that we did not think they could take pleasure in the simple things, such as nature. But they were creatures after all, more primitive than humans had been in a long time. They were dragons. They were one with nature.

  It was beautiful to experience and I wondered if this was the reason why I had been called here, to see it with my own eyes. To see the balance of society with nature, living as one successfully, and still able to be a very technologically advanced and scientifically impressive society. I could not wait to find out what the king had waiting for me. I had traveled far and for so long with the complication of the prince to deal with, all so that I could gain the knowledge that the king wanted me to experience firsthand. The science nerd in me was bursting at the seams. I could not get to the castle fast enough.

  "Welcome to Castle Rykor," a servant said to me as I walked into a great hall.

  "Thank you. I am honored to be here," I said, nodding my head in gratitude. I was not with the prince. In fact, I had not seen him since I had run away from him two days ago in my living quarters aboard the ship. When I was escorted off of the ship, Lieutenant Axon and a few warriors escorted me. They were with me now as I walked into the great hall. It was like stepping back in time to the Medieval period.

  "I will show you to your rooms. The king wishes that you rest and take as long as you like to freshen up, and you will be joining him for dinner as our honored guest this evening," the servant said to me.

  "Thank you. I would love to rest." Then I turned to the lieutenant and said, "Thank you, Axon, for everything."

  He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it and said, "If you shall need anything, tell any servant my name and they will see that I am fetched within seconds. I will fly to your window myself as fast as I can."

  I blushed at his remarks. He was a charming weredragon. It would have been very eas
y to give myself to him. But I did not. Which was very strange for me. I was no shy woman when it came to one-night stands. And being alone on the ship for so long with so many attractive weredragons, I would think that I would have indulged. But something had stopped me from doing it, and I didn't want to admit to myself that it was because I had somehow gained some sort of strange attachment to the prince. I did not think he would enjoy me messing around with his warriors. I don't even know why I cared.

  "Thank you, Lieutenant; I shall remember that. I hope to see you at dinner," I said as I followed the servant up a giant staircase into the castle.

  My boots echoed on the stone steps as I followed the servant. It was a very cavernous space. I looked up to see the very tall, vertical ceilings, at least fifty feet high. It was the ceiling of a creature that could fly. It was fitting. It was beautiful.

  It was so much like a Medieval fortress, complete with tapestries hanging on the walls. These tapestries had dragons, not just the weredragons that I had become accustomed to of the Drackon race. These were real dragons. They did not look anything like men. They were full dragons. Like the dragons I grew up with in fairytales. Each tapestry seemed to tell a story; I assumed it was the history of the Drackon alien race.


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