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Defiance Page 33

by Bear Ross

  “The Code?” Mikralos said, astonished. “You... you doddering, self-important aristocrats dare to use the Old Code as an excuse to shield her from me? Is this what we have come to? Restrained by our own laws from dominating these vermin?”

  “The Old Code is all that is standing between you and a public execution, defendant,” Xenebris said, his voice a hissing rebuke. “The vast, sweeping scale of your ineptitude is staggering. To compound that, we shall not even begin to soil these chambers with details of how you enabled the public emergence, and escape, of the renegade Centurion.”

  Several of the Council members cringed, their running lights pulsing at the mere mention of the Headhunter.

  “This chamber will come to order,” GateLord Xenebris said, trying to stifle the mild panic of his fellow GateLords.

  “Mikralos, how do you answer these charges against you?” the somber, imperious Polomius asked, a holographic scroll appearing beside him. The list of charges stretched into the hundreds of sub-categories and offenses.

  Mikralos stared at the seven members of the Council, his eyes hard.

  “We do not answer stupid questions,” Mikralos said, “even when they are asked by a GateLord.”

  The members of the Council gasped, their claws aflutter, and the room erupted in bedlam. The seven council members hurled a flurry of insults and accusations at both Mikralos and each other. In time, GateLord Polomius restored calm, his podium now dented from the repeated gavel-blows of his claw.

  “Very well,” GateLord Polomius said. “Your disrespect for these proceedings is cause for summary judgment. All members of the Council who find the less-than-honorable Mikralos guilty of incompetence and dereliction in the performance of his duties, place a claw on the central recording table.”

  Seven manipulators fell on the glowing circle, and it flashed, recording the vote.

  “And sentencing?” Xenebris asked, eager to dish out punishment.

  “We must take into account the defendant's combat record from the conquest of this place,” GateLord Verenus said, “as well as the purging of the traitorous Enforcement Directorate ranks in the Sixth Gate Barracks.”

  “Mikralos may not be a master strategist,” GateLord Polomius said, “but he is too esteemed of a combat tactician to simply execute, wish that as we may.”

  “Agreed,” Verenus said, nodding. “It would send the wrong message to his combat brethren. We will need them for what is coming.”

  “Be that as it may,” Xenebris said, pouring his hatred into the words, “we, as GateLords, cannot tolerate an error of such massive proportions. The sentence must be severe, and unyielding.”

  They mused, muttering amongst themselves. One of the GateLords who was quiet throughout the proceedings spoke up.

  “If death is too much, then what of banishment? Exile?” the Lord of the First Gate Zone said.

  “Banishment? Yes, that would serve our greater purpose,” Polomius said. He pondered a destination. “Through the Eighth Gate?”

  “But, of course,” Xenebris said, his running lights pulsing orange and black. “Where else?”

  Mikralos's stalwart composure shattered at the mention of the swirling, forbidden vortex, and he bucked against his restraints. Bubbles flowed from his mouth as he screamed his protests.

  “Ah, the Eighth Gate it is,” GateLord Xenebris said, smiling. A light pulsed in his armored sphere, and the elite Model Ninety-Nine guards re-entered through the gleaming council chamber doors. “Farewell, Mikralos. Depart in failure,” GateLord Xenebris said. “Centurions, take him away.”


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  Bear's Writing Notes, Meanderings, And Gratitudes


  A few thoughts on Jessica Kramer, and more than a few 'thank yous' to people who helped get me here.

  Jessica Kramer is a complex character, to me, at least. She's a traumatized kid who had to grow up on her own, scratching out an existence on the mean streets of an interdimensional hellhole. Solving her brother's death only leads to more anger and pain. I like how her arc developed, and I'm glad she grew beyond just a 'mean girl' to a fleshed-out character. Telling her story wasn't easy, but I'm glad it came out the way it did.

  I’m already working on her next adventure in J-world. She’s a fun character to write, a little rough around the edges, I know, but the Universi around her holds a lot of potential for more stories. More importantly, the scope of Junctionworld and its attached Worldgates gives her room to grow and develop beyond the semi-reformed drunken brat we first meet. That Eighth Gate mystery, lurking in the background, is going to figure prominently in the future, along with the Headhunter's ongoing crusade for freedom. I hope you come back for more.

  So, now that that's out of the way, I'd like to ask a favor of you. If you liked the book, leave a review on Amazon or the review site of your choice. Tell a friend. Point some more folks in forums and Facebook groups my way, without spamming, of course, and help me keep the ball rolling. Word-of-mandible is pretty effective, too.

  I'd like to thank my wife, Beautiful Rachel, for her advice and direction through a couple tough spots. Just so you know, she is insisting I write an entire Headhunter book. We'll see, babe.

  I'd like to thank Chad W. Hardin, who helped give me my big break in writing, and for his lifelong friendship.

  Thanks to Slade Hart and Davis VanderVelde, also for their enduring friendship through the years, and putting up with my weirdness.

  I'd like to thank Rhett C. Bruno and Steve Beaulieu, my publishers at Aethon Books, for taking a gamble on me. They liked my indie solo novel enough to offer me a contract for a trilogy, along with audiobooks. I was flabbergasted. I’m, honestly, still in shock. I never thought I'd get a full novel off the ground and into print, and now I’m climbing Trilogy Mountain. It’s checked off a major box in life’s to-do list. Thanks for giving me a shot, guys.

  My eternal gratitude goes to my English teacher from my high school days, Ms. Judy Michaels, for focusing and channeling my wild, sporadic need to simply put things on paper into real writing.

  Thanks to my co-worker Dan Warner, who helped proofread the first versions of the book and gave some great feedback.

  To Richard Fox, who took time out of his busy schedule to look a few things over, and gift me with some excellent advice. I credit his quick suggestions for helping me land a book deal. I owe him a beer, or two.

  Finally, my thanks to Michael Anderle and Craig Martelle for opening my eyes to see beyond the Gatekeepers.

  In closing, I'd like to thank you, the reader or listener, as the case may be, for giving a guy starting out on his dream career a chance. Thanks for picking up this title. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed creating it. It was a blast!



  About the Author

  I'm John Bear Ross, but you can call me Bear, and I write and work in Southern Nevada. I turn large amounts of caffeine into words.

  I was born in Arizona. I served in the Marine Corps Reserves as a machine-gunner. I enjoy firearms, motorcycles, 3d printing, and machining. Oh, and beer. Maybe too much.

  On top of all those things, I am a blue-collar guy with a compulsion to write. There’s not much more to me than that.

  I'm married to my wife, Beautiful Rachel, and we have two kids together. My work is dedicated to them.

  To get ahold of me, feel free to email me at
[email protected]

  Or, join me on Facebook, where I do most of my interacting.

  My public page is




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