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Eve of Samhain

Page 19

by Lisa Sanchez

  Maybe I was losing control. I’d begged frantically like a child who’d had its toy taken away. I was most definitely not acting like myself. “Maybe you’re right,” I said reluctantly.

  “Aye, I know I’m right.” A mixture of lust, pain and sadness tore at his rugged face. “I hope you enjoyed that, because it won’t happen again.”

  The bubble I’d been floating on burst, sending me spiraling down to crash and burn against the sad reality of our situation. There would be no more kissing, no more touching. Quinn’s curse placed a wall between us he stubbornly refused to knock down. I knew his reasoning, and though I understood and even admired his decision to abstain from contact with me, it didn’t make it any less frustrating. I’d be living off the memory of my stolen kiss for the rest of my life.

  “Thank you,” I said, my voice just above a whisper. “It was beautiful.”

  He gave me a sober nod and looked away.

  “How was it for you?” I felt like an idiot asking such a clichéd question, but my head demanded I ask what my heart desperately wanted to know.

  Quinn turned to face me, his eyes full of…love? I couldn’t be sure, but whatever emotion, it was intense. “I’ve never experienced its equal.”


  The silver bough came two days later via second day airmail. I felt relieved I had tangible evidence of a way to help Quinn within my grasp, yet afraid of what came along with using the mystical branch. Relief and fear made strange bedfellows.

  I’d be confronting a queen. A faerie queen, no less, who’d used her magical powers to put a hex on the man of my dreams. Facing her would be extraordinarily daunting. Still, I knew I would go to the ends of the earth, to hell and back, if it meant keeping Quinn alive.

  I cranked the speaker on my iPod’s docking station and called Martha into my room to finalize our plan for that night. We had the branch delivered in her name in an effort to keep Quinn in the dark, should he take it upon himself to inspect our packages. While rifling through other people’s mail was a federal offense, as a faerie, I didn’t think Quinn really cared. He’d do what he had to in order to keep me safe, which meant I needed to stay one step ahead of him at all times.

  After texting Jessica, reminding her that tonight was the night, I headed outside to meet Quinn so he could take me to work.

  Quinn went ape-shit after Monday night’s attack, falling into a panic-fueled spiral of rage. Suspicious of anything and everything with a pulse, he’d actually threatened to beat the piss out of an elderly man who he insisted gave me the “evil eye.”

  It took quite a bit of reasoning on my part to convince him that not everyone on the planet was a demon in disguise, lying in wait to kidnap me. While Quinn had no problem doling out ass-whoopings to an evil monster such as the Zmeu, he wasn’t about to punish innocents who had no clue about the supernatural world. He finally admitted I was probably safe with regard to the elderly and infirm. Until Quinn located the Zmeu’s lair, we’d bide our time and wait for him to make another appearance, which we were both certain would happen sooner, rather than later.

  According to Quinn, cloaking himself with invisibility while he watched over me at the club was the only way to go. His blue eyes darkened, filling with determination as he hovered over me protectively. “We’ll take him by surprise,” he said, pounding his fist into his palm as we walked up the street toward the club. “The damn shifty bastard won’t know what hit him.” My guy was ready to fight, and I’d never felt safer.

  I cast him a sideways glare as we entered the club. “Behave yourself.”

  The corner of his lip curled up into a mischievous grin. “Aye. That I will, a ghrá, that I will.”


  Work lingered on for a damn frigging eternity, my heart and mind focused on my secret plan to save Quinn, and not on the job at hand.

  Relishing his ability to wander around like the Invisible Man, Quinn took great pleasure in tormenting my lanky boss every chance he got. Ghosting his movements throughout the club, Quinn snatched up Stan’s glasses the minute he set them down.

  Unable to see without his hideous specs, Stan took out two servers and a scary looking biker dude when he came out of his office and attempted to make “the rounds” as he called it. Later, when he went to sit down at the bar, his barstool shot out from beneath his butt, sending him ass first onto the floor in front of a large group of co-eds, who then mocked him mercilessly.

  Unable to scold Quinn, because no one else knew of his presence, I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

  Knock it off! You’re freaking him out!

  My phone vibrated a few seconds later with Quinn’s response.

  I can’t help myself. The scrawny ape makes it too damn easy.

  As bad as I felt for Stan, I couldn’t begrudge Quinn the small bit of happiness he’d found in pranking my dorky boss. His ability to goof around and be playful despite his impending fate warmed my heart. Quinn was like no one I’d ever come across before, and I loved him all the more for it. A small giggle escaped my lips as I waited for Gabriel to fill a drink order.

  A high pitched, garbled noise coming from Stan’s direction startled me, and I looked over to see him frozen in place, his eyes ten times their normal size, threatening to pop out of their sockets. His breath came in short gasps as he stared across the bar.

  I craned my head to see what was frightening him so much and saw he was staring at the giant specialty drink menu that hung behind the right side of the bar. Overcome with silent laughter, I looked away for a moment so Stan wouldn’t see.

  Quinn, doing his level best to scare the tar out of Stan, had somehow gotten hold of the remote that controlled the electronic drink menu and had programmed “Stan, I’m coming for you,” placing it on repeat so the phrase continually crawled across the screen in large, bold letters. My boss, unaware there was a devilish faerie lurking around, saw the ominous message and fled the bar in hysterics, leaving shortly thereafter, claiming stress due to overworking.

  “You are incorrigible,” I scolded Quinn later as he drove me home, earning an impish grin from him as he hit the gas pedal.

  “Try to behave yourself,” he said as I climbed out of the Mercedes. “Don’t leave the apartment for any reason. If you need something, call me.”

  “Okay, Dad,” I grumbled. I shut the door and leaned down to wave goodbye, only to see him pointing at me and then to his own eyes, letting me know he’d be watching.

  “Yeah, yeah. I get it. You’ll be watching me,” I said, and rolled my eyes.

  The corners of his mouth turned up and he blew me a kiss before I turned to walk toward my home. In the distance, I heard car tires squealing as he exited the parking lot.

  Damn faerie thinks he’s Jeff Gordon!

  I walked into Martha’s room to see her and Jessica sitting on the floor, waiting for me with several candles and the silver bough lying before them. After dumping my belongings onto Martha’s bed, I took a seat on the Berber opposite my two friends, completing the circle.

  “Well,” I said, and exhaled. “This is it, then. Where do we begin?” I looked over to Martha, who smiled and, with a nod, turned the lights off and lit the candles simultaneously using her magic.

  “Can we have some music or will that disrupt the spell? I don’t think Quinn is coming back, but you never know. I don’t want him to hear what we’re up to.”

  I hated keeping such a huge secret from him, but I knew he’d never approve of what I was about to do. Quinn stubbornly believed he didn’t need any help and planned on fading out of this world after five hundred long years, having finally made a connection with someone: me. Unable to even think about a world that didn’t have Quinn in it, I was forced to keep my plans of crossing over into the Faerie Realm to plead with the Faerie Queen Morgana hidden from him.

  Martha scrunched her face as she pondered my question. “I think that will be okay. It’ll have to be something soft and mellow though, no hardcore rap or metal. Those w
ould be too distracting.” She glanced over our heads toward the docking station that sat on her nightstand and with a look of concentration sent a soft selection of classical music filling the air.

  I shook my head and stared at Martha in awe. “Damn…can you teach me how to do that?”

  “Sorry.” Martha shook her head and laughed. “It’s a family thing.” She held out her hands, palm up. “All right, girls. I need everyone to join hands.” Martha gave Jess an annoyed glare when she initially refused her hand.

  “Jess.” I flashed her a warning look.

  Now was not the time for petty prejudices. I needed her on board. I knew she was just being protective of me where Martha was concerned, but she needed to drop the attitude. Quinn’s life was on the line.

  “Fine,” she said with a huff.

  “Whatever you do,” Martha continued, “Don’t break the circle. Our hands must remain joined in order for the spell to work. Now, try to relax and concentrate on the bough.”

  We both nodded and looked down toward the branch lying on the carpet. The dim light from the candles bounced off the bough, casting ominous shadows about the room.

  My thoughts trailed off. What did the Faerie Realm look like? Would Morgana even allow my presence before her?

  “Ryann, focus on the bough,” Martha said pointedly.

  Shamefaced, I refocused. “Sorry.” I set my eyes on the large branch that lay before us as I listened to Martha begin the spell, uttering words I couldn’t understand. Staring at the bough, I couldn’t help but think it didn’t look very magical. In fact, it looked like an ordinary branch you might find laying on the ground after a storm, and I had a hard time imagining what was so damn special about this particular piece of wood that made it worth two thousand dollars.

  The answer to my unspoken question came with a brilliant flash of light. The force of it threw us back and the circle broke as we all instinctively drew our hands up to shield our eyes.

  “Playing around with magic, are we?” I heard someone say with a low chuckle.

  The voice was angelic, soft and lilting, pure music to my ears. I let my hands fall away as I turned and saw the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on, standing in the center of our makeshift circle.

  Dressed in a luminescent white gown that accentuated her perfect figure, she was tall with golden hair that fell in long, luxurious waves down her back. Glowing, porcelain skin covered a seraphic face set with a pair of deep emerald eyes. The woman possessed a regal air about her that suggested she was someone of great importance.

  “Who are you?” Martha asked, and was cut off.

  “Foolish, mortal child. Silence! I am Queen Morgana, ruler of the Fae, Mistress of Avalon.”

  “Holy—” Jessica started to speak but was silenced when the queen shot out a hand, magically clamping her mouth shut.

  Dumbstruck, I looked over to Martha, who appeared to be just as shocked. Though I most certainly was not a witch and had no experience with casting spells, I was pretty certain the queen’s appearance in her room was not what she’d expected to go down.

  Turning to focus her full attention on me, the queen spoke again. “You may arise, child. I wish to speak with you.” As I stood from the floor, she continued. “Everyone else may leave.”

  Martha opened her mouth to speak. “But—”

  “I said silence!” With a wave of her hand, the door to the room flew open, and with another small flick of her wrist, Jessica and Martha shot across the floor and out the door, which slammed shut behind them.

  Terrified and intimidated, I stood frozen in place as Morgana floated around me, appraising my appearance with a harsh eye.

  “You’re much lovelier in person, I’ll give you that,” she said as she continued to scrutinize me.

  “Thank you?” I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to speak, but I didn’t want to ignore what could possibly be the only compliment I’d ever receive from her.

  She smiled at my reluctant answer. “Relax, my dear Ryann. I’ve been watching you for a while now, and I’m quite pleased with what I see.”

  Watching me?

  Her admission took me by surprise. Why would she be watching me? I was damn sure my existence was of little importance to the Fae. Maybe she’d been keeping tabs on Quinn and was aware of my presence in his life that way?

  She gave a slight nod. “Very good, Ryann. You’re very smart.”

  What? Is she reading my mind?

  I gazed at her, awestruck.

  “Yes, child, I can hear all your thoughts.”

  A telepath? My mind reeled. How do you act around a mind reader? Did she already know everything in my head? Did she know my feelings for Quinn? Oh, God! Did she see our kiss? My stomach tightened and knots formed while a horrible nervous feeling chewed away at my gut.

  She chuckled, a smooth, pleasant sound. “Relax, Ryann. I’ve seen everything.”

  I gulped. That couldn’t be good.

  “I’ve kept a watchful eye on Quinn ever since I cursed him. You can’t imagine the disappointment I’ve had to endure over the last five hundred years, watching him continue on in his philandering ways.” She shook her head. “I take no delight in the punishments I give out.” She paced back and forth in front of me as she spoke, and I was once again floored by her beauty. If I were a horny male faerie, I’d probably want to seduce her, too.

  The corner of her mouth turned up, and her eyes met mine for a moment as she smiled.

  Aw, crap! She heard my thoughts.

  Ignoring the ramblings of my inner mind, Morgana addressed me again.

  “It wasn’t until Quinn met you that I had any hope for him overcoming his curse. You, my child, have shown him what it means to love. Before you, he knew nothing of sacrifice, of what it means to give of yourself unconditionally. He was selfish and full of himself, and thought of women as things to be had.”

  Overcome his curse? There’s a way to lift it?

  She stopped pacing, and stood before me, lifting my chin in her hand so I was forced to meet her piercing gaze head on. Her touch was electric and full of power. “You, my precious child, have shown Quinn the meaning of love. You have unleashed a part of him I long feared did not exist, and I am most pleased.”

  I showed him what?

  “He loves you, Ryann.”

  “No, he doesn’t.” The words just shot out of my mouth.

  She met my hasty comeback with an icy glare. “Do you dare call me a liar?”

  I shook my head, pasting an appropriate amount of “Oh my God, I’m sorry” on my face. I needed to watch it or I was liable to become a pile of ash on the floor. “No. Of course not.” When she didn’t smite me down, I figured it was safe to continue. “It’s just that…well, he won’t come near me. I think he has feelings for me, feelings of strong friendship, but beyond that I’m not so sure.”

  “He loves you,” she said insistently. “I’ve watched him tell you so.”


  An irritated frown briefly crossed over Morgana’s lovely face.

  My stomach lurched. My stupidity was pissing her off.

  “Search your memory child, and you will remember.”

  I stood still in silent concentration as I racked my brain trying to remember when, if ever, Quinn had professed his love for me. Aside from his affectionate pet names for me, I came up short. I couldn’t recall any verbal proclamations of love from him.

  Unless…Was she was referring to the Gaelic words he’d spoken to me after our last confrontation?

  I searched the queen’s face, my eyes full of question, and was met with a warm smile and a nod of affirmation. I gasped.

  “Really?” Could I dare to believe Quinn shared my feelings for him?

  “In the past five hundred years, Quinn has formed no personal ties or bonds with anyone. He’s never cared enough about anyone to avoid touching them until you.”

  My breath caught at her words.

  “He craves your company like no other. You
are the very air he breathes, and he abstains to keep what is between you pure, safe from the effects of his curse.”

  Tears streamed down my face as I listened to the queen affirm Quinn’s love for me. My heart had never known such joy.

  I searched the queen’s emerald eyes and plead my case. “But he’s going to die! He won’t tell me why. I’ve got to help him. What can I do?” I sobbed. As happy as I was to finally learn of Quinn’s true feelings for me, I was beyond terrified at the thought of losing him before we had a chance to start something. Life was cruel, a fact I knew all too well. I’d lost my parents as a child, and now I was going to lose Quinn.

  “Don’t despair, little one.” She moved to stand beside me, wrapping her long slender arm around my shoulder. “You are the key to Quinn’s immortality.”

  “I am?” I asked, a bit taken aback.

  “To break the curse, Quinn must join with his soul mate before the sun goes down on the Eve of Samhain.”

  “Join?” I asked, confused. And then it hit me. “Oh!” A light bulb clicked on and I suddenly understood. Quinn and I would have to make love in order for him to be free of his curse. “Seriously? You mean, we could have made love ages ago and he would have been saved?” The irony of the situation was not lost on me, and the queen gave a low chuckle at my thought.

  “The understanding that intimacy is best when shared with someone you truly love was hard lesson for Quinn to learn. Love, my child, is the key to unmaking his curse. Before you, he was naught but a libertine, devoid of such complex feelings. I truly believed him incapable of unconditional love.” Her regal face softened, and she reached out to stroke my hair. “I’m so glad he found you, my dear. Though I was just in punishing him, I’ve suffered great heartache at the prospect of losing such a charismatic man. He’s truly one of a kind.”

  A blanket of hope covered me from head to toe. “Yes,” I agreed with a smile. “He is.”

  Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to tell Quinn the good news. “Oh, God. I have to go to him. I have to tell him.” I darted for the door.

  “Stop!” Morgana commanded. “Take heed of my word, child. Quinn must never know I’ve told you there is a key to reversing his curse. No outside forces may sway his actions. In order for it to be lifted, Quinn must make the decision himself to lay with you.”


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