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RIBUS 7 Page 11

by Shae Mills

  Dar continued. "You are undoubtedly aware that she probably wouldn't survive the harsh climate on Iceanea, especially not if she is integrated into the civilian population. And you know Ticees would never accept her under his wing."

  Dar waited for a reaction but received none. Korba continued to look down at his drink. Dar decided to risk it all. "You cannot hope to keep and protect her, not with all your missions. If she had a mate on Calley, she is probably used to constant companionship, not the life of a Warlord's mate, or even a simple warrior's for that matter. She is young, and vulnerable to our people. Because she is inferior, she would undoubtedly require constant male companionship. Since harboring an alien in any capacity is against all Iceanean laws, what man on Iceanea who would be strong enough and of high enough status to keep her safeguarded, would ever consider mating her in the first place, even if it were possible?"

  Dar paused and drew a deep breath. "And... even if everything did work out, and you decided to defy Imperial law to Let her, then by Iceanean law she would be fair game for other women, therefore requiring your constant protection. That would mean keeping her on a RIBUS, and you know as well as I do that Ticees would rather see us all dead than allow that precedent."

  Dar looked at Korba carefully, watching for signs of aggression. Korba in turn was scrutinizing Dar from under his eyebrows.

  Dar decided to press on, his sore jaw urging him to be cautious. "Even if you simply choose her as a sexual mate, assuming she reciprocates, assuming she can, you know the Breeders will be breathing down your neck and hers at every turn." Dar sat back and waited for Korba's rebuttal.

  "I see that you have pretty well covered everything I have thought about," came Korba's cold reply. "I might point out that reciting her dismal options does nothing to alleviate or solve the problems, hers or mine. And, my dear friend, there must be something in the air that causes all those close to me to become paranoid about my welfare, projecting far into the future and assuming scenarios which are highly unlikely. I do not know the girl and she knows nothing of me. For you to even contemplate that I am thinking of her as anything more than a temporary diversion is indeed brave, if not deadly. You, Stose, and Marri should get together sometime. I'm sure the conversation regarding your speculations as to my plans for, and relations with, the alien would be most entertaining."

  Dar remained still and then dared to speak. "Maybe the three of us can see something that you do not."

  Korba remained silent, unwilling to initiate another all-out confrontation. But Dar's words hit home, and he knew full well that he was on shaky ground regarding the whole mess he had created.

  Dar sought to ease the tension. "I guess if I were in your situation, I would adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Once she finds out what we are and what we do for a living, she may wish to be dropped off on the nearest suitable planet."

  Korba's mind spun. He could no longer think clearly. He stood, turning his back to Dar. "Will you stand by my decisions?"

  Dar rose warily. "You know I will."

  Korba turned to face him. "Then you will do one favor for me."

  Dar stiffened, not knowing what to expect.

  "If she ever begins to interfere with my ability to make rational military decisions"—he hesitated, nearly stumbling over his words—"and you spot the trouble that I cannot, will you eliminate her for me?"

  Dar was temporarily speechless. Despite Korba's inner turmoil and what Dar could only presume was blossoming love for the young woman, Korba was still willing to sacrifice all for his military career. That revelation did not surprise Dar, but the gravity of the request Korba had placed on his shoulders did. However, Dar was ever loyal to both his friend and to the Empire, and his only answer could be, "Yes."

  Chapter 14

  Chelan opened her eyes once again. Voices and a commotion had awoken her earlier, but her ordeal had left her far too tired to respond. A spasm of pain shot through her back as she attempted to move. Suddenly, she recalled the man's body slamming into her by the pool.

  Slowly, she straightened, using her arms to prop herself on the pillows. As she started to relax yet another muscle spasm wracked her body. She grimaced with agony, and a cry erupted from her lips. She arched against the pillows, trying to pacify herself while the pain subsided. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Things were not going well, as usual.

  Suddenly, she caught a movement from beyond the stairway. She grasped the blankets and pulled them up around her, her respiration quickening. A tall, muscular form approached her quietly and stopped at the entrance to the sleeping platform. Chelan squinted, but the light was far too dim for her to make out any facial features. But from what she could see, she knew the man was huge, and she cringed.

  "I heard you cry out," said the figure in a smooth, resonant voice. "Is it your back?"

  Chelan remained frozen, unwilling to speak.

  The man took another step. "I can help if you will allow me."

  Chelan summoned every ounce of courage she could muster as she wrung the blankets in front of her. "Are you the Commander of this ship, the one Marri calls Korba?"

  "Yes," he replied. He reached for something on the wall, and the lights in the room intensified slightly.

  Chelan could see clearly the definition of his well-conditioned body, his black uniform clinging to him as though it had been applied by a paintbrush.

  Korba came within the range of the illumination and stood at the foot of the bed.

  Chelan momentarily stopped breathing as his facial features became clear for the first time. His looks literally took her breath away. His long, blue-black hair framed his features and feathered toward his back, cascading behind his shoulders to a length Chelan could not determine. His skin was a rich bronze, as if he had spent years baking in the equatorial sun. His facial structures were perfectly proportioned in a stunning combination. Chelan was well aware that different looks attracted different people, but this man had a face that no one would miss. His overall handsomeness was highlighted by his practically glowing azure-blue eyes. Chelan found that their intensity mesmerized her, and she was unable, and indeed unwilling, to tear her gaze away.

  The Warlord noticed her unabashed reaction, and he smiled. His devastating attractiveness had come in handy many times in the past, and it had come to his aid yet again. He stepped to the side of the bed and cautiously sat down. "How are you feeling?" he queried softly, looking directly into her deep-brown eyes.

  Chelan finally took in a badly needed breath and shook herself from his bewitching spell. "Fine," came her timid reply. She was afraid to indicate otherwise.

  "Would you prefer that I returned your care to Marri? Would you be more comfortable with her?"

  Chelan stared at him once again, utterly captivated. Quickly, she sorted through her options and the opportunity granted to her. She would be more comfortable with Marri, but she wished to remain on the right side of her captor, and instinct told her to accept the giant man as best she could. "No," she replied quietly, "your company is fine."

  Korba shot her a disarming smile, realizing her response was not altogether truthful. Suddenly, he became more serious. "I know your back is badly bruised. I have some medication that will eliminate the pain and speed the healing. If you permit, I will apply it for you."

  "No, really," she smiled, anxiously, "I'm fine."

  Korba knew from the force he'd hit her with that few people would have refused treatment. He decided to try a different tack. "Okay, since you're feeling fine, some walking will do you good. The more we get your blood flowing, the faster the bruising will dissipate."

  The man stood, and Chelan realized from his tone and his actions that she had no choice but to comply. A small wave of panic struck her as Korba removed the blankets from her grasp, leaving her with the dwindling security of the white sheet.

  He reached for her hands and gently pulled her forward. "Don't resist," he instructed. "Let me be your support."

man knelt down on one knee as she slowly wiggled her legs over the edge of the bed. Chelan fought against the pain as she straightened her damaged torso. He released her hands, allowing her time to catch her breath. Even though he was kneeling, Chelan had to look up at him to meet his gaze, and her heart skipped a beat. His eyes seemed to penetrate to the very depths of her soul.

  "Okay, ready?" He slipped his hands about her waist, and she instinctively grabbed onto his arms, her body stiffening at his touch. Korba smiled to himself as he started to lift her gently. As she tipped forward, she tensed her back to balance herself, and the incapacitating muscle cramp that Korba had predicted seized her immediately. She uttered a small cry as she collapsed into him, her fingers biting into his arms.

  Korba eased her back down. "So we are fine, are we?" he quipped as he removed a strand of hair from her face. He gently placed his hand in the small of her back and pressed into a nerve center, helping to relieve the cramping. Chelan bit her lip and closed her eyes.

  "Will you let me help you now?" he asked.

  "Yes," she whispered in exasperation. She was having a hard time getting her breath without letting her chest expand too far. She grabbed his arms again and let her head fall forward, resting until the pain eased.

  "Okay," he stated, "now stay totally relaxed. I will support you completely and lay you back on the bed. I need you on your stomach."

  Chelan nodded weakly and complied fully. Korba embraced her and eased her onto her back. Placing one hand under her hips and the other under her calves, he rotated her legs up and onto the bed. Then he rolled her smoothly to her stomach.

  Chelan closed her eyes briefly and sighed with relief. She remained absolutely limp. She could see him standing next to her momentarily before he bent down and looked into her eyes.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Yes," she replied as she managed a weak smile.

  Korba touched her shoulder reassuringly and then disappeared from sight. Chelan strained to listen for him, but she could hear nothing. Shortly, he was back by her side, but she had detected neither his coming nor his going.

  He sat once again and brushed her hair from her back and neck. "This is a healing ointment that dilates the blood vessels and warms the tissues while acting as an anti-inflammatory. It will feel cool on the skin to begin with, so try not to flinch. The sensation will dull quickly as it also contains an anesthetic."

  Korba wanted to remove his gloves for Chelan's sake but couldn't due to the nature of the ointment and its numbing effects. He hesitated for a moment, staring down at her. Her breathing was now tranquil and regular. Her hands were under her head and her eyes shut. Now was as good a time as ever. Without warning he slipped his hand under her to the center of her chest, swiftly and expertly unraveling the knot that secured her covering.

  Chelan's eyes snapped opened wide with horror, but she knew there were no options available to her other than lying deathly still. She felt him slip the sheet down, exposing her back. Unable to help herself, she protectively removed her hands from under her head and pressed her arms into her sides.

  Korba smiled at her defensive maneuver and was somewhat warmed by her provocative shyness. Then he faltered, his vision drawn to the porcelain white skin bared to him. Shaking himself from his daze, he poured a small amount of the yellowish ointment on his fingers and then placed the container on the floor. Rubbing it between his gloved hands, he brushed it over her entire back in long, smooth motions, barely touching her skin. He did not wish to apply any pressure to the bruised muscles until the anesthetic began to work.

  After he administered his first strokes, he straightened in surprise. Her back had erupted in goosebumps, a residual evolutionary defense of the skin from bygone times when her ancestors were covered with hair. Korba's people had long ago lost such a reaction to touch and to the cold, and its appearance intrigued him. But he quickly resumed his massage, conscious of leaving her exposed too long, both to the cool air and to himself.

  Chelan exhaled a long, deep breath in relief as the tenderness plaguing her back began to subside. Suddenly, she was thankful that he had been persistent in trying to help her.

  Korba added a little more ointment to his experienced hands, shifting his weight so that his application would be more symmetrical. His thumbs ran up the muscles on either side of her spine as his fingers feathered out to her sides in short strokes. As the anesthetic penetrated he pressed harder, massaging the medicine deeply into her, softening the stiff muscles. Korba knew Stose had oral medications that would take care of all her problems instantly, but the doctor was wary of her alien physiology, and so the ointment would have to do.

  Korba stopped for a moment and moved the sheet slightly below her lower back. Immediately she tensed. He knew that the bruising probably extended even farther down, but he decided against pushing her trust in him. He continued working over her smooth, creamy skin until his sensitive touch told him that the ointment had achieved the desired effect. But the feel of her supple body beneath his hands held him spellbound. He was fixated by her contrast to his own steel-hard physique, and he found that he never wanted to stop touching her.

  Finally, he glanced up at her, wondering for a moment if she had drifted off to sleep. But upon the cessation of his touch, her eyes opened. He stared momentarily at her before reaching for the container and sealing it.

  Chelan stirred as she strained to look up at him. "Thank you," she uttered softly.

  Korba met her gaze and smiled down at her, her lovely, feminine voice infatuating him even further. He drew the sheet over her. Then he reached behind himself to the end of the bed. His once-empty hands returned to Chelan's view, holding a white garment.

  "I had Marri send this over," he said. "She thinks it will fit you. If you prefer, you can trade in that old sheet for it."

  Chelan finally cracked a smile at the lighthearted stab he took at her security blanket.

  Korba left it at the side of the bed as he stood. "While the cream is still working, alleviating the pain, I want you to be up and around. If you need help rising, call me, as your muscles may be a little weak. Move slowly. Use your stomach, arm, and thigh muscles instead of your back. Be very conscious of this, for the pain may be gone, but the injury is still there."

  Chelan nodded her understanding as she watched him disappear from sight. She genuinely appreciated his help, and she found a guarded trust forming. She was actually looking forward to seeing him again, and she warmed as she thought of his companionship.

  With caution, Chelan rolled to her side. She waited, expecting a stab of pain, but felt absolutely nothing. She peered down the corridor, watching for Korba, but he was gone. Using her arms, she raised herself into a sitting position, again pausing and waiting for any reaction to her movements, but all was well.

  She reached to her side and picked up the dress. It appeared to be a heavy fabric, but Chelan was surprised by its light weight. Carefully, she slipped it over her head. It felt like cool cream coating her body as it flowed over her. It had a rounded neckline, with tiny decorative pleats down the bodice, that gathered just below her ample breasts. From there it opened up into a full and very beautiful chiffon-like gown. The sleeves were long and fitted, capped at the shoulder and gently tapered at the wrists. Chelan had wondered at first if it was big enough for her, not fully appreciating until now the full extent of her rapid weight loss.

  Remembering Korba's instructions, she concentrated on her thigh muscles as she lifted herself into a standing position. Straightening fully, she ran her hands down the sides of the garment, loving its smooth, buttery feel. She took a step and watched as it flowed with her, almost as if it were alive, its hem just brushing the floor. Chelan then peered at her crumpled sheet. In a way, she was going to miss the old familiar friend. It had seen her through much over the past month or more, but now it was time to move on.

  Chelan squinted toward the corridor and began her onerous descent. She used the wall for support as she negoti
ated the stairs, her legs somewhat shaky. She stopped at the edge of the entry to the Command Center and gazed along the wall of screens and panels. Immediately upon her silent arrival, the large central chair swiveled around, and Korba's eyes met hers.

  Chelan suddenly looked to the floor in an unexpected fit of self-consciousness. Korba stood and took a few steps toward her. "How does it feel?" he asked quietly.

  Chelan glanced at him and grasped at the sides of her gown with her fingers. For a moment she was confused, not knowing if he referred to her dress or to her back. She suddenly felt like turning and running, his imposing size and maleness intimidating her.

  Korba smiled. "Has the ointment helped?" he clarified, starting up the Command Center stairs toward her.

  Chelan stared into his azure eyes. She went to answer, but once again she was struck mute by his attractiveness. A moment dragged on into an eternity, and finally she forced her eyes from him. "It's much better, thank you," she uttered. She glanced back at him and managed a shy smile. "It's a very effective remedy," she offered. "If you could market it on Earth, you would make a sizable fortune."

  Korba beamed at her lighthearted remark, a heat spreading through him at her soft smile. It added just one more highlight to her already radiant beauty. "Are you ready for a small tour?" he offered.

  Chelan's smile broadened, and she nodded. Korba swung his arm in an arc toward the control center and in the direction she should take. Chelan looked up at the massive array before her, and she took a hesitant step away from the wall. Korba placed a hand under her arm for support, steadying her as they descended the stairs. Once down, Chelan headed directly for the 3-D displays that had so captivated her earlier.

  As she moved away from him, Korba noticed how the pure white gown complimented her porcelain skin and her rose-petal pink complexion. Almost reluctant to tear his eyes from her, he followed her line of sight, and swung his chair around to accommodate her.


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