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RIBUS 7 Page 38

by Shae Mills

  Chelan was in a wonderland of her own as she raised his soft penis to her mouth and took all of him deep. Her long fingers spread over his sexual fullness, his testicles heavy with need. She felt for his erogenous zones as she nursed him, savoring his flesh while reveling in his sexual scent.

  Dar thought he was actually going to pass out. His blood was pounding in his ears as he called on every bit of control to keep his life fluid from his filling his organ. Watching her consume his penis, her tongue teasing and tasting all of him, was beyond anything he had experienced. In all his decades of sexual play, he had always allowed his instant erection. No one had requested he stay flaccid.

  He clenched his jaw, soaking up the proliferation of sensations she was providing, the rest of his body floating away, everything eclipsed by what he was experiencing at the core of his maleness. Then he watched as she held him in her hands, her mouth slipping up his organ to its tip. She sucked his foreskin hard, her tongue probing between his flesh and his glans, tormenting him nearly senseless. Then, she nipped him gently.

  Dar lost it. He grabbed her arms and clutched her tightly as his erection surged. He gasped, his thick mane of hair cascading over her as he hunched forward.

  Chelan sat back and waited for him to recover, her hands on his forearms. She watched as his penis pulsed with every beat of his heart, straining with its engorgement. She licked her lips as she leaned forward and kissed the top of his bowed head. "I'm not finished, my Lord," she murmured.

  Dar's head shot up, and he pierced her with his glowing eyes. Chelan bit her lip and nodded to the floor. "It's here on the floor I take you, or on your bed, your choice."

  Dar was so tight with pent-up need he doubted he could make it to a bed. He straightened and slipped off the bench before her. Then he released her arms as he reached for his knives, quickly dispatching them and the rest of his uniform.

  Chelan smiled at him as he relaxed back and drew his knees up, spreading his legs wide. She watched as he raised his hands above his head and gripped the bench. Then he let his head fall back, and he was hers.

  Her mouth watered over the hard, muscled body offered to her, his huge erection begging to be consumed. He was hers to do with as she pleased, a feast for the eyes and for her body, and she slid between his legs, eager to eat all that was offered.

  Her fingers traced along his inner thighs, following his corded muscles to her goal. She licked over his testicles, savoring his flesh, drawing it into her mouth as her fingers played over him, pressing into his erogenous zones, squeezing him, tasting him, and marking him with her teeth. She grabbed his fullness hard with both hands and slid her tongue up his rock-hard penis to the tip. There she sucked him forcefully, and a deep guttural roar erupted from his chest.

  The first orgasm hit him almost immediately, and he was powerless to prevent it. The muscles throughout his body contracted so violently he felt fibers tear. He clutched the bench tightly, his knuckles feeling like they would break. His back arched, his male organs straining so forcefully they felt as though they had been shocked. But the release did little to tame the raw heat that was radiating from within him. As quickly as he had come, he recovered, his body begging for more of her sweet torture. And she complied. Her insatiable appetite to devour him took him again and again to heights never before achieved. Only when he was coated in sweat and utterly exhausted did she release him.

  Dar sagged to the floor and looked down at her as she slid up his slick body and lay on his chest. Dar entangled his hands in her hair and fought for recovery, every molecule of his body spent. When she finally looked up at him, he found the strength to speak. "One day, woman, you will be mine, mind, body, and soul."

  Chelan smiled contentedly and sagged back down on him. Maybe, she thought. Maybe.

  Chapter 34

  Chelan had awakened the next morning feeling a lingering warmth from the day before that put her mind and body at ease. She had returned to Fremma's quarters at night as Dar had returned to his command. But this time, the Warlord's departure had not mattered for she now knew that Dar was with her regardless of where she slept.

  Chelan yawned, stretching her awakening body. Today would be a restful day, a day to give her tired muscles a break. There were still reams of material to cover on the computer, and right now, that was to be her priority. After a quick shower, she donned her beautiful white gown and hurried out into the bedroom. Suddenly, she halted at the entrance doors. She faltered, struck by the fact that she had never traversed the corridor without her shroud. "Well, no time like the present," she whispered. Gathering her courage, she stepped through the doors and walked as quickly as she could to the Command Center, not daring to look up into the dark shadows that surrounded her.

  Once inside, Chelan breathed a sigh of relief and then ran down to her console. The first item that she wished to access was information on the bonding Dar had spoken of known as Letting. After a few cross-references, she finally found the information she desired.

  The material indicated that it was originally an ancient form of marital bonding observed by the Iceanean people as far back as the records went. And from what Chelan could ascertain, it initially carried nearly all the same restrictions and implications as did Earth marriages. But the basic rules slowly changed with time. Later, especially after the eradication of all sexually transmitted diseases, the bond became progressively weaker due to adulterous adventures. Eventually the law was changed to accommodate an ever-decreasingly monogamous society. Then, at the advent of genetic manipulation and controlled reproduction by the Empire, the Let became simply a bond of reproductive commitment among the general population, with no fidelity implied or required.

  Chelan read on. The ritual itself involved some sort of drug, although its nature or use was not specified. The main participants in the ceremony were the man and the woman to be Letted, and two other people chosen by the families of the couple or by the Empire itself. The rest of the material simply indicated that it was a sacred ritual, steeped in tradition, and that it could only occur between pure-breed Iceanean couples accepted and acknowledged by the Guild.

  Chelan was coming up with more questions than answers. But obviously, many of her questions were not going to be addressed. She pushed on, and suddenly she sucked in a deep breath. It appeared that, despite the advances in the Iceanean civilization, the ancient selection process was allowed to continue by the Empire regardless of the inherent barbarism associated with the Let. In the early days, survival of the fittest on the harsh planet was assured by the selection process. If a man and a woman were Letted, any other man or woman desiring children by either of the Letted pair could issue a binding and deadly challenge. Therefore, if a man from outside the Let desired a Letted woman, he could challenge the mate to a duel of death. If the outsider prevailed, then he was considered superior, and that ensured a more robust bloodline. The restrictions of the Let were then dissolved by an attending Guild member, and the woman had no choice but to accommodate the new mate. It was her role and a cultural obligation to perpetuate the stronger of the species. But the rite was by no means sexist. The same challenges could be issued by women for another woman's mate, and the Letted man, in turn, was expected to sire the champion's children.

  Chelan cringed, but she continued on. The rite ensured that only the best bred with the best, as no person of inferior quality dared challenge a superior if there was no hope of survival. In turn, the weak grew to fear Letting, as anyone more dominant could easily eliminate them. With the advent of genetic engineering, and with the regulation of couples by the Guild, the genetically compromised were simply not granted the rite to reproduce, thus adding insurance that only the finest were Letted. A few renegade couples tried to defy the Guild, but the penalty for unsanctioned offspring was instantaneous execution, both of the child and of the parents. So few tried.

  The information continued, indicating that in modern times Letting was much less frequent, as the Empire as a whole governed t
he breeding. But when the ceremony did occur, it now represented more of an emotional bond between the couple, and challenges were made far less frequently. The article also reported that in most cases, because of a more civilized attitude and culture, the Let was rarely tried, and the people chosen by the family were seldom used.

  Chelan was puzzled by this information, but it soon became apparent that there was no further material forthcoming that would enlighten her on the concept of "Trying the Let." The article did state, however, that the traditional practice in its entirety was still valid and that the Empire would not interfere with any aspect of the Let once allowed, including any challenges issued.

  Chelan was fascinated by the material and captivated by the concept of the savage yet practical Let. But even in modern times, it did seem to contain some inherent problems, especially if the Letted couple were of extremely high standing or desirability. In this militaristic and highly disciplined culture of the Empire, rapid acquisition of someone's high-status mate could come fairly easily through the laws of the Let if one was determined enough, and, of course, powerful enough. Chelan wondered if that was why Dar had said that few Prime Breeders ever became Letted. It could prove to be exhausting, not to mention a fatal endeavor, to have to continually ward off predatory rivals in order to maintain your highly desirable mate.

  Chelan sat back in her chair and turned the data over in her mind. Thank goodness that most people now had better things to do than to go around knifing each other while in search of suitable mates, especially in a society that no longer saw the Let as mandatory.

  Chelan hesitated momentarily, feeling as though she was being watched. Turning around in her chair, she peered up at the shrouded figure entering the Command Center. She decided to withhold her hello until she knew for sure who it was.

  As he began his descent toward her, Dar drew back his hood and smiled. "I shouldn't be here," he admitted as he stood next to her and removed his shroud.

  "Why's that?" Chelan asked.

  "Because, after yesterday, I may never leave you again." Dar looked into her eyes, her beauty alight. He sank slowly to his knees before her and hugged her legs as he rested his head on her thighs.

  Chelan stroked his hair, appreciative of his obvious compliment to her. She peered down at the massive man kneeling before her. Then she leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. "How many people in your past have you afforded the privilege of having you kneel in front of them?" she asked in a whisper.

  Dar smiled at her as he straightened. He raised his brows. "Other than helping a little alien off with her boots in the privacy of my shuttle in front of Nanton, probably no one." Dar was suddenly aware that he had never in his life displayed himself in front of anyone in such a submissive pose. He wondered if his extreme ease around Chelan was because of her alien status or because of his love for her. Whatever it was, when he was in her company she released him from the bonds and formalities of the Empire and his military career.

  Chelan smiled adoringly at him as she nuzzled into his ear. "Got a few minutes?" she cooed seductively.

  "Of course," he breathed, biting into her neck. He moved in closer to her, parting her legs with his advance. "What may I do for you, my Lady?" Suddenly, he paused, staring at her as if he was seeing her for the first time.

  Chelan returned his gaze, her surprise evident. "My Lady?" she questioned.

  Dar hesitated. "I feel the title fits," he admitted with admiration.

  Chelan instantly blushed. Dar moved his hands to her bare thighs, repeating his question. "So what may I do for you, my Lady?"

  Chelan's hands encircled his head as she bit into the flesh of his neck, only with much more force, holding him at bay. Then she released him. "You still owe me a tour of the ship, you rogue."

  Dar let his head fall back into her lap. Chelan snickered softly, stroking his smiling yet disappointed face. "Oh, come now," she chided. "You know you can't stay long today. You're like Fremma. You buzz in here for a day once a month and then you retreat into the recesses of the ship, leaving me abandoned here, all alone with nothing but my thoughts for comfort."

  "You're partially right," he began. "I'm not around much, but believe me, it is not by choice. However, I will have most of today to devote to you and to your wishes, and I will do exactly that."

  He was warmed by her broad smile. He leaned forward and kissed her. She was so easy to please, and such little things seemed to make her so happy. Dar's heart melted once again. "How about we start with your armchair tour of the ship," he added as he stood. Taking her hand and raising her up with him, he turned and walked to the center of the consoles.

  Chelan watched as he began to activate screens, excitement permeating throughout her. Suddenly, her attention was deviated by the opening of the entrance doors, and another shrouded figure entered.

  Dar turned around casually as Fremma removed his hood.

  Chelan beamed. "Well, well. To what, or to whom, do I owe this rare opportunity, or privilege, to be graced by the company of two such fine men at one time?"

  Fremma smiled at Chelan as he began removing his shroud. He then glanced at Dar. Chelan watched as the two men's eyes met, and a flurry of subtle hand signals went between them. "Oh no!" she protested. "That's not fair. I've nearly knocked myself out trying to learn your language and now you place me at yet another disadvantage by using your damnable battle language."

  Chelan looked up at Fremma, who was chuckling and shaking his head at her. She assumed a defensive stance, crossing her arms over her chest, her jaw set. She tried to look serious while suppressing her smiles. Her eyes darted between the two grinning men, but they remained silent. "Okay, what's going on?" she asked cautiously, her muscles tightening.

  Dar turned back to the console and hit a few more switches. "Actually, Chelan," he began, trying to sound sincere, "Fremma and I were just discussing which of us would have you first."

  Without warning, Dar whirled toward her at the same instant that Fremma began his flight down the stairs. Chelan shrieked and began running toward the workout area. But Fremma caught her within two strides and brought her down to the floor with him. Then, as suddenly as he had grabbed her, he released her.

  Chelan was laughing. "So! You two are animals after all! I knew it was only a matter of time before your true colors shone through!" She reached for Fremma's hand as he helped her to her feet. As he turned from her, Chelan seized her opportunity. She let fly with her hand, cuffing him squarely across the back of the head.

  Fremma cringed. "I see you haven't taught her any manners yet!"

  Dar struggled to contain his laughter. "I thought that was your department."

  "You two are sick and demented," Chelan retorted as she smoothed her gown.

  Fremma glanced at Dar. "I believe we have just been maligned, my Lord."

  "It would appear so, my good man. If I didn't know better, I would venture that she was asking for a little light punishment."

  Chelan's mouth gaped. Dar grinned, but then beckoned to her. "Come over here, Chelan. I'll give you your tour, without the spanking."

  Fremma's eyes gleamed as she approached them both cautiously. "Mind if I sit in?" he asked, looking up at the main screen as it flickered to life.

  "Not at all," replied Dar. "You can help with the commentary."

  Chelan stood by them, still wary. "How come I get left for days on end by you two, and now today, I end up with both of you? I suppose that after this I won't see either of you for months," she teased.

  Fremma turned to her, spontaneously sweeping her off her feet as he started up the Command Center stairs. "Oh, come on now. We wouldn't leave you that long. Two weeks, possibly three at the most."

  Chelan clung tightly to his neck. "Sometimes I wonder if it will indeed be that long, you thug."

  Fremma sat her down gently beside him on one of the stairs. "Oh, I'm a thug now, am I? I really should put you over my knee and—"

  "Okay, you two," Dar
interrupted, smiling. "We'll each have a go at her after the tour."

  Chelan blanched.

  Fremma shrugged. "Suits me."

  Chelan slapped Fremma on the shoulder just as he put her in a bear hug.

  "Hey! Kids!" Dar shouted. He picked up a control mechanism and then tossed Fremma two of the delicate Sana fruit. The warrior released Chelan and deftly snatched them from the air unscathed. He passed one to Chelan.

  Dar joined them, sitting up a couple of steps behind Chelan. She looked back at him and grinned impishly.

  Dar chuckled and shook his head at her with wonderment. Then he nodded to the main screen. "Okay, if memory serves me correctly, last time we covered the Bridge and the engine room. Where do you want to start today?"

  Chelan tilted her head back and looked up into his azure eyes. "How about with some statistics on this thing, like how big she is over all."

  Dar took a bite of his fruit. "Okay, in what units of measurement?"

  Chelan smiled mischievously. "How about telling me how long she is in football fields?"

  Fremma nearly choked on his fruit. Dar's face registered confusion. He hesitated, looking to Fremma. "Football fields? What's a football field?"

  Chelan swiveled around. "Are you kidding? Everybody knows what a football field is. When someone wants to know how long something is, you tell them how many football fields it could hold."

  Dar raised his brows at Fremma, who was staring at the floor between his knees and chuckling to himself.


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