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RIBUS 7 Page 63

by Shae Mills

  "Yes, my Lady?"

  "I wish..." She stopped as she reworded her request. "I need you to disrobe for me, please."

  "As you wish, my Lady."

  Her eyes grew wide as he unquestioningly began to remove his shroud.

  His gaze was riveted to her as he swung it from his colossal body and laid it on the bed. Then he removed his guns.

  Chelan took several more deep breaths, trying desperately to control her trembling. Lazen straightened himself, removed his gloves, and then began opening his jacket.

  "Does it bother you to follow my request, knowing that Korba is just outside?" she asked guardedly.

  Lazen stopped momentarily. "My Commander's orders were to rouse you from your sleep, my Lady, and I have done that. Without further orders from him, I am free to follow the orders of his mate as long as they are not antagonistic to his well-being."

  Lazen finished shedding his jacket and then knelt. He withdrew all four knives slowly and laid them upon the floor. Then he removed his boots.

  "How do you know if what I will request next is not in his best interest?"

  Lazen looked up at her. "I do not. But I assume that any woman Korba has chosen as worthy of him would not order me to do anything that would hurt him mentally or physically."

  Lazen stood. Chelan's eyes met his unwavering gaze as he slipped out of his military pants, standing fully naked before her.

  "I await your next request, my Lady," he said almost graciously as he nodded to her in respect.

  Chelan was astonished, the killing machine before her acquiescing to her every whim. She cleared her throat. "Would you please kneel before me and pass one of your knives to me?"

  Lazen immediately knelt. Then he selected one of his combat knives and presented it to her, bowing his head in reverence.

  She stepped up to him and took it carefully. She watched him, his body rock-still as he awaited his fate absolutely. A shiver overtook her, the thrust of Korba's lesson lancing though her psyche. Then she wilted to the floor in front of the warrior, the hilt of the shimmering blue blade held tightly in her hand.

  Lazen looked to her, his eyes full of concern. "Are you all right, my Lady?" he asked softly.

  "Don't you want to know what I intend to do with the blade, Lazen?" she whispered.

  "No, my Lady. I only hope that your intentions for it are with me, for I will not allow you to harm yourself. Korba's orders were that I was to protect you as I would him, and I would rather die than see harm come to you."

  Chelan shook her head. She moved to her knees and then shuffled up to him. "But what if I were to maim you in some way, Lazen? Would you not attempt to stop me?"

  The warrior saw her internal struggle pitted against her inherent gentleness. "I would only hope," he began quietly, "that your reasons for cutting me were justifiable in your own mind even though I might not understand them." He hesitated. "No, I would not stop you, my Lady."

  Chelan exhaled sharply. She reached out and touched his cheek tenderly. She studied the huge man before her once more, his muscular frame hunched, every fiber in his body presented to her in unquestioning acceptance. He, too, was born and bred to kill, yet he would permit her to do with him as she pleased, no matter what her choice or no matter what the harm to him, simply because she was Korba's mate.

  Suddenly, Chelan looked beyond Lazen and witnessed Dar's measured approach. He stopped just short of her and spoke softly. "Korba wishes to speak to you, my Lady." He hesitated, his heartbeat faltering as he looked at her weary face. "I'll explain everything to Lazen," he added quietly.

  Chelan's eyes slowly drifted back to Lazen's bowed head. She swallowed hard as she presented him with his knife.

  Lazen looked at her, taking the weapon gently from her hand.

  "I'm sorry, Lazen," she uttered. "Forgive me for what I have done."

  "There is nothing to forgive, my Lady."

  Chelan rose with fluid grace and straightened herself, regaining her equanimity. She walked past Lazen and started toward the Command Center, but Dar caught her arm and turned her to him. "This was a harsh lesson, Chelan. But he never makes any decision heedlessly."

  Chelan looked into Dar's intense eyes. His hand brushed her pink cheek. "This decision took a heavy toll on him, my Lady. Please consider your words and actions carefully."

  Chelan suddenly softened. "I will," she whispered. She stretched up and kissed his lips gently.

  Dar closed his eyes and lowered his head. His love for her was splitting him to his very soul, and he released her reluctantly, returning her yet again to Korba.

  Chelan stopped at the entrance to the Command Center and looked at the back of her ebony Warlord. She proceeded slowly down the stairs and stopped just short of him. She was not at all sure what she was going to say, but as she watched him she realized that he was finding it just as difficult to face her.

  She took a deep breath and looked to the floor. "My Lord," she began, the use of his formal title seeming to fit the strained atmosphere. "I am once again having trouble with your unfamiliar ways, your alien culture and its expectations. I hope that you will find it in your heart to have patience with me while I learn... and adjust."

  His body was unmoving, and she looked to the floor again. "I know that I am bright, and I know from what I have been told many times that I am beautiful..." She paused, not at all accustomed to betraying her modesty. "But your perfect people unwittingly make me feel inadequate and inferior. I understand now that those who know me for who I am see me as worthy of you, and I am flattered."

  Chelan wavered, waging a futile battle against defiant tears. She took another deep breath and brushed her cheeks quickly. "And in the future, I will try my hardest to be your compliment rather than your subordinate."

  She looked to the ceiling, steeling herself. "I will deal with my unfounded fears, my Lord, and eventually I will overcome them, and I will become worthy of you. I will not shame you in public or diminish you in any way while in your presence."

  She glanced at him as he straightened, and she faltered. Her voice became a whisper. "I only ask that you tolerate my adjustment period to your differences, to your people, and..."

  Her throat was burning with the pain of dampened cries. Her voice was nearly inaudible. "And... I would wish that despite my shortcomings..." She took a shaky breath. "that you do not turn me from your side... or your bed."

  Korba turned to her. But before he could respond, she whirled about and floated up the stairs, disappearing into his chambers and leaving his heart in shambles.

  Chelan garnered her fortitude as she approached the two men. Lazen was making final adjustments to his shroud, and she stood before him. "I trust Dar has explained all?" she asked as calmly as she could manage.

  "Yes, my Lady," came the gentle reply. "And there is no need for forgiveness. You did me no injustice by your act."

  Chelan looked up into his compelling eyes. "I thank you, Lazen. You inadvertently taught me a very valuable lesson."

  Lazen smiled, his eyes darting to Dar's, and back. "If I may say so, my Lady, I wish to attempt to dispel some fears of my people that you may have. Even though we may look at you by Korba's side with initial disbelief, the entire Empire is more than aware of Korba's strength and power, his credibility, and his good judgment. He has never failed his people or the Empire, either in his service or by his personal decisions." Lazen's lip twitched. "Guild aside, of course."

  Chelan actually smiled at the lighthearted remark.

  Lazen continued. "Therefore, we know that by his choice in you, you are both worthy of one another and worthy of the Empire."

  Lazen looked deeply into her eyes. "Korba simply does not make poor choices, my Lady, and from what I have seen thus far"—Lazen looked boldly at Dar—"I can safely say that neither does Dar. And never in the history of the Empire have two Warlords ever been wrong about the same thing or the same person."

  Chelan was speechless. She watched as he took her delicate h
and and kissed it gently. Nodding to her and then to Dar, he slipped past them and took his leave.

  Chelan looked up at Dar, her hand temporarily still outstretched. "Will you help me prepare for the Koll?" she whispered.

  Dar smiled impassively and nodded to her. "I'm at your disposal, my Lady. Anything you wish to know or do, just ask."

  Chelan nodded. "What do I wear?" she asked quietly. "I want it to be special, something that will take Korba's breath away."

  "I have done many things in my career, Chelan, but being a woman's wardrobe consultant has never been one of them."

  "No, that's not what I mean." she corrected. "Tell me what kinds of things your women wear to special occasions like this. What type of gowns, and what colors?"

  "Well, most of our people simply wear their uniforms. Some women do wear gowns, and most of them look something like yours, only a little fuller, like the one Marri wore the other day."

  Chelan squinted at him. "Are all the gowns white?"

  Dar thought for a moment, and then suddenly became aware of the lack of color in the women's apparel, not to mention the men's. "It's almost always been white." He shrugged. "No particular reason, outside of practicality, and maybe the highlighting of our bronze skin."

  Chelan ran her hands down her gown. "This fabric, can it be dyed?" she asked excitement edging into her voice.

  "I don't know," he replied truthfully.

  "Who makes your garments?"

  "Men and women of the crew who are also experienced tailors can. But most items are simply mass-produced."

  "May I be privy to one of them, preferably a man, who can help me with the materials?"

  Dar looked deep into her soft eyes. "This is RIBUS 7. I should ask Kor—"

  "No," Chelan blurted, trying to keep her voice down. "You have the command right now," she pleaded. "Please order one in confidence. I will meet him in Fremma's quarters. Please," she begged, "without Korba's knowledge."

  Dar knew he could not resist her. She asked for so little, and besides, he was consumed by curiosity. He wanted to see what the beautiful alien could come up with, and he had no doubt that it would be nothing short of spectacular.

  "Tomorrow morning," he said quietly, a slight smile quirking his lips, "Korba and I will be at a military meeting. I will have one of the best tailors briefed and sent to Fremma's quarters."

  Chelan was beside herself with happiness once again, and she threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you," she breathed. She turned to leave but found herself locked in place by his embrace.

  Chelan's smile waned as she looked into Dar's face. "I love you, Chelan," he whispered huskily, his eyes searching hers. "If Korba ever turns you from his side, or his bed, I will not turn you from mine."

  Chelan felt an uncontrollable stirring within her at this blonde god that she was so familiar with; their intimate moments together flooded into her mind. "I love you, too, Dar. And I will not forget your offer."

  Dar still did not release her. "After the Koll... there will be no others."

  Chelan touched his lips with her fingers, silencing him. "No," she uttered, shaking her head. "You said your ways could work for or against me, but my ways only work against you. Do not forgo your pleasures for me, Dar. It would not be right."

  "What is right," he replied lustfully, "is what feels right, not only to the loins, but to the heart. Only you feel right to me, Chelan, and my decision is not a sacrifice. It is a reward, a reward for the hope that I hold out for, the hope that someday you will come to me, even if it is for a fleeting moment. I would abstain forever, Chelan, to taste of you just once."

  Chelan exhaled sharply, confusion reigning. But she could not help submitting to her immediate impulse, and she raised her lips to his, kissing him gently.

  But Dar responded explosively, his body melding into hers, his shroud enveloping her. His kiss was hard and fervid, his hands surrounding her shapely bottom and crushing her to him. Then he reached for her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her neck to him. He ran his tongue over her jaw and then bit into her neck, a feral growl erupting from deep within his chest.

  Chelan moaned, dazed by Dar's incautious sexual advance. He backed her up against the wall, one hand grasping her breast aggressively, his fingers squeezing her nipple. She was thunderstruck. Her world was reeling out of control, and Korba was right outside.

  Chelan quaked at his intensity, his urgency readily apparent in the hardness pressed against her. His hands once again surrounded her, raising her gown and lifting her effortlessly off the floor. He spread her legs apart with his body, his hands supporting her under her thighs. Chelan gasped, remembering how quickly and easily Korba had entered her, and she pushed against him frantically. Her eyes were wide with fear, for whom she was not sure. Then she felt his hand reach for himself, and she knew what was next. "No," she cried in a hoarse whisper.

  Dar halted instantly, collecting himself, the heat of his passion cooling just below its feverish pitch. He kept her pressed to the wall, his breath hot on her neck. "I must return to my command," he rumbled. He released her slowly, her feet finally touching the ground. His hands slid up her trembling body, raising her arms and pinning her hands above her head. He moved his mouth to hers, kissing her hard first, then tenderly. Suddenly, he released her. Stepping back, he turned to leave.

  Chelan's legs threatened to give way. "Dar," she called, halting his departure.

  He turned to her, his glowing azure eyes urging her to finish.

  She bit her lip. "Some day," she whispered, holding her trembling fingertips to her mouth.

  She saw him smile slyly, and his eyes began to burn with a renewed blue flame. He nodded to her and left.

  Chelan's knees buckled, and she slumped to the floor. She clutched at her head, still in shock at how quickly he had almost taken her. She remained still until she felt the flush to her skin receding and her world quit spinning. Then slowly, she rose, straightening her gown and corralling her flayed emotions.

  Collecting herself completely, she walked out into the Command Center, but it was empty. She needed Korba, and she went in search of him in the workout area. There she was not denied. She found him on his back, his bare chest gleaming with moisture as his powerful arms pressed unbelievable weights above his contorted face.

  Chelan stood quietly as she watched his muscular body respond to the demands he made of it. She was mesmerized by his strength, his splendid masculine form laboring. Then she approached him, her heart swelling. She stood by him as he completed one final thrust and then laid the weight to rest. He remained still, looking at her, his eyes aglow.

  Chelan fought her need to avert her gaze. Korba rose to a sitting position, swinging one leg over the bench as he faced her. He reached for her hand, and he pulled her to him. Chelan immediately went to her knees between his thighs and reached up to his handsome face. She touched him tenderly and held her breath.

  Korba soaked in her beauty, and his hands moved to her slender shoulders, his vision beholding her. "I spoke hastily, my love," he whispered, his heart aching. "I would never turn you from either from my side... or my bed."

  Chelan flushed, flashes of her encounter with Dar intruding. She hesitated, wondering if Korba could sense what had just occurred, but he showed no signs. "I know," she whispered. She reached for his knives one at a time and placed them on the floor. He removed his boots and then stood and shed his uniform pants. He reached for her and lifted her to her feet before him. Then with one indulgent movement, he relieved her of her gown.

  He clasped her face and kissed her lips ever so faintly. "I love you so much, Chelan. If I could wish it, I would never let you out of my sight. I never want to hurt you again. And I could never bear to lose you."

  Chelan held onto his forearms. She rose onto her toes and returned his soft kisses. "And I love you, my Lord. I never want to let you go... and I never want to lose you. I want to be all for you, to make you happy, and to make you proud."
She felt one of his hands slide down her back, and he pressed her tightly into him, his heavy erection electrifying her. She clutched his long hair and drew his mouth down on hers, hard. She shuddered as he began to consume her, his firm lips taking her, his tongue tasting her, probing her.

  Then he grasped her hair, knotting it around his fingers and drawing her head back. He hunched over her and licked her neck in long indulgent strokes, nipping at her jaw and trailing kisses to her ear. He was beside himself with desire, his need kindled further by the smell of Dar about her. He wanted to suck the blonde Warlord's scent from her body and replace it with his own, marking her as his, branding her forever.

  Chelan could feel his intensity, but she was powerless in his vise-like grip. He housed a carnal strength she never dreamed existed. He was a sexual beast driven by hunger, and she was his willing prey.

  Korba finally straightened and looked down at her, his fingers still entangled in her hair, her neck exposed. Chelan saw the fire in his eyes, and her knees weakened. Then she felt his hand slip from her back and glide over her abdomen and into her feminine folds. She cried out and closed her eyes as he delved into her once and then withdrew.

  She looked to him, and her breathing caught as she watched him taste her essence, scenting her. Then she held very still, the look on his features that of pure predation. He splayed his moist fingers over her neck and slid his hand down to her chest. He clasped her breast, kneading her deeply before seizing her nipple.

  Chelan tried to reach for his engorged penis, but he drew her back from him just enough so she could not touch. He began to pull and twist her swollen tip, and she felt a rush of wetness coat her inner thighs.

  His lip quirked with satisfaction as he continued to fondle her pebbled flesh, and Chelan thought she was going to collapse. Then suddenly, his hands surrounded her bottom, and he lifted her to him, sliding her up his body. Her hands flew to his shoulders for support as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her long nails raking over his muscles. His breath was hot on her neck as he supported her as easily as he would a feather. Then he bit into her as he tilted his pelvis and sheathed himself to her core.


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