Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3)

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Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3) Page 1

by Christine Murphy

  An eRedSage Publishing Publication

  This book is a work of complete fiction. Any names, places, incidents, characters are products of the author’s imagination and creativity or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is fully coincidental.

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  Red Sage Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 4844 Seminole, FL 33775

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  Sphinx Transformed

  An eRed Sage Publication All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013

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  ISBN: 9781603108577; 1603108572 Sphinx Transformed eBook version

  Published by arrangement with the authors and copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

  Sphinx Transformed © 2014 by Christine Murphy

  Cover © 2014 by Lacey Savage

  Printed in the U.S.A.

  ebook layout and conversion by jimandzetta.com

  Sphinx Transformed


  By Christine Murphy


  Come join me once again in the domain of the Sphinx Warriors, protectors of the Earth, and the women who bring out their need, passion and love, giving them purpose beyond their destined role as Warrior. The sizzling third book in the Sphinx Warrior Series dives right into the action shortly after Alexandria has been taken from her Sphinx family for Turin’s evil plans. Joshua is beside himself and determined to get her back, realizing she has been more to him than just the Sphinx Leader’s sister he’s protected since becoming a Sphinx Warrior. Once Alexandria is recovered, he will not stop until she is his no matter what she has become. Of course, Alexandria has loved Joshua all her life and has always wanted to be his. Please join me in the next chapter in the world of the Sphinx Warriors, Sphinx Transformed, where Joshua and Alexandria will fight for their lives, their love,and the never ending battle against an enemy that seeks to destroy them. Their skills as a Healer, a Warrior, and Sphinx will be a deadly combination against the Wraith. Be a part of their dedication and love and delve into the world of the Sphinx Warrior.


  Joshua and Alexandria have been close for years, but with her return, Joshua wants to take it to the next level, and the physical attraction shoots off the scales. With the unique traits inserted into Alexandria’s DNA, her sexual drive will make her aggressive and Joshua is more than willing to give in. Her very purr can bring him over the edge of his control and he in turn will bring her to heights of ecstasy even in Sphinx fashion on all fours. Enjoy!


  Drake Dimension in the 13th Universe – Dungeon of the Wraith Stronghold – Present Day

  “Alexandria, give us your Power, your Life Force,” hissed the ever-present Wraith.

  Gray-skinned, lanky-haired creatures with vicious claws and teeth meant for tearing and destroying the unsuspecting victim, their very touch would take the life from a person and leave behind nothing but an empty husk. The Wraith had no mercy, no conscience. They would simply descend on a world through a Dimensional Gate and destroy every living soul on the planet until there was nothing left. The only ones who could stop them were the Sphinx Warriors. Ancient men who had vowed long ago to protect the Earth and all of its inhabitants and who were Alexandria’s family. She missed them desperately.

  Pressing her hands harder against her ears, Alexandria sat curled in the farthest corner of her cell out of their reach trying to ignore their whispered taunts and threats. She could hear but not see them in the dark, dank prison where she had been brought after her abduction from her home. Her home was in the Genetic Research Complex where the Egyptians and her Sphinx family lived in Yuma, Arizona and whom she might never see again.

  She quietly sobbed in misery and tried to get comfortable on the rough damp floor. No matter how hard she tried, each movement caused sharp pains throughout her body. When she brought her knees up closer to try to conserve her body heat, a sharp crack sounded in her lower back. She bit down hard on her lower lip in an attempt not to cry out and ended up drawing blood. Her body felt icy on the surface and on fire deep inside. Every muscle was stretched to the maximum and her bones continued to crack and pop. Frustrated, she wanted to reach out and destroy something, but all she could do was take the pain of her mutating body.

  Yes, Turin, half Wraith, half Sphinx, and Wraith leader had done this to her. His knowledge of science and technology had given him the ability to experiment with genetics and inject her with some type of genetic cocktail. Another wave of mutation hit her and she braced herself while her muscles continued to spasm and her eyes to burn as if they were on fire. She realized this was even worse for her mentally because she was a doctor and a Power Healer and understood the implications of what Turin was doing to her. If she survived the changes happening to her, she wouldn’t be the Sphinx Alexandria anymore. She would be one of Turin’s Wraith-like creatures.

  “Ancients help me,” she whispered in anguish.

  She knew it was too late for her now and prayed the Sphinx Warriors wouldn’t find her. She couldn’t be saved and she didn’t want them to see her like this. Especially not her brother, Michael, and definitely not her lifelong protector and love, Joshua. He would be crushed, shattered seeing her like this. He had never left her side in all of the long years even when her own abilities had started to fail at an early age. She loved the Warrior with all of her heart even though he had repressed his own feelings for her. Still she knew he loved her because he would go to the ends of the Earth to protect her.

  “Oh, Joshua, I’m so sorry.”

  The words barely left her lips when she heard the deep wicked laugh. Alexandria drew in a rough breath and pushed further into the corner curling even tighter into a ball. Even the Wraith who had so mercilessly taunted her grew deathly silent. It was Turin and he was evil incarnate.

  “Come out, come out, my sweet Alexandria. You can’t hide from me.”

  Shivering violently, she would have done more than hide if she had had the strength. She would have run fast and in any direction to escape him. All she could do though was sit and listen to his slow dragging gate approach her cage and the jangle of the ring of keys he carried. She could barely make out his outline when he reached the door and knew there was no escape from him.

  Watching in dread, she followed his slow movement into the cell and tried to crawl away from him when he approached her corner. She knew he would touch her with his malformed hands and his decaying scent would surround her making her gag. The stench in the dungeon was bad enough but his presence made it a whole other level of hell.

  “No you don’t, my sweet.”

  Turin grabbed her arm in a tight punishing grip. The man looked like he was on death’s door with his completely black eyes and emaciated body, but his Power was strong and deadly. Alexandria knew he could draw the very Life Power out of a person if he wanted to with just his touch but somehow she had realized shortly after her abduction she had some type of immunity against it, but she had learned that he could still injure her with his brutality.

  Turin grabbed her hair and yanked her up into a standing position, his putrid breath washing over her face. Jerked upright against him, Alexandria felt her hip pop out of the socket and almost blacked out from the agony. She swallowed hard trying to ignore his stench and the pain, afraid sh
e would go into another round of dry heaves.

  Yanking her hair back, he grabbed her chin jerking back and forth to inspect her.

  “Yes, yes. You’re coming out perfectly. It shouldn’t be much longer now. The Wraith genes I’ve inserted into your DNA are integrating nicely. You’ll have more height and strength than you ever had as a puny Sphinx doctor. Still, the eyes aren’t perfect, but they’ll be close.”

  She spit at him when what was left of her Sphinx side reared its feline fury at him.

  “I’ll rip my eyes out before I allow you to take away my Sphinx heritage”, she growled.

  Turin viciously punched her in the stomach and Alexandria doubled over in pain unable to breathe. Not letting her recover from his abuse, he grabbed her by the hair and spun her around so she faced away from him. He grabbed her roughly around the throat with one clawed hand digging in with his nails.

  “You’ll do no such thing. You’re mine and you’ll be the most perfect mixed breed Wraith ever. We’ll make an undefeatable army and you’ll use your abilities to open the Gate for me at will. Soon I’ll have you tamed and the Sphinx feline within you will be nothing. Now that the Wraith genetics have stabilized, it’s time to suppress the Sphinx side of you.”

  “No! Let go of me.” Alexandria struggled against him with all her might, but she was too weak. The only thing she ended up doing was snapping more bones out of place since her muscles and tendons were loose with the changing.

  Turin didn’t even appear to notice her attempt to escape him. He easily held her by the throat against him with one hand and uncapped a syringe with the other. She tried kicking at his knees but it only infuriated him and he forcefully jabbed the needle into her neck all the way to the base. He twisted it for good measure and then forced the entire syringe full of fluid into the muscle.

  Alexandria gasped when the stinging liquid entered her system. She grabbed at her neck trying to stop the spread of the burning fluid. Turin simply laughed at her and threw her to the ground. The impact didn’t help her already abused body.

  “That’s right. Feel the burn go through you. Soon your Sphinx will be nothing and you’ll be tame and malleable for me to train for your new position as a deadly Wraith Warrior. Then you’ll return with me to the staging cavern and you will be my messenger of death for your leader brother.”

  “Never!” Alexandria screamed. “I’ll never harm my brother. You can’t force me to. I’ll kill you first!”

  The man was truly insane. She watched him raise his arms and face to the ceiling and had no choice but to listen to his mad rambling.

  Her denials did nothing and he laughed down at her. He kicked her out of his way when she grabbed at his leg. Curling up in a ball on the floor, she could only watch him leave her cell until he disappeared into the darkness beyond.

  Already she could feel the genetic concoction take its toll on her. The icy coldness in her veins spread and her inner Sphinx growled and hissed trying to escape the dark tendrils of destruction. How can I survive this? She didn’t know how, especially if her Sphinx was taken away from her. In fear, she lay violently shivering on the ground while the cold spread and the inner heat of her Life Force died.

  “Oh, Joshua. I wish you were here.”

  But it could never be. She would never see him again and if she did, he would have to destroy her. She prayed he would have the strength to do so, otherwise, she would be the instrument of her brother’s death if Turin had his way. Full convulsions started to take over her body, and she prayed to the Ancients for them to let her die.

  Chapter One

  Yuma, Arizona Desert – Underground Genetics Research Complex/Area 46 – Present Day

  The insistent never-ending banging on his door just wouldn’t stop. He swore the door was going to come off its hinges any moment now from the Warrior who just wouldn’t leave him alone.

  “Come on Joshua, get your ass up. Everyone’s going to the planning room, man.” The muffled shout came from Hunter who was standing right outside the door.

  Flipping off the unseen Warrior, Joshua rolled over in his king-sized bed, punched one of his four pillows and tried to get comfortable. He just wanted to be left alone and sulk in peace. He knew at heart he was being a prick to everyone but he just didn’t care. Ever since Alexandria had been abducted, the only thing that mattered to him was finding her and bringing her back from the clutches of Turin and the Wraith.

  Just thinking about her and what Turin could be doing to her made him furious and a bit desperate. His inner Sphinx, reflecting his turmoil came to the surface and Joshua growled loudly. He was truly pissed at everyone and himself. Alexandria should have been safe and still with him. It was his personal responsibility, which he had taken on centuries ago, to keep her safe and protected.

  He had watched her grow from a child to a teenager and then to a young woman. She had tempted him left and right with her beauty and kindness and broke his heart when she used her abilities to the point they had failed her. She had given everything for him and the Warriors to make sure they had the strength to fight against the Wraith and become weak and vulnerable.

  Although he had wanted to be so much more to her, he had kept his distance interacting with her as a mentor, a friend, and a protector in respect for his leader, Khenti Michael. Alexandria was Michael’s sister and he just couldn’t let himself cross the boundaries into a more serious relationship with her. Being close to her was exactly what he had wanted for a long time now. Yes, he was in trouble, crumbling on the inside, being torn to pieces. He shoved his face into the pillow trying to make his spinning thoughts just stop.

  “Damn it, Joshua. What the hell?” Hunter was definitely losing his patience with him but Joshua still didn’t care.

  Joshua sat up in the bed throwing the pillow across the room. “Ancients be damned! Why can’t you just leave me alone and fuck the hell off.”

  Even through the door, Joshua could hear Hunter’s exasperated sigh.

  “Look. Khenti Michael has ordered everyone to the planning room. I’m exhausted too, but what choice do we have.”

  Running his hands over his face, Joshua knew Hunter was right. Once again, he was taking his frustration out on a good friend. He flung the blankets back and tossed his legs over the edge of the bed. He stood up slowly realizing he was still tired and hungry as hell. Striding over to the door, he grabbed the knob and jerked the door open.

  Hunter stood right outside the door looking aggravated and extremely exhausted. His brother in arms looked like he felt. Hunter was pale with circles under his eyes, giving evidence of how many battles they had had to fight since the Dimensional Gate opened back up again. The thought just pissed him off all the more. It had been two months of panic and frustration while he waited for anything from the Gate and to be able to try and find Alexandria. Now the damn thing was opening every night for the past two weeks with no reprieve to the fighting and there was still no sign of her or Turin.

  Joshua leaned against the door expecting Hunter to fall over any moment. “You look like hell.”

  “Fuck you, man.” Hunter shoved past him and entered his room in one stride. “And please put some clothes on that gnarly ass. Have you even showered or just been sitting around in this trashed room throwing an attitude? You need to get your act together.”

  Looking around his room, Joshua realized his living quarters really did look trashed. Amazing to him since he’d chosen the smallest of the rooms and didn’t have a whole lot to mess up. The arrangement worked for him, though, with its basics. A king-sized bed with brown sheets and blankets, a wooden oak dresser, a brown leather recliner, and one large inset closet containing all his clothes, weapons, and other miscellaneous items. The only other room was the bathroom, which was just as simple like the rest of his personal space.

  “You’re right, Hunter. I need to get my act together.” He ran his hands through his shoulder-length hair.

  “Sorry, for unloading my attitude on you.” He w
alked towards the bathroom slapping Hunter on the shoulder when he passed him.

  “No worries. We all have our issues. Speaking of, how’s your Life Power?”

  Joshua could hear the hesitance in Hunter’s voice. Everyone knew how sensitive he was about his Power and the sudden onset of his lack of control over it since Alexandria had been taken.

  At first, he didn’t say anything, just went into the bathroom to the white porcelain sink and cranked on the silver knobs. He shoved his cupped hands under the water and splashed the cool liquid over his head and face. Grabbing a towel, he dried his hair and face and then dared to look at his reflection. Yeah, I look like hell too. It hurt just to look at himself. His strawberry blond hair was tangled; his bluish silver eyes bloodshot, and visible bruises and cuts still marred his tan skin. It was a bad sign his wounds weren’t healing. Not being able to heal quickly meant his Life Power was dangerously low.

  “Low and fucked up,” He called out to Hunter.

  Not bothering to be neat about it since the Egyptians cleaned his room anyway when he wasn’t in, he tossed the towel on the floor. Sauntering back into his room and over to his closet, he saw Hunter had sprawled out in his large recliner. The man looked completely laid back, but he knew Hunter, like all Sphinx Warriors, could be up and at your throat in less than a heartbeat.

  Opening up the double doors of the closet, he stepped into the large walk-in. He grabbed a pair of black fatigues and a black t-shirt off the hangers and pulled them on. Reaching down he retrieved a pair of black military boots near the back of his closet and his protective micro-chain mail gear. It did wonders for protecting a person’s hide from sharp claws and weapons but not from the touch of a Wraith. One touch and the creatures could draw every bit of life out of person.


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