Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3)

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Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3) Page 17

by Christine Murphy

  “Ready?” When both women nodded to him he began the ancient pledge, “Power Keeper, I Joshua, marked by the Wolf and called in the old tongue, Khel, do ask for the gift of Life Power. May the Transference make me whole and give me the strength for the battle to come.”

  With the completion of the pledge, Stormy began to pull Life Power from the living things around her. Joshua watched the glittering energy flow toward her and pool beneath her feet. Right when the Power touched her, she started to flinch but stopped when Alexandria’s Power wove with the incoming energy, slowing it down, evening the energy out. Alexandria’s own energy flowed with the natural form and entered into Stormy. At the same time, Alexandria pulled Life Power into her body from the living things around her. The two women exchanged a pleased glance and Joshua opened the Link with Alexandria to check how it was going.

  No Wraith was detected even with the extra Life Power at the moment which was a relief to Joshua. The process was fascinating to him while he hovered within the energy exchange and saw it first hand as the Power increased inside his Power Keeper. With Alexandria’s intervention, Stormy easily stored the Power to the level necessary for the Transference and in no time her skin glittered and her eyes glowed. When Stormy had enough, she nodded to Joshua and pushed the energy through their joined arms.

  The Life Power was incredible flowing through his body. He leaned his head back closing his eyes and shuddered. The Transference of Life Power from the Power Keeper was an aphrodisiac even if it wasn’t the Warrior’s Mate. All the energy and blood in his system wanted to rush to his groin and he felt bad he would react this way when Alexandria was with him. What would she think of his lack of control?

  Her beautiful voice whispered through his mind. Josh, this is not new to me. I understand the body’s reaction to Life Power which is needed. It’s a part of creation, of love, of passion, of you, and of me. He leaned his forehead against hers just letting the energy flow through him. When the levels had built to a certain point Alexandria pushed her Power into him too. The sensation was incredible with two conduits of powerful energy flowing into him. Stormy raised his Life Power level and any energy his body couldn’t convert which turned into the bluish dionic form, Alexandria stepped in and converted it for him with her Power.

  Stormy finally disengaged the Life Power she was pushing to him and let go of his arm. Joshua encircled Alexandria with both of his arms pulling her in closer. He shuddered against her and whispered for her ears alone. “One day, I’ll push my Life Power into you and make you come apart in my arms. This I swear and promise.” He smiled as her inexperience made her gasp and blush in front of the other Warriors.

  Once Joshua’s Life Power was adjusted to the golden sparkling form, Alexandria regretfully disengaged her Power from him too. He could tell she didn’t want to and that she feared repeating the process with the other Warriors but he would stay with her no matter what.

  With Joshua’s Transference completed, he turned to Stormy and completed the ancient pledge. “Power Keeper, I Joshua, thank thee with the utmost gratitude for the gift of the Life Power that you have bestowed upon me. I pledge my Life and Power Sword in the defense of my Power Keeper, my people, and this world from the evil of the Wraith.”

  Michael interrupted in the process with a quick command, “I know this goes against ceremony, but skip the pledges. We don’t have time. Ethan indicated we have maybe ten minutes at the most.”

  Alexandria checked over Stormy quickly. “You’re doing good. This process is working. Now that Joshua’s done, you can be up front. I’ll monitor from the back and Joshua can monitor me.”

  Stormy giggled. “Sounds kind of kinky to me, but whatever works.”

  A groan and muttered, “Stormy, please, “ from Michael had everyone picking up the pace. Alexandria stepped behind to Stormy’s side, resting one hand over her heart and the other on the center of her back. Joshua pressed himself against Alexandria’s back and put one hand on the back of her neck again and the other around her waist. Ethan stepped up to Stormy forming the Transference grip and the same process was completed with Stormy pulling in Life Power, Alexandria controlling, converting the Power, and healing any additional damage, and the quick push and transfer of energy to the Warrior. As Joshua had been, Ethan was left breathless and stimulated by the Transference. Quickly thanking Stormy for the Life Power, Ethan disengaged and made room for the next Warrior.

  Caleb stepped up looking more than ready for his turn. He was pale from lack of Life Power but his eyes glittered in anticipation of the Transference and the energy. During the two Transferences, Joshua closely monitored Alexandria both through their Link and through his touch. Joshua’s Transference had been completed without incident, but with the following two Warriors and the stress of picking up the pace, Alexandria’s focus was slipping. He felt the stirrings of the Wraith against the suppression and the creature’s fascination over the Life Power passing around it and yet it couldn’t get a taste. The inner Wraith began to shriek in the back of Alexandria’s mind demanding the Power from her. Tempting her with how good the energy would feel. How powerful she would become.

  Joshua tightened his grip when she shook her head against the monster inside of her. The moment the Transference with Caleb was complete, she removed her hands from Stormy. Joshua ran his hand through her hair.

  “Alexandria you can stop.”

  He was concerned when she continued to stare blankly into the distance. Mumbling more to herself than anyone she argued, “No. The Khenti must be protected. Above all else the Khenti must be protected.”

  Alexandria blinked rapidly and shook her head finally acknowledging him. “I can do this. One more time. Michael is even lower than the others. He’ll collapse if he goes to battle.”

  Stormy jerked around facing Michael. “You promised you were okay. I should have known when you continued to keep our Joined connection to a minimum.”

  Guardian Arik stepped in at this point. “Khenti, you must go through the Transference. If this is true and you’re that weak, then you jeopardize yourself and the Warrior’s Link. We’ll make sure Alexandria doesn’t get to you…”

  “Fuck!” Khenti Michael marched right up to Arik getting in his grill. “Don’t you see I’m not worried about my ass. I don’t want Stormy over-extending herself more and I don’t want my sister pushing herself more than she already has, especially with her constant fight with the beast inside of her. I won’t have others hurting themselves for me.”

  Yeah, no one dared demand anything of their Khenti, Joshua thought. He was a force to be reckoned with.

  “Please Michael. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you. It would kill me.” Stormy sounded near tears. She looked back at Alexandria and Joshua felt her nod in support.

  Everyone knew when a man was backed into a corner and had no choice but to choke on a decision that ultimately was out of his control. Joshua felt sorry for his Khenti, knowing how he felt as he slowly approached Stormy with defeat in his eyes. When Michael would’ve spoken his special pledge to Stormy, she placed a finger over his lips.

  “I know.” Was all she said and then she grasped Michael’s arms in the Transference grip.

  With Joshua holding on tight to Alexandria, he moved both of them forward to approach the couple. Alexandria growled in her throat but maintained control. Once by Stormy’s side, Alexandria replaced her hands on the two key locations for monitoring and helping with the Life Power. Joshua held her against him and massaged her neck. The Link with her had dwindled down and he couldn’t re-establish it with her as before. A sure sign she was losing the internal battle. He prayed to the Ancients this didn’t end badly. Even Arik and Hunter must have detected the changes as they flanked each side of her.

  Stormy must have known Alexandria was about out of time because she quickly called to the Life Power firing the energy up through her system. Once again, her skin began to glitter and her eyes to glow. Joshua was proud of Alexandria.
She was incredible with her monitoring and adjustment of the energy so Stormy wouldn’t suffer but she was obviously lost to the surfacing Wraith.

  Even though Joshua couldn’t see her eyes, he knew they would be black, especially the way Hunter was staring at her and moving even closer. When Alexandria let out an ear-piercing shriek and jerked against his hold, he yanked her away from Stormy and Michael. She struggled in his arms and Guardian Arik and Hunter followed closely behind him.

  Joshua snarled at both of them. “I have her. Now back the fuck off and give her some breathing room.” He cocked his head towards Stormy. “Have you checked on our Power Keeper?”

  Stormy called over to him, “I’m fine. Alexandria held in there until I had the Power. Don’t need her for the Transference.”

  With at least some good news, Joshua half walked, half dragged Alexandria away from the group. She was moaning and occasionally a high-pitched sound escaped her lips. He spun her around so she was facing him keeping one arm around her and grabbing her chin with the other. Pushing her face up so he could look into her face, he noted her eyes were tightly shut. “Alexandria, talk to me. Damn it, woman, let me know what’s going on in there. Let me help you.”

  He felt helpless and wanted nothing more than to make everything bad go away for her. To make her the gentle caring woman she once was. Even without the Link open, he could tell she was fighting one hell of an internal battle. Alexandria stood in his arms shaking violently, panting like crazy, and when tears tracked down her face, he felt his own heart break.

  Not expecting it, she completely relaxed in his arms. Her face became peaceful and her grip relaxed on his arms where she had been digging in her nails.

  “Lexi, are you okay?”

  Alexandria’s eyes snapped open and they were as black as the deepest pools of hell. She hissed, “Lexi, mine.”

  Before he could react, she shoved at him with a strength beyond her petite size and spun away. Unbalanced he landed on the ground but was up in less than a second. She was damn fast and with her small head start, Alexandria disappeared into the woods at the edge of the clearing.

  Joshua kicked in his Sphinx speed with nothing but a thought. He had to catch her before she got injured or worse completely taken over by the Wraith. Sending out a warning to his Khenti that he had this, not to interfere, and keep the other Warriors and Guardians at bay…please…he dove into the dense green undergrowth in hot pursuit. He didn’t think he could take it if something happened to her.

  “Alexandria, please don’t do this to me.”

  Chapter Ten

  Joshua careened wildly through the tangled greenery. Vines clung to him, broken branches tried to trip him up, and random wildlife was startled out of his path. He tried to open the shared connection with Alexandria but all he got was blank silence. Frustration warred in his mind and the fear she was too long gone for him to bring her back tore at his heart. Somehow he had to bring her back from the brink of destructiveness the Wraith inside of her would demand.

  Realizing he wasn’t getting anywhere closer to finding her with his wild rampage through the underbrush he stopped and took in a calming breath. He listened closely to the sounds around him but all was quiet. Even the wildlife wasn’t making a sound because either it was all startled away or was hiding from the predator they all detected in their midst.

  Joshua scanned the area around him slowly and methodically using his incredibly keen Sphinx sense of sight. After a couple of passes, he finally detected something white several yards ahead. Quickly but with care, he made his way over to the object on the ground. Stooping down, he grabbed the white material and as he suspected it was Alexandria’s lab coat. Her stethoscope and other medical instruments were still in her pockets and his Alexandria never went anywhere without her healing tools.

  He stood and stared at the ground deciding he was going to have to get Jacob and have him track the Wraith part of her. Tracking Wraith was a unique skill of Jacob’s Power. Before he could turn to back track, he was slammed into so hard he was thrown off his feet and propelled several yards backward. Joshua impacted the ground and the breath was knocked out of him. His momentum didn’t stop until he had slid several feet across the ground. Debris and leaves scattered in every direction and twigs and rocks dug into his back.

  Sprawled on his back it took him a moment to clear his head and realize he was being held down by a very pissed Alexandria. Or at least a Wraith in Alexandria’s body. With the Wraith in control, she had incredible strength similar to when their inner Sphinx took over in rare moments of need. Of course, he had no intention of fighting her at this point and waited to see what the altered Alexandria had in mind.

  He didn’t have to wait long. Slowly Alexandria sniffed at him while she held him down with her nails imbedded in his shoulders. She was straddled over top of him but not completely sitting on his hips. The Wraith persona inside of her was young and inexperienced in hand to hand combat even if it was strong which could give him the edge and control later. He watched her and just lay beneath her with a sort of breathless anticipation. Alexandria leaned down closer to him and he wasn’t sure what she was going to do next. He jumped when she licked the pulse point of his neck causing a fire to light in his system.

  A dark laugh whispered at his ear and Alexandria sat back with a wicked smile on her face. She appeared to be examining him like a bug on a slide and trying to decide what to do with him. Joshua didn’t move or say anything to her which seemed to aggravate the Wraith entity. She reached up yanking at the black stoned Collar around her neck and hissed. “Take off, Warrior. Alexandria mine.”

  The fire burning in him grew hotter and his inner Sphinx started to prowl. He growled back, “Like hell I will. I’ll never let you take my Lexi. She’s mine!”

  Alexandria’s eyes glittered even blacker than before.

  “No! Alexandria mine! You all mine!”

  She dug her nails into the side of his face and pushed his head to the side. Joshua imagined Arik had to have felt the burning sting of her nails when she had scratched him the way it was burning him now. He heard the tear of fabric and the warm air across his shoulder right before the sharp sting of her teeth and the warmth of his blood flowed down his shoulder and chest.

  For himself, he wouldn’t have fought back, but he knew his Alexandria trapped within would have been horrified at treating him this way. He would fight and try not to injure the body which held his beloved. Yet, he was beyond pissed, hadn’t even put the claiming mark on Alexandria, and this creature dared to mark him again with the Claiming Mark.

  As soon as she released her teeth from his shoulder, Joshua grabbed her throat tightly, braced his legs under him, and with one mighty shove and roll, had Alexandria pinned on the ground. She fought like a wild cat but he managed to hold her down with his strength and his weight on top of her.

  He got good and close to her face and ground out, “That’s where you’re wrong. Alexandria is mine and I claim her now and forever. You, Wraith, will be no one’s. Lost forever.”

  With grim determination, he released one of her arms long enough to rip the fabric of her black t-shirt. The Wraith took advantage of the moment and raked his already tattered back with Alexandria’s nails. Muttering a “Fuck!” under his breath, he grabbed the arm and pinned both her hands above her head in one of his. Pushing her head to the side so she wouldn’t bite him again, he paused a moment over her smooth unmarred shoulder. One part of him hated to have to mark her because the action was an old and archaic custom, but the other Sphinx portion of him rejoiced at the thought of his Lexi having his Claiming Mark.

  Whispering his oath to the woman trapped inside of the screeching creature in his arms he vowed, “Lexi, I claim you as mine, now and forever. I pray this brings you back.”

  Joshua kissed her shoulder and then bit down into her tender flesh until he tasted blood in his mouth. Her sweet decadent blood that tasted like sweet cinnamon.

  Holding her down wit
h his teeth, hand, and body, he retrieved the back-up syringe in his side fatigue pants pocket with his other hand. He had started to carry it around with him when he found out she was becoming resistant to the dosage of the suppressant. Quickly popping the cap off the needle, he jabbed the syringe into the side of her neck and depressed the plunger. Joshua hoped he had injected it where the fluid needed to go because he couldn’t see a damn thing. Once the suppressant was in, he jerked out the needle and stabbed the syringe into the ground out of the way.

  Alexandria thrashed under him screeching and trying to buck him off. He released her shoulder from his bite and licked the blood from his lips while the Wraith side of her could still see him. Its dark eyes promised retribution and then faded with the demands of the suppression. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Wraith fade but steeled himself against the torture Alexandria would undergo as she surfaced. Luckily, he had only used the single back up dosage versus a full dose.

  When the shrieking changed into Alexandria’s screams and the vicious thrashing changed to shaking and twitching, Joshua gathered her into his arms. He sat up on the ground balancing her on his lap and scooted back across the rough ground until his back hit the tree. Propped up against the trunk, he just sat there holding his Alexandria and brushing his hand through her hair while she twitched and shook against him. He hated seeing her suffer through the suppression.


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