Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3)

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Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3) Page 20

by Christine Murphy

  Joshua wanted to pummel the man. All the scientific talk was driving him insane.

  “Damn it man, spit it out. Stop talking in medical riddles.”

  “Fuck, Joshua. Just watch. Seeing the process happen will show you more than anything I can tell you.”

  Watching in dread and fascination, Joshua could only wait and observe. His impatience rode him hard but all he could do was sit there waiting for Alexandria to come back to him. The wait didn’t take long as she slowly settled from the thrashing and her body slowed in its phasing. The glittering golden and rainbow colors of her Life Power slowly settled back into her body and finally the phasing stopped.

  Joshua’s heart felt like it stopped in his chest as his world dropped out from under his feet. The Alexandria he knew was no longer there before him and in her place laid a sleek Sphinx feline resembling a medium sized black panther. Slowly the feline raised her head and opened her eyes.

  “Lexi.” Joshua whispered when he met the cat’s dark blue eyes.

  Feeling light headed, he sat down heavily the rest of the way onto the floor. He didn’t know what he had expected. But it wasn’t this. His thoughts spun around and around the fact she was a feline. Would she be this way forever? The idea was incomprehensible to him. He sat there just watching while she looked around, her whiskers twitching taking in the scents of the room. Eventually she yawned, her sharp teeth making an appearance and then she licked at the Sefu Element which was still entwined around her paw.

  Hoping Alexandria was still in there somewhere, he reached out to her through their Link. His Power surged for the connection and flowed around her. He felt her open to him but right before he was able to connect, the door to medical slammed open. The sudden sound startled Alexandria and Joshua was instantly cut off. Alexandria stood arching her back and hissing at whoever had entered.

  Joshua came to his feet, pissed at the newcomers. Seeing who the new arrivals were, he calmed down a bit. Khenti Michael stood just inside the door with Stormy pressed up against his back. She was trying to see around him even though Michael was protectively holding her back. She gasped when she saw Alexandria.

  “Oh my God, she used the anti-gene. Raven came and got us. Is she okay?” Stormy continued to try and work her way around Michael.

  Shaking his head, Joshua would have been amused by her antics if not for the situation. The fact Raven had interfered again ticked him off. He wanted to firmly plant his fist up side Raven’s head.

  Michael had no choice but to advance farther into the clinic since Stormy had dived around him. He looked shaky, seeing his sister in the condition she was in.

  Clearing his throat he asked, “Warren, please tell me Alexandria is going to be okay.”

  Joshua could tell Warren was delaying when he looked at the medical device. Warren knew perfectly well what it said already. Inevitably, Warren had to answer Michael’s question.

  “Khenti, it appears she’ll be alright, but I’m not sure how to get her back into the form we know as Alexandria. I’m not even sure she’s all there mentally.”

  Looking over to the now silent Alexandria, Joshua was glad to see she was settling back down. Another large yawn came from her and she rested her feline head on her crossed paws. Still, she continued to watch them with interest. Joshua prayed that meant she was in there and comprehending what was going on.

  Warren pocketed the monitor and rubbed at his weak arm. “Khenti, I was telling Joshua the anti-gene appeared to have worked. On the positive side there isn’t any remaining Wraith DNA in her. On the negative, her DNA has changed so that she has a purified form of Sphinx DNA.”

  “Damn it. I knew she would be stubborn and try something like this. Is she now going to be in this form…forever?” Stormy held Michael’s hand tightly and brushed her fingertips over his cheek. Joshua could see she was trying to calm Michael.

  Joshua was still shaking from the shock of seeing Alexandria’s phasing and would have liked a bit of calming.

  He looked back to Alexandria so quiet on the floor and stated with conviction, “No, this has to be a protective reaction from the pain and near death experience. I almost had reached her before you came in and I think if I can touch her Life Force, I can guide her back.”

  A new deep voice with a touch of attitude spoke up, “I agree. I remember the lessons taught of the ancient Sphinx and their ability to shape change when in danger.” Raven had joined them and Joshua turned acknowledging his presence with a snarl.

  Fury overcame him. Having no one else to take his anger out on for Alexandria’s condition and that Raven had helped her evade him in her room, Joshua snarled at him. Crossing the room in the blink of an eye, he had Raven pinned up against the wall. He drew back his hand to pummel the man and Raven just looked at him. His brother in arms really wasn’t going to defend himself. The thought had Joshua pausing in his actions.

  “What the hell is going on, Raven?” Joshua asked sensing there was more here to be revealed. Raven wasn’t saying a word though and Joshua pulled his arm back again. Michael stopped him this time and Joshua turned on him with a warning glance.

  Before everything went to hell, Joshua heard Alexandria yowl in her feline voice. The sound was so forlorn, the anger instantly left him. He let go of Raven and walked away from all of them, his only concern was Alexandria. Slowly, he worked his way back until he was right next to her. He sat down on the floor waiting to see what she would do. There was no fear in him whatsoever, only the need to make everything right for her.

  Alexandria inched forward until she could rest her head on his lap and then closed her eyes. Joshua gently placed his hand on her feline head. Her fur was such a luxurious glowing black and was incredibly soft to the touch. It was amazing. He ran his hand back and forth through the fur until she let out a long contented purr. Even closer, she moved to him putting her paws on his leg and more of her weight in his lap. Joshua ran his hand down her side, enjoying the feel of the soft fur.

  Lost to her presence and the vibrations of her purring, he almost forgot the others present in medical. A hand on his shoulder brought him back to his surroundings. He realized it was Michael who quietly spoke to him.

  “Joshua, stay with her. We’ll keep medical clear while you work with her. If anyone can bring her back, it’s you. She trusts you. She loves you.”

  Joshua nodded and continued to run his hand over her sleek feline form. Everyone cleared the room and before the door closed, Warren called back, “We’ll use the Trauma Cell if anything comes up. Don’t worry about being disturbed. There’s no patients right now and I’ll keep everyone out. Good luck, Warrior.”

  The door closed and Joshua was finally able to concentrate fully on Alexandria. Her body was relaxed across his lap and her purring continued. She seemed content and he feared she wouldn’t have a reason to come back to him or if he had the strength to bring her back. He feared his dionic energy was increasing again with his use and Alexandria had been pre-occupied with saving her own life. Not wanting to focus on his health but to save hers, he had refused to let her know about his need.

  He ran a hand through his hair and knew it was time to try and connect with her again. Spiraling up his sluggish Power, he pushed his energy outward and widened their Link. Confusion met him when he touched her energy and slid down their shared connection until he neared her Life Force. The Force which was purely hers always amazed him. She was both beautiful inside and out, no matter what form she was in.

  Feeling Alexandria stir within, he called out to her gently. Lexi, it’s just me, Josh. I won’t hurt you. I promise. Come back to me. I’m right here waiting for you. I miss you and love you so much.

  He sat there with his hands in her dark fur and waited breathlessly for any response from her. When the response finally came, he was light headed and realized he had literally been holding his breath waiting for any kind of recognition from her.

  Josh? Her soft voice surfaced up through the layers of confusion. I
t is you and I know you would never hurt me. You’re my protector and you watch over me. See, you even found me here. Wherever am I? What happened to me? He could hear her panic begin to surface.

  Easy, Lexi. You’re safe. You used the anti-gene on yourself and it was successful. Thank the Ancients, you’re still with me. She moved restlessly on his lap trying to see herself and he grabbed her feline head until her catlike eyes met his. Listen to me, Alexandria. I need you to focus with your healer’s mind not your emotional one right now. I don’t know what to do and I can’t lose you. Do you understand? Without you, I am nothing. Please.

  She stilled and he was sure Alexandria would have nodded if she was able. He reached through the Link and soothed her Power with his. She purred against him, closing her eyes in ecstasy for a moment and allowing her energy to flow back around his giving him the strength he needed.

  His Alexandria was such a clever healer and her love poured into him. Only she would know what to do and what he needed. Her energy flowed from her body even though she was still a feline. Instantly, he felt better and hadn’t even been asking her to take care of him, but being selfless, that was exactly the first thing she did. She hunted down the blue dionic energy within his body and had the Power changed to his normal glittering gold within moments.

  Adjusting her position in his lap, her focus turned inward. He kept a close link to her soothing her with his normalized Power while she worked on her own condition. Internally she appeared to be closely examining her newly formed cells. Her mind was so quick and she was completely entranced with the physical implications of it all. He wanted to be nearer to her thoughts and how she was working out the intricacies of changing back but for some reason she held him at arm’s length. Yes, she basked in his energy but when he wanted to delve even closer, she avoided him. The actions made him suspicious, but he left it alone for now.

  Finally, she turned away from her self-examination and focused inward to her Life Force. Her energy flowed to the center and the Power which began to glow from it grew brighter and brighter. Spinning started at the center and circled faster and faster. Cascading out, the intensity of all her cells lighting up was so bright, he had to back out of the connection.

  Still, watching her physical form and the change was astonishing. The Power inside of her slowly began to surface until her entire body was lit with the glowing energy. Gold permeated her body with underlying glittering rainbow colors. Her feline body blurred for a moment and the intensity became a white hot glow. The glow lasted a few seconds and then slowly faded away until her energy was back inside her and all that was left was a subtle glittering on her skin. Yes, skin and not fur.

  Alexandria looked up from his lap smiling at him and he looked at her gorgeous form. Her long hair cascaded over all the right places so he only caught glimpses of her smooth bottom. When she sat up and held her hands up to examine them, her bare breasts teased him, peeking out from the curtain of her shining midnight hair. By the Ancients, she was more beautiful than a goddess. His goddess that he was going to claim.

  She must have sensed the heat in his glance because she dropped her hands and met his eyes with the same heat and love he felt for her. “I don’t know what I would have done without you, Lexi. My heart would have been torn to shreds. We need to get you covered or I can’t be responsible for what I want to do to you right now. And my inner Sphinx isn’t helping because he knows there’s nothing holding us back now from Joining.” His hands shook from the incredible need to touch her and make sure she was really okay. But he didn’t dare. The heat in him was rising so fast it was an inferno and would burn both of them alive with the desire it contained.

  When Alexandria didn’t seem to be inclined to cover herself and the heat in her eyes bloomed to match his, he swore every bit of the blood in his body went straight to his cock. Now he was the one needing to shed his clothes for the uncomfortable pressure against his engorged erection.

  Breathing heavy, he huskily said, “Be sure about this, Alexandria. There’s no going back.”

  Coming up on her knees she carefully moved closer to him. He pushed up from the floor so he was on his knees as well but didn’t reach out to her. This decision was hers. She stopped so close to him barely a whisper of air could have passed between then but she didn’t touch him yet.

  Her eyes glittered and she whispered, “I’ve been to places which have tortured me, mutated me, made me insane, and left me for dead. Do you think there’s even the slightest chance I would back down and not allow myself be taken to the place with you where I can be surrounded by your touch, your desire, your need, your love. To be Joined with you and be protected forever. I’d understand if you changed your mind about loving me and Joining with me but otherwise you have to be out of your Sphinx mind if you think I wouldn’t dive into the chance of being with you forever.”

  “Lexi, I’ve always loved you. I was an idiot denying what we have always had between us. I want to be with you, to Join with you.”

  Just when the words passed his lips, she closed the gap wrapping her arms around him and crushing her mouth to his. The heat in her body combined with his creating their own personal inferno of Power. His erection throbbed in time to the frantic beat of his heart and the need to be deep inside her. He wanted to go slow with her since this was her first time but the play of her hands down his chest and stomach to the source of his need was killing him. Her hands were nimble while her tongue and teeth played with his lips coaxing him to give in to the desire.

  Still, he held back fearing he would hurt her and wanting to make sure she knew exactly what she was getting herself into with him. He grasped her shoulders pushing her away just enough so she had to look at him.

  “We should make our vows somewhere better than this. I want to take you to heights of passion so you’ll scream my name. You said it yourself, you’ve been through so much and should really think about Joining with me. I’m broken, Alexandria. Dionic.”

  He brushed his hands through her hair making her sigh and lean into him. She kissed the side of his throat and whispered, “Josh, this is the perfect place. The heart of my existence. Healing people and taking care of them means everything to me. It gives me great pleasure to make them whole again. More than anything, I love to touch you and flow through your Power healing you. You’re not broken to me, Josh. You’re amazing every time I flow through your energy becoming one with it. If I couldn’t do that anymore, I think I would die. I need the interaction just as much, if not more, than you.”

  Her words lit him up inside and he knew the decision was already made. In his heart and in hers. Knowing the truth and accepting it was incredibly freeing and he smiled at her. He knew she loved it when he gave her his smile and this time she leaned forward and kissed his dimple.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, gave him a sexy smile back, and purred, “Now Josh, make me scream your name.”

  Alexandria’s purring and the brush of her nude body against his finished breaking the walls down of the remaining resistance he had. Wrapping her long hair around his fist, he pulled her head back and kissed down the column of her throat. She smelled incredible with the sweet scent of cinnamon and he knew she tasted just as good. Just to prove it to himself, he licked the spot over her pulse point. The action must have been more than agreeable to her because she moaned against him.

  The sound fired him up and he was desperate to hear more from her precious lips. But first, he wanted to taste them too. Repositioning her head, he captured her lips in a demanding kiss and she answered back with just as much enthusiasm. Her tongue dueled with his and she nipped and licked as if she was trying to drink him in. By the Ancients, the woman really had a wild Sphinx within her.

  When her hands began to roam, the breath left him in a rush. She didn’t seem to be able to get enough running her hands through his hair, over his shoulders and down his chest. When she reached the bottom of his shirt, she yanked it upward.

  “Off, Joshua.
Please.” She panted.

  More than willing to oblige her, he ripped the shirt off and immediately renewed the steamy kiss. He delved into the warm depths of her mouth, tasting sweet cinnamon while she renewed her exploration. He felt the smoothness of her fingers when she ran them over the muscles of his chest and around his nipples. Smiling against her mouth, he thought two could play, and brushed his hands down her back and to her bottom. Joshua cupped her firm bottom and pushed her up against his manhood. The pressure felt so fucking good, he thought he would come right then.

  Wanting to know everything she liked and how to make her come undone, he started with a slight friction of his erection against her and was rewarded with a half whimper, half purr.

  “That’s it, Lexi. Tell me what you want.”

  She smiled against his lips and he licked her. “I want you, Josh.”

  She nipped at his lips and ran her hands down over his stomach. The sensations she was stirring in him made him feel alive and on fire. But she didn’t stop with touching his stomach. Oh, no. His sweet Lexi wanted more. Her hands were nimble having his fatigues undone and her wandering hand inside them before he could slow her down.

  When she grasped him, tightening her small hand around his manhood, every thought scattered from his brain like leaves in the wind. He shivered, grabbed her hair again, and kissed her over and over. The slide of her hand up and down his cock drove him closer and closer to losing every bit of what little control he had.

  “Fuck, woman. You’re driving me crazy.”

  She smiled against his lips and purred for him. The vibrations spread through his body from the top of his head down to his toes and centered in his groin. He moaned and crushed her harder against him. He couldn’t keep his own hands still and let himself go. Needing to touch her everywhere, he ran his hands all over her smooth skin. Across her smooth back, across her bottom, up her sides. Everywhere. He could feel each delicate rib under her skin and then brushed the underside of her breast. Not stopping there, he caressed the sides, gently over the top, and then over her nipples.


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