The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4)

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The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4) Page 2

by Roseton, Jenn

  “Oh, geez,” he muttered, looking like he could have kicked himself.

  “It’s okay.” She tried to reassure him. “Grandma was great, and so was Dad. But sometimes he worries about me when doesn’t need to. I thought he was okay about me going to Hawaii with my friends but …”

  “You think he made up the threat to stop you going on vacation?”

  “When you put it like that, it sounds crazy.” She was silent for a moment, thinking the idea through, then shook her head. “No, Dad isn’t like that. If he didn’t want me to go, he would have explained exactly why, not pretend he was okay about it and then make up something like this and send me here.”

  “Then we need to find out why he thinks you’re in danger. And why he asked an ex-SEAL to protect you.”


  Ellie stared at him. “You’re a SEAL?”

  “Retired,” he reminded her. He walked over to the phone. “I’ll ring the hospital now and see if I can speak to your father.”

  A couple of minutes later, he hung up the receiver. “I guess you heard most of it.”

  She nodded. “Not allowed visitors yet, in person or on the phone. And when he is, immediate family only.”

  Logan rubbed the back of his neck. “Call every day until you can get through to him. In the meantime, we better take your father’s concern for your safety seriously.”

  “So what should we do now?”

  “Find another way to get the information,” he replied. “What about close friends of your father? Or your uncle?”

  Ellie shook her head. “I already asked Uncle Mark on the flight and he refused to tell me anything. And even if I could get hold of Dad’s friends, they’re either not going to know what I’m talking about, or won’t tell me anything, either.”

  “There’s got to be some way of finding out.” Logan frowned.

  An image of her father’s safe flashed in her mind. She’d been so annoyed at his request to cancel her Hawaiian vacation, and then, last night when she’d received the phone call from the hospital, so concerned about him, that she hadn’t even though that the answer might be in there. But now …

  “There is my father’s safe,” she said slowly.

  His gaze snapped to her face. “That’s a possibility?

  She shrugged. “I can’t think how else I could find out what’s going on.”

  “You mean I could find out.”

  “What?” She stared at him.

  “I’m responsible for your safety. If there’s any investigating going on, I’ll be the one to do it.”

  She suddenly became of how his lean, muscled frame filled out his jeans and shirt. Swallowing, she tried to ignore the fluttering in her belly. She would not let him boss her around.

  “But do you know the combination to the safe?” She arched an eyebrow. “I do.”

  “And that’s why you’re going to give it to me.”

  “Not unless I’m coming with you.” She held her breath.

  “I can’t leave you here on your own.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Hell.”

  A cow mooed, breaking the tense silence. A second cow mooed, then another.

  “I’ve got to finish my chores and feed the livestock. Stay inside until I get back.”

  Resisting the temptation to salute him, Ellie watched him stride out the back door, trying to ignore the way her pulse pounded. Her thoughts ran on a loop. Dad was worried about her safety. So worried the stress contributed to his heart attack? So worried he sent her to stay with a complete stranger who happened to be a retired SEAL?

  Even her uncle was concerned enough to accompany her on the plane to Wyoming. Both her dad and her uncle were pretty high up in their government jobs. It was only when she was a teenager that she discovered her dad worked for the Secret Service.

  Her father had impressed upon her that she shouldn’t tell anyone. If anyone asked, he worked for the government doing something incredibly boring. Since she didn’t have a clue what he actually did, apart from wondering if he did exciting stuff like in the movies, it was easy to accede to his wishes. Over the years she’d come to the conclusion that his job probably was extremely boring which was another reason why he didn’t talk about it. But now …

  She looked out the kitchen window, but all she saw was cows and sky. No Logan. The rural scenery made her fingers itch to sketch and paint it, but she had more important things to think about. Like discovering the real reason she was here.

  An image of her father’s safe accessed through the walk-in pantry in his house, flashed through her mind again. One day she’d surprised him by arriving early for lunch. She’d noted the combination as he hurriedly closed it, and she silently memorized the numbers. Her father had always drummed into her the importance of being vigilant, and now that advice had come in handy.

  She only hoped he hadn’t changed the combination. It had been two years, but she’d made herself remember the combination, in case she ever needed to access the safe in an emergency. But she never imagined she’d be in this kind of situation. Now it looked like her diligence might pay off.

  Ellie picked up her purse and checked how much cash was in her wallet. Enough to last her until she arrived home. She’d sneak out of here, borrow Logan’s SUV, and drive back to the airport.

  She had to find out what was going on, and checking her father’s safe seemed to be the best way to do so.

  At the back door, she paused. Should she write him a note? Although, he’d probably be glad when he found out she’d left. Somehow, she didn’t think babysitting her was one of his favorite things to do.

  She hastily scrawled a short note and left it on the kitchen table. Grabbing the car keys off the hook on the wall, she opened the back door, wincing at the squeaking hinges. Would he hear?

  Her ears strained for footsteps, a movement in the yard, but only silence greeted her. She tiptoed into the yard, spying the garage a short distance away. Ellie peered around, but she couldn’t see Logan anywhere. Cows munched in a field nearby, but apart from a bird trilling a pretty tune, the ranch seemed deserted.

  Power walking to the garage, painted white like the house, she prayed it wasn’t locked. Her fingers gripped the key ring, careful not to let the keys jangle. She didn’t know what the second key was for, but right now she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was jump into the SUV, make her way home, and find out what was going on.

  Ellie tested the garage door before carefully easing it open. It barely made a sound as it slid up on well-oiled hinges. She pulled at the car door, but it was locked. Damn. Now she would have to click the key to unlock it. Wincing at the tiny beep, she wrenched open the door and clambered into the driver’s seat.

  “Not so fast.” An iron grip descended on her arm.

  She jerked her head around. Logan’s hand was wrapped around her arm.


  “We agreed you weren’t to leave the ranch without me.” His eyes narrowed.

  “I need to go home.”

  “No.” His expression was implacable.

  She could feel the corded strength in his grip. He wasn’t hurting her, but his hand on her arm was a subtle reminder that he was taller and stronger than her.

  He pulled the key out of the ignition. “We better go inside.”


  “We’ll talk about it inside.”

  He practically marched her back into the house. He wasn’t touching her any longer, but she knew if she made a run for it, he’d stop her instantly. And where would she run to? She wasn’t fit, and unless she wanted to hop onto the back of a cow, she was stuck on the ranch. Right now, knowing how to hot wire a car would come in handy. Unfortunately, she was too law abiding to possess that skill.

  Logan pulled out a chair for her in the kitchen. “Want to tell me what’s going on?” He loomed over her.

  “Could you sit down?” She didn’t know whether it was his ferocious scowl or the fact that he stood while she sat, but she f
elt at a disadvantage.

  He yanked out the chair next to her. “Now talk.”

  How much should she tell him? All of it? “I just want to get to the bottom of things,” she confessed.

  “So do I, Ellie.” His eyes never left her face. “Why were you trying to steal my car?”

  Her cheeks flooded with heat. “I wasn’t stealing it! I left you a note.” She gestured to the piece of paper in the middle of the table.

  Logan picked it up and read it. “At least you were going to leave it at the airport.” He exhaled. “I don’t like this situation any better than you, but I promised your father I’d keep you safe.”

  “Do you really think I’m in danger?” She gazed at him speculatively.

  “Hell, I don’t know.” He speared his fingers through his hair. “What exactly were your plans?”

  “I was going to catch a flight home. See if I could find any information in Dad’s safe.”

  “We were going to discuss that matter further.”

  She bit her lip. “I thought it might be easier if I just went ahead and found out if there was anything in the safe or not.”

  He folded his arms across his chest. “Easier for …?”

  She tried to ignore how attractive he was. How her pulse ratcheted up a notch when she was around him. Now was not the time to have those kinds of thoughts.

  When she didn’t reply, he said, “I thought about checking out the safe when I was outside, and I’ve decided it’s too risky. We don’t know what we’re dealing with if we go to Virginia. It’s safer to stay put here.”


  “I don’t like it any more than you do, but that’s my decision.”

  “Then how are we going to find out why Dad thinks I’m in danger?”

  He expelled a breath. “We might just have to wait until you can talk to him.”

  “His heart attack was a total shock. He’s only fifty-seven and keeps himself in good shape. I couldn’t believe it when the hospital called and said he was in coronary care.” She willed her lower lip not to tremble. “I can’t help thinking it might have been stress-related.”

  “You think worry over this situation is one of the reasons he’s in hospital?” He gave her a thoughtful look.

  “As far as I know, heart disease doesn’t run in the family. He doesn’t smoke and only drinks socially. What else could it be?”

  “You’ve got me.” Logan frowned. “But the one thing that’s guaranteed to make him feel worse is knowing you’re out there on your own. We’re going to sit tight and wait until he recovers. Then we’ll find out exactly what’s going on and how we can deal with it.”

  Ellie hesitated, then nodded reluctantly, unable to stop frustration and helplessness creasing her face.


  Maybe he’d pegged her wrong. He studied the blonde thoughtfully. “Borrowing” his car was something he hadn’t expected her to do. Nor was arguing with him. He was used to his team members respecting his decisions.

  Hell. He wasn’t a SEAL anymore.

  He had to remember that Ellie had never been in the military. She was an artist. His brief relationships in the past hadn’t brought him into contact with one of those before. But she wasn’t a flighty, wispy girl.

  She was real. And curvy. His groin tightened momentarily. He’d never dated a woman with real curves before. Why hadn’t he?

  And she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, apart from her bone-headed decision to sneak home. A muscle pulsed in his jaw. He was going to make sure she was safe - with him.


  Over the next couple of days, Ellie could barely make a move without Logan shadowing her. And it started to annoy her. The only times when she could get a minute to herself was if she went to the bathroom or turned in to bed at night. Alone.

  Although, in other circumstances, she didn’t think she would mind sharing her bed with him. Tall. Handsome. Capable. More than capable. Sometimes his bossiness could be annoying, though. Not that steaming up the sheets with him would ever happen. Somehow she didn’t think he had a preference for curvy girls. But still … in bed with Logan Trask might become a nighttime fantasy when this situation was over and she’d gotten to the bottom of things. And Dad was okay. But right now, not being able to do anything on her own irritated her. She couldn’t even go sketching alone.

  On the third morning after breakfast, she decided to tackle him. She needed to do something to take her mind off things. Ellie called the hospital every day, but her father still wasn’t allowed phone calls. She tried not to worry, but not being able to speak to her dad herself, to see how he was, distressed her.

  She had to focus on something, or else drive herself crazy with worry - about her father and about the alleged threat against her.

  “I want to help around the ranch,” she announced as she watched Logan stack the breakfast dishes in the sink. She’d been surprised to discover that there wasn’t a dishwasher, but since it was only the two of them for meals, the dishes weren’t too much of a chore to do manually.

  He quirked an eyebrow. “You have been.”

  “Following you around the ranch because you don’t want to let me out of your sight is hardly helping. For instance, I could collect the eggs while you do the dishes.” She looked at him hopefully.

  “Yeah, okay,” he acquiesced. “But I need to check on the cattle in the south pasture when you’re done. Can you ride? Otherwise we can take the SUV.”

  “I can ride.” A smile lit up her face.

  A non-committal expression crossed his face. “All right. Bring back the eggs and then I’ll saddle the horses.”

  Ellie felt like saluting once more, but instead she hurried out the back door with a small wicker basket before he could change his mind. She’d discovered he had several cute fawn chickens scratching around the garden, and she thought collecting eggs might be fun.

  Entering the coop, she peered around. A soft chuckling coo greeted her. A small hen waddled past, dipping her head as if to say hello. Spying an egg nestled in the straw, Ellie picked it up and placed it in the basket. Once she’d collected five eggs, she headed back to the house. Spying a wild red rose hiding among the bushes, she sank down, her fingers touching the soft, downy petals. She sniffed, a faint musky scent permeating her senses. What would be the best time of day to sketch it? Again, she wished she’d brought her paints with her.

  Ellie entered the kitchen, placing the basket on the table.

  “I was just about to look for you. What took you so long?” Concern sharpened his voice.

  “Sorry. I was thinking of sketching a flower in the garden later.” Surely she’d only spent a few minutes admiring the rose? It wasn’t as if Logan had to punch a time-clock, although maybe the cows would moo incessantly if they weren’t fed on time.

  He sighed, then looked at her assessingly. “Got any riding boots?”

  She looked down at her outfit. Easy-fit jeans and a soft, aqua green three-quarter length blouse.

  “No.” In her rush to repack her suitcase, changing her wardrobe from tropical Hawaii to Fall in Wyoming, she’d neglected to pack her riding boots. Besides, with the worry over her father, horse-back riding had been the last thing on her mind.

  “I guess your sneakers will do.” Logan led the way to the barn, and picked up two rope halters. “I’ll bring the horses back and saddle them. Stay there.”

  Refraining from rolling her eyes at his gruff tone, Ellie nodded. She watched him stride over to the horses, admiring his sexy, muscular butt in his worn jeans. Too bad he was a bit grumpy.

  Although, since he’d caught her borrowing his car, Logan hadn’t been too bad to live with really, she mused. From the little he’d said, it didn’t seem as if he’d had much company since he retired from the navy, and his social skills might be a tad rusty. Particularly when it came to women - especially curvy women. She shrugged. As long as they could rub along together reasonably well, staying here wouldn’t be too bad. />
  As long as Dad is okay.

  Tamping down her anxiety for her father, she made herself watch Logan saddle the horses.

  “This is Salt.” He gestured to the dappled gray gelding as he finished tightening the girth around the horse’s middle. “And the other one is Pepper.”

  “Hi, Pepper.” Ellie held out her hand for the big black horse to sniff, before she lightly stroked his nose. Logan had saddled and bridled Pepper first. “Which one am I riding?”

  “Salt. He’s good for beginners.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, then promptly closed it. Wouldn’t it be fun to give Logan a surprise?

  “Hi, Salt.” She stroked him along his neck, smiling when the horse whickered in greeting.

  “Need some help mounting him?” Logan held Salt’s reins.

  “No, I think I’m good.” Ellie placed her left foot in the stirrup and swung her right leg over the Western saddle. She couldn’t help thinking it might have been embarrassing if she had needed help; Logan’s hands on her hips or around her waist, hoisting her up into the saddle.

  Surprise flickered across his face as she settled herself into the saddle. “Okay.” He handed her the reins. “We’ll walk to the south pasture.”

  “All right.” She watched him mount Pepper, his easy motion having all the hallmarks of a natural horseman.

  She and Salt followed him out of the barn, the horses’ hooves clip-clopping on the hard-packed earth. Feeling grateful she had a good, supportive bra on that minimized her ample breasts’ natural jiggle, she caught up with him so they rode side by side.

  “How far is it?” She glanced at him.

  “About five minutes. Maybe more if we only walk.”

  “Why don’t we go a bit faster?” She hoped he couldn’t see the impish gleam in her eye.

  “It’s my job to keep you safe.” He frowned. “I think we should keep walking.”


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