The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4)

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The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4) Page 4

by Roseton, Jenn

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he muttered, taking another step back.

  “Like what?” She could barely get the words out. She knew she wasn’t very experienced when it came to men, only having a couple of boyfriends in the past, but that had been the best kiss ... ever. And he was apologizing?

  “Like … that,” he gritted.

  Now it was Ellie’s turn to back up. Obviously, he hadn’t felt anything when he’d kissed her. If he had, why would he be acting like this? She didn’t think she understood men. At all.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She tried for a nonchalant tone but suspected she failed.

  He blew out a breath. “Fine. But for the record, it’s my job to protect you, not kiss you.”

  “Fine.” She turned away. The memory of his lips on hers made a shiver run down her spine. Was it because she had a curvy figure that he’d suddenly backed off? From the look on his face, she didn’t think she’d have to worry about him wanting to kiss her again. That was just fine with her. In fact, the whole situation was fine - not knowing how her father was doing, apart from “stable”, having a stranger turn up at the ranch where she was supposed to be safe, and now Logan kissing her and then apparently regretting it.

  She should have known Logan wouldn’t have been interested in her. That was fine too. After all, she wasn’t here for romance.


  Logan watched her stalk out of the room. He knew he should be right behind her, keeping her safe, especially after that stranger had just turned up, but decided to give her a minute. And himself one.

  He shouldn’t have kissed her. He’d just blurred the line between professional and personal. But her lips had been so tempting - pink, soft and lush. She’d looked so distressed, not just about the strange guy turning up, but also about her father’s condition. And he’d done the first thing that had jumped into his head. He’d kissed her.

  And once he started, he didn’t want to stop. But he had to. Knew he had to. Kissing her was the last thing she needed right now. And it was the last thing he needed, as well.

  He just didn’t know how to explain it to her. Hell, he didn’t really know how to explain it to himself. He just hoped he hadn’t made a fraught situation worse.


  From then on, Logan watched her even more closely than usual. It was annoying. Especially after that kiss that he’d tried to take back. Ellie told herself not to even think about what had happened. Repeatedly.

  Unfortunately, the kiss played over and over in her mind on an endless loop.

  Cole had gotten back to Logan a few minutes after the kiss. The car was a rental, hired to a private investigator by the name of Joe Mostin. Despite trying to dig deeper, that was all the information Cole came up with, besides the address of the PI’s office in Laramie, Wyoming, a couple of hours away from the ranch.

  How a PI found out she was staying here, Ellie couldn’t fathom. But Logan’s reaction was a tightened jaw and eyes narrowed to hawk-like slits.

  If she could get away from Logan for a while, go sketch or paint the scenery, maybe she could start thinking about something else. Like the gorgeous color of the sky. Not quite cerulean and not quite azure, but she itched to duplicate it with her paints.

  Or go sketch Salt and Pepper.

  Or sketch Logan.

  His high cheekbones, firm jaw, gorgeous brown eyes. Just thinking about sketching his portrait, with him posing for her, made her pulse skip.

  But she couldn’t. Because she might give herself away. Show him that although apparently the kiss hadn’t meant anything to him, it had to her.

  She definitely didn’t want to draw anything with Logan breathing down her neck. Not that he ever would, she thought wistfully. Not in a romantic way. He’d made his feelings on the subject quite clear. He would protect her. Nothing more.

  She just wished she could talk to her dad. Every morning she woke up, wondering if today he’d be well enough to talk to her on the phone. And every day her hopes were dashed when either she or Logan called the hospital to check on his condition.

  Stable. But not accepting phone calls or visitors yet.

  She tried to think positively, told herself that stable was good. But it had been Dad and her for so long, and now …

  Ellie pushed the grim thought to the back of her mind. She had a decent job, wasn’t in debt and could take care of herself, apart from this threat her father worried about. If the worst came to the worst … Ordering herself to stop thinking like that, she made herself think of Logan instead. Not that it was difficult. Ever since that kiss, she’d found it hard not to think of him.

  And now, she gave herself permission to do so, just for a few minutes.

  Would he have tried to take back the kiss if she’d been tall and skinny? Or would they be kissing again right now, even blazing up the sheets, if she looked like a supermodel?


  The day after the kiss, Ellie rang the hospital as usual. This time though, instead of being told her father wasn’t well enough for phone calls, she was put through to his room.

  “Dad?” Her voice shook.


  Her father’s voice sounded weak, but it was so good to hear him. She clutched the phone to her ear.

  “Dad, how are--”

  “Is Logan taking care of you?” Her father interrupted.

  He still sounded like Dad, even though his voice sounded a little shaky.

  “Yes.” She wouldn’t tell him about the stranger showing up. Since then, nothing else had happened. Apart from that kiss. And her father definitely did not need to know about that.

  “Good.” He sounded relieved. “He’s a fine man, Ellie. You can trust him to keep you safe.”

  “Okay.” She’d already come to the conclusion that although Logan might be grumpy and her feelings had definitely been hurt from his reaction to the kiss, it was a good bet she could trust him.

  Her father drew in a deep breath, as though the conversation was tiring him out.

  “Dad,” she said quickly, “how are you?”

  “I’m getting stronger every day, honey.” He sighed. “I’m sorry this happened.”

  “When can you go home?” She could leave the ranch and take care of him at home. Or if her father still considered her to be in danger, he could come here. An impish thought struck her. Did Logan have any nursing experience?

  “Very soon.” A pause. “The nurse is glaring at me so I’ve got to hang up now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Bye,” she managed to get in, before her father - or the nurse - ended the call.

  Ellie wished she’d been able to talk to him a little longer, to find out exactly why he’d sent her to Logan’s ranch. But she couldn’t stop a smile spreading across her face. She’d talked to her dad!

  Logan entered the kitchen. Although he’d been practically dogging her every footstep since the stranger incident, he’d given her some privacy while she made the daily phone call to the hospital. She swung around to meet him.

  “I actually spoke to Dad!”

  “That’s great!” he grinned, seeming genuinely happy for her. “What did he say?”

  “That he should be going home soon.”

  “Did he say why he felt you were in danger?” He looked at her intently.

  Her expression fell. “No. We didn’t get time.”

  “There’s always tomorrow. Now we know he can have phone calls, maybe we can get to the bottom of things.”

  “Maybe,” she echoed. Dad recovering well and her leaving the ranch and returning to her normal life had been what she’d wanted. But now … She realized with a jolt that when this was all over, she would miss Logan. Miss his occasional smile, miss his hunky physique that somehow put all her senses on red alert, and miss his caring nature, that he seemed to hide beneath a sometimes gruff exterior. She still remembered the care he’d taken with her injured thumb, now almost healed.

  “What’s wrong?”
He took a step toward her.

  “Nothing.” She tried for a bright tone but wasn‘t sure she succeeded. He stood so close … one more step and she’d be able to place her palm on his chest. She could just imagine the firm, rippling flesh concealed by his shirt. There was no way she was going to tell him she would miss him when she was back home in Virginia. Especially when she didn’t think he’d miss her. At all.

  “Want to go for a ride this morning?” He lifted an eyebrow in inquiry. “I’d like to check on the herd in the east pasture.”

  “I’d love to.” This time, her bright tone was genuine.

  They walked to the barn, grabbed the halters, then she followed Logan to get the horses. To her pleased surprise, he allowed her to saddle and bridle Salt, her wounded thumb not being much of a hindrance. The only sound he made was an approving, “Hmm” when his gaze ran over the saddled horse.

  Ellie mounted Salt. “Let’s go!”

  Logan allowed her to set the pace. Although she would have loved to gallop full-tilt, she restrained herself, and settled for a comfortable canter. Logan and Pepper kept up easily, and by the time they reached the east pasture, Ellie’s cheeks glowed from the ride. And, she realized, by being in close proximity to Logan.

  Entering the pasture, Logan rode among the cattle, seeming satisfied with what he found. She waited outside, still mounted on Salt, admiring the way he rode. His worn jeans and red-checked shirt made him look like one hunky cowboy. His short cut brown hair suited his tough good looks and her pulse stirred. She didn’t think she’d ever been affected by a man she’d just met as she was with Logan. But, she guessed, he didn’t feel the same way about her, despite the kiss they’d shared. And then apologized for.

  “The herd looks good,” he announced, when he rode out of the paddock to join her. “Want to ride a little further?”

  “Sure,” she agreed, smiling. Usually, Logan took her straight back to the house after a ride.

  But perhaps the weather made him want to be outside a little longer today. The sun shone, a cool breeze ruffled the horses’ manes and it was just the type of day that made you want to relax and enjoy what nature offered.

  And right now, she wanted to enjoy time with Logan.

  They made small talk as they walked the horses past the east pasture. Ellie spied mountains in the distant, and drew in a deep breath, just happy to be outside on a gorgeous day, with Logan, and knowing that her dad was improving. Even if Logan wasn’t interested in her romantically, she could still enjoy his company, if that was all she could have.

  Logan told her about the ranch. What he’d done so far in way of improvements, and what he planned to do in the next year. She didn’t know how much all the work involved cost, but it sounded expensive. Maybe ranching paid better than she thought it did.

  “I also want to get the house into shape,” he said, as Salt and Pepper continued to walk side by side. “I’ve just been too busy with what needed to be done with the fences and the barn to be able to focus on the house.”

  “I see what you mean,” she replied, glad that he wanted to do something to the house. She was far from a snob, but she had been a little surprised by the shabby interior of the farmhouse when she’d first arrived. Now, however, she was able to see its faded charm. While the outside of the house looked quite neat, inside needed a little work.

  “Yeah, I was thinking of getting a new bathroom and kitchen for a start.”

  “How about a dishwasher?” she teased.

  “That too,” he admitted with a grin.

  She smiled back. Despite claiming he wanted a dishwasher, Logan seemed surprisingly domesticated. He did the cooking and helped with the dishes as well. It was just another facet of his personality that she found fascinating.

  Ellie gazed at the scenery. “I’ve got to sketch this.” The words popped out of her mouth.

  “How about now?”

  She turned to him, surprised. “I haven’t got my sketch book or pencils.”

  “Why don’t we go back to the house so you can get them?” Good humor etched his features.

  “Really?” Her eyes sparkled.

  He shrugged. “Sure. I can check the fence line nearby.”

  She wasn’t going to let his ever practical words detract from the pleasure his suggestion gave her. “Let’s go!”

  Nudging Salt into a canter, she rode back to the barn. Today was the best day she’d had at the ranch so far, and wondered if this was the real Logan Trask. He seemed more relaxed around her, and she’d done her best to put that kiss two days ago out of her mind. Perhaps her father was wrong and she wasn’t in any danger at all. She’d talk to Logan about it once she retrieved her sketch pad.

  Before arriving at the barn, Ellie slowed Salt to a sedate walk. It had been drummed into her from the first day she’d begun riding lessons that racing back to the horse’s stable was a big no-no.

  Logan caught up to her, the clip clop of Pepper’s gait reaching her ears. “Glad you didn’t gallop back all the way.”

  “You should trust I know better than that.” She shook her head in a teasing fashion.

  “Guess so.” His gaze roamed over her, seeming to take in the way she sat on the horse, the way she held the reins, and the way she’d beaten him back to the barn by a hoof beat.

  Her heartbeat quickened.

  Before she could think of anything to say, the noise of a car engine interrupted the suddenly charged silence.

  Ellie looked at him, her eyes widening.

  “They’re coming down the drive.” His mouth tightened. “Take Salt inside the barn and stay there.”

  She glanced toward the house. Even if she galloped the short distance, the occupants of the car would probably see her.

  “Okay.” She rode into the barn, swiftly dismounting and tying the horse to a metal ring set in the wall.

  Watching Logan close the barn doors, she twisted her fingers. Who could it possibly be? Dad was still in hospital. She was sure her uncle would have called first, if he decided to visit. Her father’s words echoed in her mind. I’m concerned about your safety.

  She was certain the stress of the situation had contributed to her father’s heart attack.

  Ellie made herself breathe deeply and evenly, her mind running over the judo stances she’d learned. Was this one of the reasons Dad was always nagging her to go back to classes and earn a brown belt in judo?

  Had he expected something like this to happen one day? But why? And if so, why hadn’t he confided in her? How could she be ready to face a threat to herself if she had no idea what it was?

  It was cool and dim in the barn. Sunlight streaked in through the weathered wooden walls. She could hear voices outside, growing closer.

  She frowned. Why would Logan bring whoever turned up here to the barn? He’d been very protective of her ever since she’d arrived. Even when he wasn’t pleased about the fact she was here.

  Perhaps she wasn’t in danger right now? Perhaps it was her uncle come to visit. Or Dad. At the thought of her father here, her heart lightened, while telling herself it couldn’t be. He’d been in hospital this morning, and the nurse had cut short their phone conversation. How could he have flown eighteen hundred miles to Wyoming, then driven from the airport and turned up at - she glanced at her watch - almost lunchtime?

  “Ellie.” His tone sounded tightly controlled. “You’ve got a visitor.”

  Ellie watched the barn door slowly open, Logan silhouetted in the entrance. He stepped inside.

  “Who is it?” Her brow furrowed. If it had been her father or her uncle wouldn’t Logan have just called out that it was safe to come out of the barn?

  “There’s a woman here to see you.”

  “What?” She stared toward the open barn door.

  A woman dressed in a flattering green designer suit, stood in the entrance, back lit by the midday sunshine. The elegant stranger’s coloring was remarkably similar to Ellie’s. Short but stylish strawberry-blonde hair, a pale,
slightly freckled face and a figure that wouldn’t quit. Ellie immediately wished she looked so well put together, so smart. That her curves looked as good on her as they did on the woman in front of her. Ellie looked down at the stranger’s shoes. Sensible but stylish low heeled pumps. Their heights were practically the same as well.

  “Ellie.” Logan’s tone forced her gaze to his. He looked so serious. What was going on?

  “This woman says she’s your mother.”


  “My mother died when I was born,” Ellie replied automatically.

  “I’m sorry, Ellie,” the woman said in a cultured, faint European accent.

  Ellie’s gaze flew to the woman in front of her. “I don’t have a mother,” she whispered, her stomach churning. She looked at Logan, her eyes wide.

  “Perhaps we should continue this conversation in the house,” he said firmly, reaching out for Ellie’s hand.

  Shell-shocked, she allowed him to tow her to the house, noticing that he kept his gaze firmly on the stranger, walking a little ahead of them.

  Once inside, Logan guided her to the kitchen table. “I’ll make some coffee.”

  “That is very kind,” the woman replied, sitting opposite Ellie.

  “What …what’s going on, Logan?” Ellie finally found her voice, wishing it didn’t have a tiny crack in it.

  “I know as much as you do. I’m waiting for her ID to check out. I called Cole while you were in the barn and he’s working as fast as he can on it.” He gave her a reassuring nod, his gaze remaining on the Ellie and the stranger.

  “I believe my private investigator visited yesterday,” the woman said. “When he told me he caught a glimpse of a young woman from his car, I knew you must be here.”

  Ellie furrowed her brow, staring at the elegant woman.

  “I’m sorry I just turned up like this,” the woman said. “But I couldn’t wait any longer to see you.” She gazed at Ellie, the yearning visible in her eyes.

  “I … I don’t understand.” Ellie shook her head. Her mother was dead. Although this woman had similar coloring to her - okay, the exact same coloring, how could this be true? And what about Dad? He wouldn’t have lied to her. He wouldn’t have. She’d grown up believing her mother had died giving birth to her. Why would her father lie to her about that?


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