The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4)

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The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4) Page 9

by Roseton, Jenn

  They entered the apartment, Logan shrugging off his jacket and loosening his tie as soon as he stepped into the living room.

  “Night cap?” Ellie hovered in the kitchen doorway. She had a small bottle of French brandy she kept for special occasions. If Logan taking her to a fancy restaurant wasn’t a special occasion, she didn’t know what was.

  “Sure. Why not?” He joined her in the cozy kitchen.

  Opening the cupboard with trembling fingers, she took out the glass bottle and poured two small measures, trying to be careful not to spill any. Conscious of his presence behind her, she picked up one of the glasses and turned to him.


  “Ellie.” He took the tumbler from her and gently placed it on the counter.

  “You don’t want …” her voice trailed off as she saw the look in his eye. Naked desire burned in his gaze. Desire for her.

  “I do want,” he replied softly. “You.”

  His mouth descended until it hovered only an inch away from hers. She held her breath, her toes curling in her elegant black shoes. Then his lips were on hers, the warmth of his mouth lighting a fire inside her. Taking a step closer, she stole her arms around his neck as the kiss deepened, intensified. Logan wrapped his arms around her waist, molding her to him, lightly stroking her curves.

  Ellie sighed against his mouth. This kiss was even better than her fantasies. Deeper than the kiss at the ranch. She would happily stand here and let him kiss her forever … and ever.

  He finally lifted his head. “I think we should say goodnight,” he said hoarsely.

  She stared at him. He didn’t want to kiss her again? He didn’t want to go any further? After that incredible kiss, her body hummed with sexual need. He was just going to leave her … wanting him? Wanting more?

  “Good night, Ellie.” He kissed her on the forehead, then headed into the living room. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


  It had taken all his willpower to resist her. He’d wanted nothing more than to take her to bed and lose himself in her - and her lush curves.

  But he didn’t want her to think he was only after one thing. He grimaced, the irony of it not escaping him. He’d enjoyed his share of women in the past, but he’d always been honest with them. He wasn’t looking for anything long term.

  With Ellie it was different. Somehow, she’d stolen her way into his heart, even though she was the exact opposite of the kind of woman he was usually attracted to. And although he wanted to make her his, thoroughly and completely, he didn’t want to blow it. Unfortunately, distance could become a factor in their relationship. Ellie had a job here, and her family. Her mother had just entered her life, and he knew they were slowly getting to know each other. He didn’t want to interfere with that.

  And he couldn’t live in the city. Living in the country soothed him, gave him peace. Ellie seemed to like staying at the ranch during those two weeks. Perhaps, in time, she’d be open to the idea of living there. With him.

  Which was why he’d had to refuse her offer of accompanying him to the airport last week for his flight home. And would do so again tomorrow. He knew it would be even harder to return to the ranch if she was with him until the last possible minute. It had been better to say goodbye here, in her apartment, while he had the willpower to do so.


  All week, Ellie relived that amazing Saturday night kiss. The following day, after breakfast, Logan had said his flight home departed at noon. He’d waved away her offer to accompany him to the airport and said he’d call her when he arrived home. Which he did.

  Once again, he called her every night during the week, but even when she spoke to him on the phone, she couldn’t help wondering why he hadn’t tried to seduce her. Surely he felt something for her if he could kiss her like that?

  Was it her figure? He certainly didn’t seem to have any problems with her curves on Saturday night. His hands had caressed her waist as he held her close, his mouth moving on hers. His kiss put her previous boyfriend’s efforts to shame.

  So what had stopped him from taking it further? She had certainly been willing. More than willing. Surely he could have sensed that?

  Earlier that week, Logan had told her he’d be in town the following weekend, and they’d arranged to have dinner Friday night. As Ellie slipped on her shoes Friday evening, she tried not to get her hopes up that tonight would be the night. The night she finally made love with Logan. For her, it wouldn’t just be sex. She might as well face it. She was falling in love with Logan Trask.

  Excitement rippled through her at the thought that he’d flown almost two thousand miles to see her the past two weekends. And visiting her again this weekend. But what were his real feelings for her? He must be attracted to her in some way, surely, if he could kiss her like that. But would their relationship go any further? Or would he just be content to see her every weekend and throw in a few warm kisses at the end of each evening?

  The doorbell rang. Looking at her watch, she saw it was almost seven p.m. While she’d been thinking about Logan, she’d lost track of time, and hadn’t checked her hair or slipped on her shoes.

  Ellie quickly checked her hair in the mirror, sliding her feet into the elegant black shoes she wore for their date last weekend. Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the door, butterflies tangoing in her stomach.

  She peered through the peephole, making sure it was Logan on the other side of the wooden door. He wore the same suit as last Saturday night and didn’t look as if he’d just stepped off the plane. Perhaps he’d freshened up at his hotel first - he hadn’t mentioned where he was staying, although she hoped he wanted to stay with her.

  She drew back the bolt. “Hi.” Her eyes feasted on him. It was five days since she’d last seen him, but it suddenly seemed a lifetime ago.

  “Hi.” His eyes smoldered with sensual heat.

  “Come in.” She felt her cheeks heat as she practically dragged him inside.

  “I came straight from the airport.” Logan placed his overnight bag on the living room carpet.

  “You look very …” Awesome? Yummy? Totally gorgeous? “… smart,” she finished lamely, wishing she had the courage to tell him just how much his appearance affected her.

  His mouth crinkled at the edges. “So do you.”

  “Thanks.” She found it hard to hold his gaze, her nerves jangling. “So, where are we going tonight? You wouldn’t tell me on the phone.”

  He took a step toward her, closing the small distance between them. Suddenly she found it hard to breathe. The look on his face was so serious, so intent.

  “Logan?” She cursed the almost squeak in her voice.

  “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.” He reached out and fingered a lock of her hair. “All week.”

  Her pulse beat erratically. She’d had the same problem. With him.

  He tilted up her chin, looking deep into her eyes. “I can’t wait any longer to touch you. Kiss you. God knows I’ve tried.”

  His lips seared hers. Ellie gasped at the sensual contact, her mouth softening, opening up to him. He crushed her to him, one hand against the small of her back and his other hand resting just above her derriere. Her hands clutched his shoulders as his mouth devoured hers. A sensual thrill ran down her spine. Logan felt this way about her?

  She felt the electricity of his touch through her green silk dress, all the way down to her toes. Desire pooled deep inside her, the kiss lengthening. Ellie’s head spun and she grasped the crisp fabric of his suit. Although Logan held her tightly, she felt as if she would spin off balance any second now.

  Her breathing was ragged when he tore his lips from hers.

  “Stop me now if you don’t want this to go any further.” His voice was a heated growl.

  She looked into his eyes, glazed with scorching desire. This was it. Was she brave enough to take the final step? To make love with the man she was in love with? To bare her body and her soul to him?

  Ellie took a deep breath. “I don’t want you to stop,” she whispered.

  “Are you sure?”

  She shivered at the deep-seated longing in his voice and nodded. She was sure. But was Logan?

  He swept her into his arms. About to protest, she realized he seemed to carry her easily as he strode toward her bedroom. Must be all that ranch work, she thought hazily, her hands gripping his shoulders. Then all thought fled when he entered her lavender and cream bedroom and gently put her down on her feet.

  “You have no idea how much I want you,” he murmured, shrugging out of his jacket and yanking off his tie. His eyes held hers, the promise of what was to come etched on his face. Dark crimson stained his cheekbones, and his eyes glittered with sexual intent.

  Her eyes widened when he tugged open his white long-sleeved shirt, the buttons almost flying off. She gazed at his magnificent bared chest, all muscle and sinew and gently traced his torso with her finger.

  He took her hand and kissed the palm. “Much more of that and I won’t be able to control myself.”

  “Who says I want you to?” Was that her sounding so self-assured?

  “Ellie,” he groaned, holding her face in his hands and slanting his lips over hers.

  Running her hands over the planes of his back, she reveled in his touch. When he lifted his head, they both breathed heavily.

  With shaking fingers, Logan unzipped her dress, sliding it off her. The silky green fabric landed in a heap at her feet.

  He looked his fill. She tried to suppress the anxiety rising inside her. Did he like what he saw? Her curves were part of her. Could he accept them?

  “Beautiful,” he rasped, his finger touching the lace edging of her cream satin bra.

  She gazed into his eyes. What she saw there gave her confidence. “So are you.”

  “Sweetheart.” He smiled crookedly.

  Brushing his knuckles over her satin-clad nipple, he inhaled sharply. Ellie closed her eyes, electricity racing through her. She swayed toward him, wanting more, never wanting him to stop.

  “Let me see you,” he murmured, unsnapping her bra and almost reverently slipping the lingerie off her shoulders.

  Ellie held her breath as he gazed at her bare, ample breasts. His fingers traced delicious patterns around her taut, pink nipples. She grasped his bare shoulders, savoring the sensual sensations he conjured in her.

  He claimed her lips once more. Her pulse streaked into space at the dual sensations of his lips and fingers.

  Walking her toward the bed, Logan cupped her derriere, his fingers scorching her flesh through the satin of her panties. He pushed away the bed covers, then urged her onto the bed.

  She watched him yank off his trousers and briefs, holding her breath when she saw his magnificent, hard shaft. She’d never seen a man so well endowed.

  He kneeled over her, his thumbs caressing her nipples. His mouth closed over her pebbled nub, and Ellie gasped, her fingers sinking into his hair.

  Logan’s hand trailed along her body, sliding underneath the waistband of her panties. His mouth followed the path of his hand, planting soft kisses on her bare flesh.

  “Logan,” she breathed, aware of the moisture gathering between her thighs.

  He gently tugged her panties down, and then she was laid bare before him.

  “So soft, so sweet,” he whispered hoarsely. His tongue traced the outline of her nether lips before delving to taste her nectar.

  Arching at the incredible sensations from his tongue, Ellie’s hands flexed on his scalp. Her hips bucked as she hurtled toward orgasm, wanting to reach the pinnacle, but at the same time, never wanting him to stop.

  She cried out, juddering as she climaxed. Logan slowly brought her back to earth, his hands and lips soothing her with feather-light kisses and caresses.

  Ellie gazed at him, her eyes heavy-lidded. “Logan, I … goodness.” I’ve never experienced anything like that. She found it hard to get her brain to function, to tell him exactly what his touch had done for her.

  He smiled, kneeling over her once more and kissing her deeply on the lips. She wrapped her arms around him automatically, his rock-hard shaft pressing against her.

  His lips trailed down to her neck, his tongue laving a spot she’d never realized before was so deliciously sensitive.

  “Are you ready for me?” His eyes glittered with burning need.

  “Yes.” She was more than ready. She wanted Logan Trask right now. And forever.

  He leaned over and groped on the nightstand, then muttered a curse.

  “What’s wrong?” Had he changed his mind? Although he’d put her pleasure before his own, she would die if they didn’t consummate their relationship right now. She wanted to feel him inside her, feel him move with her, become one with her.

  “The condoms are in my overnight bag,” he gritted. “I’ll have to go to the living room--”

  “I’ve got some here,” she interrupted softly, gesturing to the nightstand. “Top drawer.”

  “Thank God.” He yanked open the wooden drawer.

  “I bought them last week,” she confessed.

  His lips snared hers, then he deftly sheathed himself. “You have no idea how glad I am that you did.” He hovered over her, his shaft nudging her slick nether lips. “Part your legs a little wider,” he rasped.

  She obeyed, her heart racing with excitement. He sank into her, taking his time, surging forward until he filled her completely.

  “Logan.” She’d never felt so full before. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she held onto him as he started to thrust, slowly at first, then faster. And harder.

  The friction against her secret nub was delicious. So was Logan inside her. They moved together, capturing each other’s rhythm, becoming one.

  “Ellie,” he growled against her shoulder, shuddering into her with a final thrust.

  Her fingernails scorched his back as she climaxed once more, a long sigh of satisfaction escaping her lips.

  Logan remained on top of her for minutes - or was it hours? - afterwards. When he eventually moved off her, he slid an arm around her, pinning her to his side.

  She finally found the breath to speak. “That was--”

  “Incredible.” He gazed into her upturned face. “I booked a hotel for the weekend, but didn’t want to waste time checking in before I saw you. And when I did …” he chuckled ruefully. “I couldn’t control myself.”

  Her eyes widened. That was the sexiest, most flattering compliment she’d ever received.

  “Really?” She caught her breath.

  “Really,” he confirmed in a sexy growl. “I’m crazy about you, Ellie Sterling.”

  Warmth flushed her skin. “I’m crazy about you too,” she murmured.

  Her heart felt so full, she thought it would burst. Saying I love you was on the tip of her tongue but she held back. What if being crazy about her didn’t mean he actually loved her? This was one of the best moments of her life. She didn’t want to ruin it.

  Logan trailed the tip of his finger along her arm, then her belly, then traced her neatly trimmed mound. “Let me show you just how crazy I am about you.”

  Her skin tingled at his touch and she smiled softly. “I can’t wait.”


  The last four months had passed so quickly, Ellie mused, as she packed a small suitcase Friday morning. She’d been able to take a vacation day, so she could have a three day weekend - with Logan.

  Logan had visited her every weekend. Every - her mouth curved into a smile of remembered sexual satisfaction - weekend.

  He usually arrived Friday night, and although sometimes they made dinner plans for that evening, they often canceled them. Because they were too busy making love. Again … and again.

  They typically emerged from the bedroom on Saturdays and either went horse-back riding or Ellie dragged him off sight-seeing. For a little while. Sometimes they would just cuddle together on her sofa, until their cozy cuddling be
came heated with a caress here and a kiss there, and suddenly they were making wild passionate love, knowing that these two days of lovemaking would have to last them until the following weekend.

  Occasionally they had lunch with her parents. She was glad her mother was in her life, and every time she saw her parents together, even if it was just because she was sharing a meal with them, she got a small thrill.

  And now, Logan had invited her to his ranch for the weekend. He’d insisted on paying for her flight, even after she’d protested. When she’d raised her concerns about his finances and he’d reassured her, she’d relaxed, thinking his ranch must be doing well. But she hadn’t expected him to take pay for her plane ticket.

  She locked her suitcase, excited at visiting Wyoming again. And Logan. And having the best sex of her life - again.

  Every weekend she swore to herself that she’d just experienced the best sex ever, until the following weekend.

  A thrill of anticipation shot through her. Two and a half days alone on the ranch with Logan. It would be fun staying in the old farmhouse again but this time, she would sleep in Logan’s bed. And she looked forward to riding Salt again, if she and Logan could drag themselves away from his bed.


  “Logan!” Ellie squealed as he swung her around in his arms, holding her tight.

  Passers-by bustled past them, intent on catching their flight or threading their way out of the airport.

  Logan’s mouth moved over hers, letting her know just how much he’d missed her this last week. Sighing into his mouth, she couldn’t help thinking how different it was arriving at the airport today compared to her first time, over four months ago.

  “Let’s get going.” He took her hand and towed her out of the airport and into his SUV.

  She’d suggested she hire a rental car or catch a cab and make her own way to the ranch, but he’d insisted on picking her up. After all, Logan made his own way to her apartment when he visited her so she thought she’d offer to do the same. But she couldn’t deny the small rush of pleasure when he told her he would definitely pick her up Friday.


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