Lights Out!--A heist thriller involving the Mafia

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Lights Out!--A heist thriller involving the Mafia Page 1

by Donald Bain

  Table of Contents


  Recent Books by Donald Bain

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Recent Books by Donald Bain

  The Margaret Truman Capital Crime Series


  The Murder, She Wrote series







  Donald Bain

  This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  First published in Great Britain and the USA 2014 by


  19 Cedar Road, Sutton, Surrey, England, SM2 5DA

  eBook edition first published in 2014 by Severn House Digital

  an imprint of Severn House Publishers Limited

  Copyright © 2014 by Donald Bain

  The right of Donald Bain to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, designs & Patents Act 1988.

  British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

  Bain, Donald, 1935- author.

  Lights out!.

  1. Mafia–Fiction. 2. Suspense fiction.

  I. Title


  ISBN-13: 978-0-7278-8358-2 (cased)

  ISBN-13: 978-1-78010-514-7 (ePub)

  Except where actual historical events and characters are being described for the storyline of this novel, all situations in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to living persons is purely coincidental.

  This ebook produced by

  Palimpsest Book Production Limited,

  Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland.

  For my best friend, Renée, who also happens to be my talented wife.

  For my agent, Bob Diforio of the D4EO Literary Agency, who has given me a new lease on my writing career.

  And for all the Smythes out there … and the women who’ve ended up with a Smythe in their lives.

  ‘Nothing defines humans more than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle behind lotteries, dating, and religion.’

  Scott Adams


  He’d just dropped his drawers when the lights went out.

  The plunge into darkness was so abrupt that it was almost audible. One minute his hotel room overlooking Times Square had been bathed in soft, yellow light from floor lamps mixed with the glow from the TV screen on which an adult movie played. Now, everything was black.

  He pulled up his boxers, decorated with little red-and-white Canadian maple leafs, and went to the window. A moment ago, the neon lights on the streets below had dazzled, but now the only illumination came from the chaotic movement of automobile headlights.

  ‘Good evening, Mr Smith,’ said the desk clerk who answered his call.

  ‘It’s Smythe. Like Blithe. Blithe Spirit?’

  ‘Yes, sir, Mr Smythe. There’s been a blackout.’


  ‘I don’t know, sir. It will probably be over soon.’

  ‘I certainly hope so.’

  Smythe felt his way across the room, found the small transistor radio he always traveled with, and tuned to a local all-news station that had gone to auxiliary generators. He plopped on the bed and listened to the announcer: ‘The blackout appears to have affected all areas of the city. I’ve just been handed a report that this power outage extends into Queens and Staten Island. Police and fire units have been—’ A burst of static drowned him out.

  Smythe flipped on his cell phone. The battery was low and there was no way to recharge it. Even if he could, cellular transmitters would have only a few hours of battery backup before they, too, gave out. He called home.

  ‘Where are you?’ his wife asked.

  ‘New York.’

  ‘I thought you were coming back today.’

  ‘My meetings ran longer than expected and—’

  ‘You know we’re having guests tomorrow night.’

  ‘Yes, Cynthia, I know that. I’ll try and catch the earliest plane in the morning. It depends on how long this blackout lasts. I’m sure all flights are cancelled – the airports are dark – they’ll be backed up. I’m not sure that—’

  ‘What dreadful timing,’ she said.

  ‘I’ll do my best.’

  ‘Think of something, Carlton. The mayor and his wife are coming and—’

  Smythe held the phone away and made a harsh squawking sound.


  Another squawk from him. ‘Battery running l-o-w – losing p-o-w-e-r. Squawk, squawk.’

  He closed the phone. He knew the landline phone in the room would work but didn’t pick it up. Instead, he returned to the window and watched the erratic jumble of traffic below, headlamps bunching up at intersections, the faint wail of sirens penetrating the hotel window’s allegedly soundproof glass.

  He pulled a small penlight from his travel kit and used it to illuminate the dial on the room’s wired phone. It took a while to get through the voicemail’s myriad prompts until a live person at Air Canada spoke.

  ‘Is it possible to book an early morning flight to Toronto?’ Smythe asked.

  ‘Everything is down, sir, the computers – there’s a blackout.’

  ‘I know that,’ Smythe said, trying to keep pique out of his voice, ‘but can’t you reserve a flight for when it ends?’

  ‘You’ll have to call again when that happens, sir. I’m unable to—’

  Smythe quietly placed the handset into its cradle. At least he could tell Cynthia that he’d tried to get home for the party. He wasn’t unhappy about missing it – another party, another dull round of conversation with Toronto’s movers-and-shakers, their place on Cynthia’s invitation list determined by the position they occupied in the city’s social and leadership hierarchy.

  He stretched out on the bed. Ironic, he thought, to be the victim of a blackout. He’d spent his entire professio
nal career working as an engineer for Power-Can, a huge Ontario power company on the outskirts of Toronto. Until his dismissal eighteen months earlier he’d been instrumental in calling for fail-safe procedures at the plant in the hope of avoiding another blackout like the one in 2003 that had paralyzed much of the Mid-West and East Coast. He’d urged his employer to begin substituting a new generation of giant electronic switches for the increasingly inefficient mechanical ones that failed to react fast enough in the event of a power glitch that could, and had, within seconds, wreaked havoc with a large portion of the North American power grid. He’d been tenacious in calling for this change, evidently too much so for his bosses who called him in a year and a half ago to announce that he was being phased out. Downsized. Fired! The patronizing words of his boss had stayed with him to this day: ‘Change is inevitable, Carlton. Spearheading teams these days takes the energy and drive of younger people, young Turks on their way up. It’s time for you to enjoy the good life with that lovely wife of yours, travel, bask in your golden years.’

  Golden Years? He’d just turned fifty-three.

  ‘You bastard!’ Smythe had wanted to say to his boss, a toad-like creature with a perpetual crooked smile. But he didn’t. He accepted the buyout and packed up his office, his smiles to well-wishers masking his inner fury.

  It had been a wrenching experience. He’d devoted the best years of his professional life to Power-Can, a dedicated and loyal employee who’d received numerous citations and promotions. Being summarily axed enraged this otherwise contented engineer. The severance package, generous by any standard, did nothing to mitigate his anger – and hurt.

  He stewed about it for weeks in the home he and Cynthia shared in the prestigious Rosedale section of downtown Toronto. His dismay at being fired had nothing to do with money. He’d married into wealth. Cynthia Smythe’s father had been Toronto’s most successful venture capitalist. His firm, Wiggins Capital, had arranged funding for many of the city’s largest renewal projects: hotels, condominiums, office buildings. He was a power broker in Ontario politics, a king-maker of the first order, and never reluctant to let people know it.

  Smythe closed his eyes and allowed his mind to wander. He wanted pleasant thoughts, but unpleasant ones kept bumping the good ones to the sidelines. As hard as he tried to avoid it, memories of one particular day many years ago took center-stage.

  ‘I’ll be straight with you, Smythe,’ Walter Wiggins said as they sat at a table in a secluded corner of the National Club’s Blake Lounge, ‘I’m more than displeased that you’ve knocked up my little girl. In fact I’m pretty damned angry about it.’

  The year was 1981. Carlton H. Smythe was within a month of graduating from Toronto University with a degree in electrical engineering from the School of Applied Science and Engineering. Cynthia Wiggins was also scheduled to graduate. Her degree was in opera performance from the university’s esteemed Music Department. That she’d passed the audition and had been accepted into the program surprised everyone. Her voice was considered mediocre. Had her father’s name on the university building he’d funded played a role in the decision? She preferred to think that it hadn’t; her father knew damn well that it had. In the end, it didn’t matter. It was what his only daughter wanted, and that was good enough for Walter Wiggins.

  Cynthia had met Carlton following a performance in the university’s MacMillan Theatre. She’d had a small role in that evening’s production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute. She wasn’t happy with the size of her part and pouted late into the evening at a pub frequented by art and music students. Carlton and his roommate had gone to the movies and stopped in at the bar on their way back to the dorm.

  Carlton had met Cynthia before and considered her sexy in a non-glamorous way. She wouldn’t win any beauty contests, but she had a nice smile, and all the female lumps were where they were supposed to be. He’d heard rumors that she was easy: ‘Cynthia Roundheels’ was the way a male student once characterized her to Smythe, perhaps unfairly, maybe not.

  She was tipsy when Carlton started up a conversation at the bar. After a half hour she suggested that they go back to the apartment her father maintained for her to avoid, as she’d told him, ‘those shallow, petty girls in the dorm.’ Their clothes were off within minutes of walking through the door, and Smythe, who wasn’t a virgin but whose sexual experiences were not of the notches-on-the-bedpost variety, found himself on top of the naked, aspiring diva, whose skin felt cold and clammy, and whose only words were, ‘Do it deep and hard. Make me forget!’

  He energetically tried to please, hoping for an audible sign from her that he’d succeeded. He heard a muted ‘Oooh’ just before he climaxed with a loud ‘Aaah!’ He rolled off and asked if it was good for her.

  ‘Sure,’ she said, sitting on a throw pillow to avoid staining the chair’s fabric. Carlton took a matching chair across from her. She reached out with a leg and used her stubby, red-tipped toes to play with his flaccid penis.

  ‘That was wonderful,’ he said, almost thanking her but stopping himself. Maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say.

  She disappeared into the bathroom. He slipped on his briefs and shirt. Smythe was tall, skinny and pale, and uncomfortable sitting around naked. She returned with a marijuana cigarette she’d rolled in the bathroom, lit it, and handed it to him. He drew deeply, bringing on a coughing spasm. ‘I don’t do that much,’ he explained, handing it back.

  She laughed and finished the joint as they talked, she about her future career in opera, he about his ambitions to become an electrical engineer with a large company.

  An hour later, he said, ‘I’d better be going. I have an exam in the morning.’

  She walked him to the door. ‘Sure you don’t want to do it again?’ she asked.

  ‘No, I don’t think so. I mean, I’d love to but— I didn’t use anything.’


  ‘I didn’t use any protection. I hope—’

  ‘Don’t worry about it,’ she said. ‘It’s my safe time.’

  The waiter asked Walter Wiggins and Smythe for their orders.

  ‘We’ll both have warm chicken salad, and iced tea,’ Wiggins said. The waiter walked away. ‘Let me continue to be blunt,’ Wiggins said to Smythe at their table in the exclusive club. ‘Frankly – and I always believe in being frank – you’re not the sort of husband I envisioned for Cynthia.’

  ‘I’m really sorry that this has happened, sir,’ Smythe said. ‘It was an accident. Cynthia thought that she was in the safe period of her month and—’

  ‘Cynthia wouldn’t know her safe period from Christmas Day. She’s talented – I’m sure you know that – but she lacks common sense. She gets that from her mother’s side. Now, you strike me as a decent sort of chap. At least you’ve come forward like a man and taken responsibility.’ He paused to chew his cheek. ‘Smythe? English?’

  ‘What? Oh, English and German. My father is—’

  ‘Better than Lubinski or Luciano.’

  ‘I never intended for Cynthia to get pregnant, Mr Wiggins.’

  ‘Who the hell ever does? Look, I pride myself on being a realist. OK, you’ve knocked up my daughter and the two of you will get married. At least the kid will be legitimate.’

  Smythe winced. ‘Knocked up’ seemed unnecessarily harsh.

  ‘But I’ll be damned if I’ll stand by while my only daughter ends up in some tract house with a bunch of bawling babies crawling around.’

  They were interrupted by the arrival of lunch. Smythe didn’t like his chicken salad warm but knew better than to have ordered something else. All he wanted was to get through the meal, race outside, and breathe fresh air again. His future father-in-law was a suffocating presence, an octopus engulfing Smythe in its mass, cutting off breathing, making him sweat, and causing a rash to break out on his chest and back that he didn’t dare scratch.

  ‘Go ahead, eat,’ Wiggins commanded. ‘As I was saying, I want only the best for my little girl.’

p; Smythe thought of her playing with him with her toes: ‘Deep and hard. Make me forget!’

  If only forgetting were that easy.

  ‘You strike me, Smythe, as someone who likes to do things,’ Wiggins said between forkfuls of salad.

  Smythe looked at him quizzically.

  ‘That’s not good,’ Wiggins proclaimed, bringing his hand down on the table for emphasis.

  ‘It’s not?’

  ‘No, it’s not. The world is full of people like you who spend their lives doing things.’

  ‘What, ah – what sort of things, Mr Wiggins?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter what they do. The point is that you’ll never get anywhere doing things.’ He lowered his voice and came forward. ‘The way to get ahead is to be in a position to tell those people who do things what to do.’ His expression demanded agreement.

  ‘I think I see what you mean,’ Smythe said.

  ‘I’ll give you an example. You plan to be an engineer. OK, we need engineers. But what I want for my future son-in-law is to be in a position to tell other engineers what to do. The big picture, Carlton. Bottom-line.’

  ‘That makes sense to me,’ said Carlton, sipping his iced tea.

  ‘And I won’t settle for anything less for my little girl.’

  Smythe nodded.

  ‘We’ll start with your clothes.’

  Smythe looked down at his shirtfront. He’d worn his best suit to this command lunch, a light gray one that had recently been cleaned and pressed. His shirt was white – both of his dress shirts were white – and he’d chosen an aqua tie that he thought went nicely with the suit.

  ‘That thing you have in your shirt pocket,’ Wiggins said.

  Smythe again glanced down.

  ‘That plastic thing with those pens and … what is that, a slide rule? I’ll be honest with you, Smythe. No offense, but it looks stupid.’

  ‘I’m not offended, Mr Wiggins.’

  Let me out of here.

  ‘I’ll take you to Trend Custom Tailors. Tommy Battista’s a friend. We’ll get you outfitted like the leader I know you’ll become.’

  ‘That’s very generous of you, sir.’


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