Secret of the Wolf

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Secret of the Wolf Page 9

by Cynthia Garner

  “So you joined the police department to fight a war closer to home?”

  He shrugged. “The job uses skills I already had. And this time, when Lily really needed me, I was around.”

  “I’m sure she appreciates it.” Tori circled the rim of her glass with one finger. “You’ve been with the police department how long now?”

  “Almost ten years.” He wet his lips, then took a swig of beer. “I feel like I still have a lot to prove, to my colleagues, to my sister.” He blew out a breath. “To myself. Hell, when it comes right down to it, I’m just this side of being a wet-behind-the-ears newbie when it comes to being on the Special Case squad.”

  He didn’t usually open up like this with people, not even his sister. Feelings weren’t something he was comfortable discussing and usually he deflected the subject with humor. He was surprised how natural it felt to confide in Tori.

  “Anyway,” he went on, “it’s just me and Lily now, so…” He gave a one-shouldered shrug.

  “Lily’s doing okay?”

  Dante nodded. “Now she is.” At Tori’s questioning look, he said, “Right about the time that her ex filed for divorce she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s been living with me while she tries to find her footing again.”

  “That’s nice, isn’t it?” Her smile seemed sad. “You’re not alone.”

  “No. She’s there to nag me about leaving my socks on the floor and she gets me to eat better. Well,” he added on a laugh, “she tries, anyway. I don’t know what I’d do if…” He swallowed the emotion threatening to clog his throat. Redirecting the conversation now was a good idea. “What about you? You just hooked back up with your brother, right? That has to feel good.”

  “It does,” she responded quietly. A look passed through her eyes before her lips curved upward. “But that’s enough serious talk for one night.” She dipped into her drink and brought her hand to her mouth, slipping her finger between her lips. A foot slid up his calf, scrunching beneath his jeans so that bare toes touched his skin.

  Dante felt the shock of that flirtatious touch like a punch to the gut, and it weakened his resolve. Would it be such a bad thing to relax a little and see where things went with her? He could always find the time. He knew she could take care of herself; otherwise she’d have been killed a long time ago. But if he went down this road, if he allowed himself to feel anything more than friendship for her, would his heart survive if she were taken from him?

  Probably. But her loss would scar him. And right now, still fearing he might lose his sister, he wasn’t prepared to face losing Tori.

  As she rubbed the pad of her foot up his calf again, he stared at her. He knew she was doing her best to change the subject of family, which made him wonder why. Were things not as good on the home front as she’d made out? He moved his leg and leaned back in the booth, keeping his fingers wrapped around his beer. His investigative instincts kicked in. Why didn’t she want to talk about her brother? “No, no, sweetheart, I want to know more. Tell me about this brother of yours. Randall’s his name, isn’t it?”

  What could she say about her brother? Tori shifted her weight on the seat and took another sip of her drink. “Uh, well, he’s younger than me by five years. He’s smart, really smart.” And rebellious and bratty and acting like a five-year-old at the moment. But she didn’t say all that. She gave a shrug. “That’s really all there is.”

  “Uh-uh.” Dante wagged his finger at her. “What’s he do? Where’s he been all this time?”

  “He’s in between jobs right now,” she said. “As you can imagine, over the last hundred years or so he’s done a lot of things.” She signaled a passing waiter and asked for another drink, then said to Dante, “He’s been on the East Coast for the last twenty-five years. He was finally able to track me down and…here he is.”

  “It took him that long?”

  “What?” She frowned.

  Dante lifted one shoulder. “It just seems to me if I lost contact with Lily, I’d do all I could to find her.”

  “It wasn’t that easy back in the day,” she muttered.

  “I understand why he had trouble a hundred years ago, but these days? With the Internet—”

  “Which is how he finally found me. It took him time to find out who I’d gone into, and I’m not the only Victoria Joseph in the world, you know. It took him a while to sort through everyone.” She wasn’t certain of that last bit, because Rand had never said so, but it made sense. It was the only thing that did make sense. But she wasn’t ready to look too closely at Rand’s apparent lack of interest in finding his only sister, and she didn’t want to talk about it. She took a breath. “So, that’s enough about me. What do you say we get out of here?” she asked, rubbing her foot up his muscled calf again.

  His gaze sharpened. Crap. She’d awakened his investigative instincts, which she hadn’t meant to do.

  He leaned forward, clasping his hands around his glass. “You’d tell me if something was going on between you and your brother, right?”

  She frowned. “What do you mean, ‘going on’?”

  “I just mean…you seem uncomfortable talking about it. I’m just wondering why…if he threatened you—”

  “No.” She smiled nervously. “It’s nothing like that.”

  She pressed her lips together. She couldn’t—wouldn’t—admit that she was jealous of the relationship he had with his sister. As much as he tried to make it out like Lily was a nag, it was evident from the tone of his voice, from the emotion he couldn’t hide, that he loved her and would move heaven and earth to find her if she disappeared from his life. And Tori, now that she’d found Rand again, would do as much for her brother.

  She just wasn’t sure he’d do the same for her.

  “Rand and I haven’t seen each other in over a hundred years, Dante.” She looked at him. “It’s like we’re two strangers getting to know each other. It’s…hard.”

  “I can understand that. It’ll take some time.” He glanced around the club. “Which is why I’m kinda surprised to see you here tonight. Figured you’d be at home with him.” Dante looked out at the dance floor. “Or that he’d be here with you.”

  “He was busy.” Watching mind-numbing reality TV, instead of spending time with his sister. And it made Tori mad all over again.

  “I can’t see how anyone would be too busy to spend time with you, particularly your brother…”

  Tori couldn’t understand it either, especially when she hadn’t seen Rand in over ten decades.

  She tried to hide the sadness that overcame her.

  She couldn’t deal with this tonight. Didn’t want to deal with it. “Yes. Look, I’ve gotta go.” Tori slid out of the booth. “I’ll see you later.”

  She caught the look of surprise on Dante’s face but didn’t wait around for him to respond. She was here to have a good time, not talk about things that made her upset. Didn’t Dante know men weren’t supposed to be so talkative?

  Chapter Seven

  Tori didn’t need this emotional crap right now. She’d come to the Devil’s Domain for a good time, and she was going to have one, damn it. She headed toward the bar. She’d find Finn and get him to dance with her so at least the night wouldn’t be a total loss.

  As she walked she glanced around the club, searching for the demon. She saw him near the front door, hand flat against the wall, bracing his weight as he leaned toward the woman he was talking to. She was turned away from Tori, so all Tori could see was flowing auburn hair that ended at the small of the woman’s back.

  Well, hell, it looked like Finn had already hooked up with someone. She wasn’t going to horn in and ruin whatever action he might be about to get. She looked around the club but didn’t see anyone else who could keep her company and help get her out of her funk.

  Leaving the noise of the Devil’s Domain behind, she had just made it to her car when she heard footsteps behind her.

  “Hey. We’re not finished.” Dante sounded concern
ed, but she also caught the tangy scent of his confusion.

  Turning toward him, Tori tried to ignore the heat that blanketed the night. It had rained, leaving behind wet pavement and a muggy feel to the air. She could smell the nearby mesquite trees, and in the illumination of the parking lot lights she saw the determination on Dante’s face as he came to a halt in front of her.

  “If all you want to do is talk about my brother, then I don’t think we have anything left to say.”

  His brows drew down over eyes dark with frustration. “Hey, I’m just tryin’ to get to know you a little better, that’s all. I didn’t know it would upset you. I’m sorry.”

  He was sorry. So was she. She knew she’d overreacted and now was starting to feel like an idiot. “Don’t worry about it. Rand and me…it’s complicated.”

  “Probably doesn’t help that you’re prets, right?” He moved a little closer, so close she could feel the heat radiating from his big body.

  “You’re right. Rand hasn’t…” She blew out a sigh. “I don’t think he’s accepted what he is. He’s…restless.”

  Dante raised his chin in acknowledgment. “I get that.” His hand lifted as if he were going to touch her, then dropped back to his side. “So, I guess I’ll see you around,” he said turning away from her.

  “Dante, wait.” She stared at him, trying to figure out the puzzle of this man. Here he was caring and compassionate, his eyes broadcasting his attraction to her. Yet he seemed hesitant to follow through on it. “Can you just tell me one thing? Are you interested in me or not?”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Tori. I’d have to be dead not to be interested,” Dante said in that slow, sexy drawl of his. “But I just don’t think I have the time to commit to a relationship right now.”

  She frowned. That was his thing? He didn’t want to get involved because he didn’t have time? Genuinely confused, she asked, “Who said anything about commitment? I’m not necessarily interested in getting serious with anyone, either.” She spread her hands. “We’re both adults. Why can’t we just enjoy each other and see where it takes us?”

  “You’re not the kind of woman a man can just enjoy.” Almost as if he couldn’t help himself, he reached out and caressed the bare space at the nape of her neck. The weight and warmth of his broad hands made her sway with desire. The sweep of his callused thumbs along her skin made her want to moan. His deep voice husked across her eardrums, sending tiny shivers through her core. “A man gets one taste of you and it only makes him want more.” His voice dropped lower. He moved one hand to cup her jaw. “Makes him want it all.”

  At that husky admission, Tori’s heart picked up speed. She moved closer until she rested lightly against him, her belly nestled in the V of his slightly spread thighs. The evidence of his interest rose behind the zipper of his jeans. “Then take it all, Dante. I don’t mind.” She raised her arms and looped them around his neck. “And I promise I won’t bite. Unless you want me to.”

  His bark of laughter was abrupt, though sensual humor lingered in his eyes. She slid her hands up to cradle his skull, gently urging his mouth down to hers. He resisted, but for only a second, before she felt the shock of his lips on hers all the way to her toes. With a moan she went up onto the balls of her feet, holding his head, pulling him closer. The hard ridge of his erection pressed against the softness of her stomach. His big hands slid down to her hips, tilting her pelvis. She lifted one leg, wrapping it around his thigh.

  His low, deep groan rumbled against her breasts. He brought his hands up to her face and took control of the kiss, tilting her head to the angle he wanted, thrusting his tongue between her lips to lay siege to her mouth.

  She willingly allowed him to conquer her as she ran her hands over his back, feeling the softness of his shirt and the hardness of flexing muscles beneath. He was hot under her fingertips. Strong.

  And he smelled so good, like the fresh outdoors and a healthy male in his prime. The combination called to everything within her, both feminine and feral. With an impatient growl, she pulled his shirt free from his jeans and spread her fingers over the warm flesh of his back.

  When she started toward the buttons, he wrapped his hands around hers and rested his cheek against the top of her head. “Wait,” he rasped, his breath coming fast and hard.

  “Why?” She pressed a kiss to the dip in his throat bared by his open collar. “Consenting adults here.” She dropped another kiss onto his Adam’s apple. “Though I suppose we should move this to someplace more private.”

  He cupped her face and gently moved her back. “It would…complicate things, Tori. I’m not saying it won’t happen. I’m just saying I’d like us to be friends first.” His hands dropped to his sides.

  Her brow dipped, just a little. Usually when a handsome man told a woman he just wanted to be friends, it meant one of two things: he was gay or he just wasn’t that into her. She didn’t think Dante could kiss her like that and not be straight, and she also didn’t think he could kiss her like that and not be interested. “I’m confused.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman. Sexy as hell. But I have obligations that take up most of my time right now, and it wouldn’t be fair to you to always be last on my list.” His gaze was steady on her and his sincerity seemed real. “I want to get to know you better, I do.”

  “But…” she prompted.

  He shook his head. “I’ve already told you the ‘but.’ Let’s keep things simple for right now, okay?”

  “Things don’t get much simpler than I want you and you want me, but all right.” Battling back her hurt ego, Tori glanced toward the club and decided she didn’t want to go back inside. There were too many people in there for her current frame of mind.

  Plus, Stefan might still be around, and she didn’t want to take the chance that Dante would somehow recognize him. She needed to figure out what her cousin was up to before anyone official got involved. And since Dante seemed willing to proceed as friends, she didn’t want to miss an opportunity to spend time with him. “Why don’t you come to my place for coffee? Just as friends,” she stressed. When he didn’t say anything right away, she added, “I have pie,” hoping to further entice him.

  He seemed torn. “What kind of pie?”

  “The best kind. Homemade.” She had a bit of a sweet tooth, and sometimes the craving for dessert was impossible to ignore, so she just about always had something on hand. Or the ingredients ready to whip up a treat. “Dutch apple and peach. And triple-bean vanilla ice cream.”

  He grinned. “You’ve just talked me into it.”

  “Excellent.” Tori adjusted the strap of her evening bag. “Just follow me home.”

  Dante pulled out his smartphone. “Give me your address.”

  She rattled it off and he input it into the device. “Got it.” He looked up at her, his dark eyes still holding banked lust, though mostly he seemed intrigued by her pies.

  If she had to start with his stomach, so be it.

  “Where’re you parked?” he asked.

  She motioned to her right. “I’m a few rows that way.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car.” He cupped her elbow.

  It was nice, being treated like a lady. She didn’t have the heart to remind him that, as a werewolf, she could protect herself better than he could. She drew her keys out of her purse and remotely unlocked her Mini Cooper.

  As she opened the door, he shook his head with a muttered, “This is like driving around in a tin can.” He looked at her. “It’s not safe. Someone in a bigger vehicle could roll right over you.”

  “You mean like someone driving a big heavy-duty pickup?” she asked with a glance over his shoulder at his truck.

  “Yeah. Or a Hummer. Lots of Hummers in this town.”

  She shrugged. “I’m a good defensive driver. And I get great gas mileage.” She ran a hand over the roof of her car. “Besides, it’s such a cute thing. If it makes you feel better, for its size, it’s gotten great safety ratings.”
  He grimaced. “I can see this is one argument I’m not going to win. Just be careful.”

  “Yes, sir, officer.” She grinned at his scowl. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  She got in the car and started it up, waving at him to get him to go back to his own vehicle. She waited until he had climbed behind the wheel and started the big truck, the diesel engine rumbling like some great behemoth, and then she pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. Time for some pie and maybe a little cop on the side.

  Dante made a right and followed Tori’s tin can of a car into a residential neighborhood. He kept replaying that kiss in his head, remembering how good, how right, she’d felt in his hands. How hot, how sweet she’d been on his tongue.

  He hadn’t been wrong—one taste of her had only made him want more. God, what had he been thinking? He should never have followed her home. Just walking into her house would change their relationship. Seeing where someone lived, how they lived, lent an intimacy he wasn’t sure he could handle.

  He should just turn his damn truck around and go home. Stop this before it got out of his control. He lifted his foot off the accelerator and watched Tori’s little Cooper move farther ahead of him. His gut tightened as the distance increased. With an oath, he picked up speed. He wasn’t going to be an ass about this. He said he’d have pie with her, so he had to see this through. As long as he kept things work-related for the time being, he should be fine.

  Time to think about something else. He put his attention on the neighborhood he was driving through. As he passed house after house he wondered how many prets lived there. Were humans outnumbered here? Were they soon to be?

  Was that the purpose behind the rift communications? To send more prets through the rift? Their primal need for survival would compel them to take over human hosts, and the human souls already housed in the bodies would be suppressed.

  Dante just hoped he wasn’t ever randomly—or otherwise—chosen to become a host. He didn’t want to lose who he was. It would be better to become a pret by the bite of another one, though that did limit him to being either a vampire or a shapeshifter of some sort. They were the only ones who could create others of their own kind. Other than in the time-honored way of making babies, everyone else had to wait for another rift in order to grow their population.


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