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Scorpios and Sapphires

Page 17

by L. B. Simon

  "Excellent!" Aidan smiled. "Isa, go see Vlad. Ask him to put out a notice to all his cleaning and catering contacts. We want to have an in on both jobs, if possible. Tell Vlad that we will cover the difference on the discount price they will offer to secure the contract and give an additional twenty percent if they are hired."

  "Consider it done!" Isa made a note on a loose paper.

  "Phil, I will be seeing Kárpáti tomorrow. I will need you to make the call around 2:30 p.m."

  "Sure thing, mate!"

  "Anything from surveillance?"

  "Nothing useful so far. The Citroën hasn’t moved from the garage the whole weekend." Savy shrugged. "And I finally tracked that second account from where the money is transferred to the Cayman’s, it was set-up by one of the Renaud businesses. I have also traced the calls between Belmont and Céline to their first phone exchange. They began talking a year and a half ago, with increased contact in the past year."

  "And the rest of our slimy gang seem to be on their best behavior, at least when in public." Isa’s fingers twitched as if wanting to grasp something useful. "Can’t give you more, sorry Ace."

  "What about you, Mélisande, did you overhear anything useful?" Aidan asked the young woman as she entered. "Anything at all?"

  "Not much. Céline is freaking out that she doesn’t get to have her gathering in my house. Father is furious that he is being kicked out. He talks a lot to my great-uncle. There is nothing relating to the robbery. Or me." Mélisande took off her server’s jacket, then her glasses.

  Aidan studied her more closely. Mélisande has changed in the past few days. She was subdued as if a flame had burned out in her. She was older somehow, more serious; distant. He realized that the change had occurred slowly, since the night the earrings were found; as if she began shutting the world out.

  "Savy, you are good for another half hour? I would like to take a shower before I start on surveillance," Mélisande asked.

  "Of course!" Savy spun on Aidan as Mélisande walked into her room. "I’m worried about her."

  "Belmont was really nasty when he last spoke of her." Isa watched the closed door with sadness. "He’s one vile piece of mierda! I hope she will be okay. I reviewed that tape and I felt bad just listening to it, how much worst it must have been for her to hear him talk in such terms about her. I mean the creep actually said that she was psychotic like her whore of a mother and got exactly what she deserved by getting killed. What kind of man is happy that the child he raised is dead? It’s sickening." Isa swiped at a tear. "I will go see Vlad now."

  "I’ll go catch some sleep, I’m knackered. And I will be up early watching Renaud." Philip stood up too.

  "You got anything on him yet?"

  "Nope, mate, sorry." Philip shook his head. "Like Isa said, they behave squeaky clean. I think they expect to be watched." He waved at them on his way out.

  "Thanks, Phil! Have a good night!" Aidan turned to Savy. "You go sleep too, sis. I will monitor the bugs."

  "But your French is worst than mine!" Savy noted.

  "It’s okay, I’ll get Mélisande if there is anything of interest. You earned a break." Aidan motioned his sister to go. "And by the way, Samuel is not old! He’s about my age," Aidan smiled.

  "You both are old." Savannah leaned down and kissed him on the cheek before hurrying away. "Thirty plus; practically geriatric!" She ducked into his room laughing, as Aidan threw a cushion at her.

  Chapter 46

  Aidan reviewed the files that were on Savy’s laptop while waiting for the bugs to pick up any sound. There was no activity in either one of the three rooms. Mélisande came out in a black long tunic and matching leggings, her Scorpio necklace dangling on her chest.

  Watching her Aidan realized that she had her heart broken. She sat down silently, running her fingers through her wet hair. Aidan put down the laptop on the coffee table and focused his attention on her.

  "You okay?" He asked; she nodded, but the gesture lacked energy.

  "Yes, just tired." She leaned her head against the back of the couch. "It was a really long day. Veritas now has me working in the dining room. It is hard work, especially on the legs."

  "Give me those feet!" Aidan faced her and lifted her legs up onto his lap. She tried to pull them back, but he held on. "I am good at giving massages, trust me."

  "Mm-hum, I bet you are good at a great many things…" A shadow of a smile touched her lips as he began kneading her foot. "I love working with Veritas. I am learning real life skills. Who knows, one day you might walk into a restaurant, and I will be the one bringing you your drinks and food. How wonderful would that be?"

  "Don’t say that! You have no idea what it is like to work for minimal wages." Aidan felt a sudden pang, he got so used to having her on his team that he couldn’t imagine her being anywhere else.

  "True, but I know that money doesn’t come with happiness. It actually is the cause of all my misery, so I rather be poor, than live in a grand mansion surrounded by skilled pretenders."

  "How are you holding up?" Aidan quickly changed the topic.

  "Like I am dead to the world," she whispered. "My funeral is tomorrow. Are you going?" She turned her piercing green eyes on him, cutting him to the core as he hesitated.

  He had not wanted her to know about this, and she seemed to read his mind.

  "People in the restaurant do talk, you know. I am quite popular; only my friends and family are tight-lipped on the matter like I am something to be ashamed of. Did I say friends and family? Is it not in times of trouble that you find out who your true friends are? Apparently, I never had any friends, except for Samuel and maybe François."

  "And now you got us," he tried, but her walls were up, his words never reaching her heart.

  "Hum," was all her response, as if she had something else to add, but didn’t.

  "You mentioned an interesting thing to me the other day, that you can’t trust me because I might be working for the same person who hired the Germans. Do you really believe that?"

  "It is a possibility, no?" Mélisande smiled sadly. "But no, it was just something Samuel had said."

  "It’s a relief!" Aidan glanced up at her hopefully.

  "But you, Aidan; you still don’t trust me." She blinked and tension seeped back into her body.

  "Mélisande…" He began, but she cut him off.

  "You still have not answered my question, are you going? To my funeral?"

  "I am," Aidan exhaled noisily. "I didn’t want to upset you; I’m sorry."

  "What is there to be upset about?" She sat up, pulling her feet free. "It is all for the best; I have no life left to go back to anyway… Not with a father who hates me, who is not even my kin, and friends who are there only for the money and good times. I am glad that I am dead, it solves a lot of my problems. I just wonder if anyone at all will grieve for me…" She whispered these last words, her voice breaking.

  "Everything will be all right, Mélisande." Aidan scooted closer.

  "Yes, it has to, does it not?" There was the faintest hint of hope brightening her features.

  Aidan felt a tug on his heart. He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her until all her troubles were forgotten. He ran his hand up her arm, debating whether he should follow his desires or listen to his head which was telling him it was not the right time. She averted her gaze, and the moment was lost.

  "There is activity in the office!" She sat up straight.

  Chapter 47

  Aidan looked at the screen, where the audio wave undulated and they both put in their earpieces. Fifi’s voice sounded, speaking in an angry French.

  "So, your little plan is not working out as you hoped."

  "I really don’t need you bitching at me, woman! I need to pack for the next few days, and then I will be back. Stop making an issue out of nothing!"

  "You mean for the next few weeks, and you need me to pack for you."

  "You are such a darling, would you?"

  "Ha! You are a mo
nster, Charles!"

  The man growled and Fifi giggled.

  "Stop! I need to get you packed before the morning. You won’t be allowed back in after the funeral."

  "I know! What a shame; I will miss this house."

  "You will miss it a whole lot more if you don’t get little Miss Prissy Céline to marry you." Fifi let out a laugh. "So, the books, you taking them too?"

  There was a moment of silence.

  "Let’s leave them here for now. I think they will be safer under lock and your supervision." Belmont groaned. "I love your sense of duty, order, and loyalty to me."

  Aidan looked at Mélisande to confirm that he understood the conversation correctly.

  "Fine. Clothes only then? I’ll get started on them. You are seeing that woman tonight?" Fifi probed.

  Aidan scowled and concentrated on the words.

  "I have to. She was magnificent in letting me do what I needed, and she covered for me beautifully. I got to maintain that slice well buttered."

  "Of course, you do. I still think you are making a big mistake, seeing her so soon. The police are still sniffing around, you should wait until the case is closed."

  "Have I told you, you worry too much?"

  "And what about Céline? You will be staying with her, I suppose?"

  "Don’t be foolish, we can’t be seen living together the day of my daughter’s funeral. No, I will be staying at a hotel, with a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. You will come and visit me on my cold lonely nights, won’t you?" Belmont coaxed.

  "As if you are ever lonely at night! But I might stop by, to admire your Eiffel Tower… I’m off to work, Milord! Ring, should you need my services. I was once told I am just as good at getting a man into his clothes as out of them…"

  Belmont roared with laughter as the woman slammed the door behind her. A moment later a cell phone rang.

  "Yes, my love! You have met with several caterers and cleaners? The choice is easy, they all do the same work; hire whoever gives you the best price! It’s a no brainer, love. Just because you came into extra money doesn’t mean you must squander it away! I just recalled something that thief had said... While you will be away, we will have to have someone at your house to supervise the help... Yes, of course, I will take care of it! You don’t need to worry about that! Oh! Darling, I wish I could see you too! This phone thing doesn’t do it for me either. Come on Wednesday, sneak into my hotel room. I will make it up to you, I promise! I miss you too. I need to see you before you leave. I won’t last the week if I don’t. Yes, Wednesday. I’ll text you the room number. I must get my bags ready for tomorrow. They will lock me out after the funeral. All because that gypsy has a grudge against me. He has no rights to the house; the will is clear! Oh! Do not worry, there is nothing he can do, just huff, and puff, that is all. You will be the queen of this mansion shortly, I just hope you will let me back in. I love you too! Can’t wait to see you!"

  Silence fell in the office, as Belmont opened a drawer or two, locked some cabinets and left.

  "This is horrible; you two have been listening to this sex crazed old geezer for all these days? No wonder Savy and you are not yourselves! I thought of putting a bug in his hotel, but I already know that there will be little else for us to hear other than him entertaining one woman after the other."

  "This is nothing, trust me!" Mélisande ran her hand through her hair.

  "Why didn’t either one of you told me how bad this was? You are officially off this duty!" Aidan clicked on the bedroom audio feed.

  "Fi, where is my gray tie?" Belmont demanded.

  "Put down the earpiece!" Aidan ordered.

  Mélisande blinked at him blankly.

  "I can tell you right now that this will get X-rated."

  "I will stop listening when it does." Mélisande persisted, her jaw tightening stubbornly.

  They heard a closet door open and then close.

  "Milord," the maid’s tone was full of sarcasm. "You know, you are just as much of a whore as I am, right?" She questioned after a few moments.

  "Well then, that is why we are so perfect together!"

  There were sounds of kissing and furniture moving, then a zipper sliding. Aidan removed Mélisande’s earpiece, glowering at her. For the next few minutes, all that Aidan could hear was Belmont’s labored breathing. Then there was a groan of disappointment.

  "What the hell? You are not done yet!" Belmont hollered.

  "Oh, but I am Milord, I am done for now. This is all you will get; so, that while you will be with that whore Élodie, you will be thinking of me, and all that is waiting for you when you come back home. Just so that you know, I will be sleeping here tonight, naked and if you come home late or not at all, it will be your pillows that will have all the best I have to offer." There was the sound of a slamming door.

  "Witch!" Belmont yelled after her.

  "What is the name of the bank manager, again?" Aidan’s eyes sharpened, half listening to the sounds coming from the room.

  "Élodie Dubois." Mélisande scrutinized his face, trying to read from his expression what was going on.

  Aidan pulled out his phone.

  "Isa, are you sleeping? I need you to follow Belmont tonight with the camera. I am so sorry! Just a few shots, is all I need. He is meeting the bank manager. Nikita is on him tonight, but I don’t think he has the equipment necessary for what I need. Could you, please take care of it? Thank you! You are the best! And I will need you on Wednesday too, but we will discuss it tomorrow. Good luck!" He ended the call. "Well, stupidity and insatiable horniness will be the end of this man."

  "What did I miss?"

  "Not much; just that he is meeting Élodie tonight, and Fifi thinks that she controls him. This is good information for Lachance. I think he will have enough with the notes here to play these two against each other." Aidan flipped through the book and added his own comments. "All we need now are the right photos!"

  "But the revenge plan, we will still go through with it, right?" She hesitated, suddenly uncertain, almost shy.

  "Of course! Lachance will hit him from the right and we from the left. It will be a knockout blow!" Aidan grinned reassuringly. "Don’t worry about that part, I have it all figured out."

  "Thank you. Should we continue listening?" Mélisande asked.

  "Belmont is leaving just now. I doubt there will be anything else of interest tonight. Are you hungry?"

  "Veritas fed me before sending me upstairs, so I am good."

  "Then how about you go get some sleep? I will stay here, just in case something comes up."

  Mélisande nodded and walked to her room.

  Aidan sat for a long while staring at the ceiling. He felt guilty that his sister and Mélisande had to listen to this manipulative relationship’s most sordid moments. He should have paid more attention to what was going on. He feared that both young women would shun healthy relationships because of all they had heard in the past few days.

  He knew Savannah had a few boyfriends but knew little of the details and how much experience she had. As for Mélisande, a rich, controlled and possibly sheltered girl, he had no idea if she ever had a real boyfriend or not. A ping from the computer brought his attention back to the screen. He pulled out his mobile.

  "Isa, the Citroën is on the move! Keep your eyes peeled, I think Fifi is heading your way."

  Chapter 48

  Aidan stood in the drizzling rain, steps away from where Delphine and Adeline Belmont lay. The grave was re-opened, and they stood around it in somber silence. Belmont, dressed in black, tears streaming down his face, held a beautiful platinum and gold cremation urn, detailed with gold flowers and leaves intertwining all around the container. A young man stood behind Belmont, holding up a black umbrella, sheltering the grieving father as best as he could from the weather.

  Belmont’s acting chops amazed Aidan. If he had not heard the man’s harsh words about his daughter, he would have never believed that this was just an act.

e priest was wrapping up the prayer and Belmont was getting ready to have the urn placed into the ground. Aidan thought of the fond stories that he had heard earlier and the hypocrisy of it all. He was sure that Rebecca Arnaud had not been as wonderful a high school friend as she suddenly claimed to be, recalling the good old days au lycée. And Terrence Hawthorn’s recollections sounded like a well-rehearsed audition. Aidan felt a sense of relief; Mélisande was finally free of this world of lies and betrayals.

  One by one people came up to the grave, throwing a red and peach colored rose into the hole. Just as Aidan was about to add his, he said a silent prayer for the Jane Doe whose ashes were being laid to rest.

  People moved down the lines of graves to cluster with friends, just as the rain stopped. Aidan made his way to Kárpáti who stood with Lachance and a few others who Aidan did not recognize.

  As Aidan approached the group, Kárpáti grabbed his pocket and excused himself. He pulled out a cellphone and answered in a hushed whisper. The thief watched him glance at the screen as if making sure that the line was connected, then returned the phone to his ear, before finally hanging up. Philip’s call had been to the insurance investigator, as he had suspected.

  "Why has the public not yet been informed of Mademoiselle Belmont’s death?" A grumpy man demanded in French.

  "To avoid a circus!" Lachance’s eyes threw daggers at the vultures with cameras. "Even so, look at the crowd here. It would be triple if we had made the announcement. This is Aidan Carver, Monsieur Champlain, he is helping us investigate the case. Aidan, this is the head of Europa United Insurance, Monsieur Champlain."

  The men shook hands.

  "Look at all those paparazzi…"

  Aidan followed Lachance’s gaze and saw him staring at Isa who was snapping shots of the crowd. He guessed that she was documenting Céline, who was standing next to a distraught François, in her high couture black dress.

  "Let’s do this!" Belmont said to Lachance from behind Aidan.

  "Hm, I guess it is time for another press conference," Lachance stated, his words lacking enthusiasm.


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