The Malone Brothers Boxed Set

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The Malone Brothers Boxed Set Page 18

by S. L. Sterling

  In Your Arms

  In Your Arms

  Copyright © 2018 by S.L. Sterling

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved about, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of the book. This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Disclaimer: This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. It involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are consenting adults over the age of 18.

  ISBN: 978-1-7751087-9-5

  Editor: Erica Russikoff of Erica Edits;

  Cover Design: Sarah Paige of Opium House Creatives

  Cover Image: Shutterstock


  Hope — Four Weeks Earlier

  I could hear the girls playing down the hall while waiting for Carter to come home. The life we had built with one another had been nothing short of amazing, but lately our relationship was feeling strained. He had been secretive about everything including work, and work was one thing he never held back from me. I had always enjoyed hearing what he and his brothers were working on—minus the names of course; client confidentiality wouldn’t allow him to break that. It wasn’t just being secretive, though. We had spent the better part of the last two months arguing over EVERYTHING, which wasn’t normal for either of us. I could count on one hand the amount of times we had argued over the years.

  “Mom...” Kendall screamed, banging on the door and pulling me out of the memory of last night’s argument. “Mackenzie wants to pack now to go to Grandpa’s. She has her suitcase out.”

  I sucked in a breath, staring at myself in the mirror. “Kendall, tell your sister I will talk to her in a few minutes. Read her a book until I get there.”

  “Okay, Mommy.” I listened for her little feet to go off running down the hall. I let out another breath and brushed the hair from my face.

  “Please please please, don’t let this be happening,” I whispered to myself as I glanced at my watch. We had gone over this topic a few times over the last year; our family was complete and there was no need for any more babies.

  A sick feeling came over me as I waited. What would I tell him? How would I tell him? I glanced at my watch again; it was time. “Hope, I’m home!” I heard Carter’s voice from the hallway.

  I closed my eyes. He shouted my name again and then he started yelling at the girls for whatever mess they had gotten into. I looked down at the little white stick that sat on the counter, and staring back at me were two dark, perfect little pink lines.



  I sat behind my desk Wednesday night, typing away on my keyboard. It was after eleven, the house was quiet, Hope and the girls had already gone to bed, and I sat waiting for an update from Hunter on the case he was working on. I was leaving next week for a business trip, so I wanted to know exactly where things stood with his case. With both of us away and out of the office, that meant Bryce and Chase had control, and neither of us felt quite comfortable with that yet.

  I sent off an email to confirm my reservation at the hotel I would be staying at next week and dove back into the paperwork that my paralegal had done. There were a few things she would need to change before Monday’s meeting, so I finished noting my changes for her, so she could work on it tomorrow.

  My phone vibrated against the desktop, taking my attention away from what I was reading. Grabbing it I answered the call.

  “Hey, man, it’s done, it’s over. He’s going to prison.”

  “Wow. I’m surprised that it hasn’t hit the news yet. Thanks for the update. When do you figure you’ll be back?”

  “In a couple weeks. There are a few loose ends that need to be wrapped up here, and then once those are done, the remainder should be able to be done at the office.”

  “Sounds good. I leave on Monday, so I’ll tell Anna to have everything wait for your approval business-wise until you are back.”

  “Sure thing. Have you mentioned anything to Hope about this case?”

  I looked toward my office door and picked up my glass of Scotch from the desk, swirling the liquid around. “No, not yet.”

  “I see.” He went quiet. I should have told her. I mean, after all, it was her ex-boyfriend whom our firm was representing. “What else is going on?” Hunter asked, pulling me back to the conversation.

  I swallowed hard. “I received a message from Felice the other day.”

  “Wow, that’s a blast from the past. How is she?”

  “Good, she and Mike need some legal advice and asked that I stop in while I’m in town next week. Mike had been in touch with me last year; they are going to adopt a child and just want me to look over things.”

  “Is Hope okay with that?”

  I went quiet, taking a sip of Scotch. “I’m not exactly sure.”

  “You haven’t told her?”

  “Not exactly. I don’t want to spend our ten-year anniversary in a fight.”

  “Carter, you need to tell her—you do know that—before you go.”

  “I know, I just don’t want her to worry.”

  The line went silent. I talked to my brother about lots of things, but never my relationship or any of the troubles we were having; however, the truth was I had to talk to someone. I was afraid that both issues may just be the push our relationship needed to end it all.

  “Is everything okay between you two?” Hunter questioned.

  I twirled my pen between my fingers. After he had confided in me last year about things with Autumn, I knew without a doubt he would listen. I drew in a deep breath. “I’m not sure. Things been different lately. I feel like I am losing her.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s almost like we don’t know each other anymore. She’s short with me, barely looks at me, and we have been arguing a lot.”

  “I think you guys just need some time alone. This weekend away is going to be good for both of you. You need to find your way back to each other. I’ve noticed a difference since Kaylee was born, I won’t lie. But, man, if things aren’t feeling right between you, don’t let something so innocent and work related get between you. Tell her the truth about what has been going on. Let her know you are seeing Felice and Mike while you are away. She may not like it, but at least your conscience is clean.”

  My younger brother seemed to finally have his shit all together. I had aided him in getting there, maybe I should listen to him now. Maybe it was my turn. “I’ll tell her. Listen, I got to go and get into bed. Early morning.”

  “No problem, I have to call Autumn anyway. I promised I would when I finished tonight. I’ll be in touch tomorrow. Oh and if she isn’t too receptive to what you have to tell her, you do know that you have a place on my couch, right?” he chuckled.

  I let out a small laugh. “Sounds good, thanks. Talk to you soon.”

  “Yep, oh and Carter?”


  “For fuck’s sake, shut the damn computer off and go make love to your wife.”

  He was gone after that. I hung up the phone and sat back against my chair, laughing at what he had just said. That was my brother, always about the pussy. I looked down to my wedding picture that had sat on my desk for the past ten years. Hope was so beautiful that day, and still to this day, there was no doubt in my mind that I was in love with her. Maybe Hunter was right—we just needed to take the time and find one another again.

  I set my phone down and went to get up when it vibrated again. Felice’s name flashed across the screen: “
Let me know when you arrive. Dinner might be a good idea, just to get um reacquainted.”

  I frowned. I didn’t need dinner to look over fucking adoption documents. I deleted the message without responding and left my office. As I walked down the hall I stopped and checked on both the girls, covering both, and then made my way down to our bedroom.

  The bedside light was still on, casting a warm glow over the room; the TV was playing a repeat of Friends. Hope was on her side, facing away from me, uncovered. I shut the television off and looked over at Hope. She lay there, her little white tank top short enough to show off her perfect ass in my favorite black thong. I felt my cock stiffen at the sight as I stripped out of my shirt and pants. I crawled in and inched my way up behind her, placing a single kiss on her shoulder. I ran my hand over her hip and down her soft, silky leg.

  “I tried to wait up,” she murmured in the sleepiest, sexiest voice I had heard in a while.

  My fingers traveled back up her leg, over her thigh, and hooked in under the edge of her panties. Pulling them down, I placed a kiss on her hip. I was throbbing, I was so hard, and I was growing harder with each second that passed. It had been almost five weeks since I felt myself buried deep in her, her legs wrapped around me, moaning as I pounded into her. My fingers dug into her skin as I gripped her hip, pulling her closer to me. She rolled over onto her back, running her fingers through my hair and shattered any hopes that I had of repeating that night. “Not tonight, baby. It’s late and I have to be up early to take Mackenzie for her dance photographs.”

  She placed a soft kiss on my cheek and rolled back over, pulling the blankets over her body. I lay back against my pillow, Hunter’s words running through my mind. I wanted to make love to her, but every single time I had tried over the past four weeks, I had gotten shot down. I was seriously starting to doubt my confidence. She never turned me away this often. I lay there, letting her take her beautiful body and eyes away from me, and I tried to rid my mind of those dirty thoughts.



  I had been planning our ten-year anniversary weekend for months, and it was finally here. We were headed to Briar’s Vineyard for dinner, a new upscale restaurant and winery that only served the finest foods. Then we were off to spend two nights at Everland Hotel and Spa, the newest hotel in King’s Cove Harbour. This weekend needed to be special; I needed it to be special. I planned to tell Carter about the baby, and I prayed he would be happy and that it wouldn’t ruin our weekend, but I feared it would. I stood at the bottom of the stairs, glancing at my watch. It was already three. Dad would be here any minute to pick up the girls.

  “Let’s go, girls. Grandpa will be here soon.” Just as the words left my lips, I turned to see my father’s car pull into the driveway.

  I pulled their little suitcases over to the door and opened it just before Dad rang the bell. “Hello there, how’s my girl?” Dad said, pulling me in for a hug.

  “Good, Dad. Sorry, I’m trying to get those granddaughters of yours ready.” I wrapped my arms around him, taking in the hug he gave, which was always so warm. There was something about a hug from your father when things were bothering you that could always calm your soul, and mine needed calming.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind visiting with my girl for a bit.” He stepped inside and removed his shoes, and together we walked into the kitchen. I grabbed the juice from the fridge and poured us both a glass as my father took a seat at the breakfast bar.

  “Mom! Mom! Is it okay if we take a bunch of our dolls to Grandpa’s?”

  I shook my head at my dad and smiled. “Girls, we have gone over this already—coloring books, crayons, and one stuffy each, along with one bedtime story. Now Grandpa is here, and you do have a bit of a way to travel, so you better go and get your things ready.”

  “Okay.” They both walked away in a pout. “I told you she would say no,” Mackenzie whimpered.

  I looked to my Dad and laughed. “Sorry, I swear they should be ready. They have been planning this overnight trip as soon as they found out they were going. I think they’ve had everything packed three or four times by now.”

  “No need to apologize. I remember a little girl who was the exact same way when she was their age.”

  I smiled and took a drink. “How’s Mom?”

  “Good, she is home baking, getting ready for the weekend. Maybe I’ll finally get that pie I have been asking for.”

  “Maybe.” I smiled. “Although you do know you shouldn’t be eating that stuff with your heart the way it is. Mom told me about your last checkup.”

  My father waved a hand in front of his face, dismissing my comment, and changed the subject. “How is Carter?” Dad asked, his face getting serious.

  “Good. He isn’t home from work yet. He called this morning, said he might be a little late tonight; there was something going on that he needed to finish,” I said, looking down at my hands, the simple gold band catching my eye.

  “He should be working late with all that has gone on.”

  I frowned. I had no idea what he was speaking of. “Carter always works late, Dad. It’s our anniversary, though. I would have figured he could have let work go for a bit this weekend.”

  “He hasn’t mentioned anything to you?”

  “About work? Nothing lately.”

  “So, you don’t know what is going on?”

  I shook my head, a funny feeling rising into the pit of my stomach. “Dad, you’re scaring me.”

  “Trent King is going to prison. It has been all over the news today.” I didn’t know what to say, I hadn’t heard or thought about Trent in almost thirteen years. “His father is probably rolling over in his grave. I’m so glad you had your senses about you and decided to marry Carter.”

  “That wasn’t always the case, if you remember correctly, so don’t tell me it was a good thing I came to my senses. You used to hate Carter, Daddy. Besides, what does Trent going to prison have to do with Carter?” I got up off the stool and put my empty glass in the dishwasher.

  “Well, it’s his firm that is representing him. I believe Hunter has the case.”

  I was just about to ask Dad more about what he had heard when the girls came running into the kitchen carrying their little backpacks.

  “We’re ready, Grandpa,” they both sang in unison.

  “All right then, let’s get you in the car,” he said, picking up Mackenzie and taking Kendall by the hand.

  “Okay, girls, you be good for Grandpa and Grandma. We’ll see you Monday morning.”

  “I want to say goodbye to Daddy,” Kendall started crying.

  “Well, Daddy isn’t home yet.” As I put her coat on, she started screaming at the top of her lungs and kicking her feet, demanding to see her father. One thing was for sure—she had her father’s temper.

  “Daddy wants to say goodbye to you too, Kendall.” I heard Carter’s deep voice behind me. “You think you were going to go away for the weekend and Daddy wasn’t going to be here in time to say goodbye?” I turned to see Carter standing in the doorway, looking as handsome as ever.

  Kendall and Mackenzie both ran to Carter, and he swooped down and wrapped his arms around them both. “All right, you girls be good for Grandpa and Grandma, and Mom and I will see you Monday.” He kissed them both and stood to shake my Dad’s hand. “Brian, how are you doing?”

  “Good, Carter. Good to see you. Have fun this weekend, kids,” Dad said and turned, taking both girls by the hands. We watched him walk both the girls to the car and get them situated.

  “You all packed and ready to go?” he whispered into my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “I am. Figured you might like to shower first, but I’ve confirmed our reservations.”

  “All right, baby. Give me half an hour.”

  I was sitting in the living room, dressed, a glass of sparkling grape juice in my hand, waiting for Carter to get out of the shower. I shut the TV off, slowly wandered into his office, and sat dow
n at his desk. It was a room I very rarely wandered into anymore, except to dust and vacuum. When we were first married, I couldn’t keep count of how many nights I had found myself on top of this desk, my legs over his shoulders, his face buried in my center. I smiled at the memories as I ran my hand along the smooth, cold desktop. His wallet and cell phone sat in a neat little pile just above his keyboard and beside that his keys.

  I flipped the screen of the computer on and went straight to MSN. My curiosity had gotten the best of me and I needed to see if what my dad had said was true. As soon as the page loaded, it was the first article I saw. “CEO of King Enterprises found Guilty for Embezzlement” was right there in black and white. It was true; Trent was going to prison.

  I clicked further through the article. Hunter Malone, one of the senior partners of Malone Law—the lawyer hired by King Enterprises—declined an interview. No wonder Carter hadn’t mentioned anything to me. I sat in deep thought, staring at the words on the computer screen, until I heard the shower shut off. He had been so argumentative and distracted lately, working so late into the night, I felt like I barely saw him. Now I knew why: Trent King. Carter had always done what he could to protect me from things, and I could understand his not wanting to tell me about Trent. I shut the screen off and went to stand up when Carter’s cell phone screen lit up. I hadn’t meant to look and wished I hadn’t, but when the name flashed across the screen, I couldn’t help myself.


  I frowned, my eyes burning while trying to fight back tears from my eyes. Why was Felice messaging him dinner reservations? As far as I knew, they hadn’t spoken in years. A funny feeling hit my stomach, thinking about Carter’s business trip next week to meet with clients over a custody battle. I tried to take a deep breath. Felice was a damn nightmare, to say the least—a name from his past, our past, and a name I had never cared to hear again in my life.


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