The Malone Brothers Boxed Set

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The Malone Brothers Boxed Set Page 59

by S. L. Sterling

  "Just the answer to that question you asked me so long ago."

  "What question?"

  "Why we waited?"

  I looked into her eyes. There was a seriousness behind them that, in all the years that I had known her, I had never seen before. "And what is your answer?" I asked as my heart began to pump a little faster, hoping that perhaps her answer was the same as mine.

  "Honestly, I think every relationship has failed me in one way or another because of one reason. You. I think that without knowing it, in some way I have been in love with you from the start. I never really knew how to express it or how to show it, and at the risk of losing our friendship, I never was brave enough to do anything about it."

  I laced my fingers through hers and pulled her into me. I had done a lot of soul searching over the last five months, and I knew that was exactly how I felt as well. "I think you might be right," I whispered as I placed my hand on her cheek and gently met her mouth, kissing her deeply.

  Monday morning I walked on air as I made my way into the boardroom. Carter, Hunter, and Bryce all sat in their usual spots, a coffee in front of them, going over whatever documents were being brought to the table. I sauntered in, dropping my suit jacket on the chair behind me, and sat down.

  "Jesus, it's about time you got here," Carter complained, glancing at his watch.

  "We weren't sure if we should start without you or send out reinforcements to find you," Bryce stated.

  "However, we guessed we should just start without you, since we figured you were probably balls deep in your fiancée this morning." Hunter grinned.

  These fuckers, I thought to myself, and I hung my head low and sat in my usual spot. I hadn't bothered to call any of them after telling them what my plan had been, so none of them knew how it had gone. I let out a breath. "She said no. No, I don't want to talk about it, so let’s get down to business," I stated with no emotion.

  I almost burst out laughing at the looks on their faces as they quickly averted their eyes from me and to one another, and suddenly the mood in the room shifted.

  "Jesus, man, I am so sorry," they all said in unison.

  The room went quiet as I opened up the file that sat in front of my spot. I fought off the urge to smile.

  "Did she give you a reason?" Hunter questioned.

  I shook my head. I knew if I looked up at any one of my brothers, I would burst out laughing.

  "She can't just say no without a reason," Bryce stated.

  "Sure she can. Why can't she?" Carter questioned.

  "Fuck that. If it were me, I'd demand an answer. Look at him. The poor ass has been through enough. He at least deserves an answer. Get her on the phone. Let’s break her true Malone style."

  Pretty soon, even Hunter was involved in the conversation, and my three brothers soon forgot I was sitting there. They spent ten minutes arguing amongst themselves about my problems, before I cleared my throat to remind them that I was still there and that I could hear everything they were saying.

  "Hey, we're sorry, man. Totally inappropriate behavior," Carter said, shaking his head.

  I chuckled to myself. "It's all good. She said yes."

  "You ass." Bryce smiled. "Congrats, brother."

  "So, when is the big date? You know the girls will want to know right away."

  "We haven't set one yet but will soon."

  "Better get to it, because as soon as we tell Mia, Autumn, and Hope, you know they are going to want to start planning everything," Bryce said, pulling me in for a hug. "Congrats, bro."

  Our weekly Monday-morning meeting quickly turned into a celebratory one, which turned into a celebratory lunch.



  Chase and I had spent the better part of the week at his place discussing at great length how we were going to move forward. We had decided that I would sell my condo and move into his, which was bigger, and ultimately had the best view of not only the city but of the harbor as well. Hunter had recommended their realtor, and I found myself running through my condo a week later, cleaning like a mad woman for an appointment with her Sunday morning.

  I'd just gotten out of the shower and was sitting in the living room with the paper and a hot cup of coffee in hand while waiting for her to arrive. I was reading through an article when my cell phone vibrated on the table. I glanced at my phone and laughed when I saw Jenna's name. Her message of “are you okay” caused me to giggle, and I glanced to the sparkling diamond that I now wore on my left hand. I quickly began typing a message but stopped and called her instead.

  "Hello," she sang into the phone. "It's about time you called. I was beginning to wonder if this past Valentine’s Day didn't do you in."

  "I know. I'm sorry."

  "Don't be sorry. Just tell me if you are okay."

  "Listen, do you think you could meet me in a little bit?" I asked, using the same depressed voice I'd been using for the past five months, even though I was so far from that state of mind I now had whiplash.

  "Of course, I can meet you. Just say where and when and I will be there. Is everything okay?" I heard her whisper something to Matt. It didn't surprise me as much as it bothered me that I had been their topic of discussion lately.

  "Um, how about four at Aroma Mocha? The cafe should be pretty quiet by then."

  "Oh, Sophie, at four? Come on, you need to start getting out again with humans."

  "I know, I know, and I do get out with humans. I do still work, you know. Come on, please," I begged.

  "Fine. I will see you at four, but only if you promise to come out with us on Friday night."

  "I won't promise, but I will try, okay," I lied. I already knew we were meeting them Friday night. Chase just hadn't said anything to Matt yet.

  "All right, I'll take that answer, since it’s better than the last few I've been given. I'll see you in a little bit."

  We both hung up the phone. Just as I set my phone down, the realtor knocked on the door.

  Two hours later, I shut the door to my condo and called Chase. "All the paperwork is signed," I sang into the phone.

  "Awesome. Everything go okay?"

  "Yep. I'll be over in a little bit, okay? Jenna wants to have a coffee. See you tonight?"

  "You know it. I'll come to your place that way we can bring some of your things here tomorrow. Sound good?"

  "Sounds great. See you soon."

  I slipped my cell into my purse and left my condo. I walked down to Aroma Mocha. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and I couldn't wait to share the news with Jenna. I felt like I'd been holding this secret long enough. I walked in and placed our order—coffee and muffins as always—and took a seat over in the back corner.

  I'd been waiting for ten minutes when I finally saw Jenna pull the door open and walk in. She looked around the fairly empty diner and finally saw me. I had to keep my head down to contain the smile that I had hidden on my face.

  "Sophie, look at you. You're an utter mess," she bit out as she slid into the seat across from me. It was true. After the realtor left, I had thrown my hair up in a messy ponytail and put on an old T-shirt and jeans. If I was going to be packing later, I didn't want to wear good clothes.

  I shrugged. "I guess, but I didn't think I looked that bad," I mumbled.

  "Honey. You can't keep doing this to yourself. You can't keep hiding in your condo. We all miss you, and we are all very worried about you. I figured that after last weekend you would be good to go, but you've now been avoiding me. You didn't show up for yoga on Saturday either."

  Shit, I had forgotten all about yoga, and I had promised Jenna I would be there too. I was about to explain when our coffee and muffins were placed down in front of us, and as Jenna thanked the waitress, I pulled my hand from below the table and grabbed my coffee mug.

  As the waitress walked away from our table, Jenna turned towards me and was just about to say something else that would either be in the form of yelling and giving me shit or trying to comfort me, when her eyes spot
ted the ring I wore.

  "What on earth..."

  "He asked me to marry him. Obviously, I said yes," I said, wiggling my fingers.

  Jenna reached for my hand, gripping it tightly and pulling it towards her.

  "My God, girl, that is gorgeous," she said as she continued looking it over. Then she raised her eyes to mine and smiled. "Are you happy?"

  "Jenna, seriously, I couldn't be happier. He's everything to me. I mean, there aren't many people who can say they are lucky enough to marry their best friend."

  "My God, I have to call Matt," Jenna said, rifling through her purse for her cell phone. "We need to celebrate."

  "Hold up. I know Chase wanted to tell Matt, so don't ruin it for him." I giggled.

  "Okay, fine." Jenna pouted, putting her purse down.

  "We have lots to talk about. I need a dress, and you need a dress," I said.

  "We get to shop together for our wedding dresses," we sang in unison.

  I could feel the excitement building, and before I knew it, we had been sitting in the coffee shop for over three hours. We had gotten lost in plans and locations and flower choices and honeymoon spots.

  "This is going to be so amazing. I seriously cannot wait," Jenna said, laughing.

  Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Chase standing beside me, and Matt trailing behind with a tray of coffees. We had been so wrapped up that we hadn't noticed the time.

  "Congratulations, guys!" Matt said, setting the tray down on the edge of the table and passing each of us our coffees.

  Chase slid in beside me, putting his arm around me and pulling me into him. "I was getting worried. I called Matt to see if you were over there, and he was the one who led us here." He leaned in and kissed me.

  "Sorry about that. We got caught up in wedding plans," I said, kissing him.

  “And so, it starts!” Matt laughed.

  "We were both afraid of that." Chase chuckled, fist bumping Matt.

  We spent the better part of the night talking, laughing, and throwing around ideas. It had been one of the best days the four of us had shared together, and only the beginning of many more to come.


  Chase - One Year Later

  I stood at the altar with my brothers and Matt. The girls had already come down the aisle and had taken their places across from us. The doors opened at the back of the church, and the second I set my eyes on Sophie, I could feel the tears start to form. I swallowed back the lump in my throat and watched as Sophie walked down that aisle, leaving me weak in the knees. She looked absolutely stunning. Once she stood before me, I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I couldn't wait for her to be mine.

  After the ceremony, we had partied the night away with our friends and family. It was midnight, and we had just finished sharing another dance when I pulled her into me and whispered that I thought it was a good time to get going. I watched the look in her eyes as she silently agreed with me. We said our good-byes and left the venue.

  I rolled over and looked at my sleeping wife. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was only five; the sun was barely up. I slid my arm under her and pulled her against me, listening to the soft moan that escaped her lips. We were leaving for our honeymoon in six hours. Two weeks in Hawaii, just us, no distractions.

  "Baby, good morning," I whispered, sucking her earlobe into my mouth.

  "Morning," she mumbled sleepily and stretched.

  "Are you ready for our next adventure?"

  She opened her sleep-filled eyes and looked at me. "What time is it?" I could hear the panic in her voice at the thought we had slept in.

  "It's only five. We have lots of time."

  Sophie raised herself up onto her elbows and looked around the hotel room. "I almost forgot where we were." She mumbled, laughing, "Guess we should get up then and have some breakfast."

  I grabbed her, pulling her back down. "No way, not yet. I haven't made love to my wife yet this morning," I mumbled, kissing the side of her neck and rolling her so I was on top.

  "We can't be late." Sophie laughed and then sucked in her breath as I sucked her nipple into my mouth.

  "Are you already making up excuses? My brothers did warn me of this you know.” I chuckled. “Calm down. We won't be late, no worries. Just relax and let me work my magic."

  Sophie let out a laugh as I squeezed her sides before kissing my way down her body. I loved watching my wife come undone, and make her come undone I did.

  Three hours later, we walked hand in hand through the airport to our gate. We had lots of time, so as we wandered, we stopped in some of the shops along the way. We browsed around, each of us grabbing a couple of books and magazines for the beach. We grabbed a couple coffees and bagels along the way, too, since we hadn't had time for breakfast at the hotel.

  We were now seated at the gate, both reading, both eating breakfast and sipping on hot coffee.

  I looked up from my book and watched her. The soft smile on her lips as she read what must have been a funny part in her favorite author's newest rom-com. It was in those few moments that I realized I couldn't have been happier. I had married my best friend. Someone who had always understood me, always listened when I needed her to. I was only sad for a second when I realized that I had wasted all this time. She had been right in front of me all along. What mattered now was that we start our lives together.

  "What's got you so serious?" she questioned, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  "Nothing." I smiled and shoved my head back into my book. When I looked up again a few minutes later, I caught her watching me.

  "What were you thinking about, Chase?" she asked.

  "Just how much I love you," I answered, grabbing her hand and lacing my fingers through hers.

  Her cheeks lit with color and she smiled. "I love you too."

  The overhead speaker called out our flight number. We gathered our stuff, grabbed our bags, and made our way over to the boarding gate. I was beyond blessed, and I couldn’t wait to start forever with Sophie.

  About the Author

  S.L. Sterling had been an avid reader since she was a child, often found getting lost in books. Today if she isn’t writing or plotting, she can be found buried in a romance novel. S.L. Sterling lives with her husband and dog in Northern Ontario.

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  Sterlings Silver Sapphires

  Titles by S.L. Sterling

  It Was Always You

  On A Silent Night

  Bad Company

  Back to You this Christmas

  Sunsets and Somedays: A 425 Madison Novel

  The Malone Brother Series

  A Kiss Beneath the Stars

  In Your Arms

  His to Hold

  Finding Forever with You

  Vegas MMA


  Coming Soon from S.L. Sterling

  Fireside Love


  I sat doodling figure eights on the paper that sat in front of me. Tom's voice was sounding more like nails on a chalkboard than ever before. I swore this day was never going to end, and the more he droned on, the more I was convinced I was right. Who the hell calls a meeting at three in the afternoon on a Friday, for goodness’ sake. I glanced up at the clock. For a meeting that was only supposed to take a half an hour, my boss sure was winded. He had been going on nonstop for close to an hour and fifteen minutes, and all I could think of was cracking open a bottle of wine and vegging on my couch.

  "Everyone, thank you for your time and have a great weekend," Tom, my boss and ex-boyfriend, called out. I glanced up and caught him watching me, giving me a half smile. I dropped my eyes back to the form in front of me.

  Jen smacked me in the arm, grabbing my attention. "Let's get out of here," she said, scooping up the papers that sat in front of her.

  I glanced around the room. Half of the peop
le were already out the door, and here I was still sitting here doodling, while my ex stood there trying to get my attention. I quickly shoved all the notes into a pile, gave Tom a look, and followed Jen out of the boardroom and back to our offices.

  "Honestly, a late-Friday afternoon meeting that really could have been summed up over an email. That was a complete and total waste of time. I could have been halfway home by now," I mumbled as we stepped out of the elevator.

  "I know. I swear that man does this on purpose. Seems it's every single Friday night," Jen replied. "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"

  "The usual, you know: drown my sorrows in a bottle of wine and shove my face with sweets." We both laughed as we made our way back to our offices.

  "That sounds delightful. I'll see you Monday?"

  "Yep, I will be here."

  I shut the door to my office and jumped behind my computer to send out my final few emails of the day before I packed up my bag. Even though I had zero plans, I was happy it was Friday. I was simply happy to have a couple of days to myself and not have to come into this hellhole I called a job.

  My job hadn't always been bad. At one time, I'd actually liked it here. Then I started seeing Tom, my boss, which hadn't been the best idea I'd had. We had dated last summer, probably one of the best summers I'd ever had. Then fall came, he had gotten a new assistant, and things started to get rocky. My performance at work slowed, and suddenly, instead of being praised as one of the best employees, I quickly flew to the bottom of his list. Not only did it cause strain here at the job, but it caused strain on our relationship.

  One afternoon, I found out why I had been placed on the bottom of his list, and it wasn't due to my work ethic. I'd gone up to see Tom in his office like usual to finalize our plans for the weekend. His assistant wasn't at her desk when I arrived. I really didn't think anything of it. I just knocked and walked into his office, like I normally did at the end of every Friday. What I saw when I walked into his office I wish I could unsee. His assistant sat on his desk, her skirt pulled up around her thighs, and there in between her legs was Tom.


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