
Home > Romance > Smokescreen > Page 11
Smokescreen Page 11

by Ahren Sanders

  “See, that’s where we should have talked. I don’t want you or your body. But your daddy did that behind my back. I don’t want jack shit to do with you. Now get your ass off my mom’s property before I call the cops.”

  I walk away hoping finally it’s over. She doesn’t throw a shoe at my head or break down crying and I’m relieved.

  It takes me a few minutes to gather my composure, but when I get back to the patio, my mom is waiting by the door. She holds a shot and a beer to me, I take them both. Everyone else is in the pool or on the pool deck. The sight of Stella playing chicken on Landon’s shoulders against Laci on Mason’s shoulders makes me deflate.

  “They’re celebrating. Laci found a way to tape you telling Erica off. She showed us. Stella led the party to the pool. She’s so proud of you … almost as proud as me.”

  “Jesus Christ, Mom, when did my life turn to this? Everyone celebrates when I tell a junkie, addict to basically go to hell?”

  “Baby,” her voice is soft, “don’t question what you did. It was the right thing. She’s not your responsibility.”

  I gruff and swallow the shot. “You think Stella and I can stay here tonight? I’m about to go claim her and from the way she’s swaying, a few more shots will have us both ready for bed.”

  “Absolutely. It’s good to have all my boys back home.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I hand her the shot glass and run to the pool jumping in.

  Stella dives off Landon’s shoulders and swims to me. Her arms wrap around my neck and she leans in.

  “Don’t let her wreck this, Max, she’s a bitch. We’re stronger than her.”

  “We are huh? No more hang ups on timing?”

  Even in the darkness, I see her blush. “I’m beginning to see your point. Our time together isn’t that important.”

  I laugh out loud, letting the stress seep from me. She’s finally getting it. Not caring who’s around, I pull her close and kiss her roughly. We don’t break apart even with the cheers and catcalls behind us. Her taste is like a soothing balm that helps push all thoughts about Erica out of my mind.

  Something changed the night of Mason’s birthday. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, I feel closer to Max than before, but at the same time, there’s also a distance. His attention toward me has grown more affectionate and loving. He smiles more than when we first met, and his stress level has seemed to decrease. But he hasn’t tried to touch me and started sleeping in shorts at night.

  It’s been five days since I woke up tangled in Max’s arms on Sunday morning. When I opened my eyes and caught him watching me, my heart fluttered. His face was soft and warm. I wanted to ask him what he was thinking but he stopped me with a kiss. He only pulled away when his mom yelled to see if we were awake. He sighed against my head and rolled out of bed reluctantly. We dressed quickly and joined his mom and brothers. He held my hand possessively as we walked into the kitchen and Sara’s smile lit up the room.

  I love my friends, but was glad everyone left the night before and I had the morning with the McCoy family. Sara and I discussed my business and family. It was so natural, as if we did this all the time. I waited for the panic to set in, but it never did.

  When Matt brought up the situation with Erica, the mood in the kitchen changed. Max motioned for me to come to him and then tucked me into this side protectively. All eyes were on us as he filled them on his plan to move her out as soon as possible. They heard the rant from the night before, but Max explained what led him to the decision and her tricks in New York.

  I was shocked still when he announced to everyone that it wasn’t only her normal tricks and antics, but me that made him decide to finally evict her not only from his home but also from every facet of his life. I wanted him to explain more, but he changed the subject and we sat down for breakfast.

  When we left, Sara made me promise to meet her for lunch soon, when work was calmer. She had the same glimmer in her eyes when she kissed Max goodbye was well.

  This week has been much lighter now that we have all the support we need. Today, Laci and I are going to meet at the Hurst & McCoy offices with the team Max picked. Edward is sure to make an appearance so I’ve spent the majority of the morning giving myself a pep talk.

  I’m telling myself for the tenth time how impressive my plan is when I catch Landon and Laci in the doorway watching me. Both have tense lips and red faces from holding back.

  “Go ahead, laugh at me. I know I sound like an idiot talking to myself.”

  Both burst into laughter and come into the office. I explain the morning plan, ensuring once more that Landon is comfortable taking over while Laci and I are gone. Landon has only been around for a few weeks, but he already has a handle on all the office dynamics. More so than Laci, but she is taking on more of business development role. I was surprised when she asked, but she enjoys talking to the potential clients and doing initial discovery into their needs.

  After we wrap up the plans for today and tomorrow, I look up to see both of them looking at me funny. “What’s up you two?” I ask.

  “We want to go out tomorrow night,” Laci answers.

  “Okay, then go out.”

  “No, Stels, we want you to go with us. We’re going to celebrate hiring Landon full time.”

  “Where are you going?”

  They exchange a look that makes me instantly suspicious.

  “Landon wants to check out a new bar downtown. It’s a great excuse for us to get dressed up and dance. It’ll be a sort of girls’ night out celebration,” Laci tells me.

  “Wait, girls’ night out? Landon doesn’t quite fall into that category.”

  Both sets of eyes look at me as if I’m stupid. “Okay, so maybe he could fit into that category. Where do you want to go?”

  “So you’ll go?” Laci presses.

  “Maybe, if you’ll tell me where.”

  “Let’s just say, we won’t have to worry about picking up men. This is purely Landon’s scene.”

  I look between the two of them until it dawns on me. “We’re going to a gay bar?” I squeal.

  “Yep! Complete with a Drag Show and all. It’s the hottest place to open this year. I pulled a few favors and have our names at the door.” Landon bounces in his chair.

  I clap and turn in a circle laughing. We talk for a few minutes about our plans to meet at my house after work and get ready together. I’m mentally going through my closet when Max walks in.

  He takes my breath away in his custom made suit that molds to his body. His eyes capture mine instantly and a buzz fills the room. Laci and Landon stop what they’re doing and look between us. He doesn’t even give them a second glance as he stalks to me and tugs me against his chest, casing me in his arms.

  “You left before I got up this morning. I missed you,” he says into my hair.

  “Well, it was a bad morning. I realized we were out of coffee, which made me even grouchier. I was already nervous about this meeting today and didn’t want to bother you.”

  “Never leave the house without telling me goodbye. I told you before, even Medusa wouldn’t scare me away.” He doesn’t wait for an answer, but lowers his head down and takes my mouth greedily. His hands come up to frame my face and he angles me so our lips are fused together and our tongues spin in rhythm.

  My hands clutch at his back, gripping the fabric and holding as close as possible. I lose myself in the feeling of him. This is a new level of intimacy for us. Even when we made out in the pool around his family and friends, it wasn’t this intense.

  “Sweet Baby Jesus,” Laci says loudly and starts to clear her throat.

  Max breaks away but kisses along my jaw before pulling back and looking at me. His eyes are deep blue, the color of sapphire, boring into mine. I grin slightly and let go.

  “Tell me you’ll never leave again without saying goodbye,” he groans.

  “I’ll never leave again without goodbye.”

  “Good girl.” He pecks my forehead and
turns us back to the audience of two staring with parted mouths.

  “So what did I miss this morning?”

  “Just catching up and making sure we had everything ready for today.” I smile up at him.

  “And making plans for a GNO tomorrow night. It’s going to be classic.” Laci tells him.


  “Yes, Max, Girls’ Night Out. The three of us have plans at one of the hottest new bars in town.” She motions her hand between, Landon, herself and me.

  Max goes still beside me and starts to speak but Landon stops him.

  “Before you even think about saying something about me being a guy. We’re going to a gay bar.”

  Max face starts to turn red and he grips my hip tighter. “Can I talk to Stella alone?” His tone is harsh but doesn’t faze my two assistants. When they finally leave, he turns to me with fire in his eyes.

  “You are not going to a gay bar with those two tomorrow night.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. No way. I can’t go with you and I don’t trust any men when it comes to you—gay or not.”

  “Max, I don’t need to ask your permission to go anywhere. And even if you don’t trust them, which is ridiculous, you should trust me,” I hiss at him.

  Taking me by complete surprise, he bends down and lifts me, setting my ass on the edge of my desk. Inching his body between my legs, he softly grips the back of my neck and forces me to look at him. “Bella, I do trust you. But you’re precious to me. It drives me crazy inside thinking about other men looking at you, lusting over you, wanting you. I watch how men look at you when we’re out together. I can’t handle what could happen if I’m not there.”

  His fingertips rub lightly underneath the sensitive skin of my earlobes and my annoyance dissolves. I use my knees to pull him closer and lock my ankles around his thighs.

  “How can you make a possessive demand turn into something oddly sweet?”


  “No, probably because I have a soft spot for you. But that being said, I’m going out with my friends tomorrow night. I’ve never given you a reason to be jealous. But yet you’re over the top. Think you can tone it down?”

  He stares at me for a minute, his face unreadable. Then relaxes and presses his forehead against mine. “You’re using my driver. He’ll wait on you until you’re ready to go home. You call me if there are any problems at all.”

  I start to argue, but snap my mouth shut. He sees the aggravation on my face but raises his eyebrows waiting for me to agree.

  “Fine! But only because we were going to get a driver anyway. And you’ll learn real quick, if you try to boss me around or tell me what I can do, there will be no more we. It will be a you and a me. No more us.”

  His face softens and his lips turn in a grin. “Want me to let you in on a little secret, babe. Your little attitude is a total turn on. It makes me think of ways to punish you. I’m not relenting when it comes to you. You’ve got to trust me.”

  A surge of moisture pools between my legs, which causes me to rub against his waist. I unhook my ankles for him to back up, but he stays put and I feel his erection growing against me.

  “Max, you can’t talk to me like that before we have to leave.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you haven’t wanted to touch me for a while. We got back from your mom’s on Sunday, it’s now Thursday. You haven’t tried to touch me at all.”

  His face drops and heat fills his eyes.

  “You think I don’t want to touch you? You think if I thought it was right I wouldn’t fuck you on every surface in your house and claim your body as mine? You haven’t been paying very good attention, beautiful.”

  “I think I’ve been paying very good attention. Besides wrapping me in your arms at night, you haven’t made one move on me. I felt like things changed at your mom’s house, and then nothing,” I whisper, embarrassed to say it out loud.

  “Oh Stella, I’ve failed you then. I’ve been trying to give you time. There’s nothing more in the world I want than to be buried deep inside you and make you realize my feelings. I’ve been holding back until you’re ready. Things are going to change when I take you. There will be absolutely no more questions.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I told you; you’ll be mine. No more hiding this relationship, no more Erica lingering in your mind. Nothing. Just the two of us. I’m a man who knows what I want, Stella, and I want you. I want you in my life, in my bed, and on my arm. It’s not been easy for me to hide my feelings but I tried to respect your wishes. When you’re ready for me, and I mean all of me, say the word.

  “Crawling into your bed at night is the highlight of my day next to waking up with you. It may be too soon for you to hear this, but this relationship is already more than I could ever ask for. To me you’re perfect and meant to be mine. If I could kidnap you and take you away from the bullshit in my life I would.”

  “Wow,” I breathe into his chest. Soaking in his words.

  “Yeah, wow is one word I could use to describe you.”

  I open my mouth to comment, but Laci chooses that exact moment to walk in.

  “Hey, lovebirds, we need to go. Time to be spectacular.” She walks out.

  “She’s a pain in the ass, but she’s right. We need to go.” He steps back and helps me off the desk.

  “Max, are you really waiting on me? You’re ready to go public with our relationship?”

  “Baby, I’ve never wanted to hide it. It was respect for you.”

  “What if I’m ready to announce it?”

  “Say the word.”

  “Sunday night, dinner with my parents?” I bite my lip shyly. He’s probably not ready for that big step.

  His eyes grow wide and then soften, “It’s a date.”

  Shit! “Well, um, I should probably warn you. Laci and her parents will be there. As well as my sister.” I gather my stuff quickly hoping he doesn’t ask any more questions. I already told my parents a little about him, but wasn’t sure about inviting him on Sunday.

  “Babe, that’s a big dinner. Something I should know?”

  Here we go … I grab my purse and walk farther away from him so he can’t catch me. I’m at the doorway, almost free when I turn. “It’s kinda my birthday.”

  Panic clouds his face as I run out the door.

  Her fucking birthday! No one thought to tell me earlier?

  After Stella dropped the bomb on me yesterday, my mind went into overdrive. During our meeting, I could hardly pay attention and let her and Laci take charge, only speaking when I had to. I chose the COO and Human Resource Officer to join our team, so most of the talk was about the wage & hour and child work laws.

  I had my driver take them back to their office and started looking online for the perfect gift. After two hours of looking at ideas, I called Dana in for back up.

  When I explained what I was thinking, she smiled and said she’d take care of the arrangements. My only job was to find the perfect present.

  I tried to act cool last night when we both got home from work. It took every ounce of self-control not to tear off her clothes when she laid across my lap to watch TV. Even though I acted like the game was all that was on my mind, I was secretly planning. Her scent surrounded me and the perfect gift came to mind. Maybe it wasn’t her perfect gift, but it was mine to her. I carried her to bed when she fell asleep and held her close just listening to the sound of her breathing. I knew shit was going to hit the fan soon, but she’d be on the inside and know everything. My strong, perfect Bella could handle it.

  But now, as I listen to her, Laci, and Landon get ready for the evening out, my nerves are on edge. They’re laughing and singing to the top of their lungs—badly. Laci made cosmos as soon as she arrived and winked at me. I wanted to snarl but she was instrumental in putting my plan together for Sunday night, so I had to play nice.

  I questioned her once about how the hell she wouldn’t tell me
about Stella’s birthday and she laid me out flat. Her exact words were, “It’s not my place to tell you her fucking birthday. You’re the one dating her. I’m the one who will be here if you fuck up.” Although I wanted to yell—I wanted to prove her wrong more. There will be no fucking up with this woman.

  She’s truly perfect to me. Maybe she snores a bit, and kicks away the covers when I’m perfectly comfortable and is grouchy in the morning, but I adore it. I keep waiting for the annoyance to come and claim me. But with her, I grow more attached every day. Stella Sullivan has pulled me into her web of beauty.

  The group piles into the living room, breaking me from my thoughts and my eyes bug out of my head. I try my best to be civil, but my voice is strained.

  “Stella, bedroom now!” I walk past her and into her room, stepping over clothes everywhere.

  “You better want me back here to kiss me senseless or else that tone will never work!” she hisses behind me.

  “You can’t wear that, babe, I’ll go crazy here,” I say without looking at her.

  “What’s wrong with this?”

  I turn and take in the midnight blue halter dress that barely covers her hips and cringe at the sky-high heels. She’s a walking wet dream. Gay or not, she’s going to turn heads when she walks in the club tonight.

  Her face falls again, reminding me of the night at my brother’s party when I went crazy over her bathing suit. “Nothing’s wrong, babe. It’d be nice if you would wear a little more clothing. You look amazing. Come here.” I hold out my arms and she walks into them.

  Her skin against mine is almost my undoing. She lifts her head to kiss me quickly and then steps back.

  “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll behave. I love drag shows. I have a side bet going with Laci. If I can catch the eye of one of the acts and get on stage, she owes me dinner.”

  “I’ll buy her out right now if you change.”

  “Nope, fair is fair. Now what are you doing tonight?”

  “I have a little work, some fantasy football, maybe some last minute shopping for my sexy as sin girlfriend who didn’t let me know her birthday was on Sunday.”


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