
Home > Romance > Smokescreen > Page 15
Smokescreen Page 15

by Ahren Sanders

  “You two better get out here now. There’s a situation with some player and goalie and Matt and Mason are about to ruin the perfectly nice rug.” Laci’s voice calls through the door.

  My eyes scrunch in confusion. “Did she just say player and goalie?”

  “Yeah, obviously your best friend is a dumbass when it comes to football.” He laughs against my neck.

  “She’s a nut.”

  “She’s proven that. But she’s you’re best friend so I’ll be easy on her. How long are these people here tonight?”

  “Sara really wanted to have dinner before we leave.”

  “Fine, then after dinner, I’m kicking them out and punishing you for lying to me.”

  “Max …”

  “Believe me, babe, when I get done it won’t feel like punishment.” He grins.

  I secretly wish everyone would leave now.

  It’s not glamorous, but this area of South America has captured me. The people have been so welcoming. There’s a huge communication barrier, but I see the small smiles and encouraging glances and that’s enough for me.

  To my surprise, when we arrived, I learned Max knew the Portuguese dialect and could communicate fluently. He called a meeting with all employees and effortlessly read a statement I prepared. Workers looked around nervously, but he explained we were here to make things better and no further misdoings would be accepted. He introduced each of his team and directed our roles.

  When we left Atlanta, my ‘gut feeling’ was nagging at me. Max never let me out of his sight and held onto me closely in public meetings and appearances. We hadn’t hidden our relationship since I declared I was ready, but he’d never been this protective. When I asked him, he said he was being cautious.

  The second day into our trip, I was scheduled to meet with a few schools that had teenagers needing to work. I was trying to find a way to rope in an internship aspect. Max insisted on a bodyguard on me all day, which I refused. It escalated into our first fight.

  “Goddammit, Stella! He has to go with you!” Max yelled and slammed his hands on the sink as I showered.

  “No, Max. I need to be approachable. These kids need to know there’s a program for them and I’m not a hot shot.”

  “Don’t you get it? You’re the girlfriend of a multi-billion dollar president and CEO? People will be clambering to get to you. Not to mention the press and the crazies. I need you protected.”

  “Do you want to explain to me why we didn’t have this conversation before we left the states? I’m pretty sure it would have been easier for me to reason with you then,” I ask walking out and grabbing a towel.

  “Babe, I told you. You have to listen to me.”

  “Tell me what to listen to. You’ve been crazy for two days.”

  He sighs and runs his hands down his face. “Edward has someone down here in his back pocket. Taking bribes and reporting back. I need you to be covered at all times. Please.”

  “Are you serious?” I screech.

  “Yeah. Just got confirmation yesterday. I’ve always known he was dirty, but now I’m aware of his depth. He’s not happy about the changes and especially not happy about the money pouring into the community. He’s plotting away to take his anger out on me. I don’t know what he has planned yet.”

  “Are you safe? Let’s go home. I don’t want to risk anything with him.”

  “No, babe, we can’t go home yet. I need to do this. We need to do this. He’s been a bastard for years, thinking he controls me. But I finally have the upper hand and it’s driving him crazy. If we don’t finish what we started, he’ll win.”

  “You’re right! That was an off the hip reaction. We need to be here. But I get worried when Edward’s name is involved in anything.”

  “Don’t be worried about me, I’m protected.” His tone alerts something in me that says there’s more to the story.

  “Max, what aren’t you telling me?”

  Our eyes meet in the mirror and his face is masked with worry.

  “Come here,” he holds out his hand and I walk into his arms. “The fed’s didn’t just happen to raid the factory a few months ago. They were tipped off with solid information and evidence.”


  His finger goes to my lips to quiet me. “Do you remember when we first got together and I promised to tell you everything as I could? Well, this is one of those things. I need to make sure you can handle it and keep it to yourself.”

  I nod.

  “I’ll give you the condensed version since we don’t have much time, but when we get home I can fill you in on everything. Long story short, I’ve been watching all our businesses since the day I walked in the door of Hurst & McCoy. There are inconsistencies everywhere, but JOS was the worst. I worked with a friend of mine and we uncovered the sweatshops, the payoffs, and the whorehouse. That friend is Chris and we’ve been watching the amount of money being funneled through these outlets and not reported. I’ve made measures to protect the company and me, but Edward’s name is on this one hundred percent. We have enough evidence on him to go down for Foreign Corrupt Practices. But I couldn’t let these employees and the communities suffer by shutting down the factory.

  “So I had to get creative and bring the fed’s in. We have a confidential informant down here helping us. My knowledge of the law, along with Chris, has helped me. When we get done with this project and rebuild the JOS brand, I’ll have enough ammunition to kick Edward Hurst out of Hurst & McCoy for good.”


  “He’s most likely going to jail. That’s how good my information is. Right now, only three people have access to the files that prove his involvement in the illegal activities. If anything ever happens to me, Chris knows what to do.”

  “Why risk anything happening to you? Why not put him away for good?” I question.

  “Because unfortunately, the evidence I uncovered has my dad’s name on it too. Edward tricked my dad into signing false papers claiming expansion and growth. Dad tried to get his name off the papers, even called me for advice. By the time I could get here to look into things, he’d had his heart attack. We never got to talk about it. But I vowed to uncover the truth.”

  “Oh, Max.” I lean into him, holding him tight. “Is this one of the reasons you had me watched in Atlanta that night too?”

  “Ironically, no. I was just a jealous bastard then. But things have changed in the last few weeks. Our plan is making Edward crazy. He’s acting cagey. And now everyone knows about us. It puts me on edge that something could happen to you.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I am too, but it’s taken me three years to get to this point. We’re in the home stretch. In a few months, JOS will be the most talked about athletic apparel brand with a new state of the art facility. Employees will be happy and communities will thrive. In a small way, that makes up for the shit.”

  “And let’s not forget, you’re insistence to have an outside firm help. It led us to one another.” I smile, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Bella, one way or another, I’d have found you. No doubt. You mean everything to me. Now can you understand why I want you protected at all times?”

  The pleading look in his eyes tells me not to argue. “Okay, but can you get me one of those hot bodyguards? You know the ones with the tattoos and piercings?” I giggle but he’s not amused.

  “Don’t test me, Stella. That’s not funny.”

  “Honey, I’ll be fine. Promise to stick close to my guard and be aware of my surroundings.”

  His tight squeeze tells me he approves. We finish getting ready in silence, both lost in our own thoughts. My mind races with this new information and my hatred for Edward Hurst grows deeper.

  Max seems just as lost in his own thoughts and surprises me when he slips a handgun out of his bag and into the back of his pants.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “Purely precautionary. I’m fully licensed to carry.”

��s not enough time for me to even get into his reasons for needing a gun, but my gut turns with unease.

  “I love you, Stella. Don’t clam up on me now. I need you to help me get this done.” His voice pleads with me.

  My fear dissolves and I straighten my shoulders, sucking in a breath. “Let’s do this.”

  “There’s my girl. Come on.” He leads me out of the room with a firm grip.

  I make the decision to do my job and help the people of this community. But when we get home Maxwell and I are going to have a long talk about bringing me down here blindly.

  “I think that went well. The older kids seemed to grasp the concept better, which is understandable.”

  Vicki nods in agreement. “They want to get through school. If we can get this program off the ground, it can be used as the prototype around the area. We can implement in other schools and hopefully have a diverse workforce that covers generation gaps and provides for leadership involvement.”

  “Who’s handling the enrollment?”

  “The students interested will complete the paperwork and it will flow through my office. We’re going to hire a full time associate down here to run the whole program. I’ll have to send one of my employees here for a few months to train, but that’s not a problem. There are seven volunteers already.”

  “I can’t believe it’s really coming together.”

  “It’s a great program, Miss Sullivan. We’ve had ideas for years to improve our business practices but Mr. Hurst never listened to anything unless it turned a profit. Things have been different with Mr. McCoy.”

  My face beams with pride at not only the compliment, but also the recognition of Max.

  “Excuse me?” a male voice calls from behind us.

  We turn around to see a young man running towards us. My bodyguard instantly steps in front of me and holds out his hand to stop the boy. His eyes grow wide and he stalls immediately. “I just wanted to talk to the ladies about the internship program.”

  Vicki and I both nod our head at the bodyguard and he drops his arm.

  “How can we help you?” I ask gently.

  “I’m really interested in working at the factory and was wondering if I had to apply through the internship program?”

  “Yes, all students must go through the school to ensure the proper credits are applied,” Vicki answers him.

  He looks around nervously and twists his hands. “What if I don’t want school credit, just a job?”

  “What about school?” I ask softly.

  “My home situation has changed and I need a job. I’ve always been top of my class, I know I could do well for you.”

  “Come here.” I motion to the picnic table beside us. Vicki and I sit across from this young boy who is growing more anxious by the second. “What’s your name?”

  “Pedro Luis.”

  “Pedro, I’m Stella and this is Vicki. Can you tell us a little more about why you want to drop out of school and work full time? You can’t be older than seventeen.”

  “I’ll be eighteen in a few months. I meet the law to work full time.”

  “But why would you want to?”

  “I need to take care of my brother. He needs to finish school and I provide for him.”

  My heart hurts at his admission and the visible pain in his eyes. “Can you tell us more?”

  He slices his eyes back and forth between us and his shoulders slump. “My mom died a month ago, leaving me and my brother with my grandmother. She’s old and frail and doesn’t have a way to support us. My brother, Lucas, sees our struggles and is lashing out. I need to keep him in school and away from trouble. The only way to do that is to get a job. I work nights now, but it’s not enough.”

  My heart breaks at his admission and I know he is only one of many crushing stories.

  “There has been talk around here about the renovations of the factory and the workforce. I want to apply as soon as possible.”

  “What do you want to do, Pedro?” I ask softly.

  “I’m really good with numbers and can handle some technical issues. But I don’t care, I’ll clean the factory, run the machines, really anything.”

  “You speak English really well. Where’d you learn it?”

  “I taught myself. I also speak French and am learning Italian.”

  “Really you taught yourself?”

  “Yes, I work as a janitor at nights at the community center. They have audio programs I listen to as I clean and restock. They also have a computer station I’m allowed to use. I’ve already taken free courses that are equivalent to my remaining school classes.”

  “So you go to school and work nights already?”

  “Yeah, I had to help when my mom was sick too.”

  Vicki and I exchange a look and both of our eyes are shiny with unshed tears.

  “Pedro, let me see what sort of jobs we can look into that are available. Do you have access to a phone?”

  “Yes, I have a phone for emergencies.”

  We both give him a card and take his number. “Give me a few days. One of us will get back to you.”

  He nods before getting up to leave. “Thank you.” His voice is resigned.

  “Hey, Pedro, don’t lose hope. I promise you’ll hear from one of us soon.” He walks away and a tear escapes.

  “What are you thinking, Stella?”

  “I’m thinking Max’s commitment to this community just got a whole lot bigger. Better get ready because when I tell him my plan, it’s all hands on deck.”

  A wide smile spreads across her face. “Looking forward to it.”

  The floor has a worn path from my pacing. I’ve been going through ideas in my mind since getting back to the room and so far everything seems feasible. The legalities will have to be straightened out, but that’s what lawyers are for.

  The door opens and Max walks through looking beat. The sight of him makes my mouth water. Even covered in dirt with disheveled hair, he’s the sexiest man alive. As soon as our eyes lock, his face lights up and I go to him.

  We kiss briefly before he pulls back and starts to pull his shirt off. “Babe, I’m filthy, let me get a shower.”

  “How was your day?” I ask following him.

  “Good, long, aggravating. There’s a lot of work to be done, but I think with local labor, we can have renovations done in two phases. What about you.”

  “It was interesting.”

  By this time he’s turned on the shower and is completely naked in front of me. I rake my eyes down his body and lick my lips.

  “Wanna join me?” he asks laughing.

  “Yes, but I can’t. I need to talk to you about something important and if I get in that shower, we’ll never talk.”

  “Sounds serious. Talk while I shower.” He steps in and closes the curtain.

  I tell him about everything that happened at the school and Pedro’s story. I also tell him about my brainstorming ideas I’ve had in the last hour and how we can shift our community efforts.

  He steps out and starts to dry off in silence. When he doesn’t respond to anything I’ve said for a full two minutes, I start to fidget.

  “Bella, you know his story is one of many right? This specific area is poor and under developed. There are a few other factories in the area that provide work, but what you’re thinking is close to impossible. JOS and Hurst & McCoy can’t develop an entire economical platform. We can only do so much. Your dedication is admirable, but don’t set yourself up for failure. Let’s follow our plan and see what happens next.”

  “I don’t like to be challenged, Max. I think this could work. You should at least think about it.”

  “It’s not a challenge, it’s a reality. What we’ve already planned is going to take a year to get running smoothly. The medical agenda alone is probably a two year project.”

  “So let’s add some manpower and a few more programs.”

  “You’re not listening to me.”

  “I hear what you’re saying,
please think about it.”

  He wraps the towel around his waist and comes to stand in front of me. “It’s really hard to deny you anything.”

  “I don’t like being denied. It rarely happens.” I grin and lift on my toes to brush my lips against his. “Now get dressed.”


  “You’re going to the community center to see Pedro and we need to figure out how to keep him in school and keep his brother out of trouble.”

  He opens his mouth to argue but I place my finger against his lips. “Then when you get back to this room tonight, it’s anything you want. And I mean anything,” I whisper seductively.

  He drops the towel and pulls me against his damp, hard body. The warmth from the hot water still seeping off his skin. My arms wrap around his neck and I look up to meet his deep blue eyes filled with heat. “All night, Stella, I’m going to be inside your wet, tight pussy all night. I’m going to lick you, bite you, eat you, and then fuck you until you scream my name. You’re gonna feel me with every step you take tomorrow. And then if I’ve had my fill, I may let you out of bed. If not, we repeat until I’m satisfied. You’re gonna do everything I say and like it. “

  A moan escapes my throat and I rub against him. “I look forward to it.”

  He steps away and starts dressing. Once he leaves, I call Laci and fill her in on my new ideas. She promises to talk to her dad and Chris tomorrow.

  I wait for two hours restlessly, watching the door. When it finally opens, I jump off the couch and watch Max come in, looking even more tired than before. He eyes me wearily and goes to the bathroom.

  “Be naked when I get out, Stella.”

  The authority in his tone is alarming and at the same time sexy. I rush to the side of the bed and strip, getting under the sheets in record time. He slams around in the bathroom and curses loudly, but when he opens the door, his face is calm.

  He stalks to me with determination and I scoot back on the bed.

  “No, don’t move.” He crawls up my body and I shiver. “You sent me to see a man. He’s a seventeen-year old Casanova and doesn’t even realize. He’s so busy worrying about his fucking family he doesn’t see the girls staring at him like he’s a God. I scared the shit out of him. He had no idea who I was until I mentioned your name and his face lit up. Apparently, you have that effect on people. He told me his story and even told me about the abuse. Something he left out with you because he said you were too pretty.”


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