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Smokescreen Page 17

by Ahren Sanders

“Thank God we already had cameras set up when he walked in. We have a clear picture of his face and we’re discreetly asking around to find him. It fucking kills me you were threatened and scared when I was in the same goddamned building.”

  “Oh my God.” I shudder.

  “Yeah, and after Edward’s blow up last night, I need to have a presence everywhere. He wants me away from this JOS project and focused on other things. The New York deal was an excuse for him to confront me. I need to figure out why he wants me so far away and do it fast.”

  “Don’t you think you could have discussed this with me privately before blindsiding me this morning? I would have been rational.”

  “Rational yes, but practical, no. I want you safe and Jake is going to help me with that. He’s also going to do some research while you’re working. He’s really helping both of us.”

  “What about you and your family?”

  “I think they’re safe. There’s nothing tying any of them to JOS except their contributions and volunteering to help. And if Edward is behind this, he wouldn’t go after my family. He’s a bastard, but family’s sacred. I think he’s still mad at me for the way I dealt with Erica, but he won’t come out and say it.”

  “How long does Jake need to watch me?”

  “As long as it takes to figure out this mess. Nothing changes for you. Your schedule remains the same.”

  “Okay, Max, but we’re going to have a serious discussion later about your communication skills. First, you sprung a guard on me in South America without warning me. Now, I find myself in a similar situation. You have to start talking to me!”

  Jake chuckles again and we both look at him.

  “Sorry, man, but even her mad is sweet.”

  “Sweet is good but you should see her when she gets fiery. I get the both of best worlds.”

  “I’d like to see that.”

  “Hello! I’m sitting right here. Stop talking about me,” I yell, snapping my fingers to get their attention.

  “Here it comes.” Max stands up and grins down at me.

  “Maxwell McCoy, you’re lucky I’m a reasonable person. Five minutes ago I was planning your death for bringing this mountain man in here.”

  “Mountain man?”

  “Yes! He’s huge! Look at him, he doesn’t have the shaggy hair or the beard, but his size alone qualifies him for mountain status.”

  “Gotta say, that’s a first for me.” Jake shakes his head smiling.

  “Make fun all you want. I’ve got payback planned. You just wait.”

  “Stella, I hate to tell you but you’re too soft to scare me.”

  “Ha! That’s what you think. You’ll be begging Max to hire someone else.” I smirk at Jake, thinking about what’s going to happen as soon as we walk into my office.

  Max’s face is etched in confusion until it dawns on him. “Shit, Laci.”

  “Yep! And she’s always had a thing for gigantic men. I can’t make any promises about your friend over here going unscathed.”

  “I’m sure I can handle her,” Jake says, unworried.

  “Okay, now that we’ve established all this, I have a suggestion.”


  “Pedro may be able to help.”

  “Already on it. He’s watching out around the community center to see if this guy ever shows his face. He’s also keeping an eye out at the factory. “

  “But make sure he knows not to approach him.”

  “We’ve already talked about it. He knows to call me immediately.”

  “He’s still a boy, Max, make sure he’s safe.”

  “You keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll handle the rest.” He tugs me out of my chair and into his arms. “Now that we’ve cleared this up. Why don’t you let Jake drive you to your office? I’ll meet you there and bring lunch for everyone?”

  “What are you going to do?” My voice is laced with suspicion.

  “I’ve got some calls to make.”

  He doesn’t elaborate further and a nagging feeling starts to grow. It’s clear he’s still hiding something.

  “I’ll go get my things, they’re in the bedroom.” I sidestep him and walk towards his room.

  He must sense something is bothering me because he follows and shuts the door behind him. “Stella? What’s going on in your head?”

  “Are you still keeping secrets? I’m not keen on being in the dark. It started with you having me watched in the bar that night. It’s fine if you can’t share your business life, but this is the third time—third time—you’ve hidden things from me. First it was Erica, then in South America, now this. We’ve been home for five days Max. You didn’t think to tell me what was going on? I’m not sure I’ve made myself clear so I’ll do it with no room for misinterpretation. I will not stand being kept in the dark. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone, but this is the last time I’ll allow you to keep things from me. It’ll hurt like hell, but you’ll watch me walk out the door if it happens again.”

  Surprise washes over his face and then his eyes turn hard. He stalks to me and tugs me into his tight body. “You will never walk out my door. I won’t allow it. I’ve waited too long to find you to lose you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about what was happening. From now on, you’ll know.

  “I had you watched the night at the bar for purely selfish reasons, I told you that. As for hiding things, yes, I may have a secret or two going on, but none of it is critical to our relationship. Maybe I just want to surprise my fucking girlfriend this weekend.”

  “I’m beginning to wish we never got out of bed this morning. Everything was so perfect,” I mumble into his chest.

  “It still is, my Bella. Trust me to take care of you. This will be over soon. And I meant what I said this morning, the rest of our lives.”

  My mind is still in chaos, but my heart melts at his words. “Okay, Max, but no more hiding things from me.”

  He doesn’t answer but nods his head against mine.

  “Now, I’m going to enjoy spending your money and introduce the mountain man to my staff. I’ll apologize in advance if he quits before the day is through.”

  “Babe, go easy on him. He’s helping me out.”

  “One question, why does he know Erica?”

  “He watched her for me a few times when I suspected she was using again. He’s the one who helped me get her busted and into rehab. He’s more than a bodyguard, he’s a friend. She never met him.”


  “Yeah, so I owe him for this. He knows what you mean to me. He agreed to leave his current assignment and come to you.”

  Thoughts of the miserable Max surface and I have a new appreciation for the man in the next room. “Okay, we’ll take it easy on him.”

  Max’s hand goes under my chin and lifts it so there is no choice but to look at him. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, but next time you promise me a naked meeting, you better follow through.” I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

  “You got it. Now kiss me before you leave.” He lowers his lips to mine in a sweet yet searing kiss.

  He breaks away and rests his forehead against mine. “Promise me something, when we get through this, you’ll be here with me. Your face will light up my day every morning, knowing we’re through the worst. I knew I’d be facing a shitload of trouble when I finally moved forward, but I never dreamed an angel like you would be with me. Now I need to know, can you handle this? I can pull back your involvement but I can’t pull back from you.”

  “Maxwell Andrew McCoy,” I inhale deeply, but it doesn’t stop the tears that spill down my cheeks. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  When I show up at my office with Jake, it isn’t thirty seconds before both of Laci and Landon hone in on him. I explain, with limited detail why Max felt the need to put a bodyguard on me, Laci knows me well enough to know I’m holding back but doesn’t say anything. Even with concern etched on her face, she starts flirting immediately. As I suspected, Jak
e becomes flustered several times throughout the morning and asks if he can work in the empty office next to mine.

  I’m hanging up from a client call when he walks in my office and sits down, handing me a folder.

  “Stella, that’s a list of things I need from you, today if possible.”

  “Bank account information? Client Lists? A key to my house? This is all very personal material. And why do you need a list of friends and family?”

  “It’s part of my job. I need to have insight into your personal and professional life to understand if any threats come through. Max doesn’t want to agree with me, but I believe you’re a pawn in this game Edward is playing. The corporate corruption has solid evidence, but now the pressure is mounting. With you in the picture, you’ve become Max’s Achilles’ heel. There’s reason to believe his enemies will come after you, professionally and personally.”

  His words sink in and then it dawns on me. Only a few people know about the corporate corruption case. “Holy shit. You’re a federal agent aren’t you? You’re not really a bodyguard. You’re the one who helped Max and Chris uncover all the misdealing’s with Hurst & McCoy?”

  His face goes tight but he nods. “Obviously that is extremely confidential information. I’m working undercover.”

  “I’m going to strangle Max! How many more secrets are there, huh?”

  “Don’t be mad at him. Legally I’m on a case and he couldn’t tell you the truth. But I can. I’m taking a huge chance here, Stella, don’t make me regret it. No one can know any of this.”

  We stare at each other, waiting for the other to speak. I break first. “Of course. Give me a few hours to get this information together. But I need you to be completely honest with me about something. Are my family and friends in danger?”

  “Not likely. But it’s standard for me to be acquainted with people in your life. If that man in South America is truly a threat, he may branch out and try to infiltrate your life in a different way. He’s a total wild card until we know who he is and whom he works for. Max has pissed off a lot of people lately.”

  “Does any of this have to do with me? Is our relationship putting him in danger?”

  “No, he already knew there was a bit of underlying danger when he started uncovering the truth going on with JOS. But falling in love with you gave him a vulnerability that wasn’t around before. I’ll keep you safe when he’s not around. He’ll do what he has to do to save his company.”

  His frankness impresses me and I decide I really like Jake. It’s obvious the friendship is much deeper than a professional relationship.

  “Thank you for your honesty. Can I ask you one more question?”

  “I’ll answer if I can.”

  “It’s very inappropriate given our situation, but now that I know you’re not really a bodyguard, how did you know Erica?”

  “I helped set up the drug busts. Max finally stopped feeding me information once we learned her father’s money would keep her out of jail and rehab. But damn, I’d love to have sent her away just for making Max’s life hell.”

  “You and me both. Hopefully now she’s gone, but I still get a bad feeling about her.”

  “Well, she’s on my radar, so if she fucks up I’ll know it.” A smile creeps over his face and I grin in return.

  “We on the same page now?” he asks.

  “Absolutely, consider us a team.”

  Since I’m insanely organized, it only takes me one hour to get all the information for Jake. Laci came in immediately when he left my office earlier demanding answers. I glossed over the whole situation, picking the information I shared carefully. Basically I stuck with the story about needing a bodyguard because the man in South America was an imposter and threatened me. She didn’t pressure me for further details and left to get an extra set of my house keys made.

  The shrill beep at the front indicates someone has come in. There’s a loud screech which causes me to jump out of my chair and run to the lobby. Sara is in Jake’s arms laughing and holding him tight. Max is standing at the front desk watching with a smile. Laci returns and discreetly puts the keys in my office.

  We all listen to Sara bombard Jake with questions about his life the last few years. I learn Jake was a college friend of Max’s and had been around the McCoy family for years.

  His mysterious exterior was replaced with a fun-loving attitude. As soon as he admits he’s single, Laci and Landon both up their game. It’s obvious that Landon doesn’t have a chance since Jake admitted to liking women, but he tries to get his attention regardless. When Sara learns that Jake has been hired to protect me, the mood in the room goes still. She looks between Max and me and then motions with her head to my office.

  As soon as the two of us walk through, she slams my door and demands to know what is going on. Max tries to explain without many details, but relents when her face turns red and the vein in her forehead starts ticking.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me! You think Stella’s in danger—enough to hire a trained bodyguard to watch her when you’re not around. Edward is somehow involved and you didn’t think to tell me? That bastard has caused enough strife in my life, I’m going to talk to him.”

  Her knowledge of Jake’s occupation tells me she doesn’t know he’s a federal agent.

  “No! You’re staying as far away from him as possible. He’s hiding something. Something big. I’m too close to cleaning up his destruction to tip him off now. When he goes down, you won’t be involved!”

  “Maxwell McCoy, you don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. My name is also McCoy. I lost my husband because of his fucking greed and corruption. This is my family and my reputation too.” Her voice cracks a little and tears pool in her eyes.

  Her outburst hurts me and I walk over and lead her to sit down, holding her hand.

  “Sara, Max is right. You have to stay out of this and remain quiet. I’m not sure of all the details either, but I trust him.”

  She looks at me hard for a minute and then her facial features soften. “You’re okay with this?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “In the end, I’m okay with it, but you should know Max has major communication issues. Everything he just explained to you, I only learned about recently. He’s good at keeping secrets. But we’ve come to an understanding. No more secrets or no more Stella.”

  She gasps and her hand squeezes mine tighter. “No, please don’t let this come between you. Max! You can’t be foolish enough—”

  “To lose her?” he interrupts. “Never. I’m fully aware of the consequences going forward.”

  She nods and stands. “Okay, well, it’s time to eat then we need to get to work. You need to leave by five to make your reservations.”

  “What reservations?” I look between them.

  “Bella, we’re going away this weekend. Mom helped me with the plans.” He winks and she sighs loudly. When I catch her eye, the same glimmer that I saw at Mason’s birthday party is there.

  “I can’t go away this weekend. My house is in shambles, my yard needs attention, my parents and sister are begging me to visit.”

  “One weekend, the house and yard are taken care of. Can you tell your parents to come over for dinner next week? I’ll cook. Please, I need this weekend away. On Monday, we start the round-the-clock renovations. For three weeks, maybe four, I’ll be on call twenty-four hours a day. My contractors are on a tight deadline and it’s my job to keep them on task. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure I have to go back to New York soon.”

  I look between him and Sara and see different emotions staring back at me. Max’s pleading with me to get away and Sara is worried. She hears the stress in his voice.

  “Okay, but can I know where we’re going?”

  Both faces light up with pure happiness.

  “Mom and I bought a cabin up at Lake Lanier recently. It’s a complete surprise to Mason and Matt. You and I are going to spend the weekend there.”

  I squeal like a teenager and lun
ge at him. “I love Lake Lanier! It’s one of my favorite places in the world!”

  “Is everything okay in there?” Laci beats on the door, undoubtedly listening from the other side trying to hear our conversation.

  I step back from Max and kiss Sara quickly on the cheek before opening the door. “Yep, just found out my completely crazy boyfriend is taking me to Lake Lanier this weekend. Got a little excited.”

  “Is there room for one more?” she asks seriously.

  “No.” Max answers immediately. “But I promise you, there will be many more weekends in our future for guests.”

  “I’m hardly a guest, Max. I’m family.”

  He smiles widely and nods, agreeing with her.

  “Okay! I ordered enough food for fifteen people. Let’s eat!” Sara claps her hands and walks out, us trailing behind.

  Max plants his hands firmly on my hips and leans down to my ear. “Thank you for helping calm Mom down. You’re incredible.”

  “I adore her and she’s scared, Max.”

  “No more. If these contractors can get us up and running the way I want in the next month, I’m moving in on Edward. This shit is done. And, babe, we’ll be taking an extended vacation. Anywhere you want.”

  “One day at a time.”

  “One day at a time,” he agrees but his expression is still grim. The worry very clear, something is still not right.

  Two days wasn’t nearly enough to appreciate our time at Lake Lanier. Max’s “cabin” was more like a lake house mansion compared to the places my parents used to rent when we’d vacation here. There were four actual bedrooms, but with the basement addition, the place slept twelve comfortably. It’s three levels, with a wraparound screened porch that takes up the entire backside. The view of the water is breathtaking and I’ve spent the last two mornings curled up with my coffee watching the lake come to life.

  On the drive here Friday night, I told Max about my conversation with Jake. His jaw was tight and face unreadable when I finished. One hand held my thigh possessively, squeezing every few seconds. Without him asking, I told him I wasn’t upset with him for keeping Jake’s involvement hidden. I understood the levity of the situation.


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