
Home > Romance > Smokescreen > Page 25
Smokescreen Page 25

by Ahren Sanders

  “Fuck yeah!”

  “And Lace, when I say we’ll look at all requests, I mean together. You’re no longer a silent partner.”

  Her eyes grow wide and she starts shaking her head. “No way. That means more work, longer hours, and people will actually expect me to be nice to them,” she jokes.

  “Suck it up, hussy. And if we need to, we can hire another temporary employee to help Landon in the office.”

  “No need, I’ll help.” Sara says, joining our conversation. I momentarily forgot all the others that were here.

  “That will be fantastic!” Laci agrees.

  “We’re all doing lunch and Max’s paying. I’m starved. And after all the shit that’s happened in the last week, we deserve it. Let’s go,” Chris declares and we all agree on a place to meet.

  Before Max and I leave, Ellie stops us. “I want to thank you again for this opportunity. I’m not sure why you picked me, but it has been the highlight of my career so far to interview you this morning.” Her voice cracks slightly and my heart fills with delight.

  “Ellie, I chose you because I saw potential. We all need a chance to prove our worth. You did a great job. It’s no secret, a lot of people are disappointed that we didn’t go to them, but tough shit. Take this opportunity to show everyone what you’re capable of.”

  “I’ll call you this afternoon when the edited version is ready. You have first viewing rights.”

  “That’s fine, but I think we’ll probably watch it when it airs. Do me a favor. Don’t let me look like an idiot on screen when Max dropped his news.”

  “Impossible to do, you’re cheeks filled with color and the look of surprise was priceless.” Max drapes his arm around my shoulders.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Ellie approves.

  We say our goodbyes and leave the studio. For the first time in a week, I hope things are going to be all right.

  Laci wasn’t kidding, the office is a madhouse. Phones are ringing off the hook and all our electronic correspondence is full. I take one look at my desk and immediately start organizing my day in my head. Scout takes her seat in the corner and falls asleep as if she’s exhausted for me.

  Sara comes in at nine and waves briefly before Landon trains her on the phone system. He sits next to her filtering through emails and only passes them through to me if they are pressing. Laci takes joy in calling all the clients that dropped our business and informing them we won’t be able to take on anything new until next year. Several of them try to sidestep her and email me directly, but I reaffirm the decision.

  Jake walks in at lunchtime, surprising me. “Hey! What are you doing here?”

  “We still have some unanswered questions. I’m sticking close. Nice interview Friday night. Prime time coverage, public declaration of love, getting a library named after you. Quite a night.”

  “Shut up.” Heat creeps up my cheeks. “Where have you been?”

  “Max wanted the weekend with you alone, but I’m back now. Did you miss me?”

  “Desperately so,” I tease.

  “I missed you,” Laci pipes in, walking to my desk. “Do I count?”

  “Sure do, sweet lips.” He winks at her and sets up his laptop on my table.

  “Jake, I’m about to take a much needed break and engage my best friend in extreme girl talk. You may want to go to the other office.”

  “I’ll be okay.” He pulls out a pair of headphones and starts typing.

  “How was the rest of your weekend?” she asks me, leaning back in her chair.

  “Perfect, lazy, restful. But we talked last night and you know this.”

  “Yeah, but Max’s is always there. I never get any details.”

  “We watched sports, took the boat out, read, and relaxed. The only time we really left was to go to the outlet mall to get the dishes I ordered.”

  “Snore-bore. Where’s the spice and steam?”

  “There was plenty of that.”

  “Okay then tell me how many orgasms are we talking about? I’m thinking ten but since you’re withholding details …”

  “Fucking shit. I don’t want to know this.” Jake throws the headphones on the table and grabs his laptop. Without another word, he leaves shaking his head.

  We both giggle a bit looking at the closed door.

  “That was one way to get him to leave. Seriously, Stels, we haven’t been able to talk privately since this shit happened. You handled this like a pro. I know you broke down a few times, but I’m so damn proud of you.”

  My throat clogs with emotion that I can’t tamp down. “You know I couldn’t have been so strong without all y’alls support and love right? I pulled from all of you.”

  “Yeah, yeah … but Max was dynamic. I’m not sure if I’ve ever truly told you but I like you together. He’s never going to fully deserve your awesomeness, but he comes close.”

  “Thanks, Lace. That means a lot.”

  “Serious question.”

  “Okay, if that’s even possible with you.”

  “Am I going to have to fight Amy for Maid of Honor rights? She may be blood but I know your dirty little secrets. I’ll play my hand if I have to.”

  With just one statement, she lightens the conversation and the emotions I was feeling turn to humor. “I’m not sure we need to think about right now.”

  “You know he’s going to ask right? There’s no way a man like him doesn’t put a ring on your finger. He’s already over the top possessive and crazy about you. I’m giving it another month. Maybe six weeks.”

  “You are certifiably insane. Can we get through one week of normal?”

  “This is your new normal. Everyone wants a piece of the local darling that landed the notorious bachelor and saved a multi-million dollar business.”

  “Shut it. I’m still me.”

  “I know and love you for it. But seriously, if he asked you tomorrow to marry him, would you say yes?”

  “Without a doubt. Do you know something you aren’t telling me?”

  “Nope,” she shakes her head vigorously. “I’ve never seen this kind of thing before. Seriously, we read about it all the time, but never have I seen two people like this. We can write our own romance. Think I could become an indie author? Your story could make me rich.”

  “You’re already rich.”

  “Yeah, but still this–”

  A knock startles me and both our heads turn to the door as Max pokes his head through. “This a private meeting?”

  “No.” I laugh. “Laci’s talking crazy.”

  “Hardly. Keep doing what you’re doing, Max. I may have a hit on my hands.” She gets up and walks out, grinning like a cat.

  “Do I even want to know?” he asks me coming to my desk and pulling me into his arms.

  “Nope. You’d never understand.”

  “Did I miss something important? I couldn’t even see Mom over all the baskets out front.”

  “Apparently every business associate and news outlet in this town is trying to apologize. The gift baskets have been arriving all morning. There’s no way we’ll ever eat that much chocolate or fruit. I stopped reading the messages about two hours ago. Landon’s going to have a full day of sending thank you notes. How’s your day?”

  “It’s been interesting to say the least. I came by to talk to all of you. Think we could get a small meeting together?”

  “Sure.” I step away but Laci comes through with everyone in tow.

  “I heard him.”

  “One of these days your eavesdropping may cause you to hear something you don’t want to,” I tell her.

  “Probably, but not much scares me away.”

  “No shit,” Jake grumbles.

  “What’s going on, Max? Is everything okay?” Sara looks worried.

  “Oh yeah, things are great. Pedro called this morning and the community center wants to do a celebration in two weeks. They want Stella there.”

  “Already?” My head snaps to him.

Yeah. They’ve been working hard.”


  “Bella, this wasn’t a complete rebuild. They tore down some walls and did some renovations. New paint, bookshelves, desks with new computers, and a complete room dedicated to literacy tutors. It’s not the Bush Library by any means, but the pictures are great. The volunteers have worked hard to get this together.”

  “I don’t care if it’s a shack in the middle of nowhere. I’m so honored I want to be there too,” I say softly, staring into his bright eyes.

  “I have a little bit of business to wrap around it. Do you think you could be gone for a week?”

  “Max! No way. I’ve missed so much already. Remember I almost lost my company last week.”

  “This is completely business I swear. We’re going to do the new athletic line photo shoot while there. Also, the first phase of the renovations will be done. This will probably be the last time until the entire factory is completed that I’ll need you to travel. And that won’t be for months. Please, Stella?”

  “Absolutely she can go. And I’m going too. If she’s going to pull me out of my ‘silent partner’ status, I’m going to be right by her side,” Laci says matter-of- factly.

  “What about here?” There’s panic in my voice. “Someone has to work. Remember those six-hundred dollar shoes you like to wear? Those go away if we don’t have clients.”

  “Hang onto your panties. First of all, Hurst & McCoy is technically still a client and they need us. Second, we have two weeks to whip this place into shape. We can do this. We’re a team now, all of us.”

  “Ooohhh, yes! You are going! No quibbles about it,” Landon insists shaking his finger at me. “And, I’ll be fine here. You can thank me by bringing me back some of the new thermal shirts. Preferably in bright colors. I’ll be the talk of the gym in the hottest athletic wear on the planet.”

  Jake and Max both snicker and look to their feet. Laci and Sara are trying to hide their own grins.

  “Looks like you’ve got a deal, Mr. McCoy. Lucky for you that you’re a paying client.”

  His head dips and he kisses along my neck until he reaches my earlobe. “I wasn’t really going to take no for an answer.”

  Of course he wasn’t.

  “She’s going to fight you like a wildcat. You better be prepared,” Dana says with humor in her voice.

  “I’m counting on it. But she’ll do it.”

  “Should I make arrangements for your funeral?”

  “Nah, I can be very convincing.” I wink at her and grab my jacket off the back of my chair. “Will you do me a favor? Get some movers lined up for the week after we get back from South America. I’m ready for us to move to my place.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll wait to see how tonight goes before I make that call.”

  “Your lack of faith is disappointing. Do you not know how ruthless I can be when I want something?”

  “Oh yeah, Max, but this is Stella we’re talking about and she’s not your everyday business associate. I’m waiting for the fireworks.”

  “Oh yeah me too.” I wiggle my eyebrows and grin.

  “You’re ridiculous!”

  I wave and walk to the elevator. Edward is leaning against the receptionist desk reading over something. His eyes catch mine and I can’t believe the man looking at me. His face is pale and eyes blank of any emotion. He looks tired and sickly. Even his usual impeccable posture is slumped. We haven’t spoken very much since the meeting at his place.


  “Max. How are you?”

  “Doing fine, you?”

  “Good. I’m actually glad I caught you. I’ve decided to come with you to South America. It’s about time I showed my support.”

  “Fine by me, you do know that Stella and her business partner are coming too right?”

  “Yeah, I know everything. Apparently she’s a fucking saint down there.”

  “Edward, don’t fuck with her. Thought we covered this?”

  “That was as shitty thing to say. There’s no excuse for my behavior. Seems like I’m apologizing a lot to you these days.” He looks around uncomfortably and then changes the subject. “Rita mentioned you haven’t returned her calls. She asked me to speak to you.”

  “I’ve had a lot on my plate since leaving your house last Thursday. I’ll call her on my way home tonight.”

  “Yeah, we all saw the interview. Would have been nice to give me a head’s up.”

  “Edward, let’s not get into this right now—or say ever. We dodged another bullet that could have sunk our credibility for good. Very few people know about your role in that plot.”

  He nods his head dejectedly and I leave him standing there. As soon as I get in the car, I text Stella. Then I call Rita Hurst to see what the hell is so important.

  “Maxwell,” she answers cheerily. “I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.”

  “Been a little busy. What’s so important? I saw you last week.”

  “Busy? Too busy to call me back but yet you can go on television and publically make a fool out yourself? Then to disappear where no one can find you for the rest of the weekend? Do you have any idea how many phone calls I received not only about the business but also you’re new flame?”

  Anger fills me as my hands grip the steering wheel tightly and I take a deep breath. “Rita, I’m not exactly sure what you’re talking about, but I’ll warn you right now to watch your step here.”

  “I’m talking about praising that woman’s work and linking her with the success of JOS! I’m talking about your public declaration of love. I’m talking about embarrassing Erica to death!”

  “What the hell does this have to do with Erica? And you wanted to talk to me before the interview even aired.”

  “Yes, and if you would have met me or returned my call on Friday, our conversation would have gone a lot differently. Now you’ve publically mortified my daughter and linked a no-name PR girl to Hurst & McCoy. How could you? What would your dad think?”

  Fuck! “Listen to me, never mention my father again. And let me make something clear to you. Stella isn’t some girl or my flame. She’s none of your fucking business. We are none of your business. If you ever feel the need to question my actions again, think twice. This conversation is through.”

  “Don’t you dare hang up on me—” she may keep talking but I disconnect the call, fuming.

  Stella’s in the front yard with Scout and Jake when I drive up. Even in the shittiest of moods, watching Stella and our dog playing makes me smile.

  “Hey!” she shouts running over to me.

  “Hey yourself.” I brush my lips against hers lightly and hold her close. Instantly, my temper disappears.

  “I may have started a war today so be prepared for your mom to call.”

  “What happened?”

  “I asked Amy to come stay with Scout and watch the house while we’re gone. Sara overheard and got upset. I think I hurt her feelings.”

  “Have Mom pick up Scout on her way to your office each day. She can have days and Amy can have nights.”

  “Great idea! I’ll tell her tomorrow. How was your day?”

  “Better now. Let’s go inside, we need to talk.”

  “Been waiting for this all day,” Jake mumbles.

  “You can go now man, thanks.”

  “Seriously? There’s a chance you’re going to get your ass kicked and you’re dismissing me?”

  “What the hell is going on?” Stella asks, her eyes darting between the two of us.

  Instead of answering her, I stare at him, trying to figure out how he knows. “Laci?”

  “Of course man, she may be on her way right now.”


  “Tell me right now what the two of you are talking about!”

  “Okay, babe. But let’s go inside.” I guide her towards the house.

  As soon as we are inside, she stomps to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of wine. Jake gets two beers and hands o
ne to me, waiting.

  “You know, this is really a private conversation.”

  “I’m sure you’ll need privacy soon. But this is too good to pass up.”

  Stella clears her throat, staring at me.

  “Babe, I tried everything possible for months to get Erica out of the photo shoot. I thought she backed out voluntarily until this morning.”

  “You’re kidding me? I thought we were done with this hussy.”

  “Apparently not. But I made some last minute adjustments.”

  “What kind of adjustments?”

  “You’re doing the shoot with us.”

  Her face changes from anxious to disbelief, then to furious within ten seconds. “Absolutely no fucking way! You are insane!”

  Jake doesn’t try to hide his chuckle gaining him a dirty look from Stella.

  “This is not funny. Nothing about this is even remotely humorous. Actually it’s humiliating. Why would you even think I’d agree to do this? Never in a million years would I willingly put myself in a position to be in pictures with you and Erica. I’ll be a laughing stock. Have you seen her?”

  Jake’s face straightens and he looks directly at me in confusion.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I question.

  “She’s a fucking model! I’ll look like a fool.”

  “That’s what you’re worried about? Her looks?”

  “That and about a hundred other things.”

  Without saying a word, I stalk to her and put both her wine and my beer to the side. Then I lift her onto the counter, wedging my body between her knees.

  “No, Max, you’re not talking me into this. I don’t want to be associated with her or anything to do with her. She’s a menace. Nothing you can say will change my mind.”

  “Let’s get one thing straight. You are fucking drop dead gorgeous. Absolutely exquisite. Everything about you is beautiful. Never doubt that. You’ve always had a hang-up with her looks, but it’s you who’s not paying attention when you look in the mirror.

  “As for not being associated with her, I can understand that. But what about me? What about all the hard work we’ve put into JOS? These pictures are going to make a statement. It’s not just about advertising the athletic wear, it’s about the commitment.”


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