Guardsman, The (Molnár)
Guettel, Adam
Guthrie, Woody
Guys and Dolls (film)
Guys and Dolls (musical)
Gypsy Jim
Hagman, Larry
Hall, Juanita
Hallelujah, I’m a Bum (film)
Halliday, Richard
Hamburger, Philip
Hamilton (Miranda)
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hammerstein, Alice (daughter)
Hammerstein, Allie (mother)
Hammerstein, Anna “Mousie” (stepmother)
Hammerstein, Arthur (uncle)
Hammerstein, Dorothy Blanchard (second wife)
career of
Carmen Jones and
Carousel and
death of
Dorothy Rodgers and
King and I and
marriage to Oscar
Oklahoma and
on “Ol’ Man River”
Oscar’s illness and death
on relationship of Oscar and Rodgers
Rodgers’s fiftieth birthday and
Sondheim and
Sound of Music and
South Pacific and
Hammerstein, James (son)
Hammerstein, Myra Finn (first wife)
Hammerstein, Oscar, I (grandfather)
Hammerstein, Oscar, II
affairs and
Allegro and
Andrews on
Annie Get Your Gun produced by
Bennett as orchestrator and
birth of
business acumen and
Carmen Jones and
Carousel and
Carousel filming and
childhood and early life in theater and
children and
Cinderella and
collaboration with Harbach
collaboration with Kern
collaboration with Rodgers, begun with Oklahoma!
collaboration with Rodgers, revived after King and I
collaboration with Romberg
collaborative skill of, with Rodgers
death of
death of father and
death of Kern and
death of Lawrence and
death of mother and
decides on career in theater
de Mille and
depressions and
Desert Song with Harbach and Romberg and
divorce from Myra and
early failures of
early musical with Rodgers, Up Stage and Down
“Edelweiss” as last lyric by
education of
fame and
FBI investigation of
finances and
first lyrics by, for Furs and Frills
first musical by, Always You with Stothart
first play by, The Light
Flower Drum Song and
Hamburger on
Happy Birthday produced by
Hart and
health problems and
hit songs and
Hollywood and
homes of
homes of, Doylestown farm
homes of, Jamaica
I Remember Mama produced by
John Loves Mary produced by
King and I and
King and I filming and
“Last Time I Saw Paris” written with Kern
Lawrence and
legacy and influence of
Logan credit for South Pacific and
on love and understanding
lyric style of
marriage to Dorothy Blanchard
marriage to Myra Finn
Me and Juliet and
meets Rodgers at Columbia Varsity Shows
memoir begun
Michener share in South Pacific and
Mielziner sues
Music in the Air with Kern and
music publishing and
New Moon with Romberg and
Oklahoma! and
Oklahoma! filming and
original books by
performers and
personality and appearance of
Pipe Dream and
politics and
Porter on
producing and
racial prejudice theme and
recording contracts and
Rodgers’s fiftieth birthday party and
Rodgers’s relationship with
Rodgers’s star billing over
Rose-Marie with Harbach and
Show Boat with Kern and
Sondheim on
Sound of Music and
South Pacific and
South Pacific filming and
State Fair film remake and
Sunny River with Romberg and
Sunny with Kern and Harbach and
Sweet Adeline with Kern and
television and
television tribute to
theatrical knowledge of
Three Sisters with Kern and
Tickle Me with Harbach and
Toast of the Town tribute to Rodgers and
travels to Australia
travels to England
travels to Paris
on urban irony
Variety ad and
Very Warm for May with Kern and
writing methods and routine of
Hammerstein, Reginald (brother)
Hammerstein, William (son)
Hammerstein, Willie (father)
Hammond, John
Haney, Carol
Hanff, Helene
“Happiest House on the Block, The”
Happy Birthday (Loos)
“Happy Talk”
Happy Time, The
Harbach, Otto
Harburg, E. Y.
Harnick, Sheldon
Harrington, Donald Szantho
Harrison, Ray
Harrison, Rex
Hart, Dorothy
Hart, Frieda
Hart, Lorenz
alcoholism and
background and personality of
collaboration with Rodgers
Connecticut Yankee and
death of
Dorothy Rodgers and
finances and
Hammerstein on
Hollywood and
homosexuality and
jazz interpretations of
Liliom and
Love Me Tonight and
lyric style of
Oklahoma! and
On Your Toes and
Pal Joey and
Rodgers on
Rodgers’s musical style and
writing method and
Hart, Max
Hart, Moss
Hart, Theodore Van Wyck
Haver, June
Hawkins, William
Hawks, Nancy
Hayes, Bill
Hayes, Helen
Haymes, Dick
Hayward, Leland
Heart of the Matter, The (Greene)
Hecht, Ben
Heggen, Thomas
Heidt, Joe
Heine, Heinrich
Helburn, Theresa
Hellman, Lillian
“Hello, Young Lovers”
Hell’s Angels (film)
Henderson, Amy
Henderson, Florence
Hepburn, Audrey
Hepburn, Katharine
Herbert, Victor
“Here in My Arms”
Herman, William
Hersey, John
Heyward, Dorothy
Heyward, DuBose
High Noon (film)
Hiss, Alger
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitler, Adolf
Holden, Stephen
Holiday Inn (film)
Holliday, Judy
Holloway, Sterling
blacklist and
Hollywood Anti-Nazi League
Hollywood League for Democra
tic Action
Holm, Celeste
Holtzmann, David
Holtzmann, Fanny
Home, James
“Home on the Range”
“Home Sweet Home”
Homolka, Oscar
“Honey Bun”
Hong, Arabella
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hornblow, Arthur, Jr.
Horne, Marilyn
Horowitz, Mark
Hoschna, Karl
Hotel Splendide (Bemelmans)
Hot Heiress, The (film)
House of Flowers
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Houston, Whitney
“How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria”
Howdy Doody Show
Hudson, Rock
Hughes, Elinor
Hughes, Howard
Hunter, Jeffrey
Hwang, David Henry
Hyman, Harold
Hytner, Nicholas
“I Am Going to Like It Here”
Ibsen, Henrik
“I Cain’t Say No”
“I Can’t Give You Anything but Love”
“I Could Write a Book”
“I Do Not Know a Day I Did Not Love You”
I’d Rather Be Right
“I Enjoy Being a Girl”
“If I Loved You”
If I Were King
“If I Weren’t King”
“I Have Confidence”
“I Haven’t Got a Worry in the World”
Imagem Music Group
I Married an Angel
“I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair”
Independent Citizens’ Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions
“Indian Love Call”
Infants Relief Society
Inge, William
“In My Own Little Corner”
“Intermission Talk”
I Remember Mama (film)
I Remember Mama (musical)
I Remember Mama (Van Druten play)
Irving, George S.
“Isn’t It Kinda Fun”
“Isn’t It Romantic?”
“It Might As Well Be Spring”
“It Takes All Kinds”
“I Whistle a Happy Tune”
“I Wish I Were in Love Again”
Jack Paar Show, The
Jacobs, Lester
Jacobs, Morris
Jacobson, Henry
Jacobson, Henry, Jr.
Japanese Americans
Jazz à la Carte
Jazz Singer, The (film)
Jennings, Talbot
John Loves Mary
Johnson, Bill
Johnson, Christine
Johnson, Van
Joker Is Wild, The (film)
Jones, Shirley
“June Is Bustin’ Out All Over”
Kahn, Madeline
Kapp, Jack
Kaufman, George S.
Kaye, Danny
Kazan, Elia
Kean, Benjamin
Kelly, Gene
Kennedy Center Honors
Kenney, Ed
Kenyon & Eckhardt
Kern, Eva
Kern, Jerome
collaboration with Hammerstein
death of
Green Grow the Lilacs and
Hart and
Rodgers and
Show Boat and
Kerr, Deborah
Kerr, John
Kerr, Walter
Kikuchi, Yuriko
Kiley, Richard
Kilgallen, Dorothy
King, Henry
King and I, The
Andrews on
cast and creative team
critics on
decision to create
finances and
Hammerstein writes book and lyrics
Lawrence and
Leonowens memoir and
Logan on
London production
opening night
out-of-town tryouts
portrayal of Asia and
Rodgers writes music
success of
Tony Awards and
King and I, The (film)
ballet music and
critics on
Kingsberg, Malcolm
Kirk, Lisa
Kiss Me, Kate
Kitchen, Robert
Knopf, Eddie
Koch, Ed
Kollek, Teddy
Korean War
Kraft, Hy
Krasna, Norman
Kresa, Helmy
Kroll, Jack
Ladd, D. M.
Lady Be Good (film)
“Lady Is a Tramp, The”
La La Land (film)
Lanchester, Elsa
Landon, Margaret
Lane, Burton
Lang, Harold
Lang, Walter
Langner, Lawrence
Lasker, Albert
Lasso, Orlando di
“Last Time I Saw Paris, The”
Laurents, Arthur
“Laurey Makes Up Her Mind”
Laurie, Piper
Lawrence, Gertrude
Layton, Joe
Lazar, Irving “Swifty”
Leachman, Cloris
Leave It to Jane
Leave It to Me
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
Leavitt, Phillip
Lee, Bill
Lee, C. Y.
Lee, Gypsy Rose
Lee, Peggy
Leff, Lillian
Lehman, Ernest
Leigh, Janet
Lennon, John
Leonowens, Anna
Lerner, Alan Jay
Lester, Edwin
Leuwerik, Ruth
Levy, Jacob
Levy, Newman
Levy, Rachel
Lido Lady
Liebeneiner, Wolfgang
Life magazine
Life with Father (Lindsay and Crouse)
Light, The
Light in the Piazza, The (musical)
“Light in the Piazza, The” (Spencer story)
Li’l Abner (musical)
Liliom (film)
Liliom (Molnár). See also Carousel
Lillie, Beatrice
Lincoln Center Theater
Lindsay, Howard
Lloyd Webber, Andrew
Loeb, Gerald M.
Loesser, Frank
Loewe, Frederick
Logan, Joshua
Allegro and
Annie Get Your Gun and
King and I and
Pulitzer and
South Pacific and
Logan, Nedda
Lombard, Carole
London productions
“Lonely Goatherd, The”
Lonely Romeo, A
“Lonely Room”
Long, William Ivey
“Look for the Silver Lining”
Loos, Anita
Los Angeles Civic Light Opera
“Love Look Away”
“Lovely Night, A”
Love Me Tonight (film)
“Lover Come Back to Me”
Lowell, Robert
Luke, Key
Lunt, Alfred
Lute Song
Lyon, Ben
MacArthur, Douglas
MacDonald, Jeanette
MacKenna, Kenneth
MacLaine, Shirley
MacRae, Gordon
Madame Butterfly (Puccini)
Magic of Todd-AO, The (film)
Magna Theatre Corporation
Mainstays of Maine (Coffin)
Main Street to Broadway (film)
“Make Believe”
Mama’s Bank Account (Forbes)
Mamoulian, Rouben
Mandel, Frank
“Man I Used to Be, The”
Mankiewicz, Herman
Mankiewicz, Joseph L.
Mantle, Burns
“Many a New Day”
“March of Siamese Children, The”
Marshall, Armina
Marshall, George C.
Marshall, Thurgood
Martin, Ernest
Martin, Hugh
Martin, Mary
Annie Get Your Gun and
King and I and
Oklahoma! and
Peter Pan and
Sound of Music and
South Pacific and
Tony Award
Marvin, Lee
Marx, Groucho
Marx, Harpo
Mary Jane McKane
Mary Poppins (film)
Masters of Melody (documentary)
Mayer, Louis B.
Mayes, Herbert
McCall’s magazine
McCarten, John
McCartney, Paul
McCormick, Myron
McCracken, Joan
McCrary, Tex
McCullers, Carson
McDonald, Audra
McHugh, Jimmy
McLeod, R. W. Scott
McWhorter, Thomas
Me and Juliet
cast and creative team
critics on
failure of
finances and
Hammerstein on
opening night
Meehan, Thomas
Meet Me in St. Louis (film)
Melnick, Daniel
Melnick, Linda Rodgers. See Rodgers, Linda
Member of the Wedding (McCullers)
Meredith, Burgess
Merman, Ethel
Merry Widow, The (Lehár)
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Metropolitan Opera
Michener, James A.
offered share of South Pacific
Mielziner, Jo
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Gilbert
Miller, Marilyn
Mineo, Sal
Minnelli, Liza
Miranda, Lin-Manuel
Mister Roberts
Mitchell, Margaret
Moen, Peter
Molnár, Ferenc
Mongkut, King of Thailand
Monroe, Marilyn
“Moon in My Window”
“Moon of My Delight”
Mordden, Ethan
Morehouse, Ward
Moreno, Rita
“More Than Just a Friend”
Morris, William
Morrow, Doretta
Mortimer, Lee
“Mountain Greenery”
Munson, Ona
Musical Stages (Rodgers autobiography)
Music in the Air
My Fair Lady
“My Favorite Things”
My Favorite Things (Brubeck album)
My Favorite Things (Dorothy Rodgers book)
“My Funny Valentine”
“My Heart Belongs to Daddy”
“My Heart Stood Still”
“My Time of Day”
“My Wife”
Nash, Ogden
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Committee to Win the Peace
National Negro Congress
Native Americans
Nazi Germany
Nelson, Gene
Nelson, Ralph
New Haven Register
Newman, Alfred
Newman, Paul
New Moon, The
New Republic
New Toys
New York American
New York Daily Mirror
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Evening World
New York Herald Tribune
Something Wonderful Page 43