The Alliance in Peril: The Chronicles of Jake -- Book 3 (The Chronicles of Jake Trilogy)

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The Alliance in Peril: The Chronicles of Jake -- Book 3 (The Chronicles of Jake Trilogy) Page 2

by Peter Lewis Atkinson

  I smiled at her and said, “It’s a fair price, no haggle needed.”

  Zitter now asked me, “Do you want another? I am willing to let an extra one go for thirty-thousand credits.”

  I replied, “Only if it is a good as this one.”

  Zitter took us to the third one. To cut a long story short this one had a problem with not only the illusion generator but a thruster as well. Finally, we entered the fourth ship. This again was somewhat smelly, though otherwise adequate. So I had two old shuttles. After Alenna had paid we were ready to load them. Zitter called over to one of her staff and said something to her in Dregg before walking back to our cargo ship with Alenna and Jenna. I had the job of loading the first shuttle. Once I landed next to our cargo ship I had to go inside to open the cargo bay door. By this time Alenna, Jenna and Zitter had arrived. Zitter spotted the new frigate at the back of the cargo deck and her face lit up.

  “How did you manage to acquire a brand new frigate?” said Zitter in a slightly suspicious way.

  I said in a dismissive manner, “Oh, that’s nothing, it is not ours, just a regular cargo run for the alliance.”

  That seemed to do the trick and she didn’t enquire further. I now went and hovered the first shuttle aboard. As soon as that was done, Jenna and I returned with Zitter to collect the other shuttle. Alenna in the meantime had River assist her in strapping down the first shuttle. It was time to say my departing words to Zitter as we boarded the other shuttle, but as we did, standing just inside the door was this abstract sculpture of a Silka.

  I turned around and said, “Zitter what is this? “As I pointed towards this sculpture.

  She just replied, “A present to remind you of me.”

  My departing words to her were, “Thank you, I will contact you whenever we return to Dregg, in the hope you may have something of use for sale.” I give a little wave as I closed the door.

  No sooner than Jenna and I were alone together, Jenna said, “Why does it smell so bad in here?” She was holding her nose and muttered, “Hurry up Jake and take us to the cargo ship.”

  I just said, “We will need to fumigate both shuttles during our trip to Earth. They will both smell better after that.”

  I returned to the cargo freighter and hovered the shuttle aboard. After we had tethered it down and closed the doors, it was now time to depart Dregg. When we arrived at our destination, I hoped to exit star-drive so I could observe the side of Venus where hopefully that Silka mothership now was.

  During our journey to Earth, Alenna and Jenna along with River assisted me in the fumigation of the shuttles. I had stood the sculpture that Zitter had kindly left for me, just outside the entrance door to one of the shuttles.

  Alenna having spotted it screeched, “What’s that? It is evil, look at its eyes, they are so scary. Get rid of it before we return to Alkarr. I don’t want our children seeing it; they will have nightmares. I know, let’s dump it into space before we reach Earth.”

  Shocked, I replied, “We can’t dump it! It was a parting gift from Zitter. Do you still have a problem with her? Is it because she re-sells the military craft that she has acquired, instead of breaking them up for scrap? Lidier does the same. After all, if she can make more by selling them on, good for her.”

  Alenna, still persistent, replied, “You’re not returning to Alkarr with it! Just get rid of it, I don’t care how it goes, you’re just not keeping it.”

  A little upset at her stance, I said, “Ok, I know where to leave it, where it would be more appreciated. I will leave it on semi-permanent loan with an art gallery on Earth. They will jump at the chance to show off some alien art, even if it does look scary.”

  I will get my own back on Alenna, not in a spiteful way. I will just take pictures of the sculpture and along with Lusianian art that Yarkeli has, I will then ask my sister Rachael to construct a web page devoted to Alien art.

  I was ready to exit star-drive. I turned on the illusion generator, at the very same moment that we came out of star-drive, I shut down our main drive. We were now relying on momentum and we were still travelling fast enough. In fact, I only had five minutes to view Venus until we passed by. I moved to the long-range observation scanner. It was not hard to locate the Silka ship due to its size and that there were also bright flashes coming from it. I could see welding taking place. The Silka were attempting repairs. Good, I thought they are not going anywhere for the time being. I scanned for any small craft that may have been observing Earth, in case there was an attempt to continue the battle. I could not detect any, but I was certain they were there. They would be hard to make out due to their size unless they fired their engines. I suspect they were drifting and only now and again would use their engines. I watched for quite some time as we moved away from the planet Venus, on a path towards Earth. Only when I was far enough away did I fire up my main engines and head to Earth. I was challenged by one of the few remaining frigates and was then allowed to pass. I was instructed to land at the military base. We were soon greeted by a number of top brass along with Pooky. She had to wait a while to talk to us due to having to report to Captain Porridy first. I, along with Alenna and Jenna were escorted inside a large office block where again a meeting was to be held.

  I was first told, “We have been sending out our gunship on regular patrols and have tried to observe the Silka ship. Each time we do this a number of small Silka craft try to intercept us. We just turn round and they then do not pursue us. We are worried as to what they are up to behind Venus. What do you think?”

  I replied, “I have had a look, they are attempting repairs, I could observe a lot of welding taking place.”

  I was asked again, “Do you think we should strike now or wait?”

  Without hesitation, I said, “Strike them now before they complete whatever they are doing. But not with you frigates. I have an idea that will not endanger any human, Alkarren or Lusianian. I have with me a couple of old shuttles. All you have to do is load aboard an atomic weapon in one of them and we can fly it into their ship.”

  I was questioned by one the commanders, “How? We are bound to be spotted and blown away before we get within range of their mothership.”

  I replied, “I have thought of that. What will happen is the shuttle will be remotely controlled. The illusion field will be on. This is the clever part. The shuttle will follow close behind the gunship, most of the way to Venus. Close enough so they look as if they are one spaceship. When the Silka craft moves to intercept, the gunship should then veer off and return to Earth. Now at that same moment, the shuttle’s main engines will cut off. At that point, the shuttle should not be detectable and would glide towards Venus. To get to its target behind Venus, this would be achieved by relying on gravity assist from the planet. A precise trajectory would be required. Hopefully, the shields on the Silka ship will be down, this will enable the shuttle to slam into its target and obliterate it. What do you think?”

  The commanders and other top brass talked among themselves about the possibility that this idea might just work, but before they could agree on anything Alenna, Jenner and I were requested to leave the room. Sometime later we were summoned to return.

  The General in overall charge said to me, “Now we have had a long discussion over various strategies, including a full frontal attack by all the remaining craft. The outlook was not considered favourable for us, but in the end, we have come to the conclusion that your plan would be the most likely to succeed. If you can unload one of the shuttles, we will take it from here.”

  I replied, “I hoped you would, thank you.”

  I went and did as requested and unloaded one of the old shuttles. I did not wish to get involved any further. After all, I am just a civilian. Anyway, Alenna would not approve. We spent
the next couple of days at the base, Yarkeli and Pooky were regular visitors during this time. On the third day, I was informed that they were ready to move with the idea. I wanted to see for myself. So I took the cargo freighter into orbit and waited. Soon I observed the gunship leaving Earth’s orbit along with the shuttle following close behind. We now had to wait several hours before they could reach Venus. In this time I arranged for a prestigious art gallery to accept the abstract sculpture that had been left for me by Zitter Bobeck. I would say that the art gallery was less enthusiastic but more curious as to this alien art I was offering them. It would be collected later by their top art expert and critic.

  Alenna asked, “Do you think your plan has any chance of succeeding? If it doesn’t what will happen next? Also, if it doesn’t will it not make the Silka angrier and determined to attack Earth again?”

  I replied, “It must work for the sake of all on Earth, but if it doesn’t work we still have the other shuttle to try once more. As for the Silka being angrier, that would make little or no difference; they are determined to wipe humans off the face of the planet.”

  After a few hours, I watched the long-range monitor as I wanted to see what would happen. I could detect the gunship, then suddenly it veered away from the planet. The reason for this was several Silka craft were detected on a path to intercept. They also turned around as the gunship headed back to Earth. I tried to detect the shuttle in various ways but it proved impossible to do so; it was as though it was not there. We waited. Our gaze was fixated on the screen. I dared not even blink and the situation became very tense, we continued to wait.

  Alenna said, “It hasn’t worked, has it?”

  I glanced at the clock, then replied, “Give it more time.”

  Another five minutes later Alenna said, “Give it up Jake, it just didn’t work. We are back to square one.”

  I was about to answer her, when suddenly there was an extremely bright light, bursting out from behind Venus. I shouted, “Yes!”

  Alenna shocked replied, “Did it work?”

  In a highly emotional state, I said to her, “Did you see that flash? “The shuttle has hit something. It has got to be the Silka mothership, and I just hope its shields were not raised.”

  The gunship turned around and proceeded again on a path towards Venus. I detected several small Silka craft, two of which proceeded to attack the gunship in a kamikaze fashion and headed towards the gunship at maximum speed, determined to crash their craft directly into it. The Gunship with all weapons blazing quickly blew both to smithereens. That left just four remaining Silka, who kept their distance for now. We watched as the gunship went behind Venus.

  Alenna said, “Where is the gunship going?”

  I replied, “They have gone to see if the plan has worked. I do hope it has, but we will now have to wait a while until it returns to our side of the planet to find out for sure.”

  It was around an hour later that it reappeared. We intercepted a signal aimed at Earth.

  The captain of the gunship reported, “Mission accomplished, around eighty percent of the ship destroyed. The only part left that resembles anything of a spaceship is the rear section and then most of this is only the twisted superstructure, though the part where the engines are located does look mostly intact. We could not detect any sign of life.”

  It had worked and now Earth had a respite before the main Silka fleet arrived in around three years’ time. I returned to Earth, but first I went to the civilian port. This is where I unloaded the other shuttle, I would sell this on at some time in the future. I also waited for the arrival of a van to take away the sculpture; it was not long arriving.

  The passenger in the front exited the vehicle and came towards me. He had a fancy cane in his hand and swayed as he strolled. His state of dress could only be described as that of a dandy.

  He introduced himself. He spoke in a very posh voice and in an almost patronising way saying, “Good afternoon, I am, Lord Gilbert Pemberton-Smythe. You, I believe have some art for me to evaluate?”

  I led him to the warehouse and pointed towards the sculpture. He went over to it and proceeded to strut around it, stopping occasionally to pull strange faces and tapping his chin, then dabbing his nose with a frilly handkerchief. He then had a closer look but first, he put up to his eye, a monocle.

  Satisfied with his inspection, he took out a notebook and asked, “What is this sculpture called?”

  I had not thought of a name and Zitter had not given me a name for it. I remembered what Alenna had said and replied, “It’s simply called, Evil Silka.”

  He made a false cough sound, before asking, “And the sculptor’s name is?”

  I replied, “Zitter Bobeck and she is an alien, a Dregg.”

  Then he surprised me by saying, “A most talented artistic sculptor indeed. Oh, thank you, my good man.” He then strutted his way back to the van. What an eccentric chap, I thought.

  Two men in work overalls exited from the rear of the van and came over to me, and one said, “Is this the item guv?”

  “Yes,” I said, before saying, “Does his lordship always strut around in a strange manner?”

  One of the workmen groaned, before saying, “It’s ok for you guv, you don’t have to work with him. He always looks down his nose at us labourers, like we are something he has just stepped in, anyway, thanks, guv.” They both then loaded the sculpture into the van before leaving.

  After they had left, Alenna now satisfied said, “Good, it’s gone. Why anyone would want to visit an art gallery and see that evil looking thing is beyond me?”

  I wanted to get some items from the airport shop, Alenna accompanied me. More chocolate biscuits, only this time I decided to hide two packets in the shuttle for later. Time to return to the military base, we would soon be leaving Earth. Another debriefing, at least everyone was congratulating each other on a job well done.

  I made a comment, “What is to happen about the four remaining Silka craft?”

  One commander commented, “If they surrender we will treat them fairly.”

  I alarmingly replied, “What! Don’t be daft, don’t take any chances, blow them out of the sky if they attempt to land on Earth. The Silka are not like any other race. They would kill and eat you, as quick as they could look at you and it may not be in that order, mark my words.”

  Pooky backed me up, saying, “Don’t even think about trying to communicate with them, you just can’t.”

  The general in charge announced that we should have two minutes silence for all those that had died. This was not just for the crews of the frigates but those from the destroyed cities as well. It was estimated that more than ten million had perished. The centre of Paris, for example, had been almost completely obliterated, the tangled remains of the Eiffel tower, sprawled across the river Seine.

  Now that the current threat was over it was time to return to Lusiana along with Captain Porridy, Pooky and their crews. The alliance frigates were loaded aboard our cargo freighter. Next time we returned to Earth it would be to transport various goods, the results from that trade fair. We soon left orbit to make our way to Lusiana.

  I now believed without any doubt that Pooky was cut out for a career in the military, I asked her, “How did you feel when surrounded by the Silka craft, did you think you had little hope of coming through that situation?”

  Pooky replied, “The thought did not cross my mind. I took it one step at a time. I knew that if I persevered I could triumph in the end.”

  I now spoke to Captain Porridy, “Captain, how would you rate Pooky’s performance during the battle?”

  She replied, “Outstanding! I could not have done better myself. I am going to recommend that she rema
ins a commander and request that she is my number one when I take up my next assignment, as captain of a new battlecruiser.”

  Pooky had even astonished me and I was so proud of her. Her mother may see it a different way though. We continued to Lusiana. It was again time to say goodbye to Pooky. Her mother was glad she could spend some time with her, but now she was well aware of the dangers Pooky faced. Yarkeli was a very worried indeed about Pooky’s future.

  Chapter 2

  Another Incident

  We were eager to return to Alkarr and see everyone. As we came out of star-drive it became evident that Minty had not returned from her last cargo delivery. This was not a concern as she was not due back for two days. According to Lara, she had left it to the last minute to leave Alkarr, due to an incident. It became clear what this incident was when landing at the port. We could observe that one of the cargo ships belonging to the House of Motok was not sitting on its landing pad correctly. The front of the ship was resting on the ground, due to the six front undercarriage stanchions not being deployed fully. The result being it had landed on the front two anti-gravity pods and in doing so had caused extensive damage to them both. Alenna, Jenna with me tagging along, rushed to the residence of the House of Motok as we were concerned that some of their mother’s house may be injured. Fortunately, there were no injuries; they were only a little shaken up. But they now had one ship out of commission. Like us, they had a busy schedule and they needed this ship for a cargo run to take place in a couple of days’ time.

  Alenna at once said to Helena, “You can borrow our old cargo ship when Minty returns.”

  Helena replied, “Thank you Alenna; that is very kind of you.”

  Alenna smiled and said, “It the least I can do. Can we also help in any other way?”

  I butted in and asked, “What actually happened?”

  Helena replied, “All was well until we lowered the landing stanchions. There was a loud bang and as we touched down the front six stanchions collapsed. I don’t know what had happened and I don’t know what to do about it. There is talk that the ship will have to be dismantled as scrap if we can’t get any help. As you know there is no way a Relnorian would come to Alkarr.”


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