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Equalize Page 23

by Ryan DeBruyn

  The elf did not look ageless. His mouth had smile lines, and his forehead was creased not only from his raised eyebrows but also from sun exposure and age. Earth depicted elves with pale, alabaster skin and ageless, alien beauty, but this ‘elf’ was tanned a golden brown from its constant sun exposure.

  As Rocky approached, he noticed a distinct lack of any wares on display by the man on the blanket, and so his approach became hesitant.

  “Young man, just because I have nothing on display does not mean I have nothing to sell,” the man spoke with an accent reminiscent of old English to Rocky’s ears but a bit more musical. “My name is Jessibihr Windfall. I am a purveyor of skills and scrolls.”

  After his introduction, he swept his hand across the blanket in an inviting gesture. Then he continued, “I am quite well known at the Aretrin Bazaar for my fair prices and rare goods. Would you care to sit and have tea with me?”

  Yeah because I should believe that you’re fair because you said so.

  Out loud Rocky said, “I am not sure I can be passed a cup of tea, good sir,” Rocky chose an honorific that was neutral but polite from Earth. “Also, how does everyone seem to speak English?”

  The man tilted his head and lost a bit of his smile as he muttered the last word Rocky had spoken under his breath. Then he snapped his fingers. “That must be the tongue you speak, yes?”

  At Rocky’s nod, Jessibihr pointed to the walls around them and answered, “The aboo-akai translates all languages to the customer's native tongue. I do have language guidebooks and even spell scrolls with knowledge of languages imbued into them using Ether. Can I interest you in one of those?”

  As Jessibihr said this, he held out a glass of tea, and with his other hand, he motioned for Rocky to sit across from him again. Rocky reached out, expecting to find empty air but was rewarded with a warm glass pressed into his hands. Furrowing his brow, he inspected the cup he held, which was wafting an aroma of ripe cherries, amaretto, and wild lavender.

  Rocky glanced away from the glass to see the man smiling at him. He put his hand down and lowered himself into a cross-legged position. Rocky looked at the man and said, “Thank you for the tea, Jessibeea.”

  Pretending he hadn’t just butchered the man’s name, Rocky continued, trying not to blush, “I would like to speak first before getting to business. First and foremost, how did I get here?”

  The elvish looking man motioned to Rocky’s tea and narrowed his eyes for a hint of a moment. “I am not sure if anyone can explain how the magic works, except for perhaps the creator of the shop. What I do know is that a seed shop of this bazaar will bring people who enter it here.”

  Jessibihr shrugged. “I can explain where here is, however. Olympia is on the highest peak of the planet of Aretrea. Aretrean’s are one of the oldest and wealthiest races in the Etherverse. From your questions, I must assume you are new to this… shop?”

  Jesse, Rocky took the liberty of shortening his absurdly hard to pronounce name, paused and took a sip of his own tea, so Rocky, being polite, mimicked the motion. A moment later, Rocky attempted not to choke at the flavors that struck his pallet.

  Rocky’s mouth rang with approval and salivated instantly, turning what usually would have been a casual sip of tea into a sloppy mess. He utterly failed to avoid choking when the fluid went down his windpipe, and he began coughing. Jesse looked torn whether to laugh at his strange customer or send him away in disgust.

  When Rocky had control again or at least was less spastic, he motioned for Jesse to continue. His cheeks bright red now.

  The merchant chose to humor the moron and continued, “Through the magic of this bazaar, anything you purchase here will be transported to the seed shop your body resides in. I am not sure what other information I can provide you… freely.”

  Rocky sat there, sipping his tea and considering the smarmy elf. He apparently was willing to speak if Rocky paid him. The problem, of course, was that he didn’t even know what sort of currency the bazaar used. He doubted it would be the monopoly money Canadians utilized.

  Rocky chose to view the man’s wares in hopes of answering a few questions without asking any. “I would like to look through what you have to sell. Please.”

  Jesse nodded and opened a screen. Then he glanced at Rocky so quickly, Rocky thought that perhaps it was his imagination. In a blur of speed that Rocky’s mouth fell open upon seeing, Jesse whirled through a multitude of hand gestures that Rocky finally realized were him accessing his screens. Jesse then flicked his hand, making an overly dramatic gesture that was probably unneeded before a prompt appeared.

  Jessibihr Windfall would like to share his sales inventory with you. Do you accept his offer?




  Snapping his mouth closed with a click and mentally clicking yes, Rocky watched as another menu popped into existence that had three options on it: Buy, Sell, and Trade. It also had a final option in the top right corner which was labeled ‘Search’. To start with, Rocky was curious about the scrolls and what the asking currency was.

  He was going to avoid the sell option entirely because he assumed that this action would share his inventory with Jesse. That may create a bit of a problem or be a pointless thing to avoid. However, he had a few things he felt better keeping to himself, namely the vial of Gaia’s Essence.

  Mentally clicking the option buy, he was rewarded with a list of items and a price listed beside each.

  Displaying 5 items of 2022. Scroll down or think next to continue browsing. Use tabs to increase the skill levels of items. Click on item for a more in-depth description, written by the seller.

  [Weak] / Intermediate / Medium

  Weak Tracking Skill Scroll – 1 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Fire Spark Skill Scroll – 1 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Sneaking Skill Scroll – 1 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Camouflage Skill Scroll – 1 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Endurance Skill Scroll – 1 Crystallized Ether

  A sigh escaped Rocky before he could control it. It would seem that he did have the currency after all. He had been collecting it the whole time from every creature he had killed, starting with Steel. In fact, he was carrying two hundred sixty-one Crystallized Ether.

  Most of those had come from the quest for killing the golems, and he didn’t know how rare that might be. He probably should spend as frugally as possible.

  Grinning, Rocky assumed he was viewing the most basic skill scrolls on the first few pages, so in an attempt to gather information, he stated a question and continued scrolling for a few more pages, “The minimum price is one Crystallized Ether. It seems high for skills I can learn on my own.”

  “Absolutely, young man. The low-ranking skill scrolls are not negotiable on the price, I am afraid. You see the price of all scrolls containing knowledge increased drastically since the War of the Three Elder God Planets. Purchasing them from the crafters increased in price, and I have been forced to pass that increase on to the customer.” Jesse’s voice had the notes of regret, but it didn’t fool Rocky.

  Ignoring the slimy merchant, Rocky jumped tabs to Medium, still not having scrolled past the minimum priced objects in Weak.

  Displaying 3 items of 3. Scroll down or think next to continue browsing. Use tabs to increase skill levels of items. Click on item for a more in-depth description, written by the seller.

  Weak / Intermediate / [Medium]

  Medium Meteor Spell Scroll – 200,000 Crystallized Ether

  Medium Wither Spell Scroll – 250,000 Crystallized Ether

  Medium Protection Spell Scroll – 300,000 Crystallized Ether

  Medium Meteor Spell Scroll Description

  An Apocalypse Level asteroid will begin hurtling towards the target area. This spell will destroy most life in the immediate area and, unless action is taken, can cause large, global shifts in weather, geography, and habitability.

  This spell is famed to have destroyed entire
populations. This spell scroll was dropped upon death by Sinfathisar, the first dragon of Sinfath. This is a one-time use item.

  Medium Wither Spell Scroll Description

  This spell will remove the Ether from an extremely large area for approximately three hundred years. This spell has been used to siege entire continents during great wars and is proven effective.

  This spell scroll was created by the Witch Coven of Numair on Planet Helterskelt. This is a one-time use item.

  Medium Protection Spell Scroll Description

  Created in response to greater destruction spells, when the first spell of this nature was successful, every leading guild scrambled for its protection. In response, Protection Spell Scrolls were created, and most serious guilds have a few in storage just in case. It is theorized that a protection spell of a rank lower than the destruction spell is all that is required to safeguard against it. However, this theory has never been tested, and when speaking of protection, it's always better to have it and have lots of it!

  This spell was created on Orgrar by the Blood Rage Guild. No Epic Level protection spell has been used to date. This is a one-time use, long duration item.

  His body was breaking out in cold sweat after the first description. By the end of all three Rocky felt like he was dripping. It was like finding out a nuke was just a pretty sharp knife and the universe had a massive death star.

  Bringing a knife to an intergalactic space station fight—Oh look? Exhaust vents?

  At a loss for what could be done to safeguard Earth, Rocky chose to try to rationalize. The good news was that the massive spell of destruction was costly, and that meant no one on Earth could afford it yet. The bad news was that the protection spell was even more expensive, and no one on Earth could afford it either.

  Yeah, not helping, idiot.

  Unable to do anything about the larger problem Rocky scanned back to weak level and searched for the term destruction spells. While numerous options did appear, each one he delved into further revealed that it was, at largest, able to target a city. Still worrisome but at least the destructive capability of spells of this nature fell drastically through the ranks.

  Seeing all the options was even more worrisome. Rocky decided to put those thoughts out of his mind because there was literally nothing he could do about them. Instead, he searched for combat skills.

  Displaying 9 items of 9. Scroll down or think next to continue browsing. Use tabs to increase the skill levels of items. Click on item for a more in-depth description, written by the seller.

  [Weak] / Intermediate / Medium

  Weak Snipe Shot Skill Scroll – 20 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Backstab Skill Scroll – 24 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Power Strike Skill Scroll – 29 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Blind Skill Scroll – 32 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Stealth Skill Scroll – 35 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Double Strike Skill Scroll – 39 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Arcane Bolt Skill Scroll – 97 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Fireball Skill Scroll – 121 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Ice Lance Skill Scroll – 125 Crystallized Ether

  It was easy to notice they got more expensive as they skewed towards the mage skills. Rocky also noticed a distinct lack of many combat skills, especially considering that they were apprentice ranked. He voiced his findings as another statement hoping that Jesse would answer.

  Surprisingly, Jesse looked pleased. “I carry the most combat skill scrolls of anyone in this particular bazaar. I also happen to know I am the most reasonably priced. To answer your question, it takes a highly skilled individual working with a high ranked scribe to create one of those.”

  The smile on Jesse’s face was broad and proud, but his voice was full of condescension. “You won’t find many Intermediate rank combat skill scrolls because very few high-level combatants wish to hand you a weapon that may hurt them.”

  Although the man didn’t say “imbecile”, Rocky did hear it in his tone. Jesse took another sip of tea and finished, “This collection is a treasure trove of combat scrolls. Trust me!”

  Annoyed with the man’s tone, Rocky simply wanted to be done with him.

  Thinking of his family, Rocky told a lie to ask his most important question, “I have recently lost a party member in a large area and need to find them. Are there any spells you can offer for that? Or is there any way to find out if that person is still alive?”

  The fact that the lie is also true… Don’t think about Sela right now. There is time later to mourn.

  Jesse didn’t need to ponder long. “If you have any item belonging to them—blood, hair, sweat, or an item with a strong enough connection—you could try a Reveal Spell Scroll or perhaps an Uncover Spell Scroll if you believe them to be in hiding. The second spell is more expensive, of course. However, why would she be hiding from her party member,” Jesse finished and then laughed.

  Rocky tried to laugh along with him even though he didn’t find the conversation amusing in the slightest. Rocky then queried the search box for the Reveal Spell scroll option. Rocky didn’t feel like his family would be in hiding. The other problem he had was quite simple. He really didn’t have anything that belonged to his family.

  Except maybe his blood, which would have similarities but would also make the spell target him. For some reason, Rocky really didn’t think that finding himself with a spell was going to provide spiritual enlightenment. It would lighten his purse, though.

  Search Result

  Displaying 3 items of 3. Scroll down or think next to continue browsing. Use tabs to increase skill levels of items. Click on item for a more in-depth description, written by the seller.


  Weak Reveal Spell Scroll – 15 Crystallized Ether

  Intermediate Reveal Spell Scroll – 150 Crystallized Ether

  Medium Reveal Spell Scroll – 1,500 Crystallized Ether

  Weak Reveal Spell Scroll

  Place a belonging or personal essence of the target on the scroll and say activate. The scroll will create a thread binding you to the location of the individual in question.

  This spell works over a small area.

  Each subsequent rank increased the area of the spell it seemed. Rocky, feeling sick to his stomach sighed and said, “What if I don’t have anything belonging to the individual?”

  Jesse narrowed his eyes. “You won’t be able to find the person!”

  Rocky nearly stood up to walk away from the rude, arrogant man, but before he could, Jesse sighed and said, “Look, if you just want the information of if your party member is still alive, you can go to the center square and talk to Azir the Wind Ethereal. He has contacts on most planets with access to the Planetary Systems. He can just have them run a search for the individual's name. If they are alive, he will get a result and inform you the next time you visit.”

  Rocky nodded once like that was all the information he needed on his ‘party member’. Then he purchased a select few items from the merchant.

  Jesse smiled broadly when he was finished choosing. Then he just nodded over each selection once as if this was the most sensible thing in the world.

  Before Rocky walked away, Jesse held up a hand. “I have a list of other shop prices in the bazaar. I do try to keep it up to date as best I can. However, I am sure some prices will have adjusted.”

  When he saw Rocky’s skeptical look, Jesse added, “Please feel free to verify the information. I am just trying to save you too much walking. This is a huge place.”

  Rocky asked a final question, “Do you know where I can have armor unlocked?”

  Jesse raised an eyebrow and looked at the projected image of the armor Rocky was wearing. “You can get the armor identified at the center of the bazaar near the fountain. My suggestion is to go see Lingren. Tell him I sent you.”

  Again, Rocky was left thinking that this merchant was mostly attempting to manipulate him. What were the odds that he sat wit
h an honest merchant from a mythical race on a different planet?

  It didn’t help that Rocky was a typical guy when it came to shopping, walk into a store pick out a piece of fabric that was in his size and seemed like a neutral color. Pay and walk out, no bargaining or haggling needed.

  However, post-apocalypse, Rocky figured the right or wrong purchase now may be the difference between life and death later.

  A short walk later, Rocky approached what he believed to be the center of the bazaar. His suspicions were rewarded with the sound of running water and a view of a large fountain depicting numerous races all working together to hold up an object. Upon closer inspection, Rocky thought the metal rings and the small spheres were meant to represent a galaxy.

  Individuals in the center were hawking their wares, all claiming to have the best prices and most exotic merchandise. Something on the far side of the square caught his attention, and so Rocky skirted the middle of the square and made his way directly to the familiar shape of a laser tank.

  Two humanoid creatures stood near the construct. One had a long beard, a barrel chest, and dark gray skin. The other was bald, had teeth too large for its mouth, and light, olive colored skin.

  The olive creature, which Rocky internally called an orc, was standing closer to the tank and was animatedly bragging to the dwarf merchant right beside him. Since they were so loud, Rocky had no trouble listening surreptitiously.

  “… the customers are purchasing the mass-produced stock like it’s a lifeline. I’m telling you, I am set for life if these military types keep coming. Honestly, I have sold three hundred of the mass-produced tanks alone and probably another thousand standard beam rifles.

  The funniest part is that they paid a full ten Crystallized Ether each per gun and one hundred per tank on their first visit. After they found out the real prices weren’t even close to that, I have been forced to sell them for a bit of a discount to make them happy, but I am still set for the whole year off their first visit!” the orc finished.


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