Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4) Page 2

by Red Phoenix

  In an uncharacteristic move, her mother took her dad’s hand and squeezed it. “Dear heart, this is none of our business. Thane and Brie are married now. They’re allowed to do whatever they want with their lives.” She smiled sweetly as she reminded him, “We had Brianna not that long after we got married…remember?”

  Brie’s father snarled, but grabbed a piece of meat and chomped on it to avoid making another comment.

  “Radost moya, I agree with Ms. Taylor. You do look particularly radiant today.”

  He turned his attention back on Sir. “If you should need anything—anything at all—I am here for you, moy droog.”

  Brie knew exactly what Rytsar was hinting at.

  “Rest assured, old friend, I have things under control. We’ll be leaving after breakfast to start the formal honeymoon.”

  “Where are you going, Brie?” Lea asked with interest.

  Brie looked at Sir and grinned as she shook her head. “Once again, I have no idea.”

  Her father frowned. “Really, Thane, this is too much. First, you keep the wedding destination from her, and now the honeymoon too? Are you that much of a control freak…son?”

  “It’s not like that, Dad,” Brie protested. “I lost a bet, so I agreed he gets to choose the honeymoon location.”

  Her mother, trying to defuse the situation, asked playfully, “What kind of bet, sweetheart?”

  Brie looked over at Sir with an embarrassed smile, unsure how to explain their aphrodisiac challenge. Before she could utter a word her father barked, “Forget it. We don’t want to know.”

  Mrs. Reynolds piped in, “I’m sure whatever Thane has planned is going to be lovely.”

  Brie wrapped her arm around her husband’s and purred, “I’m sure of it.”

  Seeing how uncomfortable her father was, Sir steered the conversation away from the current topic, choosing instead to comment on the history of the castle. It proved an agreeable distraction.

  But while he talked, Sir snuck his hand under the table so he could rub Brie’s wet panties with his middle finger. It took everything in her not to react.

  Evil, evil man…

  Before Brie left to start their honeymoon, she made it a point to stop at every table to say her good-byes, grateful for every person who had come to be a part of their big day.

  She smiled as she walked up to Master Anderson’s full table, crammed with Italian women who’d seen him catch the garter from the night before.

  “I see you’re not starved for company,” she teased.

  Master Anderson flashed a charming grin. “No, I’m not, and I plan to sample as much Italian cuisine as I can before I return to America.” He looked the women over with a lustful eye and the table twittered in delight.

  Brie smiled. “Maybe ‘the one’ is here at this table.”

  He shrugged with a chuckle. “Who knows?”

  “So will you be in LA when we return from our honeymoon?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Great, then we can meet for dinner and catch up.”

  “It would be a pleasure, young Brie. I look forward to hearing about your adventures.”

  She winked at him. “As will I yours…”

  Brie moved over to the next table with Baron, Captain, and Candy. “How long are you guys planning on staying in Italy?”

  Baron and Captain glanced at each other before Baron answered. “Two more days and then we head back to begin laying down the foundation for a new project.”

  Brie slid into an empty chair, curious to hear more. “What kind of project?”

  Again the two men looked at each other, but this time Captain answered. “It’s too soon to say yet, Mrs. Davis, but it’s something that Baron and I are both passionate about.”

  “And me,” Candy piped in.

  Captain put his hand on hers and nodded. “Yes, pet.”

  He turned to Brie again. “The three of us share the same vision, but we didn’t realize it until we had a chance to talk last night during the reception.”

  Brie clasped her hands to her chest in excitement. “I can only imagine what it might be, but with the three of you involved it’s certain to be a success.”

  “One can only hope,” Baron replied in a deep, mysterious tone. “I was serious when I asked you and Sir Davis to visit my home on your return. We should have much to discuss by then.”

  “Oh my, you have my curiosity running rampant now,” Brie confessed.

  Candy’s eyes sparkled when she told Brie, “I can’t wait to share it with you!”

  Captain cautioned, “Until we have things in place, it’s best not to speak of it.”

  “I understand,” Brie answered respectfully, even though she was dying to know more. “I’d better continue to make the rounds.”

  “Yes,” Baron agreed. “I know several people who are anxious to speak to you.” He nodded towards Tono and Autumn, who were sitting at the next table.

  Brie politely excused herself and made her way over to them. “How was your dance?” she asked, sitting beside Tono.

  Autumn blushed. “I can’t believe you guilted me onto the floor, Brie.”

  Brie raised her eyebrow. “So you did dance.”

  The grin on Autumn’s lips let Brie know it had been a welcomed challenge.

  Tono smiled as well. “Autumn is graceful on the dance floor, despite her many reservations.”

  Shaking her head, Autumn replied, “The only thing graceful about me was you.”

  Brie chuckled. “Yes, I do remember the first time Tono and I danced together. I only had to look in his eyes and follow his lead to feel confident on the dance floor.”

  “That’s exactly what I experienced last night,” Autumn agreed, looking at Tono shyly. “Ren’s a wonderful dancer.”

  “It takes the right partner, Autumn,” Tono insisted.

  Brie was filled with joy. It was easy to see the attraction the two had for each other. “So will you be staying or heading back to the States right away?”

  When Tono glanced at Brie, she was captivated by the feeling of serenity radiating from him. “We agreed it would be good to stay for a week and explore this country. There is much history and culture to be found here. It’d be a shame to miss an opportunity to enjoy it.”

  “Italy is beautiful, isn’t it?” Brie agreed. “Sir has introduced me to a few of his favorite places, but there’s still so much to see. I think I’m falling in love with Italy.”

  “Hopefully your husband won’t get jealous,” Autumn teased.

  Brie giggled, whispering. “I think he’s already in love with her, so it’ll kinda be a threesome for us.”

  Autumn blushed, joining in her giggles.

  Tono smiled, obviously enjoying the interaction between them. “So where you are headed for your honeymoon, Mrs. Davis?”

  Brie loved her new title; it was so much sexier than plain old Miss Bennett. “Truthfully I have no idea. My husband has been as mysterious about the honeymoon as he was about the wedding.”

  Autumn smiled. “Mr. Davis does like to surprise you…”

  “He enjoys keeping her on her toes,” Tono explained to Autumn. Returning his gaze to Brie, he added, “You surprised him at the Collaring Ceremony and I believe he remains bound and determined to repay you for that. I don’t believe a single person there expected your choice that night.”

  Brie looked into Tono’s chocolate brown eyes, feeling a twinge of guilt. Even though the two of them had moved on since the Collaring Ceremony, she couldn’t help wondering if her wedding had rekindled the pain he’d felt that night.

  “It’s clear you two were fated,” Tono assured Brie with a gentle smile.

  She reached out, touching his hand, no words necessary.

  Autumn glanced from Tono to Brie with a look of concern. For the first time, Brie sensed jealousy coming from her friend and she immediately put both hands in her lap. Autumn’s reaction surprised her, but it also hinted to the depth of feeling Autumn
had for Tono—and that pleased Brie.

  She stood up and gave Autumn a quick kiss on the cheek, whispering, “Have fun in Italy together.”

  Bowing formally to Tono, she stated, “May you find your heart’s desire during your travels.”

  A slight blush colored his cheeks. “Thank you, Mrs. Davis. I’m certain our travels will be enlightening.”

  Brie left the couple to seek out Rytsar and found Lea happily chatting away with him at a crowded table.

  “Mind if I break in?” she asked the two.

  “Not at all, radost moya. May I offer you my lap?” the Russian asked, gesturing to his muscular thighs when he noticed there was no place for her to sit.

  “Thank you, but I’m sure today will be full of travel, so it’s better I stand while I have the chance.”

  “Very well,” he stated, getting up. “I shall stand beside you.”

  “Me too, girlfriend!” Lea squealed, standing up to Brie to give her a hug. “Did you work things out with your dad? He seemed a little upset.”

  “We calmed him down,” Brie said, raising an eyebrow at Rytsar. “No thanks to you.”

  He put his hand over his heart. “What did I do that was so wrong? I only wanted to know if my wish to become a dyadya was now a reality.”

  “But in front of my dad?” Brie cried.

  “Isn’t your father aware of what happens on the wedding night?” Rytsar teased.

  “Of course he is. He just doesn’t want to think about it. I’m sure you would be the same with your own daughter.”

  “My daughter would be a nun so I wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

  “A nun?” Brie scoffed.

  “But I can see your point,” he conceded, putting his hand on Brie’s belly. “When tiny radost moya is ready to marry, I will not want to dwell on it.” He looked up at her with his hand still resting on her stomach. “Should I go apologize to your father?”

  “Oh goodness, no!” she giggled. “You’ll only make things worse by bringing it up.”

  When Rytsar removed his hand, he said in a low voice, “Married life agrees with you.”

  Brie blushed and opened her mouth to agree when she was interrupted by a hip bump from Lea. “So Brie, the next time we see each other I’ll either be collared or living in LA.”

  Brie glanced nervously at Rytsar, wishing Lea hadn’t mentioned it in front of him.

  “Collared by whom?” Rytsar asked with genuine interest.

  Lea realized her mistake too late, and for the first time ever in Brie’s experience, Lea was at a total loss for words. No crazy-lame joke came from her lips to cover her oversight.

  “Are you hoping to return to Russia with me?” Rytsar asked jokingly. A wicked smile played on his lips as he trailed his finger over Lea’s throat. “I have yet to introduce you to my cat o’ nines, Ms. Taylor. Shall we head down to the castle dungeon and see how it suits you?”

  Lea’s eyes widened, a flush coloring her ample chest.

  “I see the idea excites you.” Rytsar purred like a predatory cat. “Come with me and we can test your limits…”

  Brie wondered what it would be like for Lea to experience the allure of Rytsar’s sadistic dominance. Surely, Lea must wonder about the magic he possessed that still had a hold over Ms. Clark.

  “Although I’m curious….” she began.

  Rytsar bit down on her shoulder lightly.

  “I can’t,” she gasped.

  “But you can,” he insisted.

  Lea looked to Brie for help, but closed her eyes in ecstasy when he bit down on her other shoulder.

  “Come, Ms. Taylor. Let’s play.”

  Lea leaned over and whispered to Brie, “Please don’t say anything,” before following Rytsar out of the room as if under a spell.

  Brie was stunned. Lea and Rytsar? She shook her head, not wanting to think about the possible consequences of such a union.

  Mary came up behind her. “Did I really just see that?”

  “You didn’t see anything,” Brie asserted.

  “I most certainly did.” Mary smiled to herself. “Way to go, Lea…”

  “Keep it to yourself. Don’t even tell Todd. Lea doesn’t need Ms. Clark finding out.”

  Mary folded her arms. “I’m not about to rat her out, but you, Miss Goodie-Two-Shoes? I wonder if you’ll be able to keep it to yourself when you see the Domme again.”

  Wanting to change the subject, Brie asked her, “When are you heading back?”


  “Wow, that’s a quick turnaround.” Brie spontaneously gave Mary a hug, understanding the sacrifice she’d made in doing such a quick trip.

  Mary accepted the physical contact, but responded in typical Blonde Nemesis fashion. “Anything for you, stinky cheese. Well, actually no. I would not do anything for you, bitch. I reserve that only for Faelan.”

  Brie shook her head. “Always the charmer.”

  Mary shrugged. “No reason to flatter you. We’re already friends.”

  “You sure about that?” Brie teased.

  “Better get the rest of your good-byes over with, woman. Looks like your husband is anxious to go.”

  Brie’s heart skipped a beat hearing Mary call him her husband. She looked over to Sir and caught him glancing at her while having an intimate conversation with Marquis. She turned back to Mary and hugged her one last time. “Even though you totally lack social skills, I’m so glad we’re friends. Safe travels.”

  “You too, bitch. Enjoy your vanilla honeymoon.”

  Brie smiled demurely. “I doubt very much anything associated with Sir will be vanilla.”

  Mary shook her head. “Still can’t believe he agreed to marry you. Most shocking thing I’ve ever seen.”


  “Not one stinking bit. Marriage is the death of relationships. The clock is already ticking. I give you a year—two years tops.”

  Brie frowned. “I take it back. I’m not glad we’re friends.”

  Mary shrugged. “Truth hurts, baby. But I’m too much of a friend to lie to your face.”

  “Please give Mr. Wallace an extra hug from me when you see him tomorrow. I don’t think he has any idea what he’s gotten himself into by collaring you.”

  Mary only laughed as she headed over to Captain and Candy’s table.

  Brie sighed in exasperation, but her resentment quickly died when she walked over to join Sir.

  “Are you almost ready, babygirl?” he asked, putting his hand around her waist possessively.

  “I am.” She looked up at Sir, bursting with love for the man.

  Celestia gave Brie a quick squeeze. “Yesterday was magical, from the ceremony and the reception to the luxurious accommodations. Everything has been something to cherish and remember. Truly a blessing to be a part of this important moment in your life.”

  “You are so sweet to say that,” Brie replied, thinking back on Mary’s unkind assessment and shaking her head in amusement.

  Marquis stated, “There is something sacred about making vows before God with friends and family present.” Marquis looked at Sir. “Even when you are still unsure of His existence.”

  Sir nodded. “I’ll concede there may be a God, Gray. However, I would honor my vows regardless.”

  “As would I,” Brie agreed. “Still, I cherish the vows we said to each other, as well as what you added, Marquis. It was perfect. I couldn’t be happier.”

  Celestia bowed to Marquis. “I was so deeply moved by your wise words, Master. It is an honor to be your collared submissive.”

  Marquis gave a rare smile as he took his sub’s hand and kissed it. “The honor is mine, Celestia.”

  The romance between them was moving and reminded Brie of the night when the two had come to her aid at the Collaring Ceremony. They were a powerful couple who had a tremendous influence over the community.

  “Gray, thank you again for officiating the wedding.”

  Marquis stared intensely into Sir’s
eyes before replying. “I know it was difficult for you to ask. You and I do not have an easy history, but the esteem I hold for you is real and continues to grow.”

  Marquis looked at Brie, his gaze becoming tender. “It is rare to find a couple so well matched. I doubted it once, but I can see now I was wrong.”

  Sir immediately corrected him. “You were not wrong, and were justified in calling me out on several occasions. It acted as an unwanted, but needed motivator.”

  “It is my nature to demand people live up to their potential.”

  “Not an easy thing to do, but I’m glad you continually challenge me,” Celestia said, looking at Marquis with pride.

  He kissed her on the forehead. “Your grace under pressure is inspiring, my sub. It takes an exceptional woman to partner with someone as uncompromising as me.”

  Brie piped in, “Yes, because you are all kinds of scary intensity.”

  He gave Brie the barest of smiles. “My gift to the world.”

  Sir squeezed Brie, letting her know it was time to go. “We will talk again, Gray. Once we return home.”

  “Sounds good, Sir Davis.”

  “Safe flight,” Brie called out as Sir escorted her toward the door. Marquis nodded as Celestia waved good-bye.

  First Destination

  “Before we leave I’d like to say good-bye to my grandparents,” Sir informed Brie.

  “Of course,” she replied, glancing around the room. “Where are they, Sir?”

  “My grandmother adores roses. I suspect we’ll find them in the garden.”

  Brie touched the special pin on her blouse. “I hope she knows how much this heirloom means to me.”

  Sir smiled as he looked down at the blue stone. “It’s part of the reason I want to speak to them today.”

  The two walked out onto the large terrace that looked over the labyrinth of roses down below.

  “It’s truly breathtaking,” Brie said in awe as they walked down the stone steps.

  The air surrounding the garden was filled with the sweet fragrance of the rose blossoms. “The scent of roses makes me think of you, Sir.”


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