Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4) Page 17

by Red Phoenix

  She handed Brie the sponge and the tub of warm water. When she stepped aside to watch, Brie asked, “Do you mind if I do this alone?”

  Understanding flooded Abby’s face and she nodded, leaving quietly.

  Brie looked at Sir. Most of the bandages had been removed, leaving him with the ventilator, his large cast, the braces on his feet, and a mess of tubes and numerous wires. It made bathing him more difficult, but she was not intimidated.

  Sir looked peaceful lying there. The calm expression on his face made it appear as if he were just sleeping.

  My handsome prince in need of a kiss to awaken you…

  Brie leaned over and kissed his forehead, whispering, “I know you’re here with me. I want you to know how much I miss you.”

  She started at his feet, releasing the braces that helped keep them at a natural angle. She gently rubbed each foot with the wet cloth, making sure to give every toe individual care and attention. When she was done, she leaned down, her eyes locked on his face, as she lightly sucked and then bit down on his big toe. “That’s right, husband. I’m going to make slow, delicious love to your body as I bathe you.”

  Brie smiled as she ran the sponge over the length of his left leg. Every inch of him was beautiful, from the sexy curve of his calf to the perfect shape of his kneecap. The dark hair that covered his skin only accented his masculinity. After cleaning around his right leg with the cast, she started with moisturizer, rubbing into his skin with the touch of a masseuse. She stimulated his muscles, pushing hard as her hands glided over his legs, inching ever closer to his upper thigh.

  She looked at Sir again, grinning mischievously when she pulled his gown up and exposed his manly parts. “You do know where I’m headed, don’t you?”

  She massaged his thick thigh muscles, grazing the crease between his leg and groin, but never blatantly touching the area. She teased Sir the way he had so often teased her, and giggled lightly while she did it.

  It gave her great satisfaction to see that his princely shaft hardened slightly without being touched. It proved to her that Sir was with her, feeling Brie’s loving caress even if he could not respond to it.

  She cleaned his pubic area gently and dried him, before bending down to lightly kiss that handsome cock.

  Brie lowered the gown and then started on his arms, noting how strong and powerful they looked. She placed his hand against her cheek. “I’ve always admired your manly arms, Sir. They contain such strength and demand so much of my body, and yet…your touch can also be so very gentle.” She placed his hand back down and purred. “I love these hands, Sir.”

  Brie carefully lowered his gown to run the sponge over his chest, appreciating his pecs, the dark hair, and that beautiful scar over his heart. Brie traced the small ‘t’ with her finger, thinking back to that night they had both been branded.

  “Condors forever.”

  She lifted her blouse and took his limp hand, turning her back toward him as she helped his fingers trace over her own brand. “Yours, Sir, until the end of time.”

  Brie swallowed back the lump in her throat as she put his hand back and straightened her blouse. She leaned down, stretching so she could kiss that brand on his chest. She washed his hands next, again taking time to focus on each finger, leaving no area untouched. Then she began the massage, letting his skin soak up the moisture as she stimulated the muscles underneath.

  “Now for your handsome face…” she purred, rubbing her fingers over the overgrown stubble on his jaw. “As much as I love your facial hair, I need to give you a shave so you don’t look quite so unruly, Sir.”

  She laughed lightly as she left to gather the materials needed from the nursing staff. When she returned, she used gentle hands to spread a thin layer of shaving cream on his jaw, doing her best to work around the tubes of the ventilator. Her hand was steady as she lifted off stubble with the razor, cleaning it before making another pass. Sir had allowed her to shave him a couple of times, and she’d found it extremely romantic.

  She reminded him of that as she continued, sharing those memories as she sensually shaved him smooth. She leaned over to leave tiny kisses all over his newly shaved jaw. “So smooth and kissable…”

  Brie had left his thick head of hair for last. The nurse had given her a shampoo that did not need to be rinsed out, so she put a dab in her palm and rubbed her hands together before she began massaging his scalp. “You are a very lucky man, Sir, getting the full body treatment from a beautiful woman. Some men pay big bucks for this.”

  She knew how delicious having one’s hair washed was because it was something she’d cherished on the island. It pleased her to return the favor and lavish her attention on Sir now.

  “Don’t you love how it tingles, Master? That’s what you do to me whenever you run your fingers through my hair. My whole body gets the chills. Isn’t it heavenly?”

  Even though he showed no change, Brie was positive he was enjoying himself. “I bet you’re smiling right now. We need to get you off this ventilator so I can see it.”

  She leaned close to his ear and said, “I need you to fight through the fog that consumes you. Find me. Follow my voice, Thane… Come back to me.” She kissed his cheek and went back to work.

  After his entire scalp had received abundant attention, she got out the comb and styled his hair the way he normally wore it. Once she was done, Brie stood back and admired the man lying before her.

  “You’re one devilishly handsome man, Thane Davis.”

  Brie put all the bathing supplies on the counter and turned on the music before turning out the lights. Alonzo’s haunting violin filled the darkened room as she returned to him, taking down the bedrail to join him.

  She snuggled up beside Sir and closed her eyes. For a brief moment, Brie allowed herself to pretend they were back at the apartment, lying on their bed after a wondrous round of intense play—both of them basking in the glow of aftercare.

  Master Anderson surprised Brie with an unexpected visit. Although she didn’t want to leave Sir’s side, she went out to meet him in the waiting room.

  The Dom took one look at her and frowned.

  Brie wanted to ease his worry. “Sir’s doing better. His color is good, and the physical therapist is working hard on building his muscles so it won’t be as difficult to move when he wakes.”


  She was unnerved by his look of concern. “What is it, Master Anderson?”

  “You look terrible. Have you been eating?”

  “Of course I have. I make sure to eat three times a day,” she stated defensively.

  “What are you eating?”

  She glanced at the floor before admitting, “Protein bars and nutritional shakes.”

  “And snacks from the vending machine, I’ll wager.”

  Brie sighed, unable to protest his assertion.

  “I’m disappointed in you, young Brie. That poor baby bump needs more than quick meals. You’re compromising its health and we both know how anal Thane is about keeping you both healthy.” He slapped his hand on his chest. “Damn, just looking at you breaks my heart.”

  “I’m fine,” she insisted. “Everything’s fine.”

  “Everything is definitely not fine. Thane is still in a coma and his wife is killing herself trying to bring him back. He would not appreciate you sacrificing the health of your baby bump in the process.”

  Brie took offense and retorted angrily, “I will not leave Sir’s side before he wakes. I can’t and I won’t!” She felt the rush of blood to her head and turned away from him before she lost her balance.

  “Sit down,” he commanded, guiding her to a seat before announcing, “I’ll be right back.”

  He returned a short time later with a bowl of chicken noodle soup from the cafeteria and a banana. “It’s the best I could do on short notice.”

  She reluctantly took the banana from him, although she secretly appreciated his effort. Under Master Anderson’s watchful eyes, she unpeeled
it and began to nibble on the soft fruit.

  “I’ve heard from the nurses that you rarely leave here, Brie.”

  “The doctor gave me permission to stay.”

  “But it’s obvious you aren’t getting enough sleep. With the staff coming in at all hours of the night to check his vitals, it’s no wonder you look like hell.”

  “I’ve adjusted to their schedules,” she replied earnestly, needing him to understand. “The truth is I would get much less sleep if I went back to our empty apartment.”

  He huffed, looking unconvinced. “As Thane’s friend, I can’t stand idly by and watch you waste away like this. He would never forgive me. Hell, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”

  “I’m doing fine.”

  “I will bend you over and spank you if you say that again,” he growled. “I bet he thinks you deserve one and wouldn’t have an issue if I were to deliver it.”

  Brie scooted away from him, unsure if he would really go through with such a thing.

  “I’ll make sure to eat more from now on. I promised Captain I would eat three times a day and I have kept that promise. If I tell you I will eat better, you can trust I will.”

  Master Anderson’s lips were pressed in a straight line, letting her know he was not happy with that arrangement.

  She snarled in response to his silence. “I’m not going home to that empty apartment, damn it. Nothing you say is going to make me do that.”

  He raised an eyebrow, a smile slowly curling his lips. “Is that a challenge, young Brie?”

  “It’s a fact.”

  “You are a feisty one, I’ll give you that.” He grabbed her in a bear hug, refusing to let go.

  His embrace seemed to free her pent-up emotions, and she finally admitted as she sniffled, “Nothing’s changed, Master Anderson. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but he hasn’t opened his eyes. He’s…” She paused for a moment, her voice quavering when she admitted, “He’s just like his mother.”

  Brie broke down in a torrent of tears as the hopelessness of the situation hit her head-on.

  “No,” Master Anderson said gruffly, tightening his embrace.

  “I’ve failed him,” she mumbled against his chest.

  “The only thing you’ve failed at is taking care of yourself.” He tilted her head up. “Thane will wake, but I guarantee you he’ll kill me if he sees you looking like this.”

  Brie smiled reluctantly, but then the floodgates opened, and for the first time since finding Sir alive but unconscious Brie let it all out—the fear, the anger, the helplessness, and the deep feeling of loss. It was ugly and loud, but she could not stop the pent-up emotions that demanded release.

  By the time the flood finally subsided, Master Anderson’s shirt was thoroughly soaked. She patted the wet shirt, her eyes puffy and painful, and her nose still running. “I’m sorry.”

  He only laughed. “Not a problem.”

  Ripping off his shirt, he lay it on a chair to dry and grabbed the tissue box for her. “Tears dry up, but bottled emotions fester. Now blow.”

  She smiled sadly as she took the Kleenex he offered and dutifully blew into it. Brie felt completely exhausted after that burst of emotion, to the point that she just wanted to curl up on the floor and go to sleep.

  Master Anderson took her numerous used tissues and stood up to toss them in the garbage. He was an impressive sight. One of the nurses walking by gasped audibly when she saw him bare-chested.

  He chuckled as he explained to her the reason for his state of undress. “My shirt was sacrificed for the damsel in distress,” he said, pointing to Brie.

  “Aww…” the nurse cooed sweetly, turning to Brie and suddenly realizing by her red-rimmed eyes and blotchy face that Brie was not doing well. “It’s good you have support, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie noticed the nurse kept glancing at Master Anderson’s chest even as she tried to console Brie. Before the nurse left, she asked him, “Would you like me to have that dried for you?”

  He bestowed her with a melt worthy grin as he handed over the shirt, tipping an imaginary hat. “Much obliged, miss.”

  The nurse blushed as she took the sopping wet clothing, a shy smile on her lips. Before she left, however, she turned back to Brie. “Don’t lose hope, Mrs. Davis. He’s stable.”

  Brie nodded in acknowledgement, but when the nurse was gone she added, “Stable, but nothing has changed.”

  “You’re wrong there, young Brie,” Master Anderson answered. “Something significant has happened here.”

  She gave him a dubious look. “What?”

  “I’m going to be watching over you until he wakes.”

  Brie was touched by the offer, but felt she needed to be honest. “I can’t drive all the way from your home to the hospital every day. It’s too far.”

  “I know this, young Brie. That’s why I’ll be staying with you—along with Cayenne, of course. You know, the little spitfire you gifted me.”

  Brie smiled at the mention of the orange tabby.

  He pointed his finger at her. “See? I already have you smiling. In a few days’ time, under my care, you should be well fed and rested.” When she opened her mouth to protest, he stopped her. “No, you do not have a say in this. I refuse to suffer the wrath of Thane to placate your ego.”

  The sudden urge to curl up on the floor returned when she tried to stand up and she swayed slightly.

  “See? You’re only helping my case. Now you go back to your husband and explain to him that you will be back bright and early tomorrow.”

  It actually hurt Brie’s heart, the thought of leaving Sir alone in the cold hospital room. She would have cried, but her tears were all dried up. She walked back into Sir’s room, dreading having to tell him she was leaving his side.

  In a hoarse whisper she explained, “I have to leave tonight, Sir. Master Anderson’s orders. But I will be back early tomorrow. Know that I will always come back to you.” She leaned over and kissed his unresponsive lips.

  Master Anderson stood waiting for her, taking her purse and offering his other arm to her. She smiled sadly as she took it and headed toward the elevator.

  “What about your shirt?” she protested, stopping in the middle of the hallway.

  Master Anderson shrugged, grinning when he answered, “I’ll get it tomorrow. I’m sure the nursing staff won’t mind.”

  Brie noted the lustful glances in Master Anderson’s direction from passersby as the two stood waiting for the elevator. It reminded her of his gardening days and the enjoyment he found in showing off his naked chest to the ladies of his neighborhood.

  Some people never changed… and Brie was glad for it.

  The first thing Master Anderson did when they entered the apartment was to check through the refrigerator and cupboards.

  “What the heck is this?” he growled in disgust, holding up a nutritional supplement drink. “You have cases and cases of this crap. Isn’t that for old people?”

  She grabbed the can from him and said defensively, “It’s a quick and nutritious drink. Leave me alone.”

  “If you give birth to an old man, I’ll know why.”

  “Stop it!” she cried, giggling despite her irritation.

  He picked up two giant boxes of soda crackers. “And these?” he asked accusingly.

  “Sometimes my tummy gets upset and they are the only thing I can stomach.”

  Master Anderson got down on his knees and spoke to her stomach. “Hey baby bump, I’m sorry. I had no idea your mommy was abusing you.”

  Brie pushed him away, trying not to smile. “I take my prenatal vitamins every day, and I never skip a meal. I assure you there is no abuse going on.”

  “We need some real food in this house! While you get my bed ready, I’ll head to the store after I pick up Cayenne, of course, and snag myself a new shirt.”

  “Would you like me to get you one of Sir’s?”

  “There’s no way I could fit into one of his tiny ass shirts,” he
said, flexing his beefy arms.

  She laughed. “I’ll be sure to tell him you said that.” Then she added wistfully, “It will be nice to have some life in this place.” Her smile soon disappeared, however, as unwanted tears welled up in her eyes. “God, I miss him.”

  Master Anderson wrapped her in his husky embrace. “I know you miss him, but no crying. I’m no good with tears.” His hug was comforting until he started to tickle her.

  Brie burst out in giggles as she struggled to get out of his vise-like embrace. “Go get that kitten already, and leave me be,” she scolded.

  When he let her go, she asked hesitantly, “Master Anderson, do you mind if I sleep with her tonight?”

  He answered in a somber tone, “Not at all. I’m sure she would prefurrrr that.”

  Brie shook her head as she shooed him out the door, thinking it was very possible he’d spent a little too much time with Lea in Denver.

  Knowing the apartment wouldn’t be empty for long gave Brie renewed energy and she quickly made up the bed for Master Anderson before heading out for a quick trip to the grocery store around the corner. Luckily, not only did they carry cat litter, but she also found a feathery cat toy hanging on a stick.

  As a gift for Master Anderson, Brie bought a cheap whoopee cushion from the kiddie section and laughed to herself as she waited in line, knowing exactly where she’d put it.

  Brie was filling a large plastic container with cat litter when she heard Master Anderson knock on the door. She ran up throwing the door open to him, begging to hold Cayenne.

  However, when she spied the animal she was heartbroken. “Has it really been that long? She isn’t a tiny kitten anymore,” Brie cried forlornly.

  “No, she is a young lady now,” Master Anderson stated, handing the orange furball over.

  To Brie’s delight, Cayenne snuggled against her chest and started purring. It was just what her soul needed. She looked up at Master Anderson and mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

  He nodded. “Isn’t it nice when the gift you give someone turns out to be a gift for yourself?”

  She giggled when Cayenne rubbed her furry cheek again Brie’s chin. “I really just wanted you to break out of your loneliness when I gave her to you.”


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