Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4) Page 29

by Red Phoenix

  “Does it have a night life?”

  Baron laughed. “Naturally. Things don’t really start humming until after ten.”

  “I suggest we hang out after training at The Center one night. No reason to put off a good time.”

  A low chuckle met his proposal. “I like your way of thinking, Headmaster. Glad to be working with you again.”

  “Grateful to have you on the panel, Baron. With you and Marquis, I’m guaranteed to have a successful first session, but I’m not thrilled about having to pick a suitable Domme so late in the game.”

  “Yes, it’s a shame Lady Crimson had to step down. I heard she did well as Ms. Clark’s replacement.”

  “Yeah, I’m not happy,” Brad grumbled in irritation. “Having babies is inconvenient for everyone.”

  “Not a fan of children, I take it?” Baron chuckled.

  “I’ll confess that children are like little aliens to me.”

  “You do realize you were a child once.”

  “My parents are far more patient than I am, Baron.”

  “Hmm…I find that hard to believe,” Baron stated with amusement. “You’re quite the patient man—willing to wait weeks for the perfect prank to play out.”

  Brad snorted. “Okay, okay…I’ll admit there are some things I have patience for, but babies aren’t one of them.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “I’ll see you in LA soon.”

  “Looking forward to it, Headmaster.”

  When Brad opened the door to his new home, he found a gift basket waiting for him on the counter.

  It was from Baron.

  In it were several wines, dried meats and cheeses, nuts and berries, and a pair of baby booties. Brad had to laugh as he picked up the unwanted item and tossed it outside.

  Wasting little time, he took a bath—in no mood to search through the many boxes to find his shower curtain. Unfortunately, it took longer than he wanted, and Brad arrived at Marquis Gray’s ten minutes late.

  He immediately apologized when Marquis opened the door. “Please let Celestia know I’m heartily sorry for being late.”

  Marquis gestured him inside. “She’s just finishing up. It’s no problem at all.”

  Brad glanced at the dinner table and saw everything was already set out. Celestia came from the kitchen with a welcoming smile on her face. “What a pleasure to see you again, Master Anderson. Can I get you a drink? You must be exhausted from driving. Master said you were caught up in traffic because of the multi-car pileup on 95.”

  “Thank you kindly, Celestia. A whiskey straight up would be much appreciated.”

  The sub bowed her head and went to get his drink while Marquis guided him to the table. “A shot of whiskey and a good meal should settle your nerves.”

  “Do you mind if I am blunt with you, Gray?” Brad asked, sitting down opposite Marquis.

  “Actually, I prefer it.”

  “How do you feel about not being chosen as headmaster for the school?”

  Marquis smiled as Celestia handed over the drink to Brad before taking the seat next to Marquis.

  “I turned the position down, Master Anderson. It was I who recommended you for the job after speaking with Sir Davis about it.”

  Brad took a draught of the smooth whiskey, trying to quell the expression of surprise on his face. “What made you think to consider me since I was passed by the first time?”

  Marquis’s eyes shone with interest as he leaned forward. “I appreciate your forward thinking. It’s what’s needed for The Center.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that. Naturally, I respect the school’s history and its unparalleled curriculum, but I’ve noticed a few areas that could use improvement.”

  Marquis sat back, nodding his head. “Agreed. I’m sure your first order of business is to find a replacement for Lady Crimson.”

  “Yes, I was upset when I heard she stepped down.”

  Marquis inclined his head. “Unfortunate, but it is for a happy occasion.”

  Brad bit back his retort.

  Celestia handed Brad a dish of fresh vegetables. “We’re so excited for her. She’s tried for years to conceive.”

  “While I agree it’s good news for her,” Brad stated reluctantly, “it does leave us scrambling for a suitable replacement just before the next session starts.”

  “Do you know who you would like to offer the position to?” Marquis asked.

  “I do. Been contemplating it the whole drive down from Denver, but I wanted to run it by you first.”


  “I was thinking of asking Mistress Lou to join the team. She’s been a vital part of The Training Center for years.”

  Marquis frowned. “While I approve of your choice, you should know that Mistress Lou has turned down the position before.”

  “Any particular reason why?”

  “Time commitment. It’s the reason she prefers to help when needed, rather than a full-time trainer.”

  “Hmm…” Brad knew he wanted the skilled Domme on his team, but it seemed he’d have to convince her it would be worth the time investment. “You do agree she’s a good choice, though.”

  “The best, if you can get her to commit.”

  “Mistress Lou is highly respected,” Celestia confirmed, “with Dominants and submissives alike.”

  “Then I will find a way to persuade her,” Brad declared, dishing himself a huge portion of roast beef and potatoes.

  Celestia blushed when he took a bite and smiled approvingly at her. “It’s good to be back in LA, damn it.”

  With his friends surrounding him and no emotional baggage weighing him down, Brad felt certain he could flourish in this place.

  Before he did any more work, he knew he seriously needed to visit The Haven. The tension in his body required release, and what better place to do that than at the club? It had been a long time since he’d visited the place, and his hand was twitching to acclimate a new sub to his bullwhip.

  Brad had to wait in line to get in, and was shocked at the number of people inside. Gone were the days of intimate groups and casual encounters. The club was now a main destination for LA residents and out-of-towners looking for some kink. It made for a hectic atmosphere, but Brad kind of liked it. The energy was exhilarating and had his body humming for an intimate interaction.

  Moving up to the bar, Brad ordered a whiskey. While waiting, he glanced around the crowded place in search of a suitable partner.

  He was surprised to see a familiar face when Boa sat down beside him. “I was told you were heading back to LA.”

  Brad shook the submissive’s hand firmly, pleased at the timely encounter. “Back and ready to begin the newest training session. By the way, is your Mistress around?”

  “Sorry, Mistress Lou is burning the midnight oil tonight. She insisted I come since we normally play at The Haven at this time.”

  Brad was not pleased to hear that Mistress Lou was working late. It did not bode well for the position he wanted to offer her. “Boa, do you think your Mistress would have time to meet with me, say tomorrow?”

  “Mistress insists on having her lunches free of work commitments. I’m certain she would enjoy seeing you again, Master Anderson.”

  “Good. I’ll text her now,” Brad told him, pulling out his phone.

  “May I ask who you are scening with tonight?” Boa inquired while Brad typed.

  “Haven’t found a subbie yet, but I’m itching to let my bullwhip fly tonight. The owner set me up with an alcove, which will be available in a few minutes, but I need to procure a partner or forfeit the reservation.”

  Boa raised an eyebrow. “Ever consider scening with a male?”

  Brad leaned his back against the bar as he studied Boa. “Can’t say that I have.”

  The submissive picked up his mug of beer and casually took a drink.

  Although Brad wasn’t interested in males as sexual partners, he could see the allure of testing his bullwhip on a male su
bmissive. It might prove educational for both the Dominant and sub. Before he could respond to Boa’s request, however, Brad felt a light tapping on his shoulder.

  “Pardon me, are you Brad Anderson?”

  He looked down to see a small woman who looked to be the same age as he. He grinned, and stated, “Why I am, miss. Who’s asking?”

  She burst into a huge smile. “It’s me—glee.”

  He titled his head, studying her more closely. “Name rings a bell…”

  “We met at the old warehouse, way back when you, Sir Davis, and Rytsar were going to college.”

  “Oh, yes…I remember you, glee,” he said, his grin growing bigger. “You’re the one who helped introduce Thane to the lifestyle.”

  “I did have the pleasure of being Sir Davis’s first,” she replied with a slight blush.

  “How has life treated you since?” Brad asked, noting that glee wore neither a collar nor a wedding band.

  “I’ve traveled the world,” glee told him, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “I’ve been to forty-two different countries and been under the rule of over twenty Doms during my travels. An experience of a lifetime.”

  “Wow,” Brad stated. “I’m impressed.”

  “How is Sir Davis, by the way? Do you two still keep in touch?”

  Brad chuckled. “Thane remains a good friend of mine, and even helped to get the job I have now.”

  She leaned slightly closer, showing interest without being too bold. “What do you do, Brad?”

  “I’m Headmaster of The Submissive Training Center.”

  She looked positively shocked. “You’re the Headmaster?” Glee immediately dropped to her knees to bow before him. “This is such an honor. What…what should I call you?”

  “You can call me Master Anderson, and there’s no need to bow. I’m not official yet. Don’t start until the beginning of next week.”

  Glee looked at him with new interest. “How was Sir Davis involved in getting you the coveted position?”

  “He used to be the Headmaster of the school.”

  Glee’s eyes widened. “No! I’ve heard about The Submissive Training Center for years, but never realized who actually headed it.” She shook her head. “To think I was the Headmaster’s first…” She looked at Brad again and giggled. “Sir Davis was definitely different from the others.”

  “Apparently, you made quite the impression on him as well,” Brad replied with a wink.

  Glee glanced around excitedly. “Is he here now?”

  “No, he’s off with his new wife exploring the world like you.”

  “So he jumped ship and went vanilla, did he?”

  “Not exactly. Brie is also his submissive.”


  Being that glee seemed unattached, Brad asked, “Are you partnered with anyone tonight?”

  “No, just came in for a quick visit before I head off to New Zealand.”

  “Jet-setter glee.”

  She giggled. “It’s true, I can’t get enough of traveling. Staying in one place makes me all antsy.”

  “Would you be interested in spending a session with me and my bullwhip as a proper send-off?”

  Her hands went to her mouth as she tried to cover her blossoming smile. “Please, Master Anderson.”

  “Excellent. I have an alcove reserved over there,” he said. “Why don’t we take a stroll to it while you tell me more about your travels?”

  Brad finished his whiskey and leaned over to Boa before leaving. “We’ll talk more another day.”

  Boa nodded, holding up his beer. “Appreciate the consideration, Master Anderson.”

  Brad placed his hand on glee’s back to announce to others that she was taken for the evening. Without a collar, she was considered fresh pickin’s, and Brad was not interested in fending off other Doms.

  Despite her years, glee still held the same fire in her eyes and that youthful smile he remembered.

  “I can’t believe I’m about to scene with the Headmaster of The Submissive Training Center,” she gushed.

  “I’m glad it pleases you. I’ll admit I am looking forward to it as well,” he said lustfully, already imagining the lovely red marks on glee’s back and her squeals of pleasure as he bent her over and found out just how much of him she could take.

  Glee was in the middle of telling him about her travels in Korea, when Brad spied a disturbance several yards from them, just beyond the river of people milling past. He narrowed his eyes, an instinctual need to protect overpowering his senses.

  “Excuse me for a moment,” he told her before he made his way through the crowd, both submissives and Dominants standing back to make a clear path for him.

  He headed straight toward the perpetrators, who were circling a curly-haired brunette with hungry looks on their faces. The woman wore a frightened expression, alerting Brad to the fact that she was way over her head with these three.

  “What seems to be the problem?” he asked her directly.

  One of the Dom wannabes answered for the woman. “Nothing’s wrong here, bub. We’re just admiring the merchandise and deciding who gets the prize.”

  “Strange… You do realize this is The Haven and not some sleazy bar.”

  “Fuck off,” the one with stringy hair told him.

  The people surrounding them hushed. No one spoke to the Headmaster that way.

  Brad snapped his fingers and the owner of The Haven nodded, making his way through the sea of people to join him.

  While Brad waited, he asked the three, “What are your names?”

  “Why the hell would we tell you that?” the portly one of the group scoffed.

  “Why wouldn’t you?” Brad countered. “I’m Master Anderson, a member of the community here. And you are?”

  The man didn’t say anything.

  “Well, I’m the Duke of Earl,” the stringy-haired individual replied sarcastically.

  Brad raised an eyebrow. Before the man could even react, Brad grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, effectively immobilizing the man.

  “Get your fucking hands off me!” he cried, glaring at his friends to help.

  “Watch your language in front of the lady,” Brad commanded.

  The two other men puffed up their chests, posturing themselves as if they wanted to fight, but neither made a move toward Brad.

  “What are your names?” Brad demanded again.

  “Not important,” the first man sputtered, glancing at the exit as if he was ready to bolt.

  “What’s going on here, Headmaster Anderson?” the club owner asked as he approached.

  “These men were harassing one of the submissives.” He huffed when he added, “And they refuse to give me their names.” He pulled up on the arm of the man he still held, causing a piteous yelp, and added in a mocking tone, “Except for the Duke of Earl here.”

  Addressing his two companions, Brad said, “Hand the owner your driver’s licenses, along with your buddy’s.”

  “There’s no way we’re doing that,” the pudgy one snapped.

  “You’re not leaving here until you do,” the club owner informed them.

  The men looked around nervously when the Doms and Dommes in the crowd began encircling the three in a wall of dominant force.

  The portly man looked around nervously and was the first to break under pressure. He handed over his license and dug the wallet out of the “Duke’s” back pocket while Brad continued to hold on to the whiny man. The last wannabe realized there was no point in further resistance and offered over his as well.

  After the owner had recorded their names, he told them, “You will not be allowed back into my club. We expect every person to behave in a respectful manner at all times.” He looked around the crowded place for emphasis. “We want everyone here to have a pleasant experience. Anyone who disrupts that has no business at The Haven.”

  “This place is whacked,” the stringy-haired man complained angrily, struggling in Brad’s arms.
br />   Brad leaned down and told him, “Duke, I know this prince who has a thing for naughty little boys. Want me to give him your number?”

  “Get away from me, man!” he cried, struggling unsuccessfully to break away.

  The other two sheepishly took their licenses back and were unceremoniously hauled off. Brad personally escorted the Duke of Earl out himself.

  “Just say the word, and I’ll sic that prince on your little duke ass,” Brad joked when he finally released the man.

  “I don’t need this shit,” he grumbled.

  Brad watched the three men slink off to their car. Once he confirmed they had left the premises, he headed back into the club and found the thankful brunette waiting for him.

  He immediately apologized for the treatment she’d received. “Normally people know how to conduct themselves at The Haven. You should never have to put up with disrespect—from anyone.”

  She looked him up and down, a look of delight on her face. “Who is this hero before my eyes?”

  “Simply a Dom who doesn’t condone mistreatment of submissives.”

  “I’m not really a submissive,” she confessed, blushing. “I mean, I want to be, but I’ve never really had the chance and I haven’t found a Dom to train me yet.”

  “What’s your name?” he asked.


  Brad grinned as he pulled out his wallet and handed her a business card. “Brandi, if you’re serious, you might want to consider applying.”

  She stared at The Submissive Training Center card in her hand, her eyes sparkling with delight when she looked up at him. “I’ll definitely look into it.”

  Brad waved glee over to him and placed his hand on the small of her back once she arrived. “Excuse us, Brandi. I have an appointment I must keep.”

  “Of course,” she said, tucking the card in her purse. “Thanks again for the help.”

  “I hope you’ll consider the school. I think you would find it…inspiring.”

  He looked down at glee and said in a husky voice, “Shall we?”

  “Please, Headmaster Anderson.”

  Brad was disappointed to find that the alcove was now occupied by a couple, his time having already passed. “I’m sorry, glee. This was not how I envisioned our night would go.”


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