Acting on Impulse

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by Vega, Diana

  Acting on Impulse


  Diana Vega

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  Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and is intended for those over the age of 18 only.


  Jane wished she didn’t feel that her life was over. She knew that twenty-nine was hardly ancient, but as she watched all of her friends and relatives embark on happy marriages or exciting careers a good five years previous, she felt bereft and left behind. She didn’t know when she missed her turn and she was starting to think that she had to return to the beginning of the line in order to get another chance.

  She tried not to think too much about it, but everywhere she turned, she saw signs of her missed opportunities. She looked around the living room and saw her diploma on the wall. She had gotten all of her qualifications but still hadn’t found a job that was a good fit. She knew she was lucky to have a job that paid her enough to scrape together some semblance of independence. She still needed the occasional check her father sent her, but she didn’t have to rely on it.

  She took a long look at herself in the mirror. She thought she was attractive enough, not spectacularly beautiful, but no totally repellant either. She pulled back her hair. Maybe she needed a haircut or a makeover. Would it be worth the effort or the expense? What if it didn’t work? She couldn’t change jobs and she didn’t really feel comfortable making a dramatic change. She sighed. She would figure it out eventually. Meanwhile it was time to join her friends for coffee.


  Michael was desperate to escape his sister’s clutches. She had appeared at his front door, far too early on a Saturday morning, intent on taking him shopping. Her tone had implied that all of his problems were a direct result of his clothing choices. While he didn’t care at all about his clothing, he did care a lot about his sister, so he resigned himself to a morning of trying on clothing and ruthless critique.

  Two hours later he felt pushed to the limits and agreed to one final outfit and hair styling so they could wrap it up and get a cup of much needed coffee. He felt over styled and overheated. He wasn’t sure how he looked, but he didn’t have time to change back into his real clothes. He walked into the coffee shop and headed for the counter to order.


  Jane’s friends were just as successful as usual. The current lament was the lack of time to meet men. Jane murmured sympathetically. She had plenty of time to meet men; she just didn’t like most of the men she met. She joined some of her married friends on Girls Only Nights, but she spent most of those nights keeping them from drinking so much they would call her the next day and accuse her of sabotaging their marriages by allowing them to flirt with strangers and drink that extra shot. Jane realized that it wasn’t as grim as she was making it out to be. It was just very wearying.

  She was sipping her coffee and listening to her friends debate the options of sharing a scone when she heard the door jingle open. The man who entered was exactly the kind of man she avoided at clubs. He was wearing jeans that were so narrow she was surprised that he could walk at all. He didn’t look at all comfortable. His sweater wasn’t much better. It featured a collar that was artfully popped up, she assumed to frame his admittedly handsome face. His hair was painfully over-styled. She turned away. This was definitely not the guy for her.


  Michael did not like that his normally long stride was hobbled by the narrowness of his jeans. The things he did for his sister! He also didn’t like the fact that the door jangled so loudly that it caused every head to turn his way. He couldn’t exactly flee back into the street; his pants were far too tight for that, not to mention the sweater wasn’t exactly warm and even if he could get out the door in some dignified manner, he would probably freeze to death before he got to his car. He would just have to square his shoulders and face the well deserved ridicule from the patrons.

  There was a small group of women at a corner table. They seemed to be scrutinizing him, and one turned away the minute he saw her. Wonderful, he thought, the makeover he had agreed to had the exact opposite effect he wanted. He sighed and ordered his coffee. He didn’t even turn when he heard the door jingle again and heard his sister call his name.


  Jane tried not to turn back around when she saw a very cute woman dart in from the door calling out, “Michael!” The woman rushed in and grabbed the man by his sweatered arm and began to talk so animatedly she sounded like a cartoon mouse. Jane immediately felt the disappointed sense of attraction that she always had when a guy she had mentally rejected proved himself to be relationship worthy by being in another relationship. She turned her head and gave him another look.

  He was handsome, if over styled. His hair looked like it would be soft and carefree if it wasn’t restrained into submission by hair product. His narrow pants showed off his lean frame and narrow hips. She wondered what he did for a living. It was hard to tell by his outfit. The girl appeared younger than him. This was disappointing; it seemed that all attractive men preferred the younger women. Jane sighed loudly, catching the attention of all of her friends. That was a tactical error; she couldn’t explain why she sighed; now they were discussing possible dating options for her.


  Michael had barely begun to drink his coffee when his sister began to chatter at him about testing his new look at a trendy club opening. She was so bubbly and exuberant that she splashed her own coffee on him. He sprang up, bumping into the table behind him. The cups on the table rattled and spilled their contents on the ladies sitting there. The woman closest to him jumped up, bumping his chin.

  They both burbled forth apologies and Michael noticed that she had beautiful dark brown eyes. She had a slightly confused expression which he assumed was caused by the shower of cups and cold coffee. Her companions were friendlier, refusing to accept his offer of dry cleaning and replacement coffee. He gestured to his sister that they needed to leave before anything else untoward happened.


  “Now, Janie, you need to go out with us tonight. No arguments. After that experience, you deserve a treat.” Jane didn’t have the energy to argue. Dressing up and getting shoved around at an overcrowded club didn’t sound like much of a treat, but she didn’t have anything better to do, and her friends knew that. There was no escaping, besides, it couldn’t be worse than the coffee horror.

  Jane wasn’t the club type, but she was tired of slogging around alone. She suspected that her attitude played a huge part in her loneliness, but she couldn’t help it. She wondered if she was depressed or maybe she was just incredibly bored. It was probably some combination of the two. She reluctantly agreed, silently wishing that they wouldn’t call her Janie.

  Michael didn’t see what good it would do to spend an evening at a club with his bubbly sister, but he also couldn’t think of a good reason not to. She rarely came to visit him and he didn’t want to disappoint her. He agreed to go, but only if she allowed him to wear normal clothes; he didn’t see how he would be able to move, much less dance, in the clothes she had forced him into. Besides, how bad could it be?

  Jane felt like an impostor as one of her well connected friends got them all past the velvet rope into a very crowded club. She could feel the envious looks on a lot of faces and she tried not to question her good fortune. She needed something to snap her out of this slump. She shouldn’t let
her past romantic challenges keep her from finding something new. She wasn’t entirely inexperienced, but it seemed that she had been taken advantage of so many times; she couldn’t quite relax around anyone. This tense demeanor combined with her natural cynicism didn’t make for an enticing package. She decided that she would nail a smile on her face and dance and at least make the attempt to have a good time.

  Michael felt like he should apologize to his sister for not being cool enough to warrant early admission to the club. She had to use all of her flirting tactics and charm to get them to the head of the line. Once there, she slithered up to the man at the gate in a way that was both embarrassing and impressive. He was relieved when they were both safely in the door. The relief soon wore off when he heard the loud pulsing music and was elbowed by a gyrating woman. He turned to find a quiet corner to catch his balance and his breath.


  Dancing wasn’t really Jane’s thing, but she was enjoying the cocktails that kept coming for her constantly moving friends. Soon she wasn’t at all bothered that she was doing little more than hold purses and observe the mating rituals of her peers. She was enjoying herself and began to sway a bit to the music. She danced her way into a corner where she stepped on what she thought was a coat rack. It turned out to be the foot of a very tall man.

  She swirled around to apologize but wound up splashing the drink all over him. She wanted to offer to clean him up but she didn’t have the balance to reach for napkins and hold her drink at the same time. She just flailed around helplessly until she was falling off of her shoes. The man reached out to steady her. His arms slipped around her waist and she struggled to stand. He was so tall that all she really saw of him was the base of his throat. She felt the urge to lick him and rest her tongue in the hollow, trailing kisses along his collarbone. She imagined that he would taste slightly salty and she inhaled. His scent was intoxicating.

  For a brief fleeting moment, she forgot how lonely she was and how disillusioning the whole week had been. She didn’t think about anything but the nearness of this man and his slightly spicy, slightly sweet smell. She exhaled and stood on her own two feet. She took a step back and looked at him. He had a strong jaw and he had missed a small spot when he had shaved. She wanted to rest her finger in this bare patch. Her head was spinning as she thought of all the things she might want to do with this man.


  Michael did not know what to do when this woman literally threw herself at him. Well, technically she threw a drink at him and then stumbled into his arms. She looked vaguely familiar but he couldn’t place her. She was nice looking in a very different way than any of the other women in the place. For one thing, she wasn’t grinding and thrusting on any and every available man. She was actually wearing a shirt with sleeves and her skirt was a decent length. He found her conservative appearance enticing.

  When she looked up at him he saw that she had lovely eyes. Her lips were pink and inviting. He went from shocked to pleasantly surprised. He hesitated for just a moment. He shouldn’t have taken the time. She had stepped away before he could kiss her or even say anything.


  Jane wasn’t sure what was going on. One minute she was enjoying more than a few cocktails, the next minute she was stumbling into the arms of a handsome man. If she wasn’t mistaken, there was a moment there when they could have kissed. She tried to shrug it off; she had a history of misinterpreting things like that. She didn’t have long to think about it; her friends had discovered her.

  They grabbed Jane by the hand and shouted that she needed to get on the dance floor. She could barely hear them over the noise. She thought she heard them say, “Bring your friend, too.” In a confusing blur of sound and movement she was in a sea of gyrating arms and legs and the tall man was standing next to her, looking even more confused than she. It didn’t matter. She started moving to the music. Somehow this made her feel better. The man looked even more startled and awkward than she felt. She moved rhythmically to the music and found the courage to take his hand and pull him into the group with her. He looked down at her and smiled. She smiled back as he took a step towards her.


  Michael tried to match his moves to hers. She moved very well. A gaggle of women cheered her on and nudged him towards her. He started to loosen up and he put his hand on the small of her back and moved her towards him. This was unlike him, but he liked it. He wasn’t usually attracted to party girls, but this one was different. He found her awkwardness endearing and charming. She was different from the hooting girls she was with.

  He lost track of all of his self-consciousness until his sister bounced over to him. She gave him a sharp nudge that pushed him right into the girl, who looked surprised but placed her hand on his hip. He was pushed towards her by the crowd and he was unable to move away. Suddenly his hips were moving in time to the music and all he could focus on was the feel of this woman against him. She was exactly the right height for her pelvis to rest against his. His hand rested on her back. He could feel her heart beating against his. She felt very warm and when she looked up at him, he felt as if he could fall into her big brown eyes.


  Jane’s head was spinning. The sound of the pulsing, throbbing music combined with the warmth from the nearness of the man in an intoxicating blend of excitement. For once she wasn’t over thinking. She was focusing on the sights and sounds and heat of the evening. For the first time she knew what her friends were talking about when they said going dancing made the week’s work tolerable. The nearness of him was amazing.

  All she could see was the front of his shirt and when she looked up to catch a glimpse of his face, she saw that he was looking down at her. She felt her heart skip a beat. Jane had never experienced that feeling before. It wasn’t the too many cocktails and the sheer exhaustion of trying to be positive. This feeling came from somewhere deep inside.

  She felt herself looking back up at him to see if he was still looking at her. He was, so she smiled. He gave her a slightly shy smile back. She noticed that his smile was crooked. It was also very warm and inviting. He still had his hand on her back. She didn’t second guess herself. She didn’t do any of the things she usually did. She just focused on the man and the moment. The heat between the two of them was almost visible.

  She breathed his scent in and turned her head slightly, her cheek brushing against his shirt. She felt the crispness of the fabric and the undertones of sandalwood. It was so masculine and seductive she actually felt her mouth water. She wished she had the nerve to reach for him and see if his chest was as firm and delicious as she imagined. She didn’t dare; that really wasn’t the kind of thing she did, and she was pretty sure she would lose her nerve. She sighed.


  Michael felt the heat coming off of the girl’s skin. She kept sneaking glances at him. She was quite lovely. The crowd jostled them a little closer together and now she was a few millimeters away from his chest. He could feel the rhythm of her breathing and it affected him much more strongly than the room full of scantily clad women gyrating to the beat of the music. He looked down at her and he felt that twinge of a longing. It was too bad that he wasn’t the kind of guy who picked up strange women in bars. He sighed.

  The evening wrapped up pretty quickly after that. The music slowed, people began to drift away. Jane got her friends to drop her off at her apartment. She took a quick shower to rinse the last remnants of the smoky club off of her skin and out of her hair, but as hard she tried she couldn’t wash the thought of the man out of her head. The feel of the water usually lulled her into a peaceful drowsy state, but tonight it just made her more conscious of how alive she felt earlier.

  She would never have believed that the nearness of someone could change her point of view. She wasn’t going to start frequenting clubs and bars, but maybe she would start doing things in a different way. Still, that wasn’t going to help her sleep tonight. Her stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten nearly enough ear
lier and now she was hungry. She knew without looking that she didn’t have any food in the house and as resourceful as she was, she wouldn’t be able to put anything edible together from the spice rack. She sighed and put on her favorite sweatpants and cozy sweater, pulled back her hair and dashed out to the corner coffee shop.


  Michael was exhausted from the day and after dropping his sister off he just wanted to unwind with a cup of coffee; real coffee, the kind served in thick cups by waitresses who called you, “Hon.” He stopped at place nearby. He sat at the counter, smiling when the waitress brought him a cup of coffee without being asked. He took a sip and looked up in the mirror over the counter.

  The door behind him opened and there she was, the girl from the bar. She looked different, more relaxed. Her hair was tousled and pulled back, but he would have recognized that hair and that face anywhere. He had spent at least three songs worth of time staring at the top of her head. He didn’t wave her over; he hadn’t even gotten her name. She looked up and caught his eye in the mirror. She gave him a look of startled recognition. He wasn’t sure if he should go talk to her or if she would run away from him. The waitress leaned over and said, “You might as well go over, she’s staring at you. It would be rude not to.”


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