by Valerie Vera
When they got in the room, Melinda took out her earbuds from her iphone. The music blared out of it and Melinda started a sexy strip tease.
Tracey took a seat to enjoy. Melinda started off doing her peek-a-boob trick from the pool. She kept her top on and gave a little peek on her bottom. Her bikini line was perfect, petite and well kept. She didn’t waste too much time and showed off all her orifices. Bent over the dresser, she fondled herself from behind, beckoning Tracey to come over and satisfy her orally which Tracey was happy to oblige. Melinda was so tight and light pink, she was a beauty in every way. She did like to get to the business early on. She wasn’t one to linger on a thought for too long. When she came she’d growl and grunt like a wild animal. She tended to be a selfish lover but every once in a while she could surprise and be a lustful but considerate partner. After so many years together it was easy to understand each other’s moods and preferences.
Tracey left the room late in the night when she was sure Melinda was asleep. Melinda was a cool girl but she could not handle certain types of information. It was best this way, she’d be less nervous and not attract unnecessary attention.
The day dragged on like so many others. Another short shift at work. Another quick take-out dinner, her only meal of the day. Tomorrow was pay day which was good news since rent was due. Chloreene got lucky to live in an owner-occupied building where she could just hand in her rent in cash on the day it was due. So many of her friends had to send in checks always wondering if that check would clear in time.
As she walked up the flights of stairs, she said hello to every tenant that had a door open. Seemed everyone liked to keep their doors open and have fans blowing the air through their apartments this time of year.
One of the perks of living on the top floor was a little more privacy from passersby. When Chloreene was unlocking her two heavy locks, Mrs. Munoz peeked out her door curiously. She motioned for Chloreene to come in but Chloreene did not want to. It had been a long day with a lonely night ahead and Chloreene did not feel like answering any questions.
Mrs. Munoz got up from her chair and got in Chloreene’s face. “Where you go this summer?” Mrs. Munoz spoke in broken English and would be hard to understand for many people but not for Chloreene. She was used to her and vice-versa.
“I’m not going anywhere Mrs. Munoz. There’s some time to think about it though. I have a few months ahead of me.”
“Oh. You should go somewhere. So young. When are you getting married?” Mrs. Munoz asked these very questions several times a month. Chloreene tried to remain upbeat and answer cheerfully but it did get old. Maybe this is why no one comes to visit her.
“I have to go inside now Mrs. Munoz. I’ll talk to you later.” Chloreene carefully closed the door in her face and locked it. She just could not deal with a nosy neighbor right now.
Chloreene ate her chinese food. ½ fried chicken with fried which was her go to meal for the past 25 years. The night went on without one call or text message. Not even a ding from a facebook notification.
A week later, Chloreene was sitting in the break room when a co-worker came in and said, “some lady is out here looking for you”. Chloreene went out and there was Tracey. “hey girl… long time no see.” Tracey extended out for a hug and Chloreene hugged back. “I thought you were mad at me or something. Where you been?”
“I actually went on a quick vacation. I’m back now though.” Tracey smiled a big toothy smile. “Can I come over later?”
Chloreene tried not to scream out “YES!” but she’s pretty sure it came out that way anyway.
The day flew by and Chloreene could hardly contain her excitement. She used her credit card to buy frozen meatballs, bowtie pasta and tomato sauce and some other odds and ends.
She’d totally forgotten that she had to lug all this stuff home and up the stairs. She finally got to the top flight. Of course she had to first get through the gate keeper, Mrs. Munoz. “Hi Mrs. Munoz” Chloreene said waving. Mrs. Munoz did not look up today, she stared off into the distance.
Chloreene hustled inside to prepare the food. She’d never been much of a cook but this was a VERY special occasion. She had not heard from Tracey for so long she’d thought she’d done something wrong or did not tickle her fancy.
Tracey came in just as the meal was ready. She was long, lean and tan and obviously interested in a repeat. Chloreene couldn’t be any happier. They ate and talked and discussed watching their mutually favorite television show which had a marathon on.
Somewhere in the third or fourth episode of The Walking Dead Tracey reached out and grabbed Chloreene’s hand. Chloreene felt electricity pulse through her body. There was a time when a man’s touch made her feel that way but that had been a while. They sat like that for a long time. Watching t.v. and talking about what they thought might happen next.
Tracey stayed over again and it was wonderful - again. When Tracey was around everything seemed ok and possible. They were both mutually benefitting from the relationship but Chloreene could not help but think, why now?
Chloreene had known Tracey for many years. She’d always viewed her as a woman that liked men. How did Tracey avoid my gay-dar all these years? I wonder if she’s known I liked girls all this time. I thought it was obvious but maybe not? maybe that’s part of my problem. If ladies don’t know I’m looking for more than friendship, then-
Tracey came out of the shower with nothing but a hand towel covering her front side. When she turned around she showed off her athletic bottom.
“Do you run?” Chloreene asked.
“Yes, I try to do at least 5 miles a day on the dreadmill”
Tracey smiled.
“So when will I see you again? I hope it’s soon…”
“How about tonight? is that soon enough?”
“Yes! tonight is perfect”
The day could not be over with fast enough. Although Chloreene had again been scheduled for another half shift, she was happy. Her mind jumped at thoughts of being with Tracey. She could not believe how fast all this was happening.
Chloreene showed up to Tracey’s house at the appointed time. She’d made a huge effort to look her best. She stopped by Payless to buy a new pair of black ballet flats and was wearing a long floral flowing dress. Very casual but feminine, which was outside of the norm for Chloreene. She’d always been a bigger, athletic build kind of girl. Men often tried to get with her but no one ever wanted a long term relationship which really hurt Chloreene’s feelings.
Tracey’s home was in a nice quiet tree-lined neighborhood. It was not far from Tracey’s apartment building, about 12 blocks but had a very different feel. Tracey gave her the grand tour, it felt a little like a real-estate tour but Chloreene was thrilled that Tracey was being so attentive and open with her. The home was tenement housing originally but it made a lovely home. Made out of brick and connected and both sides with a nice little front yard and 100 foot long enclosed back yard. It was like a dream home to Chloreene.
Tracey’s taste was simple, clean and mod. Her only artwork was a wall of about 20 paint by number pieces. “I shopped for all the furniture in thrift stores through the years. My favorite spot is the one on Steinway… have you ever been to that one? If you pay off the guy in the back you can just walk out with whatever you want for a fraction of the price.”
“Yes, I’ve bought clothes in that one before. I always find good stuff there.”
“So, what do you think. Could you see yourself living here?”
“That’s why I invited you over… I thought you might consider moving in with me… My roommate just moved out and I hate to be alone”
Chloreene hurried tossing most of her possessions in donation boxes. She’d made an appointment for the shelter thrift store to pick up everything she didn’t want to take at noon tod
ay and it was 1050. The clock was ticking… She hurried on and when the men came she was all ready. They took away 17 boxes full of stuff. A full sized bed, a table and some chairs. They refused the sofa so Chloreene would have to find a way to get rid of it. With all the clutter gone, the apartment looked big and nice. Chloreene could not help but think of the first day she moved in.
With the front door open, Mrs. Munoz positioned herself so she could see the most of Chloreene’s apartment as possible. Today she was smiling and seemed alert and thinking of the present day. “When you got married?”
“Oh Mrs. Munoz…” Chloreene thought about it for a minute. She wanted to tell her the truth very badly but she decided against it. “Yesterday. I got married yesterday to a wonderful person. You would like this person very much.”
Mrs. Munoz clapped her hands and smiled big. She was so happy. She hugged Chloreene’s neck and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. Chloreene felt good. This was a good omen.
Tracey was very welcoming and made Chloreene feel right at home. The arrangement was perfect. Chloreene could continue to work but agreed to clean the two bathrooms and kitchen every day in exchange for a free room. Also she agreed to take full charge of Brownie.
Chloreene was determined to not make the same mistake Tracey’s former roommate had. No girl’s night out here and neglecting her chores around the house. Tracey did not make it clear the nature of their relationship, but she always referred to her as a roommate.
Chloreene settled in to her domestic lifestyle. Busying herself with cheap, easy meals. She used Tracey’s kindle to buy an ebook with recipes. Tracey often took care of the sides and Chloreene often grilled meats. They spent their evenings holding hands watching tv. Occasionally they would take it further and get together in Tracey’s bedroom. These times were hot and sexy. Tracey was a vocal, passionate lover. She was not shy in the bedroom and brought out a reckless abandonment in Chloreene.
I’ve never been happier in my life. Really, life is good.
The week’s passed by...
“Ok. I understand, I can do that. No problem… ok see you soon.” Tracey hung up the phone. “Hey, I have to go out for a little bit.. I’ll be home for dinner… do you mind handling it on your own?”
“No problem. I can handle it… see you around 7.”
Chloreene sat in front of her notebook. It had been a while since she’d even attempted to put pen to paper. The poetry was definitely not flowing right now. Tracey came in right on time. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes darted to avoid making eye contact with Chloreene.
Dinner was ready but Tracey didn’t eat much. Chloreene asked, “Is something wrong?” Tracey seemed nervous and anxious about something.
“Oh no. Nothing’s wrong at all, I just don’t know how to tell you. I mean, I don’t know what you’ll say or what you’ll think of the idea..”
“Idea of what? what is it? just tell me…” the suspense was killing Chloreene. She worried her biggest fear being that Tracey would end their arrangement and Chloreene would once again live life on the edge. Always fearing eviction, always fearing homelessness. She pressed again, “What is it?”
Tracey faked a smile, I have some friends in the Bahamas that would like to meet you. It’s only been a few months… I don’t want to push for too much too fast and scare you away… you’re very special to me Chloreene.”
“So you’re saying you want to take a trip to the Bahamas with me?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying baby. What do you say? Do you want to go?”
“Of course I do! How much is it going to cost? I have been saving up. I’ve been saving so much living here…”
“You should know better… you don’t pay when you’re with me… just come and keep me company and get to know my friends… they’ve been very eager to meet you.”
Chloreene was super excited. So many good things had been happening for her since hooking up with Tracey.
Chloreene packed with a huge smile on her face. I can’t believe it… finally going somewhere out of the country! YES! for me… I wish the passport didn’t take so long to arrive… This was going to be so much fun!
Finally, the day of the trip was here. Tracey locked up the house and Brownie was taken to the young neighbor girls house. Tracey gave her $200 to buy food and litter with the promise of more later.
Chloreene managed to bring 10 outfits and 3 bathing suits as well as a couple pairs of shoes in one small rolling suitcase. She’d been watching youtube videos on the best way to pack a bag for a week to achieve this result and was quite pleased with herself.
They arrived to the airport with plenty of time to sit and have a leisurely lunch at a bar restaurant. The flight went fine, Tracey’s friends came to the airport to pick them up.
Four men and a woman.
The only thing is Tracey did not seem all that comfortable with them. Chloreene couldn’t put her finger on it but something was not right…
The lady hostess was, Pamela… she was tall and tan with a large afro. She tried to keep close to Chloreene. “Chloreene is a pretty name for a pretty girl… how did your mama come up with it? do you know the story?”
This was a bit of an embarrassment to Chloreene… she did know the real story but hesitated and always felt flustered to explain it to people… The truth is Chloreene was born out of wedlock to a teenage mother that could not handle her responsibilities.
Her grandparents were good people that wanted the best so they stepped in to raise the new baby… their idea was to give this new baby a clean sounding, sanitized name and that is where Chloreene’s name was conceived.
Chloreene did her best to lie.. “Actually I don’t… it’s a strange name isn’t it? I’ve thought about changing it or going by a nickname but always end up keeping the name. It’s me I guess”
“I like it, I don’t think you should change it. It’s different and unique. You should keep it girl… Sooo… tell me more about your family… any brothers or sisters? who are you close with?”
Suddenly Chloreene realized this questioning was a little direct, when she thought back, they’d been asking her questions almost since the time she arrived… Not to mention that they hadn’t left the house in two days. She looked around to see who was there. Tracey was sitting and looking intently. A strange expression on her face… almost a look of sorrow but even that was not clear. Chloreene felt she needed to get out.
“When are we going to visit the Burger King Mansion?” Chloreene asked but no one answered. Why aren’t they answering me? What is going on? why was Tracey acting so strange… she’d insisted on being in separate rooms at the house. Her friends knew how she was but did not accept it under their roof. So why is she friends with them? why would she bring me here if they did not accept her lifestyle?
“Tomorrow.. tomorrow we will go there.”
Dinner was served outside with liberal doses of alcohol. Chloreene ate and drank and tried to enjoy herself. Putting her fears aside she… blacked out
The next morning she woke up in bed naked. She felt the unmistakable signs that she’d had sex last night. She dared not say the word rape but that’s exactly what she felt had happened. She started to hysterically cry in bed, curling into the fetal position. How could this happen, who are these people and what else are they capable of. She had no idea what to do. Where to turn or if she should even mention this. The room had a horrible sex stench in the air. Just then, Tracey came in, carrying a mixed drink.
“Come outside and enjoy our last day. Here take a drink…” she handed her the drink as Chloreene draped the sheet around herself.
“Tracey… TRACEY! something happened… something happened to me… I think. I think someone forced themselves on me. LOOK at me Tracey… look!... What do you mean last day? we have three more days here…?”
“Sweetie, it’s Friday morning, we’re leavin
g Saturday afternoon… you’re just confused… that’s ok, don’t worry, no big deal just a little mix up”
“Tracey, there’s been more than a mix up. There’s been a problem. I’ve been raped and you don’t seem to care one bit! Worst of all you’ve been acting weird since we got here. And now I’m missing two days. What’s been going on here Tracey, what are you doing to me? More importantly, why are you doing this?”
The door busted open and it was Pamela… She was not smiling, she had a cold glare to her look now. She looked at Chloreene with disgust but when she looked at Tracey, Chloreene sensed pure hatred.
“You’ve come here to do work for us! You belong to US! We paid for you and you need to pay your debts!! Do you understand?!” Pamela was right in Chloreene’s face. “Take a shower. You stink. You still have one more day to work.”