Charmingly Wicked

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Charmingly Wicked Page 6

by Teresa Gabelman

  “It’s okay, Vance.” She whispered putting a little more pressure on his back to let him know he wasn’t alone.

  His head snapped again, this time falling back as a roar escaped his throat sounding as if it came from deep within his soul. Thorne picked Wicked up moving her out of the way as Vance blasted past them.

  “Stay here.” Thorne ordered as he followed Vance out of the house.

  “What just happened?” Angel looked at her sister with wide eyes.

  “Vance was protecting you.” Wicked glanced over her shoulder before looking back at Angel.

  “From what?” Angel’s eyes widened. “Thorne? You?”

  “No.” Wicked shook her head. “Gavan.”

  “Gavan?” Angel was now more confused. “What in the world for? Is Gavan that upset I hired Vance?”

  “Let’s just wait for Vance to calm down. This is his story to tell.” Wicked bit her lip and she knew her sister wanted to say more, but Angel wouldn’t push her.

  They remained silent waiting, listening. Both women jumped when the door opened. Thorne walked in and looked at Angel. “Vance wants to talk to you.”

  She noticed the paper with the roofing information on it that Vance had earlier. Angel didn’t reply just walked past them both and headed outside. She looked around and spotted him standing by his truck.

  Angel quickly made her way toward him. “Vance?”

  When he looked at her, his eyes were haunted, and her heart went out to him.

  “Listen, I’m sorry about what happened in there.” Vance started then looked away.

  “Don’t apologize to me for that.” Angel replied, then stepped into his line of vision. “Wicked said you were protecting me from Gavan. Why? It can’t be because I hired you over him.”

  “Actually, it is.” Vance snorted with a hiss. “His father killed my mother.”

  Angel’s eyes widened in understanding. “And you killed his father.”

  Vance nodded. “Our families were always at odds because Gavan’s father was in love with my mother. They are bear shifters. Very arrogant, thinks they can get what they want. But Gavan always hung out with me, Mac and Thorne. Out of any of them Gavan was friends with all of us. Anyway, whenever Gavan’s father would see my mother out alone, he would harass her, telling her she needed to leave my father and then one day it went too far.”

  Hearing this broke her heart. How terrible for everyone involved. She kept her mouth shut though she wanted to ask questions. Instead, she gave him time to get out what he needed to say.

  “One day he saw her out. They had words and for whatever reason he shifted. It took only one swipe of his claw to kill her before she could shift to protect herself.” Vance was staring over her head at something from his past. Wanting to bring him back to the present she walked to him and wrapped her arms around his waist giving him some kind of comfort. “I heard Gavan’s dad telling someone what he did to my mother. He called her an ungrateful bitch. I totally lost it and to this day I can’t remember how I killed him. It’s not easy for a wolf shifter to bring down a bear shifter.”

  “I would have done the same thing.” Angel said against his chest then looked up at him. Her eyes touched on the scar that slashed across his cheek and now she knew the story behind it.

  “It was my father’s right to take revenge, not mine.” Vance’s tone turned cold. “I took that from him. I don’t think he ever forgave me for that.”

  “A father’s love is stronger for their children than that. I’m sure he was angry that it wasn’t him, but Vance I don’t think he could blame you for doing what you did.” Angel reached up and touched his cheek so he would look down at her. “Did he ever blame you?”

  “He didn’t have to.” Vance stared down at her. “I blamed myself enough.”

  “Maybe it’s time you forgive yourself.” Angel hoped she wasn’t overstepping, but somebody had to say it. “And I bet you don’t even blame Gavan for his feelings.”

  “I will kill Gavan if he comes close to you.” Vance vowed with a sneer, but then his features changed. “But no, I don’t blame him. I know one day it will come down to me or him. I’ve always known that, but I’ll be damned if you will be in the middle of that.”

  “Does that mean you’re bailing on me?” Angel frowned not wanting to hear his answer. “I saw the roofing list with Thorne.”

  “I will not put you in danger, Angel.” Vance tilted her chin up. “I don’t understand it but in just one day you’ve become very important to me. I can’t chance something like what happened to my mother happen to you.”

  What could she say to that? She wouldn’t beg him to stay and feel responsible if something were to happen which she doubted would actually happen. This really had nothing to do with her. Maybe if she talked to Gavan this whole mess could get straightened out.

  “I think it would be best if I go ahead and leave town now.” Vance finally spoke. “Once I’m gone the situation will deescalate. And as strongly as I feel about you, Angel. I was still going to have to leave very soon. Maybe it’s best this way.”

  Angel didn’t agree but acted as if she did because she wasn’t ready to watch him walk away without knowing for sure her exact feelings for this man. Who was she kidding? Her feelings were stronger than anything she had ever felt before.

  “The least you can do is stay and take me to dinner like you promised.” She gave him a pouting look hoping he would agree. When he looked as if he was going to refuse, she resorted to making him feel guilty. Hey, a girl had to do what a girl had to do. “You are bailing on me, Vance.”

  He actually laughed, then nodded. “Yes, I will still take you to dinner.”

  “Perfect.” Angel said, and it was perfect. It would give her plenty of time to try to fix this mess so she could at least have another week and a half with him to see if he was her person.

  Chapter 15

  Angel kept looking at her phone checking the time. She needed to get ready to get out of here soon to take care of business and then back here in time for her dinner date. After Vance had left, she faked a headache because she knew Wicked and Thorne would not leave her there alone. At least here at their house she wasn’t being watched like a hawk.

  She needed to talk to Rook. Going to the window she put her fingers to her mouth and did a loud whistle. Within seconds Rook was flying inside.

  “What’s wrong?” Rook landed on the dresser looking around.

  “Nothing is wrong.” Angel said, heading to her closet to get dressed.

  “But you used the emergency whistle.” Rook cawed flapping his wings.

  “That’s because I need your help and Bruce’s.” Angel cursed not finding anything to wear. “Can you get him in here without anyone seeing you?”

  “Pfft.” Rook looked offended she even asked before disappearing out the window.

  Angel rolled her eyes, then thought of an outfit she wanted to wear. With a twirl of her fingers, she hoped her magic was on point today. Looking down at herself she frowned. Of course, it wasn’t. Instead of black slacks she was wearing white granny bloomers. Giving it one more try she finally had an outfit she was happy with.

  “Dammit, Rook. Hold on.” Bruce’s voice came below the window.

  Rushing that way she saw Rook holding onto Bruce’s fur trying to fly him up to the window. “Dude you need to go on a diet.”

  “I swear if you drop me, I’ll kill you or haunt you if I die.” Angel rolled her eyes then shushed him. Twirling her finger Bruce was lifted off the ground and floated up toward her, then through the window. When she twirled her finger again to set him down, he remained suspended in the air.

  “Excuse me, but I feel a little foolish hanging here.” Bruce spat out.

  “You should see you.” Rook said with a cawed laugh.

  Finally, she was able to set him on his feet. “So, what is this all about that I risked one of my lives.”

  “You only have one.” Rook said, then spread his wings when Bruce
glared at him.

  “We going to have this fight again?” Bruce hissed at him.

  “Will you guys stop it.” Angel glanced at her phone again. She was quickly running out of time. “I need your help.”

  “With?” Bruce asked curiously.

  “Can I trust you?” Angel cocked her eyebrow at him.

  “Depends.” Bruce tilted his head staring her down. “What’s in it for me?”

  “A night of my blackened salmon? As much as you can eat.” Angel didn’t know if that would work but gave it a try.

  “You have bought my trust.” Bruce accepted quickly. “Now what do I have to do so I can start enjoying my payment?”

  “First you are not to tell anyone anything.” Angel narrowed her eyes at Bruce.

  “Easy enough since I have no fucking clue what you’re even talking about.” Bruce actually looked bored. “But, yeah, done. What else?”

  “Tell me where I can find a guy name Gavan?” Angel just tossed it right out there.

  “I’m out.” Bruce shook his head. “I am not putting my life on the line for one night of salmon. It’s good, but not that good.”

  “Okay, a week’s worth?” Angel gave that a try.

  “Nope.” Bruce stretched out on the floor irritating Angel who glanced at the time on her phone.

  “A lifetime.” Angel saw the interest in his face and felt some hope.

  “Why do you want to know…” Bruce put his paw up. “Never mind I don’t want to know, the less I know the better.”

  “So, you’ll tell me?” Angel actually crossed her fingers.

  “I’m really going to regret this, but how in the hell can I, a cat, pass up a lifetime of blackened salmon?” Bruce sighed dramatically. “Gavan is usually at Sudsy’s down on main street. If he isn’t there, then he’s home. Route 133, last house before the white barn.”

  “Are you sure?” Angel cocked her eyebrow at him.

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?” Bruce asked, then stood up. “Don’t get yourself killed, Angel.”

  “Not a word.” She pointed at Bruce not appreciating his bear joke. “Or the deal is off.”

  With a twirl of her fingers, she prayed to the Goddess she didn’t end up on a snow-covered mountain in Alaska again. Transporting was not her favorite thing in the world. It always made her nauseous and dizzy, as well as terrified of where she might accidently end up.

  A horn blared making her scream and jump. Well, she was on main street, literally in the middle of main street with cars swerving to miss her.

  “Shit!” Angel hurried to the sidewalk. She really needed to get Wicked to help her with her magic, especially transporting. Looking around she saw a sign to Sudsy’s. Her eyes scanned the area, the car Gavan had driven to her house was sitting in the driveway. She knew it was his because of the discolored hood. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the door and opened it up stepping into a world she hoped she was ready for.

  * * *

  “She’s not here?” Wicked said as she came down the steps. “I’ve checked everywhere?”

  Thorne and Vance shared a look. “What do you mean she’s not here?” Thorne growled.

  Wicked gave Thorne a narrowed look. “Maybe she went back to the house for something.”

  “The cars are here.” Vance had remained silent, his mind whirling.

  “She could have transported.” Thorne said, but Wicked shook her head. “Ah, she probably didn’t do that.” When both men looked at her, she frowned. “Don’t ask.”

  “Where’s Robert?” Thorne ask, then glanced at Rook who was pacing back and forth on the fireplace mantel.

  “Sleeping.” Wicked replied her gaze also going toward Rook, and then to Bruce. “I’m sure she’s fine. She was going to lay down because she had a headache and then get ready for dinner.”

  Vance noticed Rook looking a little nervous.

  “Do you two know where Angel is?” Wicked asked and Vance watched them both closely.

  “Nope.” Bruce said without looking up from licking himself.

  “Bruce you better not be lying to me.” Wicked said, giving him an evil glare. “I’ll try her phone again.”

  “Who is Gavan?” Rook said, then cawed nervously.

  Vance’s head snapped toward him. “What did you just say?”

  “Gavan. Who is he?” Rook asked again then glanced down at Bruce who was glaring at him.

  “Dammit, Rook. If you blow this for me I’ll eat you instead of the salmon.” Bruce hissed at the crow.

  In two stride’s he had Bruce by the fur of his neck staring at him straight in the eye. “You better start talking.” Vance growled actually moving Bruce’s fur back.

  “Still no answer.” Wicked came back into the room to see Vance with her familiar in a painful grip. “Put him down.”

  “Not until he tells me what he knows.” Vance hissed; his anger was almost out of control.

  “She went to Sudsy’s to talk to this Gavan guy.” Rook spilled it saving Bruce.

  “Son of a bitch!” Vance dropped Bruce, none too gently.

  “Bruce how could you.” Wicked sounded disappointed and angry.

  “Angel promised him a lifetime of blackened salmon if he kept his mouth shut and told her.” Rook let it all out in the open.

  “What’s the big deal. She’ll be fine. She’s a witch. Angel can handle herself fine.” Bruce shook off the fall.

  “She, ah, has some problems with her craft at times.” Rook sounded worried. “And if she’s scared it can get really out of control.”

  “If anything, and I mean anything happens to her I will kill you.” Vance glared at Bruce as he rushed toward the door. It was at the moment he realized how much Angel really meant to him because if something did happen to her, he didn’t know what he would do. She was his mate; he couldn’t deny it any longer. His wolf agreed as its power pulsed inside him.

  “Vance!” Wicked’s voice stopped him before he got to his truck. “My way is quicker.”

  Everything went black as Wicked pointed her finger at him. He was still present but felt like he was tumbling out of control. He didn’t care. If it got him to Angel quicker, he would walk through hellfire to reach her.

  Chapter 16

  Angel let her eyes focus as she scanned the almost empty bar. She spotted Gavan almost right away. Taking a deep breath, she headed his way. Without hesitation she sat down in the booth directly across from him.

  “Hello, Gavan.” Angel said in a calm cool voice.

  Gavan looked up from the table and groan. “Shit I’m not drunk enough for this.” He reached for the bottle in front of him, but Angel was quicker.

  “Good.” Angel said, putting the bottle on the seat next to her. “We need to talk.”

  “Don’t worry, girl. I’m not going to hurt you.” Gavan rolled his eyes. “That was just the booze talking. Mac already tore me a new ass.”

  “Hmm, I never knew I was in danger of you hurting me.” Angel tilted her head and what she saw when he raised his eyes to her was pain. A lot of pain mixed with sadness and despair. Someone started playing the jukebox making it hard to hear. “Can we talk outside?”

  “Why do you want to talk to me?” Gavan shook his head. “I already told you I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “It’s not about me.” Angel cocked her eyebrow, then stood up. “Please.”

  Gavan sighed dramatically but stood and led her outside. They walked around the parking lot toward the back into a little field away from all the noise then stopped.

  “Aren’t you afraid to be alone with the son of a woman killer?” Gavan spat out and Angel figured it was a defense mechanism.

  “You said you weren’t going to hurt me, and I believe you.” Angel countered with a cocked eyebrow. “Was that a lie?”

  “No.” Gavan lit a cigarette. “I don’t hurt women. And I’ve wanted to apologize for grabbing you so hard at your house that day.”

  “Apology accepted, thank you.” Angel frowned.
“Gavan, I didn’t not hire you because of what your father did? I honestly didn’t know the history between you and Vance. I didn’t hire you because you were over an hour late.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Gavan shrugged with a humorless laugh. “I can’t get a fair shake in this town because of what my bastard of a father did.”

  “But that was your father’s doing, not yours.” Angel felt anger on his part. “Why would they hold you responsible?”

  “Why you asking me that?” Gavan snorted. “Ask them?” He threw his arm around indicating the town she was sure.

  “Do you blame Vance for killing your father?” Angel got to the heart of the issue.

  Gavan laughed, but didn’t answer the question. Instead, he smoked his cig, then flicked it away. “I hated the son of a bitch.”

  “Who? Vance?” Angel frowned not liking that answer.

  His eyes shot back to hers and he shook his head. “My father.” Gavan pushed away from the pile of logs he was leaning against. “We told him to stay away from Ms. Walker. Actually, fought him. Hell, if someone had killed my mother I would have killed them without blinking an eye, but disease got her.”

  “I’m sorry.” Angel said and meant it.

  “Thanks,” Gavan mumbled, then leaned his head back and roared. Angel jumped from the sudden sound of pain coming from the man. “No matter how hard I try I can’t get away from my father. What he did will follow me forever. Vance hates me because of what my father did. Do you know we used to be great friends? All of us, Vance, Mac, Thorne and then that happened. They all took Vance’s side.

  “Isn’t it Thorne who was going to hire you to work on my house?” Angel countered knowingly.

  “Yeah, I thought that was strange.” Gavan shrugged, then frowned. “But then he hired Vance.”

  “No, I hired Vance.” She reminded him. “Listen, I don’t know everything that happened, but even then I can see there has been a lot of miscommunication and hurt. Lots of pain.”


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