Devil's Promise (Chaos Bleeds Book 12)

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Devil's Promise (Chaos Bleeds Book 12) Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2018 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-757-3

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To all of my Devil fans out there who can't get enough, this is for you.


  Chaos Bleeds, 12

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “Judi and Ripper will take care of the kids. Simon’s gone to Fort Wills. It’ll just be the two of us,” Devil said.

  “Are you feeling bad because you missed our anniversary, even though it wasn’t technically our anniversary?” Lexie asked, hands on her full hips. “It’s just the day I consider our anniversary. The day we met.”

  Devil loved her body. Nothing had changed since the first time they met all those years ago, and even now he couldn’t get enough of her. Staring at her, he wanted her. His cock was rock-hard, ready to be inside her.

  “And I’m going to make it up to you.”

  “By taking me away to some exotic island for a few days?”

  “I was thinking Vegas, but I can stretch to an exotic island.” He was so pissed at himself for forgetting their “anniversary,” as she’d declared every single year that it was important. That day had changed the rest of his life and made him decide to stick around in Piston County, not only to set down roots for the club but to be a husband to Lexie, a father to their children.

  “What about the club? You’re at a place right now where you can’t just leave it.”

  “We’re going to get away for a couple of days. Just you and me. There’s not going to be anyone there to worry about.”

  He opened his legs and grabbed Lexie’s hand, pulling her close. “I want to do something special for you, baby.”

  “I know, and I know that you have an obligation to the club. You don’t have time to be running around.”

  “I have enough time.”

  “What about all this with Darcy?”

  “It’ll be waiting for us when we get back. We need this.” He knew that if he didn’t get Lexie away now, she’d be at Fort Wills helping out with Darcy whenever she could. He didn’t have a problem with that. The Skulls were their family as well, but he also didn’t want Lexie to tire herself out. With all of their kids and their own hectic lives, he knew Lexie always put herself last.

  It’s why he made sure to put her first, even before the whole of the club. He made sure she stayed well. When they were first married he lost count of the number of times he saw her curled up on the sofa, when she hadn’t eaten but was passed out from exhaustion. That kind of shit would never happen on his watch. He wouldn’t allow it, simple as that.

  She sighed. “You know I don’t like leaving the kids behind.”

  “I hate to break it to you, babe, but they’re going to leave us soon. Have families of their own, fall in love. All that kind of shit. You don’t even need to worry about them.”

  Lexie cupped his face, pressing her lips against his. “I don’t know if I like you all the time.”

  “We’ll always have each other, and that’s what counts.”

  “You’re going to let Simon go to Fort Wills with Tabitha?”

  “No, he’s actually staying with Anthony, which is far away from Tabitha.”

  She chuckled. “You do know if he’s anything like his dad, he’ll find a way to be with her.”

  Devil sighed. “They’re still young. I won’t worry until he knows how to use his dick.”

  “Seriously, I can’t even begin to believe you’re thinking like that right now.”

  He gripped her full ass. After all the kids they had, her body was still fucking perfect to him. Even with the stretch marks and fuller curves, he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “We’ve got a couple more months.”

  “More months? He’s a teenager, Devil.”

  “So, it’ll take a little longer for him to know what to do with it. He’ll be playing with his dick for a long time.”

  “Ew, I can’t think about this.”

  Lexie made to get off his lap, but he wouldn’t let her go. “Woman, I’ve missed you, and I want you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Does this have something to do with that picnic? I told you I don’t care about what they have. It’s never been about the money and stuff.”

  “It’s not about them at all. It’s about you and me and the fact we’ve not had any time alone in forever. It’s been the kids or the fucking drama. I want out for a few days with you.” He took her hand that held the wedding band he’d given her. “Just you and me.”

  “You’ll leave your leather cut at home.”

  “No chance of that. You see, I want you to wear that cut while I fuck you again and again.”

  “Okay, well you better change your plans with Alex. I have no interest in going to Vegas.”

  “What if I … called in a favor from one of the Billionaire boys?”

  She chuckled. “You call in a favor?”

  “Hell, yeah, they owe us.”

  She ran her hand down his body, cupping his cock. “You do whatever it is you feel you need to do. I’ll always be here for you.” She kissed his cheek. “It has been a long time since it has just been the two of us.” Lexie pulled away, that sexy smile across her lips letting him know she was thinking of all the delicious, naughty things he could do to her. Damn, it was like he hadn’t seen that look in her eyes in so long that he had to wonder if he imagined it.

  Watching her bend down to grab the towel he’d dumped earlier, he groaned. She was doing this on purpose because she knew just how much he loved watching her ass.

  “Just the two of us, no club, no kids, just us. I wonder what we could do together without any interruptions.” She tilted her head to the side.

  She left the room, and he pulled out his cell phone, dialing pussy boy, meaning Russ from the Billionaire Bikers MC.

  He wasn’t afraid to call in a few favors, especially as that biker needed a shitload from him in the coming months and weeks. Taking on an entire world of traffickers wasn’t going to come easy. It just so happened, he hated those that abused women and was more than happy to bring them down.


  “It’ll be good for you and Devil to get away. I can’t even remember the last time you did. You’ve always been pregnant,” Judi said, picking up one of the shirts from the large pile that Lexie was folding.

  “I don’t mind. I love my family. Vacations with the family are great.”

  “Are you nervous about being alone with Devil?” Judi asked.

  “No, of course not.”

  Judi chuckled. “How long has it been since you two had some real alone time?”

  Lexie blew some hair out of her face and scrunched up her nose. “I can’t … no, I don’t remember. We’ve always had the kids, and then of course there is always something going on at the club. We’ve got the store, and everything is crazy. You know that.”

  Judi was her stepdaughter, even though there were only a few years between them. She’d been a forced teenage prostitute that Devil had save
d. Lexie had married Devil, and they’d adopted Judi as their own.

  “You’re worried. I can see it.”

  “I’m not worried. I just don’t think it’s the right time.”

  “What’s the right time?” Simon asked, walking into the laundry room without a shirt on.

  “Are we just forgoing clothes now as well?” Lexie asked.

  “I’m out of shirts.”

  He walked to them and pulled one over. “What are we ladies gossiping about?”

  Lexie laughed. Pulling him in for a hug, she kissed his head. “You’re not a lady.”

  “Please, I can gossip like the best of them.”

  “Does Tabby know you like to go all lady?” Judi asked.

  “Tabby knows everything,” he said. “We don’t have secrets.”

  “You don’t?” Lexie asked.

  “We’re best friends. She’s my girl. I’ve got no reason to keep secrets from her. Are you and Dad going away?”

  “Nothing gets past you, does it?” Lexie asked.

  “You totally should go, Mom. You deserve it.”

  She looked down at the laundry, feeling that twinge in her chest when he called her mom. He didn’t know the truth, and Devil never wanted him to find out. Simon wasn’t her son, but her sister Kayla’s.

  “What’s wrong?” Simon asked.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “You really should go though.”

  “You’re only saying that because Dad has agreed to let you go to Fort Wills,” Judi said.

  “Whatever. Shouldn’t you be, like, a grown-up now? You’re a married woman,” Simon said.

  “So, you’re getting older and that still makes me your grown sister. I can totally tease you if I want.”

  He gave her the finger, and she burst out laughing.

  “You’re so cute.”

  “Simon, don’t swear.”

  “Dad does it all the time.”

  “I know.”

  “I only used my fingers. I didn’t actually speak.”

  “You’re still swearing.”

  “Remember that year he swore all the time and at the end there was, like, three grand there?” Judi said.

  Simon burst out laughing. “That was the best New Year’s fireworks display ever.”

  “You keep swearing, and I’ll make sure you start putting into the cuss jar, Simon.”

  He shrugged. “You really should go. It’ll do you good.” He finished folding up the washing with them and left.

  “He’s getting old so fast,” she said.

  “You need to stop looking guilty when he calls you Mom,” Judi said.

  She sighed. “Some days it’s harder than others, you know.”

  “I do.”

  Judi moved round behind her. “I love you, Lex, always.”

  She hugged her close and sighed. “I’m going to deliver these clothes.”

  Lifting up the laundry basket, she made her way upstairs to the bedrooms. Devil had bought her the perfect place. Her life was everything she wanted it to be and more. He made sure she wanted for nothing, but right now, something made her nervous, and she didn’t know what.

  Putting the kids’ clothes away, she finished with hers and Devil’s. Her reflection caught her attention. She’d never been supermodel-thin or even slender. When Devil saw her, she’d been working the pole, stripping for money.

  All those years later and kids, and her body was … different.

  Her thighs were bigger, with marks of cellulite. No matter how many stomach exercises she did, there was still a pouch there, and of course her tits were huge with a little more hang.

  She loved Devil with all of her heart.

  But—and she hated this—what if it was only because of the kids and the club that they were still together?

  Being around the other clubs at the picnic the Billionaire Bikers MC hosted had made her realize how different she was. She wasn’t young anymore, and her body wasn’t that of a full-figured stripper.

  She was a mom.

  Pulling her shirt up over her head and her sweatpants down, she stared at herself. They had sex all the time, and when his arms were around her, she had no doubt. Since coming home though, she couldn’t bring herself to be naked in front of him. Did he want someone younger? Someone who had a tighter body?

  Tears flooded her eyes, and she quickly pulled her clothes back on. It was stupid of her to even think about this.

  She went into the bathroom, putting the laundry basket down, and then walked downstairs toward the kitchen.

  A picture of the two of them together with Simon in her arms caught her attention. It had been taken so long ago during the summer. Simon wore one of those cute summer baby hats with shorts and a plain blue t-shirt.

  Devil had his arms around her with his chin resting on her shoulder, and she smiled at the camera.

  Not once in all the years they’d been together had she ever doubted herself like this. She hated these feelings that were bubbling up inside her, but she couldn’t stop them. What was worse, she had no one to talk to about it. There was Eva, Tiny’s wife, but she wouldn’t understand.

  So, Lexie tried to ignore it, which was easy to do at home in Piston County. Alone, together, no distractions, it would be a lot harder to do.

  Chapter Two

  “You’re seriously asking me this?” Russ asked.

  Devil smiled as he worked on his bike. “Come on, you really didn’t think you were going to ask for that huge-ass favor and then not get a call back?”

  “Not this fucking huge.”

  “You’re telling me one of you guys doesn’t have a nice, big, fancy island where I can take my woman?”

  He heard Russ sigh across the line and knew he’d won, not that he’d expected anything different. He would always win. That’s what made him Devil, leader of the Chaos Bleeds.

  Whatever he wanted, he got.

  Right now, he needed some alone time with his woman because he knew something was up. It wasn’t just that though. He wanted to spend some time with her. There’d been a little distance since they got back from the picnic, and he didn’t like that.

  Lexie was his, and he would get to the bottom of what was bugging her one way or the other.

  “Yes, we do. Fine, fine. I’ll get everything ready. Just give me the dates you need.”

  Devil told him the dates, and Russ promised to call him back.

  Closing his cell phone, he placed it on the floor beside his bike. Russ would come through because if he didn’t there would be fucking hell to pay. There’s no question about it, Devil wouldn’t accept no.

  If he didn’t do this now, then it would wait another year or another couple of years. Lexie always found something that kept her busy, and it had been too long since he had her on his own.

  “You okay, Prez?” Pussy asked, coming to sit on the wall opposite the bike.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You’ve got this frown that screams you’re going to kill someone. If it’s going to be so much fun, I want in.”

  Devil shook his head. “No fighting. Just waiting for Russ.”

  “What are you calling that fucker for?”

  He stared at Pussy. “For Lexie.”

  “I thought Alex was all over it.”

  “Lexie doesn’t want to go to Vegas.” He didn’t want to go to fucking Vegas, either. The only reason he’d agreed was the free hotel. He didn’t intend to actually leave the room, but Lexie, she was changing.

  “There is that. Sasha loves Vegas, but then she’s not getting over all the twinkling lights and the stuff she can see now.”

  “You sound troubled, friend.”

  “Not troubled at all. Just wondering what all this shit means with the Billionaires. You know?”

  “It’s not going to mean a whole lot of change.”

  “Yeah, it kind of will.”

  “We’ll be back up or safe houses,” Devil said. “I won’t put my club in any more dange

  “I get that.”

  “You’re worried.”

  “Nah, I’m fine. At times I forget that Sasha can see and I don’t have to worry about everything.” Pussy shrugged. “Not a whole lot I can change.”

  Devil wiped the grease from his hand as he looked at his friend. “Are you missing the fact she’s not a hundred percent dependent on you?”

  “No, of course not.”

  Pussy was lying.

  Okay, it was time for him to do his Prez thing.

  Moving beside Pussy, he saw the other man was clearly pouting.

  “You don’t need to lie to me.”

  “I’m not one of those guys that needs a woman.”

  “Sasha’s not just any woman. She’s your wife and the mother of your child.”

  “It’s fucking wrong is what it is,” Pussy said.

  “What is?”

  “Feeling like this. I should be so fucking happy, and you know what, I am.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I liked taking care of her. I hated fucking up, and I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the success of taking care of her. Helping her when the furniture moved, counting steps, cooking for her. Everything. I loved it.”

  “You’re a man in love.”

  “Now though, she cooks for me all the time, and I’m having to count fucking steps or at least watch where I’m going. She’s always moving stuff around the damn place, and I get it.”

  “Pussy, you talk to Sasha about this and she’ll put you straight.”

  “I sound like a fucking pussy.” He rubbed his eyes. “I don’t even know what’s wrong with me.”

  “For the first time in our lives we’re not in any danger. Our clubs are stable. We’re in one place. You’re in love, and now it’s time to show that woman how much you fucking love her. I’ve seen the way she looks at you, and there’s no way she’d ever want you to be anywhere else.”

  “You should have been a fucking therapist, boss.”


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