by Theo Cage
All at once, the sky opened up again. A thunderhead roared across the lake, a deep low explosion that pressed down on the three humans like the hand of God. At the same time, the Central 815, a freight train, 122 cars loaded with bauxite ore from Pickle Lake, bore its weight down onto the steel track that lay just north of the intersection of the cut-in road that crossed the entrance to Ragnarock. What Jayne and Rusty felt was the rocky shelf they were clinging to, moving with the surging multi-tonned weight of the approaching train. They resumed their climb and came to a rail bed, created on a shelf of granite, a step carved out of the Canadian Shield. Beyond the rail bed, the granite continued like a wall, which rose another thirty to forty feet. It looked climbable, but only with great difficulty. And they would be exposed to Grieves' sights. Like ducks in a shooting gallery.
To their right, a hundred yards away, the rail line disappeared into a ragged mouth in the wall of the slope. A train tunnel.
Rusty signaled to Jayne and they ran, their heads down, towards the black entrance. Once there, they felt momentarily safe. The idea of disappearing into the dark of the tunnel was appealing to both of them. The rail line in the other direction would only take them back in Grieves' direction, as would a return down the slope they just climbed. This was an easy decision.
The tunnel was low and narrow - rough-hewn. It appeared to curve around the inside of the hill. There was no visible light at the other end. There was also no way to determine its length. A hundred yards? A thousand? Perhaps, the longer the better. The need to escape into it was strong. Grieves would be close, although the incline would slow him down, especially with the rifle he was carrying.
The thunder boomed again but they heard another sound, which made them jump. Now they could hear the train more than feel it. It was still distant, but the sound they heard told them it was powerful and moving fast.
"Which way was it coming from?" asked Jayne, her hand on his right arm.
"I can't tell," he said. "But you know what? It doesn't matter. We don't have a choice."
"What if it goes through the tunnel?”
He shrugged. "It's too narrow. We'd have to lay on the track."
"You're crazy!" she looked frightened.
"Come on. Before Grieves sees us." He started into the tunnel but moved slowly, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. The walls and roadbed were covered in soot and diesel oil, sucking up what meager light made its way into the entrance. The sharp smell of creosote was everywhere. Rusty noticed for the first time that Jayne was holding his hand. They began to jog together slowly. Shapes becoming more discernible. Still, they could see no evidence of another entrance to the tunnel.
Grieves stopped at the bottom of the rise and squinted. When he heard the rumble of the train he smiled. The 3:15. A thundering, sulfur-stained monster that shook the rocks and made the pictures fall off the walls of the cabin in the early morning hours. The shelf above him was only wide enough to contain the train. His escapees would have to either climb the cliff beyond it, or jump back down into his waiting sights. And there was no way they would risk the tunnel. As a small boy he had wandered into it, then felt his blood turn cold when he heard the roar of the engines in the distance. Once in the tunnel there was no escape. His father had warned him.
Sometimes the boxcars, wavering slightly would actually touch the cave walls, leaving deep telltale claw marks. He had seen them. And the tunnel was long. He put the butt of the gun down against a patch of moss and rested. They would be back.
The roar and the rumble of the diesel engines was growing louder but neither of the two tiny humans, groping their way through the tunnel, could discern the direction the train was coming from. If they could, they would be faced with a tough decision. The tunnel was as dark and foreboding as a coffin. There was still no clue to its length. It could run for miles, Rusty surmised, his head aching from the adrenaline pumping through his tired frame. Then they heard a long, wavering whistle. It was ominous, strident, awful. Jayne hesitated and stumbled. Rusty lost her for a moment in the dark. He called her name but the throaty whine of the trains whistle roared again and covered it. It was closer. Very close. Do they run back or ahead? Or just wait for a speeding mass of steel to roar over them, end their misery?
Rusty groped for Jayne in the dark. If she were unconscious, he would have to carry her. They would never make it. Could a human crouch down on the track, bury one's head in his arms and wait for the train to pass? Rusty doubted it. He had crawled under a parked train as a boy - saw the heavy brake cables and connectors hanging down, some only inches from the ground. Their heavy steel braiding traveling at sixty miles an hour would beat a human to a pulp. Suddenly he found Jayne's back. She was trying to stand.
"I think I've twisted something. We're not going to make it are we?" Her voice sounded child-like but calm.
"Any minute now we'll see the other end. And we'll be out of here." He put his arm around her waist and they limped forward, one agonizing slow step at a time. Rusty pictured the exit in his mind. Then the smoking train heaving into view, headed into the tunnel. That would be the worst, he thought. No hope. Just stand there and wait for it to come. Your whole universe a screaming, roaring, nightmare. From the back was better. At least we would be running, escaping. At least we'd have a chance.
Grieves waited for a few moments, then picked up the rifle and clumsily climbed up the slope. It was easier because he had done it several times before. He knew where the handholds and steps were. He hesitated at the crest, looking for the train. Its roar was increasing by the second. His two guests were nowhere in sight. The fools had gone into the tunnel.
Grieves swore. He had never had the nerve to walk from one end of that smoky tube in the rock to the other, so he had no sense of its length. It could be only a few hundred yards for all he knew. His father’s warnings may have only been exaggerated to cool his fascination. Beyond the other side, the track flattened out, cut through the forest and headed for a small town about fifty miles away. If they made the end of the tunnel, they were free.
Grieves slapped his head in frustration and felt a dull curious pain. It was deep inside. Something was deep inside. Like water in an ear. Something was in there. Rain? Infection? A virus floating about in his machinery? Snipping and cutting? He looked dazed for a moment. Then the rage returned. Rusty had put the virus there. Cracked his skull with the crowbar and while he hunched over, his head filled with mad musk, Rusty had infected him. A worm was in there. Unraveling. Unraveling him.
Grieves howled, the veins in his neck extended. He grabbed the rifle and ran into the screaming mouth of the tunnel.
For Jayne the world had gone mad. She was moving through a nightmare, one step at a time. She heard a scream of madness. Then the terrible shrill whistle, this time almost upon them. She could feel its steamy breath on her neck. She could smell decay and the oily stink of creosote on her skin. But something was there, compelling her to move.
Rusty heard the train this time and knew that it was close. The sound of its awful progress was no longer an echo but the real percussion wave hurtling down the tunnel, striking his ears. The ground was shaking. Still there was no light. He studied the distance from track to tunnel wall trying to imagine standing there, clinging to the wall, the incredible roar and scream of the train buffeting them. Was it possible? And when to decide to stop running? Would there be a headlight? He was shaking now, pulling on Jayne's body, urging them forward while someone kept turning up the volume, turning up the volume.
Grieves worst fears came tumbling back down at him. The tunnel. The roar of the train. The smell. He looked back and saw it then and he froze. The train. It was curving around the bend, steam and smoke pouring out of the stacks, its baleful eye pinning him. He knew then that he was no longer the predator. But he raised the gun anyway. He fired at the eye. The train moved toward him, almost blocking the
tunnel. He fired again, his legs opened to support his aim. The ground was moving. He fired once more, the wall of steel almost upon him. The light flashed, flared, and then went out. There was a puff of vaporized glass and tungsten. He had put out its eye. The train was now blind. Grieves smiled and raised his gun in triumph. Then the engine struck him, flattened him - then flung him aside like an insect. The train ground him into inconsequential bone and gristle beneath its wheels and moved on.
Rusty heard the shots fired. He flinched, sensing they were aimed at them. He could sense, by the change in the timbre of the sound, that the train had finally entered the tunnel. Still there was no sign of an end to it. He tried to run faster but Jayne was unable to move quicker. She said "Sorry" then, loudly, over the angry drone and the painful roar that filled the rocky space around them. Rusty could barely hear her shout. Then she pulled away from him.
"Now!" she yelled. "Lay down on the track. It's our only chance." She was down on her stomach, her face dark and covered in dust and oil. Rusty, whose eyes had adjusted to the darkness, could see her white hands, scratched and bleeding, tensed against the oily cross timbers buried in gray gravel. There was a teary smudge on one cheek. He wanted to lay there with her, cover her head with his hands. Hold her when the train came. He shook his head. She was braver than him. Willing to face it. He couldn't.
Rusty looked back into the darkness behind them waiting for the light to come. He could feel the pressure, a literal wall of sound and air pressing down on them. It was there. But where was the light? He strained to see it, squeezed his eyes together against the murky distance, when he saw something he had missed. The curve of the tunnel had been corrected just behind them. The construction equipment had cut into the wall a foot or two, then for some reason, the machine and its crew must have pulled back and corrected their course. The mistake had left a tiny cleft in the wall, like a shallow closet. It was several yards back, towards the sound that was rushing at them like a tidal wave of iron and steel.
Rusty grabbed Jayne's arm, the one she had wrapped over her head. She pulled back on it, frozen. He grabbed her waist and lifted her up, feeling the bruised muscles in his back tearing. He pulled her sideways. She was fighting him. He cried out to her knowing they would be caught in mid-stride. He screamed in her ear, something. It mobilized her. She spun, and they ran the few steps, stumbled, then he pushed her hard into the cleft in the rock. Stepping back in recoil, he looked up and saw or felt or heard the world falling in on him. A dark gray howling mass of machinery was hurtling at him through the shadows. Like the ground itself moving up towards him. He was frozen there by the scale of the danger - the sight of his own death only a few feet away. He stiffened for the impact. Two hands grabbed his jacket and pulled. He landed against Jayne hard, her arms around his neck. The world was falling all around them. Hot oil was striking the back of his head. They choked on the diesel smoke until their lungs ached. Her face was pressed into his chest. He held her for support, his weight against hers. As time passed, the world stopped moving, the smoke dissipated, they heard the vague receding sound of the locomotive move away. But they were unwilling to let each other go.
Kozak squeezed his eyes together behind his glasses at the two figures moving towards the cabin from the south. He was alerted by one of his officers who identified the silhouette of a rifle held in the arm of one of the suspects. What puzzled him was that they were linked, arm in arm, one favoring a leg. Someone was hurt.
He moved away from the small group of medics and police officers standing on the wet grass in front of the cabin and removed his glasses to get a better look. He called one of the uniforms over and told him to go with another cop up to the rise. Give them assistance. Be careful. Then he walked back to the front of the cabin.
An ambulance, one of two, sat at the end of the narrow gravel road, below the rise to the cabin, its lights flashing. He radioed the other two search teams that two people, likely Redfield and McEwan, were being escorted back to the front lawn. And to keep an eye open for Grieves. He frowned. What a fuck-up.
Just ten minutes ago he took a call informing him that they had found Rosenblatt's corpse in the main boardroom at GeneFab. Suicide, they said. With a note to his wife. But there was more than that. He had damage to his genitalia. The report Koz would have to write on this case would be a goddamn porno novel.
Koz zippered up the front of his police issue nylon jacket against the wind and pulled out his notebook. He had toured the cabin. He didn't even want to write that up. Didn't know how. One of the world’s most extravagant fallout shelters built on a rock in the middle of Nowhere, Ontario. For what? What the hell was Grey slash Grieves slash Mike slash Malcolm’s father thinking?
He walked over to Grey who had his hands in his pockets. He was looking down at his expensive leather shoes ruined by the rain. His long silver mane was matted to the back of his neck. Kozak's men had picked him up on the logging road that snaked its way up to the cabin only an hour ago. They had been following him ever since he left Langley. As soon as they had called in his name, Kozak jumped like a man who had stepped on a live power cable. The mystery man behind this whole case - delivered up like a surprise package. They wouldn't have had a hope in hell of extradition. So why was he here? Grey had been recalcitrant about shedding any light on the whole business - until he learned that Malcolm Grieves was the new prime suspect in the Ludd murder and had in fact taken Redfield and McEwan hostage. He even confessed that the Kim Soo woman who had worked over Rosenblatt was an agent on his payroll. There was a warrant out for her as well. Meanwhile Grey was folding in front of their eyes.
"Still no sign of my son?" Grey asked stonily.
"Not yet," answered Kozak. "But the gun that was missing appears to have turned up." He pointed at Redfield and his companion, now at the edge of the yard. One of the officers had the rifle. The other carried McEwan with Rusty's help. Looked like she had a twisted ankle. Or a break. Grey looked up, concerned.
One of the officers pulled Kozak aside. They talked briefly. Rusty walked up, shaken, dirty, his left arm puffy and bleeding. He also looked angry.
"You did it again, Kozak. You went after the wrong guy." He stared, waiting for a response. Koz glared back. "And in the process, more people got killed."
"Get a medic for Redfield," Kozak shouted to one of the officers. "Looks like a gunshot wound. How did it happen?"
"You going to arrest me now?" Redfield looked ready for a fight. He definitely looked like someone who didn't give a damn about what happened to him anymore. Like he was shell-shocked.
"What happened, Mr. Redfield?"
Rusty shook his head. He remembered what Jayne had said about her conversation with Koz and Rusty's alibi. He acted like he hadn't believed her. But Koz was here and he wasn't looking belligerent - any more than usual. Rusty felt oddly like Kozak was on the right side again.
"Grieves. He was hunting us. Having a great time," said Rusty.
"That's ridiculous," piped up the older man in the dark suit and overcoat. Rusty turned to him, not recognizing him. He didn't look like a cop, more like a retired businessman or a college professor.
"This is the closest he got," Rusty pointed and looked at the ragged bloody wound in his upper arm.
"Where is he?" asked Kozak. Rusty closed his eyes for a moment. He was feeling light-headed again.
"Train hit him," answered Jayne, almost dazed, limping up behind. "He's up on the ridge. By the tunnel." She looked around. Everyone seemed to be digesting that information with some difficulty.
"What's left of him," mumbled Rusty. He had been running on straight adrenaline and fear. They had both run out. He put his arm out and grabbed one of the officer’s shoulders before he hit the lawn.
Aaron Grey's expression looked pinched, like someone had let the air out of him as well. "Where is he?" he said, his white hair in his eyes.
Rusty looked at Kozak but couldn't see
his eyes through the light reflecting off his glasses. He pointed. "He chased us into a tunnel."
"Does he need help?" someone asked.
"There's nothing left ..."
A shiver flicked through the older man's frame. He seemed to totter. "My God ... the tunnel. How many times had I told him …"
"Grieves? Our officers will go up ... for the body. It's quite a climb."
Kozak looked back at the cabin, the huddled form of Debbie Grieves in the open door. She had arrived with the police. She helped them find the cabin. And would probably be helpful in identifying Malcolm’s body.
Aaron Grey seemed to shrink slightly.
"You're Malcolm's father?" asked Rusty, sitting on the wet ground, not caring.
"That's correct," he answered, lifeless.
"He's also the man who planned and ordered the death of Jeff Ludd," added Kozak.
Jayne's eyes widened. "You ordered your own son to murder Ludd?"
Grey shot a look at the lawyer. "Never. What kind of person do you think I am? Do you know how long I worked to get that company out of the hands of that Machiavellian son-of-a-bitch Ludd?" He looked down at his hands, rubbed them together. "I ordered Rosenblatt to take care of it. How... how my son became involved ... Rosenblatt was a complete idiot."
Rusty looked confused. He looked at Kozak again, waiting for an answer.
"Rosenblatt's dead," offered Kozak. "He apparently offered Grieves something like a million dollars to kill Ludd. Grieves had agreed, but then had second thoughts. So in the end he had to do it himself. Rosenblatt called me tonight from his office. He confessed to everything. Then he committed suicide."