Into The Spirit

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Into The Spirit Page 49

by Marie Harte

  “Ah.” Aeros grinned and snatched a quick, hard kiss. “I will fill your life, with love, so much love Tabithia.”

  “You love me.”

  It wasn’t a question, but her Spartan gave her a smouldering look. “Always. I’ll love you always. And beyond, Tabithia.”

  She squealed from pure delight and didn’t even try to stop the happy sound.

  Aeros grinned his cocky, heart-stopping grin and picked her up, spinning her in place.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Aeros, put her down, you’ll get her too dizzy to say the words.”

  Tabithia sucked in a breath and cupped Aeros’ face, pressing wet kisses all over him as he set her down. She grinned up at him and turned towards what had to be her two aunts. Trouble he knew, but Sorcha he’d not met. Not even in council. She looked a great deal like her niece but not as vibrant. Tabithia laughed. She sounded so happy he couldn’t stop smiling. She glanced up at him and tiptoed to press a kiss to his jaw.

  “Be right back.”

  He didn’t stop her from racing over to her aunts. She practically toppled the two other women with the hug she gave them. He walked over in time to hear her aunts whispering.

  “Goddess, I’m proud of you,” Trouble murmured in her hair.

  “Ah, Tabithia, my love, you are whole, are you not?” Sorcha pulled back from their group hug to meet her eyes.

  “I am.” She tossed her hair and gave him a happy look. “We both are.”

  Sorcha lifted a delicate eyebrow and nodded. “Then we’d best get this ceremony started.”

  Aeros cleared his throat. He’d been ready to bond her at home, even here in the glen, but a ceremony? He’d not brought the ring he’d found for her. Tabithia turned to him. She was so beautiful, and he was so damn lucky she’d forgiven him.

  He swallowed twice before he could speak. “I don’t have her ring.”

  She smiled and wiggled out of her aunts’ arms. “We don’t need a ring, just our words—those bind us.”

  Just their words. He’d told her he loved her, but she’d not said the same. Something of his thoughts must have been clear to her for she walked up to him, closing the distance until she could reach up and touch his jaw. Her touch felt necessary. Her green eyes turned soft and warm and she leaned against his chest so that her body rested on his. His arms came up and curled around her automatically. She felt so right. All of this felt so quick, the truth about Ares and Dare, Artemis and her crazy accusations and now Tabithia in his arms. But her lovely face, full of such tenderness, reminded him of every other time she’d met his eyes. Love simmered there. He hoped.

  “I love you, Aeros.”

  Ah, God, his vision blurred like a baby. “I love you, Tabithia.” He sounded choked and later he’d be embarrassed but right now, with her looking at him like he could lift the world on his shoulders for her, he simply let her words settle over him. She loved him.

  “With this breath, with this body,” she began, “with this heart,” she cupped his hand over her heart and did the same to him. “I freely bind myself to you for all time.”

  Sweet gods. “With this breath,” he leant down and took her lips, kissing her thoroughly before drawing back far enough to say, “with this heart, I freely bind myself to you for all time, Tabithia.”

  Instantly, the palm he had over her heart warmed and tingled until he felt his body trembling like a tuning fork. Light flooded him. Pure, beautiful Tabithia filled every secret place of his lonely soul and surrounded him with love and laughter. Against his body, he felt her shiver and gasp as the binding deepened until their hearts became one.

  “With those vows, you are bound for all eternity. Life, happiness and love await you both.” The words dimmed and the sunshine slowly eased away until the warmth from their fireplace replaced it.

  “Oh!” Tabithia huffed a laugh and shook her head against their coverlet. “Roses.”

  He lifted his head and glanced around them. They were in his home—their home—but the bedroom was lit by the soft glow of firelight, and red rose petals left a trail across the floor all the way to the bed. “Beautiful.” He gazed down at her smiling face and brushed a kiss to her lips. “Can you ditch our clothes without me having to move, baby?”

  She laughed, and, with a small wave of her slender hand, their clothes disappeared.

  He frowned. “Now how long have you been able to do that?”

  “Mmm, I don’t know. No one ever asked me to before.”

  He laughed and sank his naked body down on hers. “Well, let’s keep it that way. From now on, I’ll let you do that, and in turn? You’ll let me do this.” He shifted his hips and sank into her. They both moaned at the feel, and deep inside he felt her pleasure at his touch, just as he knew she felt his.

  “Oh, that is a deal, Sparkie. But just remember, we need to seal this deal, over and over and over.”

  “And over, baby,” he added with a slow, leisurely thrust of his hips. He bent his head and nipped at her throat, earning a low moan from Tabithia. She wrapped her slender thighs around his hips and met his next thrust with one of her own.

  He bent to brush a light kiss against her jaw, not even needing to look to find her mouth. She whispered his name against his lips and tugged his head down until he kissed her more thoroughly. Their bond sizzled with their passion, and he shivered at the feel of her rising need.

  “Love you, baby.”

  She smiled and slid her hands around to cup his ass. “Show me,” she whispered in his ear.

  Aeros groaned again and cupped her closer. “All night, baby. All night.”

  “That’s a start, my love.”

  He laughed and rolled, bringing her up and over his body while keeping himself firmly seated in her wet heat. She sucked in a breath, making her lush breasts quiver too close to his mouth for him to resist. Curling his arms around her lower back, he thrust into her and latched onto one breast.

  Eternity. He’d show her such love that she’d never know darkness and pain again—only pleasure and more happiness than either of them could contain.

  “Oh, yes, yes, Aeros, just like that.”

  He smiled against her tight nipple and surged upward, tightening his hold when he felt her spiral into an orgasm.

  “Always, baby,” he managed, feeling more happiness settle over him than he’d ever dreamed possible.

  He held Tabithia, willing and loving Tabithia, in his arms, and with another cry she bent to capture his lips for a kiss, whispering his name once more before she began rolling her hips and stole his breath.

  “Always, my love. Always sounds very good. Now let me show you,” she murmured.

  With a sultry smile she rose up to display every inch of her beauty for him. No longer was his Tabithia shy and unsure, but so bold she sizzled along his senses.

  “Ah, baby, you do that, then it’s my turn again,” he said, pulling her down by his grip on her waist to whisper in her ear, “and maybe, this time, I’ll be the one tying you up.”

  The rush of excitement surging through their bond was all the permission he needed to flip her to her back and capture her lips for his kiss.

  About the Author

  Billi Jean has been writing since high school when she couldn’t wait for Robert Jordon to write his Wheel of Time series faster. She writes from home in a little two hundred year old farm house in Western Massachusetts where she shares her space with her active children, an old dog, and two lazy cats.

  Email: [email protected]

  Billi Jean loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Billi Jean

  Love’s Command: Running Scared

  Love’s Command: Safe in His Arms

  Sisterhood of Jade: A Spartan’s Kiss

  Sisterhood of Jade: Golden’s Rule

  Sisterhood of Jade: Sorcha’s Wolf

  ‘Til Death


  Kris Norris


  To Kyle, Jared and Sydney for showing me how to see the world in a way I thought I’d forgotten. I’ll always be your biggest fan!

  And thanks to Chris for helping me realise a dream. You’re the best!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:



  CamelBak: CamelBak Products

  Swiss Army Knife: Wenger S.A. CORPORATION

  Chapter One

  “9-1-1, do you need police, fire…”

  “I need the fucking cops!”

  Fallon bit back a curse, curbing her urge to hang up, as she spoke calmly into the phone. “Where do you need the police?”

  She heard the man tell someone to shut the hell up as he breathed heavily into the phone. “There’s a fucking fight going on here, so stop asking me questions and send the damn cops!”

  “It’s hard to send the police when I don’t know where you are, sir.” Fallon kept her voice cool and detached, knowing any increase in her tone would set the guy off even more.

  “I dialled, 9-1-1. I know you guys trace the fucking calls!”

  “Only land lines. You’re on a cell, so the only address I get is the repeater you’re bouncing off of. So why don’t you tell me where you are, and I’ll send some help your way.”

  “God damn, son of a bitch…I said shut up already…just send the cops to Joe’s Bar. They’ll know where it is.”

  “What kind of…” The phone went dead. “Bloody typical.” She released the line and dialled the number back, not surprised when the asshole’s messaging system picked up. “Great. Just great.” She typed a few lines onto the screen, shaking her head in disgust. Why the hell jerks like him called the police if they weren’t willing to talk to the dispatchers never ceased to amaze her. Seven years on the job and she still hadn’t figured it out. She let the sigh she’d been holding back tremble across her lips as she keyed up the radio.

  “Bravo one and bravo two, dispatch.”

  The line hung silent for a few moments before a husky voice surged over the airwaves. “Bravo one. Go ahead, dispatch.”

  “Are you guys available for the usual down at Joe’s bar?”

  “Bravo two’s clear.”

  “Yeah, we’re clear too, dispatch. Got any details for us?”

  “Just the usual dead silence on the other end of the phone,” she sighed. “But I could hear the music still playing in the background, so I doubt it’s that out of control yet. Other than that, I’ve got nothing for you.” She paused, listening to the men mutter under their breath. “Would it help to say my spider sense is tingling?” she added.

  Laughter erupted over the radio. “Thanks, Fallon. We’ll be sure to watch our backs.”

  “Don’t forget to give me a shout when you’re on scene, and I’ll set the timer for you. Let me know if you big strong fellows need any more back-up.”

  “And distort the God-like images you’ve developed for us. I don’t think so, darling.”

  Fallon smiled as she cleared the channel and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She knew it wouldn’t stop the headache from spreading, but it was all she could do until she slept the bugger away. Damn, she was tired. The dispatch centre had lost more than a few operators over the past few months, and she’d worked more overtime than she cared to count, tonight being no exception.

  “Hey. Fallon. What are you still doing here?”

  Fallon turned towards the voice, smiling at Jane’s watchful expression. “You know me, Jane. I can’t seem to get enough of this place.”

  Jane rolled her eyes as she set her purse down on the desk beside Fallon. “Fourteen hours again?”

  “Try eighteen,” she replied, answering another call over the radio. She heard Jane mumble beside her, but chose to ignore it. Jane had a husband and a life to go home to. All she had was her mountain bike to keep her company. “Roger, bravo two. Do you want me to leave the channel open or set a five minute timer for you?”

  “Timer’s fine, Fallon. Just a few redneck boys duking it out in the parking lot. No weapons. I don’t anticipate any problems.”

  “Speak for yourself, Jeff. I just had my nails done,” moaned Ken.

  Fallon couldn’t stop her smile. “I’ll chat with you in five, boys.”

  “Another fist match at Joe’s?” asked Jane, clipping her headset in place. “That’s the third time this week, and it’s only Tuesday.”

  “Must be the lack of sunshine.”

  “More like the lack of willing females,” she retorted. “I swear men get so worked up when they aren’t getting laid.”

  “This coming from a woman who gets more than her fair share of sex,” pointed out Fallon. She watched Jane’s face flush a deep red. No doubt she’d made the most of her days off. “You about ready?”

  Jane nodded, tapping her computer to life. “Why don’t you go home and call it a day… and a night, for that matter.” She sighed as three lines lit up at once. “And don’t come back for a while, got it?”

  “Believe me, nothing will be able to drag me back in here before I’ve had a couple of days off.” She gathered her things, wondering how she’d spend the next forty-eight hours. “Call me later. Maybe we can catch a movie tomorrow?”

  “Sounds good, hon. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Fallon forced a smile as she headed out to her Jeep. Jane meant well, but she seldom called once she left the office. Too much sex, thought Fallon, settling into the driver’s seat. God, what she wouldn’t give to be in Jane’s place. She loved sex. She just wasn’t getting any.

  You could have some if you weren’t still pining over Gil.

  She cursed the irritating voice in her head. She wasn’t pining over Gil. She was just having trouble moving on. It didn’t mean she was, in any way, pining for him.

  She sighed, imagining his fingers grazing her body. He knew where every erogenous spot was, and took his time teasing each one in turn—from the hollow by her collarbone down to the delicate arch of her foot. He was a master at making her feel sexy and feminine, and tears pooled behind her lashes just thinking about him. She missed him. Missed the feel of his tongue between her thighs, swirling her juices around her clit until she screamed out his name with her release. Missed the hard thrust of his cock deep inside her, as he possessed her like no man had ever tried. He’d been her every fantasy, her best friend.

  “Stop it,” she hissed, revving the engine in the growing darkness. “He’s gone. It’s over. Deal with it.” She stepped on the pedal, spinning the tires as she squealed out of the lot and into traffic. All she needed was a hot shower and a good night’s sleep, and everything would look better in the morning.

  * * * *

  “He’s going to strike again,” sighed Special Agent Wade Davis. “It’s only a matter of time. He can’t hide from us forever.”

  Special Agent Gil Grant looked up at the man. He’d been going over the records for hours, and was so tired he was sure the lines had started melding together. He glanced over at the wall, eyeing the photos pinned to the board. Six women­­­—all young and fit—all dead. He cursed, crumpling the paper he’d been writing on. “Time is the one thing we don’t have. It’s been two weeks since his last victim. He won’t wait much longer.”

  “Maybe this time he’ll leave something behind we can nail him with.”

  Gil held back the growl building in his chest. Wade was young, and still too arrogant to see himself as anything other than bulletproof. He hadn’t watched his fellow agents die in the name of justice, and maintained the belief that good always conquered evil.

  But evil was far stronger than anyone wanted to believe. And it was going to take more than one lucky break to catch this guy. “I’d rather nail the bastard before he strikes again, if it’s all
the same to you.”

  Wade merely shrugged. They both knew the chances of tracking the guy down before his next victim was found mutilated and marked was pretty slim, but Gil hated to give in to defeat. The thought of going over another bloody crime scene curdled his stomach. There was always so much blood.

  Gil shook his head and closed the file. “Maybe he won’t kill anyone tonight,” he said, grabbing his coat off the back of his chair as he headed for the door. “I’ll be on my cell if anything comes up. See you tomorrow.”

  Wade grabbed Gil’s shoulder as he bridged the door. “I know I’m new and everything, but I want this bastard as much as you do. I know we’ll get him.”

  Gil glanced back at Wade over his shoulder. “I sure hope you’re right, Junior, or it’s going to be a hell of a hard pill to swallow.”

  Wade winced and smacked him across the back. “Have a good night, old man.”

  Gil sighed and headed down the hall—a good night—now that would be a pleasant change. He hadn’t had a good night since…

  He shivered as thoughts of Fallon flitted through his mind. She’d been the best lover he’d ever had, and the only woman he’d truly loved. He could still feel her body against his. The soft press of her breasts in his hands as he massaged them with slow circles, teasing them until her nipples puckered against her skin. They were thick and hard, and he loved feeling them rasp against his teeth as he suckled them into his mouth. He could lave them for hours. Take her from one orgasm into another without ever touching her pussy. She was the most responsive woman he’d ever met.

  He swallowed, forcing the moisture past the lump stuck in his throat. He couldn’t think of her without his chest tightening and his breathing hitch. She still haunted his dreams, and he wondered if he’d ever be able to move on…to forget.


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