Into The Spirit

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Into The Spirit Page 61

by Marie Harte

  Gil sneered at his partner as the man bolted for the doorway and left the house. And while he’d never admit it to Wade, the man was starting to grow on him. Gil sighed and stared at the hallway off to his left. Fallon was probably tucking herself into her bed as he spoke—that or plotting his murder—either way, the image flickered in his mind and he smiled at the clarity of it. He could see her, his shirt still draping her body, only she’d be completely bare underneath. Her hair would be soft around her face and her skin would shimmer in the pale light filtering through the window. She’d smell warm and womanly, the faint trace of her perfume still lingering on her skin. She’d slide into the sheets, not bothering to pull the shirt down as it rose over her hips, exposing the curve of her buttocks and the vee of her thighs.


  He still couldn’t believe she was bare. He’d loved that she’d kept her pubic hair short before, but having none at all was more than he’d hoped for. Feeling every inch of that undiscovered flesh with his tongue had been like opening the sweetest gift.

  Gil felt his body move and had to grab the doorframe to stop himself from stalking down the hall and into her room. She needed space, and after all the times he’d pushed her away, it was the least he could do. He took one last glance and moved over to the couch.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was just past four as Gil lay on the couch, listening to the wind pelt rain against the window. He’d been trying to sleep for hours, but just couldn’t seem to quiet his mind long enough to drift off. He’d even found himself standing in the hallway a few times, staring at Fallon’s closed door, but couldn’t bring himself to open it. He kept remembering the pained look in her eyes when she’d asked them both to leave. Regardless of how he felt about her confession, he knew his reaction had hurt her.

  Visions. He still wasn’t sure what to make of it. Was she really serious? He sighed and closed his eyes, willing his body to relax. But it didn’t work. His muscles clenched along his back, straining up his neck until he was forced to snap his teeth together. He was tired and frustrated, and sporting an erection that just wouldn’t die. Ever since he’d stepped into the house and sensed Fallon’s sweet, womanly scent, he’d been hard and thick. Based on the ache between his legs, it wasn’t going away anytime soon.

  “Maybe I should call 9-1-1,” he jeered, squeezing his shaft in hopes of finding some relief. “Tell them I’m in need of emergency, medical attention because my cock won’t get soft.”

  He smiled, thinking about how the operators would deal with him, when a soft sound penetrated his haze. He straightened. There was a hushed shuffling noise followed by a gentle click.

  Fallon’s door.

  Gil held his breath, waiting. The house was silent. He cursed, knowing she’d returned to her bed when a loud creak echoed down the hall, followed by a muted curse. Gil chuckled. The door had needed oiling several months ago, and it seemed Fallon hadn’t gotten around to it after he’d left.

  He eased his body back against the cushions, listening to the soft pad of her feet across the wood. She paused at the hallway, her startled gasp floating across the room. She’d obviously expected him to leave with Wade and hadn’t planned on finding him sprawled out on her sofa.

  He angled his head over, and watched her lean against the wall. He smiled when he noticed she was still wearing his shirt, just as he’d envisioned. It hung just below the top of her thighs, allowing him to see every inch of her legs, but nothing of the bounty that awaited him beneath. He swept his gaze upwards. She’d crossed her arms beneath her breasts, pushing them against the fabric. Either she was cold or the sight of him on the couch had aroused her, because even several feet away he could see her nipples pointing out from the shirt. They looked long and hard, and he had to clench his fists into the cushions to keep from launching his body forward and ripping the damn thing off her body. One taste was all it’d taken to renew his addition and he had every intention on fulfilling his cravings.

  Fallon sighed, drawing his attention to her face. She looked confused, and when she turned, he could see tears glistening in her eyes. He clenched his jaw and called to her as she turned to leave. “Trouble sleeping?”

  She stopped, her hand resting against the wall, as she turned back to face him. “I thought you’d left with Wade.”

  Gil tried not to smile at the relief in her voice. She hadn’t wanted him to leave. He pushed himself up and ran his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t want to leave you here alone.”

  Fallon snorted and leant back against the wall. “Since when are you worried about my being alone? You left months ago and never looked back.”

  Gil sighed and kept his teeth locked shut to keep from blurting out anything rash. She had every right to be angry with him, and it appeared she wanted to pick up their discussion where he’d left it earlier. He swung his feet to the floor and stood up, hoping to use his height to his advantage. “I see you still want to discuss this, darling,” he said, taking a step towards her. “Just tell me where you want to start.”

  “Where to start?” she snapped, cringeing as a tear cascaded down her cheek. She wiped it away, daring him to challenge her, and Gil knew he’d made another mistake. Fallon pushed her shoulders back and took a deep breath. “Why don’t we just start with good-bye?”

  Gil cursed as she marched into the kitchen, her back stiff, the muscles in her shoulders bunched. She’d brushed him off earlier, but he wasn’t about to let her walk away so easily this time. He took a fortifying breath and followed her through the door.

  She didn’t turn to look at him but just stood in front of the window, staring into the darkness. Her arms were wrapped around her chest, as if she were trying to keep herself warm. He paused to look at her silhouette. Her hair hung in waves down her back, the red hue barely visible in the light reflecting through the window. Her shoulders were slightly hunched, making her look small and fragile, though he knew she’d laugh at such a thought. Her legs looked long and sexy beneath the hem of his shirt, which accentuated the curve of her ass, and he couldn’t help but smile at her perfect little feet, shifting on the floor. She was a temptress, and his weakness.

  “Fallon.” A small shudder raced through her body at the mention of her name, as if his words had been a caress to her skin. She didn’t face him, electing to shift some dishes in the sink instead. He stepped closer. “Fallon, darling, it’s hard to explain everything when I don’t understand it myself. I was in a bad place and I didn’t know how to get out of it.” He sighed and raked a shaky hand through his hair. “Hell, until I saw you in Trevor’s office, I hadn’t even thought about trying.”

  “But you’re not trying,” she whispered, her back still to him. “You’ve got walls all around you that clearly say, ‘keep out’.” Her shoulders sagged a bit further. “I…I think it’d just be best if…”

  “No.” Gil lunged forward and spun Fallon around to face him. More tears glittered on her cheeks and he could see she was about to break down. He brushed her face with his thumb as he pulled her against his chest. “Don’t think. ‘Cause if you do, you’ll find a thousand reasons why I should walk out that door.” He eased her back until her eyes met his. “I don’t want to leave, darling. And I sure as hell don’t want to spend the night on the couch, either.” He slipped his hand back until he cupped the back of her head. “I want spend the rest of this night loving you. Tasting your sweet cream, feeling your skin surround me, drinking your release as you make the walls shake with your screams.” He lowered his face until his lips brushed against hers. “I want to fuck you all night then hold you until we can do it all over again in the morning.”

  Fallon’s body melted at his words, and knew she’d be powerless to turn him away. Her treacherous heart had leapt for joy when she’d found him camped on her sofa, his head cradled in one large hand, his legs bent to fit the small space. His eyes had been encased in shadows and she hadn’t realised he was awake until he’d called out to her.

ouble sleeping?

  Was he suddenly psychic, or did she have insomnia written on her forehead? It didn’t matter her body was exhausted. All she’d done was lie in the bed, remembering how it felt to have Gil touch her. Use his fingers and tongue, caressing and licking until she’d collapsed into a limp heap beneath him. It’d taken every ounce of strength she’d had this afternoon to pull on some clothes and grab her bike. Hell, she’d nearly fallen off the damn thing twice on the way to the car. Now here he was, his lips hovering above hers, his eyes daring her to look away. She could say, no. He’d leave. She could read that in his expression, but she’d have to say it while looking him in the eyes. He wasn’t going to let her lie her way out of his arms. God knew she couldn’t.

  Gil tipped her back, arching her over the counter as he ran his tongue along the rim of her lower lip. “Well, darling? What’s it going to be? Do you want me to leave?”

  Fallon’s stomach dropped and her mouth went dry. She parted her lips just enough to swipe her tongue slowly across them, touching Gil’s tongue as he made another pass along the edge. She moaned at the sudden contact, unable to hide the exquisite feel of his warm, wet flesh against hers. He smiled at her breathy whimper, flicking the tip against hers before pulling back.

  “I want to hear you say it, so there’re no misunderstandings tomorrow. Tell me whether you want me to stay or go.”

  Gil pressed his chest tight against hers, his eyes never wavering. One hand was fisted in her hair, the other grazing her hip, making small circles at the hem of her shirt. His weight had her pinned to the counter, holding her still as he rotated his groin into hers. She moaned at the sensuous feel of his cock hard against her stomach. Images of her kneeling before him, her mouth stretched around his thick shaft, returned, and she couldn’t stop her body from grinding into his, seeking the sheer joy of feeling her pussy mould around him. He groaned and punched his hips forward.

  Fallon took one more moment to savour the steamy look in his eyes before giving him the only answer she could. “Stay.”

  “Stay,” he echoed.

  The sly smile that curved Gil’s lips made her wonder for a moment if she’d made a mistake, but then all thoughts vanished when he slanted his mouth over hers and thrust his tongue inside. He tasted spicy and hot, and he swallowed her whimper of lust as he traced every contour before finally easing away, his lips still touching hers. His breath mixed with hers, his hand inching up her thigh. This wasn’t going to be a fast, hard fucking, like they’d shared this afternoon. Just the way he brushed his hand over her skin told her he was primed for a long night full of pleasurable torture. She knew he had every intention of teasing her to the point of coming before backing off until the tingling sensations subsided and he could begin again. But Gil wasn’t in charge tonight. If he was going to stay, it was going to be on her terms.

  “Mmm. I knew you’d be bare underneath,” he breathed, massaging the curve of her hip. He’d scooted his fingers up her thigh without getting too close to her groin. “Such an inviting gift.”

  Gil moved just enough to free their bodies, in the hopes, Fallon knew, of removing her shirt. But she rotated with him, spinning out from the counter in a quick motion that pushed him forward, effectively changing their positions. He grunted as his back bumped into the wood, but she already had her hand pressed against his chest.

  “Not so fast, darling,” she crooned, keeping her body back. “You’ve had your turn. Now be a good boy and let me have mine.”


  “I mean it,” she said, injecting just enough authority into her voice he’d know she was serious. “You barely allowed me to touch your back earlier, let alone anything else. Now either you let me pleasure you, or I’ll go back to my room…alone.”

  Again she watched Gil fight against some inner decision, as if allowing her to touch him scared him. He gave her one long sweeping look before easing back, his hands gripping the lip of the counter. “You know, there was a time when you wouldn’t have challenged me, especially in the bedroom.”

  Fallon smiled and slipped one of the buttons of his shirt free. “This isn’t the bedroom, Gil, and I’ve grown to appreciate my independence.” She smoothed her hand down a few inches, flicking at the next clasp. “Besides, you’re not the only one who likes to get his own way.”

  Gil watched her face as she released the buttons in sequence, his jaw tightening with each inch of skin she revealed. She tried not to smile victoriously when the pulse in his throat quickened, fluttering beneath his skin. She could tell by the set of his jaw, he wasn’t about to show her how aroused he was, how badly he needed her to kneel at his feet and wrap her lips around his cock. She’d won the first battle, and she knew how much Gil hated to lose.

  But what a pleasurable loss.

  Fallon opened the last button and watched the two halves fall open, revealing the muscled planes of his chest and the tight ridges across his stomach. He was lean and strong, and she couldn’t stop from scratching her nails down his skin to the top of his jeans. He grunted, his muscles contracting in sequence, his cock pushing up against the fly. Fallon gazed at his groin, wondering how he survived the tight pull of fabric across his shaft. The bulge was massive, pulsing outwards towards her fingers. She inched closer, needing to feel the heat radiating off his body, as she pushed the material from his shoulders, watching as it pooled around his wrists. He was still gripping the counter, only now his fingers were clasped so tight his knuckles had gone a pale shade of yellow.

  A smile curved her lips. Gil was strong, a warrior of sorts, but here, in this moment, she held the power. Her. Measuring in at half his weight and a full head shorter. She could reduce this prime alpha male into a trembling pillar of lust, so consumed by his need for her, his body quivered beneath her gentle touch.

  Fallon eased her fingers back up his chest, palming his pecs as she moved her mouth close enough he could feel her breath skim across his skin. Small bumps erupted beneath her lips, and she couldn’t stop from lightly kissing them.

  “Good God, Fallon.”

  Gil’s voice was husky and deep, edged with a tension she felt throughout his body. His arms were rippled with the strain of keeping his hands away from her, and his stomach was bunched so tight, she half expected him to keel over in pain. She smiled against his skin, allowing him to feel the subtle movement. His nipple hardened at her touch—a tiny pale pebble amidst a light dusting of brown hair. She inched her lips forward and kissed the small bead. Gil’s jaw clenched, and she could tell it was only with measured control he kept his hands from ripping her shirt off.

  “You’re tense, Gil,” she murmured, licking at the hard, tight prize perched beneath her lips. “You need to relax more.”

  Gil growled above her as she drew his nipple into her mouth, nipping at it. She didn’t need to look up to know he had his eyes clenched shut. His chest was pushing against hers, his breath heavy pants in the still air. A small moan erupted from his mouth when she released one side and moved to the other. “Darling…”

  His words echoed into a hiss as she pressed her breasts against his ribs, her groin against his erection. He couldn’t seem to stop his hips from punching forward, as if his cock were leading a revolt. There was no question he wanted to mount her and fuck her hard and fast, but she knew his pride would hold him bound to the counter until she’d verbally released him.

  “Need something?” she asked, roaming her hands along his arms. His biceps flexed as she smoothed her fingers across the tight muscles, scratching lightly at his skin.

  “You can only push me so far,” he warned.

  “That sounds like a challenge, baby,” she sighed, slowly kneeling between his legs. “And you know how much I love a good challenge.”

  She looked up and met Gil’s gaze. His eyes were dark and hard, and she could see his jaw tensing. She flashed him a smile as her fingers found the button of his jeans and gently flicked it open.

  “This is a dangerous game you’re
playing, darling,” he said. “Are you sure you want to continue it?”

  Fallon raised her eyebrow at him, answering his threat by slowly lowering his zipper, revelling in the loud hiss of metal as the sides of his pants fell open. She could see the tip of his cock bunched against his briefs, the slit making a small wet circle in the fabric. She leant closer, inhaling the warm scent of man and musk. He smelled even spicier than she remembered, and she knew she wouldn’t be satisfied until he’d pumped his first climax down her throat.

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve tasted you?” she asked, looping her fingers around his jeans and tugging them down. His cock pulsed out at the movement and she nearly climaxed just watching it. “How many nights I’ve dreamt of licking you, feeling you thicken in my mouth, all warm and wet?” She clawed at his briefs, trying to remind herself not to hurt him as she fought to free her precious prize from the thin material. “You denied me this afternoon, but I won’t be denied tonight.”

  Fallon’s head spun as she ripped off his briefs and stared at the gift before her. His cock was massive, the head swollen and dark, shiny with the proof of his desire. It fell towards her face, bobbing with the weight of the blood coursing through its length. She would’ve purred aloud at the sight of it if she’d had any air left in her lungs to make more than a desperate squeak. Gil tensed at the soft sound and clenched his thighs, making his penis rise swiftly towards his stomach. Fallon watched, breathless, as it wavered there, seemingly suspended in mid-air, before it slowly descended again, coming to rest directly in front of her mouth.

  Her control vanished.

  She grabbed his thick shaft with both hands, pumping it up and down in a frantic, disjointed movement. It was almost as if she were watching another set of hands cover his hard flesh, drawing drop after drop of pearly white fluid from the tip. Gil groaned at her rough play, thrusting his hips forward, clenching the counter so hard she was certain the thing cracked. But nothing seemed to register past the red haze of desire pounding through her veins. Even the knowledge that she was going to make him come before she ever got a chance to wrap her lips around him and take him deep to the back of her throat, didn’t seem to stem her hands from surrounding him, taking him as if her life depended on the outcome. It wasn’t until she actually saw the bulbous head flare, the thin slit widening to twice its normal size, she was able to pull herself back, and ease the death grip she had on him.


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