Touching Evil (The Leila Marx Novels Book 1)

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Touching Evil (The Leila Marx Novels Book 1) Page 17

by Amber Garr

  I proceeded to tell him about the entire encounter up to my phone call. I left out the part about me wondering if he could be the object of Jake’s concern. He didn’t need to know my doubts and I was pretty sure he couldn’t read my emotions over the phone.

  “Well, what does it say?” His tone sounded more business-like now. Hunting and tracking clues, maybe this was like his previous business endeavors.

  I looked down at the folded note in my hands. The worn paper felt like it had been handled for a while, or like it had a run-in with the washing machine. “I haven’t opened it yet.”

  “So open it.” When I said nothing he prodded some more. “Go on, it’s not going to hurt you.”

  “That’s what Jake said too,” I mumbled to myself.


  “Nothing. Hold on. Let me open it.”

  The ratty note, only the size of a small notebook, had a tear on the end like it’d been ripped away from the rest of the pack. Small letters made up the handwritten words and I had to squint to make sure I read them correctly.

  Conner grew impatient. “Well?”

  “I’m reading it,” I said. “But I don’t understand it. Louden 15.84. Any idea what that means?”

  “Not a clue. Spell it for me.” I did and he repeated it several times.

  “I don’t know what this means, but I’ll look into it. Are you going to be all right?”

  Was I? Jake had frightened me into a state of alert, but I was beginning to feel the toll of the entire evening again. I didn’t think Jake would be coming back here and I really wanted to take a bath.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine,” I replied.

  “Lock your doors and call me if you need anything. I’m only a few miles away.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be okay. Just let me know about Sunday’s meeting.” I stood up and walked toward my bedroom and awaiting tub.

  “Will do. Have a good night, Leila. Get some rest.”

  I knew I would. The past week felt like a lifetime with the amount of activities and emotions packed into each day. I liked my subdued life, my calm life. If these last few days were any indication of where my existence headed, I might have to reevaluate.

  With the tub almost full, I began to relax. Lavender and vanilla scents filled the room while I enjoyed a glass of wine and the feel of my terrycloth robe. This was a luxury I hadn’t allowed myself in a long time.

  Baths had been reserved for the two of us, a tradition Russ and I started after one particularly rough day at the gym. I wanted to try an aerobic kickboxing class, and Russ decided that was too feminine for him. So he purchased a group of sessions from a real boxing gym. At our last practice, we finally had a chance to spar with each other. Russ held back but I didn’t. Ten minutes into the match, he decided it was better to ask for forgiveness from me instead of letting a girl beat him up in front of a testosterone filled audience.

  I managed a few decent hits, but then found an opening and put all of my energy into a right uppercut. Russ didn’t see it coming. His head snapped back so quickly, I worried I’d really hurt him. As I formed my apology, a giant red glove slammed into the left side of my head and I hit the mat. We’d both dropped our guard and we’d both paid the price.

  I smiled at that memory. We ended the fight early and spent the rest of the night at home making up for it. The warm water engulfed my entire body as I lay back in the tub and closed my eyes, content just to remember.


  My night had been peaceful until I dreamt about the demon. Red eyes filled my head with visions of Conner overlaid with the semitransparent being that attacked me in the basement. His hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing while he spoke softly to me. The long tongue continued to sample my skin, slowly tasting. Only this time it was different.

  The demon’s words were unclear but their intent irrefutable. The sweet caress of his voice left me wanting more. His physical features kept changing from man to man; from Russ to Garrick to Conner and back again. With each one he’d whisper in my ear and slide his hands over my body. Somewhere deep in my subconscious, I remembered what Conner told me about an incubi’s ability to become what we most desired. You’re not real, I kept telling the demon over and over. Yet, I would have given anything in the world for that not to be true.

  He promised me my deepest desires. Security, love, companionship, if only I would come to him willingly. When Russ appeared, my heart broke with regret. With Garrick and Conner’s image, I couldn’t say no. My bones ached and yearned for the men who could give me the life I thought I’d lost. The incubus continued to torture me with these images until I cried. Not crying because I didn’t want this, but crying because he wouldn’t let me have it.

  I woke with a start and a head full of confusion. My heart beat at an incredible rate as the images of Conner and Garrick haunted me in more ways than one. The dream had not been overtly sexual, but I still felt shameful about admitting how much I wanted both of them to fulfill that emptiness in my life.

  Realizing sleep would not return, I got up and poured a glass of orange juice. It was still too early to call Sara, whom I planned to take shopping today. I felt like buying a new dress for my date tomorrow night and I knew that she’d be thrilled to go with me. I’d have to wait at least two hours before I would dare wake her up- neither of us did well in the morning. I settled in at my drawing desk and began to get some work done. Nothing like creating a children’s book to get my mind off sex.

  Several hours later, we stood amidst a barrage of women at the lingerie store. Sara ran around like someone who’d won a shopping spree, throwing every skimpy thing she could find into my basket. A few of the items were identical, just in a different color.

  “Sara. Stop.” I placed my hands on her shoulders and forced her to look at me. “This is enough. Besides, it’ll take me a year to try everything on.”

  She pushed my hands down and waved her arms. “Nonsense, Leila. This is a special occasion and you need to be prepared for anything that may happen.” She grabbed me around the waist and pushed me toward the fitting room. “When is the last time you bought lingerie?”

  “I have lingerie,” I replied defensively.

  “Fine, but when is the last time you used lingerie?”

  The look on my face must have caught her attention because she squeezed me a little harder and smiled knowingly. “I understand this is new for you, and I can’t imagine how nervous I would be…”

  “Yeah right,” I groaned. That earned me an elbow in the ribcage.

  “You know what I mean. You’re in uncharted territory. But these are also the cards you’ve been dealt. Russ was an amazing man who will forever be a part of who you are and what has shaped you. And now you have an opportunity to explore other amazing men and reinvent that part of yourself. Sure, it’s scary. You may not like the detective at all and find that you’re better suited as friends.”

  “This isn’t really helping, Sara.”

  I walked into the dressing room and closed the door. Standing there, looking into the mirror, I tried to imagine my new dress covering my new lingerie with Garrick by my side. The fluttering in my stomach told me I anticipated a good date, but I fought with the school girl jitters over liking a new boy. Sara continued talking through the solid door as I struggled.

  “Yes it is. You need someone to tell you it’s okay to go on a date and it’s okay for you to enjoy yourself on said date.”

  I finished pulling the top part of a miniscule two piece matching set on when Sara opened the door and jumped into my room.

  “What--” She cut me off with a bear hug. When we pulled apart, her eyes glistened with fresh tears.

  “Why are you crying?” I asked.

  “Because I’m happy for you.” She wiped at her face and pushed me aside to get to the mirror. “Well, I’m sad for you too, but right now I’m more happy for you. You deserve some peace in your life and I want you to promise me that you’ll enjoy every moment of this date.”<
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  Peace in my life. If she only knew what had been going on the past few days, she might be pushing for me to stay home.

  “I promise, Sara. I’m excited.” I thought about that statement for a moment, and then nodded. “Yes, I really am excited.”

  She turned to evaluate the truth in my declaration. “Good. Now, let’s find you some panties that scream “liberated, celibate women looking for some much needed sexual attention”.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed with her. It was a losing battle. We shopped in the store for another hour, pouring over teddies, lotions, and perfumes. I settled on a set of vanilla scents and Sara bought the flowery ones. At the last minute, I decided to purchase something a little sexier too.

  After that, she talked me into a manicure and pedicure insisting I needed them to prepare, even though I knew this benefited her more. By the time we grabbed caffeine at the food court, my unease about the last couple of days had slipped away. Having a normal day of shopping and talking without any depression was exactly what I needed. Perhaps I could heal after all.

  We’d driven separately, and as Sara backed out of the parking spot next to mine, my phone rang. Again, I recognized the caller without looking.

  “Hey, Conner.”

  He paused for a couple of seconds. “You do have a special ringtone for me, don’t you?” His voice teased but the tone sounded a little off.

  “Maybe. What’s up?”

  He let it go a little too quickly. “There’s been a change in plans. We’re meeting at Mac’s tonight. How soon can you get here?”

  I checked my watch. “Maybe within the hour. I’m on the complete opposite side of the city right now.”

  I heard him cover the phone to talk to someone nearby. The words were too muffled to understand but he sounded annoyed. When he spoke to me again, his language felt brusque. “Okay. Do that then. We’ll see you around five.”

  He hung up before I could ask anything more. Whatever was going on, it hadn’t been planned and it didn’t seem to please Conner. I threw my purchases in the back seat and headed off to the porn shop.

  As expected for the time of day, the plaza was nearly empty since the remaining stores shut down for the weekend. I recognized Conner’s car and parked next to it. The sun had dropped below the buildings, casting an orange backdrop that darkened the skyline to a silhouette.

  A slight chill in the air caused goose bumps to develop on my arms. I pulled my sweater tighter around my chest, but the coldness didn’t disappear. Something else was happening. I recognized this sensation from the first time I’d met Jake Montgomery. A dark, unnatural feeling that instantly put my senses on alert.

  Looking around the parking lot, I tried to see if someone watched me. There were so many hiding places- in between the cars, in the alley, behind the tinted store windows. I shivered involuntarily and briskly made my way into the building.

  Surprise hit me again when I walked into the rather tasteful Fantasy Villa. Mac had changed the mannequin’s attire to attract a more “whips and chains” type of customer. I thought about my own intimate apparel I’d purchased earlier and felt rather conservative. Maybe someday I would have the nerve to give those a try, although I wasn’t going to hold my breath.

  Blake stood behind the counter and when he saw me eyeing up the dominatrix outfit, he cleared his throat. “You know, I think that’s your size if you’d like to try it on.”

  I vowed not to be embarrassed this time, so I turned and smiled devilishly back at him. “I was just thinking the same thing. Why don’t you hold it for me?”

  He stared with a blank face, trying to decide if I was serious or pulling his leg. When he laughed, I knew the gig was up. “Ah, you joke now, but I’ll get you into one of those outfits eventually. I promise I will.”

  “I’ll take that bet,” I challenged while walking to the counter. Blake had outdone himself with the clothing this time. His cute boyish face and broad smile seemed at odds with the persona he exuded. Today he wore bright red leather booty shorts, black suspenders, and platform ankle boots. Nothing else.

  “Don’t you ever get cold?” I asked.

  “Nah. I’m very warm blooded. Like a wild beast.”

  Considering what I’d learned the last time I was here, I took note of his word choice. I didn’t know whether to take him literally or not. A beast. I examined him from angelic face to leather boot wondering if he, too, could be some type of supernatural. Noticing my assessment, he not-so-discretely placed his left foot up on the stool and pulled aside his suspenders to show me two silver nipple rings.

  “See something you like?” he asked seductively. That distracted me and I ducked my head in embarrassment. So much for maintaining my cool.

  He laughed again and leaned over the counter. “You make this too easy for me girl.” He bobbed his head toward the back of the store. “They’re expecting you. Go ahead.” Sitting down on his stool he made a performance of stretching and placing his hands behind his head to get comfortable. “I’ve had my fun with you.”

  “Glad I could oblige,” I said. And when he blew me a kiss, I smiled and gave him the finger.

  I made my way past the corner for adults only and into the storage room turned conference center. In the doorway, a wall of energy almost held me in place when I tried to move into the room. Chills sprinkled over me from head to toe.

  I heard a noise coming from the left corner beyond the meeting table. A low, deep rumble that put my instincts on edge. I recognized the sound, but wasn’t able to place it in my memory. Something about my childhood…

  As I tried to walk further into the room, Mac stepped in front of me.

  “Leila, I think you should stay right here a little bit longer.” All the vivacity and charisma that represented Mac had disappeared.

  “What? Why? What are you talking about, Mac, let me in.”

  I tried to push past him, but a scream stopped me cold. It wasn’t a scream of fear, it was a cry of pain. Mac’s face filled with emotions I couldn’t identify. Maybe a little bit of remorse or sadness, but primarily a look of determination.

  “What’s going on in there?” I peeked over Mac’s shoulder but couldn’t see past the storage shelf filled with cardboard boxes. The smack of a fist hitting flesh, the sickening snap of a twig, both culminated with a very angry voice.

  “Tell us who it is!” The voice demanded. “What are they planning?”

  I didn’t recognize the tone, but the voice sounded familiar. Without thinking, I attempted to push past Mac. He barely flinched but instead looked at me with disappointment and wrapped one arm around my shoulders.

  “I tried to do you a favor, but by all means, go ahead.” He released me and I rushed into the room.

  What I saw when I looked at the head of the table was enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life.

  On top of the oak monstrosity sat a large black wolf in attack position. His head hung low and his snout pointed at a man bound to a chair. The wolf’s hair stood up on its hackles and his fangs were visible through lips pulled back in a snarl. The commotion I’d caused hadn’t fazed him and he didn’t move expect for a slight twitch of the lips each time he growled.

  At his side, standing on the ground, was Conner. The casual way he leaned against the table with his hands in his pockets fooled me at first. But the tension in his shoulders and the angry voice I’d heard a few moments ago, told me this was part of the charade. He sauntered slowly around the head of the table, past the man slumping in the chair. I hadn’t been able to see at first, but when Conner walked behind him to the other side, I gasped.

  It was Jake.

  At least I thought it was. His left eye looked badly swollen and he could hardly hold his head up. Someone had tied his hands to the top of the table and I saw that a few fingers were badly misshapen. Ah, the snapping twig hadn’t been a twig at all.

  Conner leaned down close to Jake’s right side. When Jake jerked away, King growled and snarled at
him. It frightened him to attention even though I suspected he knew something bad was coming.

  “Are you going to tell us, Jake? Or do I need to persuade you some more?”

  Conner’s eyes glowed red and his features sharpened. He licked his right index finger then touched Jake’s forearm. Conner drew a line from Jake’s hand to shoulder in a very slow, very methodical way. I didn’t understand the purpose until Jake began to scream. The line turned into a red, puffy welt that smoked and hissed. The scent of burning flesh nearly brought me to my knees.

  “Stop!” I meant to yell but only a faint whisper came out. King and Conner immediately directed their attention to me and then back toward Mac. Conner glared at the fairy and Mac grabbed my shoulders to pull me to the other side of the room.

  “Leila?” Jake whispered. “The note.” It was all he managed to say before passing out. Or at least I thought that’s what happened, until Conner yelled at Atticus.

  “What do you think you’re doing? I told you that you could stay only if you remained a silent bystander. That means no spells!” He sounded so angry it frightened me.

  “I’m not going to sit around and watch you two torture someone for no reason.”

  “No reason? He knows something about the demon summoning and you don’t seem to think that’s important?” Conner moved closer to Atticus and King jumped off the table to back him up.

  “Of course I think it’s important, but burning him bit by bit or snarling in his face isn’t the way to get information from him.” King growled at Atticus before snapping a bark in his direction.

  “Oh, be quiet mutt. You can’t even stay in your human form long enough to comprehend the English language let alone interrogate somebody. You’re only purpose here is guard dog.”

  With that comment, King snarled, took two steps forward, and leapt toward the sorcerer. In a flash, Gallus jumped in front of Atticus and met King in mid air before the two plummeted to the ground. Their twisted bodies rolled into the cardboard boxes neatly packed on the storage shelves. The sound of crashing metal and the soft thuds accompanying falling boxes momentarily drowned out the squabble. Gallus rose to his feet and quickly grabbed the wolf’s neck scruff. King struck out with claws and fangs, landing a few blows and tearing several bloody gashes in the vampire’s torso.


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