Passion Blooms in Paris (Diary of a Free Woman)

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Passion Blooms in Paris (Diary of a Free Woman) Page 4

by Thorne, Diane

“Yes. I have some. I’m always prepared.”

  She took a deep breath. Whether he had many lovers or not, it was good of him to carry a rubber with him at all times. After meeting Phillip and having a quick grind with him, Gwen decided to keep one of the latex barriers in her purse in the event she found herself with another man. Of course, she didn’t think it would happen. But here she was with Pierre.

  A hard object brushed against her backside.

  “Fast now, slow later. Yes?” he said.

  She gave him a jerky nod. “Yes.”

  He lifted her dress and slid his hand along her thighs. “You’re warm.”

  “I’m burning up.”

  “Hmm… Let me see.” He slipped his hand inside her thong and wedged his digits inside her. “Wet and hot. Perfect.”

  She leaned against him with her head reclining on his shoulder as he toyed with her clit. Anticipation built quickly. She tried to slow it by slowing her breathing, but her efforts were of little use. Each touch brought her closer to the grand prize she yearned for. He kissed her ear then her cheek. She turned to face him and his lips met hers.

  Pierre tangled his tongue with hers while he thrust several digits inside her pussy. Intense need consumed Gwen and nothing else mattered. He pressed his stiff length against her. She would’ve begged him to put it inside her if she could speak. But she couldn’t. His kiss was powerful, full of longing and the promise to please. She moaned and pressed her hand over his, hoping he’d take her hints and fuck her. He forced his fingers inside and out, bringing her closer to her climax. She moaned again and he moved slightly. Seconds later, he nudged the thong aside and she felt the head of his shaft pressing between her legs.

  Pierre pumped inside her and she broke the kiss with a gasp. She spread her legs wider as he withdrew from her slippery confines. The quick invasion left her pining for him to fill her again. He did and her legs trembled. God, his member was big and it fit snugly within her canal. He pulled his length out, then thrust it back in. Her body tingled and burned as her orgasm drew nearer.

  “Don’t stop. Please,” she said.

  He fondled her clit while he gave her what she wanted, sliding in and out of her. Moisture formed above her brow from the heat burning within her body. She panted. She craved. She cried softly for relief. It came fast, gripping his rod and sending strong ripples of tranquility through her system.

  Pierre said something in French as he continued driving into her. His accent and voice strengthened her orgasm and the serenity flowing through her. He propelled deep inside her again. Then finally his erection came alive with a vibrant pulse.

  They stood together, bodies connected and thriving in ecstasy. Content, Gwen leaned against him and placed her head on his shoulder. The expansion of his chest as he gathered air had a calming effect on her.

  He kissed her ear. “Slower next time. I promise.”

  She looked into his eyes and smiled. “I’d very much like that. Slow. Then fast. Slow again, and…”

  A smile emerged on his face. “I can arrange that.”

  Chapter Four

  Gwen combed her long honey-brown hair as she stood in front of the mirror. Strands refused to smooth out with the others as she brushed them again and again. The product she’d applied to control the frizz didn’t seem to be working and she considered pinning her locks behind her head. But Pierre loved smelling and touching her waves. He’d complimented them several times. Since this was her last night with him, she decided to let her unruly mane flow free. She set the brush on the counter and sighed. She would miss Paris. Moreover, she’d miss Pierre.

  A smile magically appeared on her face as she recounted the last two days. Pierre had shown her various parts of Paris including the Eiffel Tower. He’d kept close to her and his hands had been constantly somewhere on her body. He’d seemed to enjoy touching her. She’d certainly liked it. The ever-present hard-on he’d sported had tempted her many times to jump on him. And when he kissed her, she’d wanted to melt in his embrace. She’d done just that in her hotel room less than twenty-four hours ago. The man lived up to his promise of providing her with multiple orgasms.

  The tap at the door jarred her attention. She took a step back and appraised herself in the mirror one last time. The red dress he’d purchased for her earlier fit snugly, showing off her breasts and hips. The short sleeves had slits in the middle yet still covered her shoulders. She looked sexy and elegant in the knee-length garment, which was why he’d bought it. He’d invited her to a cocktail party he had to attend and had asked her to wear the gown. She’d almost turned him down as she wasn’t the partying type of woman, but she couldn’t refuse him after he’d offered to take her back to the Eiffel Tower at night and give her a private viewing of the city. He was the best tour guide she’d ever met and his versions of one-on-one showings always involved heated sex. How could she say no to him?

  Satisfied with her appearance, she walked from the lavatory and into the hotel room.

  “Just a minute,” she yelled while she grabbed a pair of black heels from one of her suitcases. She moved next to the bed and steadied herself against it while she slid a shoe on each foot. Then she grabbed her small purse and headed for the exit.

  Gwen opened the door and found Pierre standing there, dressed in a three-piece suit. The man could’ve been a GQ model with his dark locks, stunning blue eyes and handsome features. His trimmed beard made him appear older, but damn hot. He greeted her with a bright smile and her heart acquired extra beats.

  “You look stunning,” he said, raking his gaze down the length of her body.

  “As do you, too.” She smiled widely.

  He stepped past the doorframe and wrapped his arms around her. Evidence of his excitement came in the form of his erection pressing against her. “Maybe we can stay here.”

  While the thought of them spending the evening in each other’s embrace was one she desired, she had hoped she could see Paris lit up from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Better yet, she’d hoped to get naughty with him while they were there.

  “You did offer to take me for a special view of the city,” she said as she slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. “I was hoping you’d honor your words then we’d come back here afterwards.”

  He kissed her lips gently. “I would hate to disappoint.”

  “Then let’s make this last night together another memorable one.”

  The corner of his mouth curled. “Memories you will never forget.”

  She couldn’t help but grin. “Exactly.”

  He pecked her mouth. “Let’s not waste a moment. I want you. Here. Right now.”

  Before she could say another word, he sealed his lips over hers. He proved his longing, devouring her tongue while holding her in his grasp. Gwen fell victim to his love making charm. Lust blazed hot and heavy as it spread to all her sensitive parts. She locked her arms around his neck and ground her body against his. He moaned softly and forced her backward. Two steps later, he swatted behind him and closed the door.

  “Do we have time?” she asked as he backed her against a table a few feet from the exit.

  “Oui. Enough.”

  He lifted her gown and tugged her underwear until they fell. Gwen stepped out of her panties as he withdrew a condom, then ripped the packet open with his teeth.

  “I can’t wait to have you,” he said as he hurried to unfasten his trousers.

  While Pierre freed his cock and gloved it, Gwen hopped onto the edge of the table behind her and hiked her dress above her spread thighs. His gaze shifted to her apex immediately.

  “So beautiful,” he said.

  “And wet for you.” She wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Mm, perfect.”

  He covered her mouth as he rubbed his bulbous head over her clit. The teasing touch had her whimpering as they kissed. More moisture seeped from her as her need for him strengthened. She slid her hands under his suit jacket and dug her nails into his shoulders, b
ut his shirt kept her from feeling his flesh. Pierre responded promptly and slid inside her channel with one fervent thrust.

  Gwen gasped from the sudden intrusion. God, he felt so good and full within her. He pumped into her again and again. The table hit the wall and the thin vase with flowers shook. Her pulse sped faster as he drove deep. He held onto her hips and pressed his digits into her flesh. He filled her with passion, with burning need. She yearned for the release he could give her. She rocked against him as he burrowed as far as he could. He took her to the edge of her orgasmic cliff in little time and she couldn’t help but leap from it. Her climax came and sweet bliss spread through her while her walls squeezed his shaft.

  “I love feeling you come,” he said, tunneling into her. He groaned and following several more zealous drives into her, his erection throbbed vigorously.

  Gwen leaned against the wall as her spasm faded and Pierre’s slowed. “I’d say that’s a good way to start the night.”

  He kissed her lips. “Mm. Yes. A start.”

  He waited until his member no longer pulsed, then withdrew from her.

  “We should clean up before we go,” Gwen said as she slowly put her feet on the ground.

  Pierre stepped back with his length jutting forward and trousers at his ankles. She wished she could take a picture of the hot Frenchman.

  “I’ll go first,” she said as she headed for the bathroom on shaky legs.

  She hurried to freshen up, then gave him a chance to do the same. Minutes later, they walked out of her hotel room.

  Gwen headed for the elevators with Pierre walking closely beside her. Although they’d had a quickie, his presence made her warm and aroused, as he had for the last two days. She tried to ignore the mounting need for Pierre but she longed for him again, for his intense kisses, teasing touch and throbbing dick buried within her walls. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to calm herself. God, what was wrong with her to desire a man so much, so often? Maybe she was becoming some kind of sex fiend.

  They stood in front of the elevator doors, waiting for one of the carriers to arrive. Sensing Pierre’s gaze on her, she glanced at him. He stood slightly behind her with his head tilted down.

  “Enjoying the view?” she asked.

  He lifted his head. “Of course. Admiring how well that dress fits you.”

  Following a ding, a pair of doors opened. Gwen stepped into the elevator first then spun to face Pierre. He pressed a button on the side panel.

  “I’m certain many men will have their eyes on you tonight,” he said.

  “Maybe, but I’m only interested in yours.”

  He closed the distance between them. Within seconds, he locked his arms around her and brought her body against his. The bulge in his pants still felt hard. He placed one palm on her ass and squeezed a cheek.

  “I’m going to miss your company,” he said, his mouth close to hers.

  “My company or my body that you enjoy touching?”

  “Both, but especially your body.” He kissed the side of her face. “Will you miss me?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  “My company or my cock?” He pressed his lips to her ear.

  “Both, and your kisses.”

  He kept one hand on her rump and moved the other to her neck. Pleasure filled chills spread down her chest as he glided the tips of his fingers along her skin and the inner side of one of her breasts. “I do enjoy touching you, preferably when you’re naked so I can watch you respond.”

  “Trust me, I will miss your touch.”

  He slid his digits into her bra and caressed her areola. “Perhaps we will meet again.”

  “Maybe.” Her heartbeat accelerated as her nipple hardened. “For now, we should enjoy the time we have left.”

  “I agree.”

  The elevator announced they’d arrived at their destination. Pierre stepped away from her as the doors parted from the center. He extended his hand to her and she accepted it.

  Together, they passed through the lobby. Glass windows surrounded the front of the hotel, where they were heading. The world outside showed night had taken hold. A black car with tinted windows waited near the curb. Steps from the exit, a bellman opened the door.

  “What kind of party is this?” Gwen asked.

  “It’s a semi-annual gathering for people who work in the entertainment industry.”

  Gwen ducked into the vehicle and sat at the far end. Pierre took the spot next to her.

  “Is it an award ceremony?” she asked.

  “Not exactly. We meet, dine, dance, and chat with others.”

  “Do you dance?”

  He smiled and nodded. “I do. And you?”

  She chuckled. “No. Not for over twenty-five years.”

  “Then we must tonight.”

  “I don’t know.” She shook her head. “I’d probably embarrass myself in front of your peers.”

  “Impossible. You’re too beautiful. Trust me, you will be fine.”

  He spoke confidently, leaving her little doubt in his words. How could she refuse him? Especially since dancing with a popular French actor would probably never happen again in her lifetime. If she had the chance now, she knew better than to let it pass.

  “If you can guarantee I won’t make a fool of myself, then I will dance with you,” she said.

  He lifted her hand and kissed the back. “Deal.”

  Traffic in the city reminded her of Chicago during a busy weekend night. The drive didn’t seem far, but took nearly twenty minutes. They spent another ten waiting behind a long line of cars. Gwen’s eyes widened when they finally reached an old historic building. Police stood in front of people gathered behind waist-high barriers on both sides of a long carpeted walkway. Flashes of light erupted as the couple from the vehicle in front of theirs passed by the crowd.

  “Ready?” Pierre asked.

  She swallowed and nodded, though she wasn’t entirely certain of her decision. Onlookers screamed. Cameras constantly clicked and whined. The paparazzi treatment frightened her a bit. Before she could inform Pierre of her heightened anxiety, the door opened. He stepped outside, turned and offered his hand to her. Gripping her purse, she accepted his help and left the quiet confines of the vehicle. Noise from the crowd increased and bright lights flashed.

  “Come,” he said, tugging her to the sidewalk.

  For the first time since she’d met Pierre she realized how famous he was. Walking next to him with so many people yelling and taking photographs reminded her of watching the Oscars.

  Pierre smiled and waved to each side as they headed for the entrance to the building. His hold on her hand was strong and comforting. Gwen maintained a grin, but the lights irritated her eyes and added to her unease. Fortunately, they didn’t have far to walk. The moment she stepped inside the building, the tension in her body started to dwindle.

  The volume of voices remained at a high level, but at least the flashes were gone. Men and women dressed in evening attire, suits and dresses, walked in a uniform fashion down a wide hall. Pierre clasped her hand firmly as they followed the mass.

  “Are these gatherings always like this?” Gwen asked.


  “And you come every year?”

  “Twice a year, yes. My table is in the far back.”

  “Do you always bring a guest?”

  “No. It’s easier to come alone.”

  Gwen narrowed her gaze. “Then why did you ask me to come?”

  He smiled. “I want to spend every minute I can with you and admire your beauty.”

  Her heart swelled. This French man would make some woman very happy one day with his charm and loving ways.

  “I thought you wouldn’t come unless I offered something in return.”

  She couldn’t stop from grinning. “You’re wicked.”

  He leaned close to her ear. “Yes, but you like it.”

  True, she did.

  “Don’t worry. We won’t stay too long after the ceremony
. But we will dance,” he said.

  “And then?”

  They stopped behind a crowd waiting to enter a room.

  “Then we have the night to ourselves.” He wiggled his eyebrows and she chuckled.

  Slowly, they moved toward an open doorway.

  “One dance is all I agreed to. Just one,” Gwen said. “And you promised I won’t embarrass myself.”

  He let go of her hand and slipped his arm around her waist. “I’m a good dancer. You have nothing to worry about.”

  The confidence in his tone assured her again she would be fine with him. But she still wanted at least one drink to settle down her nervousness.

  Past the doors, Pierre led her through a maze of round tables to the back of the dining room. He sat next to her with his hand on her knee through the entire hour and half ceremony where various men and women spoke. Gwen didn’t understand a word since it was all in French, but she pretended she did. She clapped and smiled with everyone else. During the speeches, servers brought wine and champagne to each table. After consuming two glasses of red liquor, Gwen felt much more relaxed.

  The speaking part of the gathering concluded and soft music played over the speakers. Guests rose and visited other tables to chat. When Pierre stood, she assumed he was heading to talk to one of his friends. To her surprise, he extended his hand to her.

  “Ready to dance?” he asked.

  She stared at his palm before she clasped it. She’d made a deal and the sooner they completed it, the quicker they could visit the Eiffel Tower. Then back to her hotel room where they could spend the rest of their time tangled in each other’s arms.

  He led her to the middle of the room. The soft music had a romantic quality with a woman singing in a seductive tone. Couples embraced on the dance floor while their bodies lightly swayed to the tune. As Pierre took her to a spot in a corner, she slid the strap of her small purse along her arm until it reached her shoulder. Tucked close to her body, the wallet-sized bag would be out of the way and invisible to most.

  Pierre stopped and faced her. Holding her one hand, he pressed his other to her back and brought her body to his. “Follow my lead.”

  She nodded and let him guide her on the dance floor. The soothing music added to the air of romanticism, but the solid object brushing against her belly aroused her the most. Did the man ever stop having a hard-on?


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