The Forever Fling: A Billionaire Love Story

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The Forever Fling: A Billionaire Love Story Page 2

by Anna Lakewood

  “When you quit making passes at everything that walks, you're not such a bad student.” Beth wanted to say much more but she stopped herself. Too many compliments might give Liam the wrong impression.

  “Why is it you're so easy to talk to?” As soon as the words came out of Liam's mouth, he realized how much he loved Beth's company.

  "That's because we're not dating," Beth teased.

  "Haha. But really, you should think about teaching or something. You seem to be good at it."

  “I don't think so,” Beth said with a laugh. “I've always wanted to study art. I know it's not practical but I that's what I've always dreamed about.”

  “Wow.” He nodded and Beth was shocked that he didn't have more to say about her simple ambitions.

  “So, what about you?” Beth asked. “What are you planning on doing after high school though I bet I can guess?”

  “College and then the family business,” Liam answered. His reply sounded rehearsed.

  “Is that what you want or what your parents want?” Beth was genuinely curious.

  “It doesn't matter. My life has been planned out for me since I was born." Liam sighed and left it at that.

  Strangely, Beth felt as if she understood Liam more after that encounter. She couldn't imagine not being able to choose where she wanted her life to go. Liam's life seemed perfect on the outside but it wasn't. It was actually pretty empty.


  Months had passed and Liam and Beth had become even more comfortable with each other. Beth had learned that Liam was home alone most of the time. When his parents were at home they would fight constantly. Beth had also fallen in love with photography, thanks to Ms. Remy. Following her teacher's advice, Beth had planned a weekend trip through the countryside. She wanted to take some serious photos and start her official portfolio.

  Beth's phone rang before she started her drive.

  "Hello?" Beth answered.

  “It's me." Liam's familiar voice sounded different. "Sorry to bug you on the weekend but I didn’t know who else to call."

  “Liam, is everything okay?” Beth placed a hand on her chest.

  “No, it’s not. My parents are fighting and it’s really bad this time. I don’t know what to do.” Liam's voice was soft and fragile. He didn't sound like his usual self at all and that worried Beth.

  “You'll be fine,” Beth said, unsure if that was the truth or not. "You just need to get out of the house for a while. I'll come and get you."

  Beth hung up. She had never been to Liam's house, but she knew where it was. It was the largest manor of them all. Beth drove up to the King mansion for the first time, her eyes wide in wonderment at the sheer size of the multi-acre property.

  Liam looked small for the first time, stepping out of his super-sized house. After Beth’s careful calming, she assured him that he was more than welcome to join her on her road trip, and they set off together.

  After sharing stories in the car all afternoon, Beth finally stopped at one of the most beautiful orchards in Ruby Valley when she noticed the sky beginning to look a little overcast. She knew the lighting was perfect for some wonderful photos, and she and Liam began the trek through the vines.

  “No, but I mean, what do you really want to do?” Beth said after listening to Liam prattle on about his inevitable acceptance to the best schools in the country.

  “I don’t know.” Liam looked at her, and they both stopped. The sky was growing dark around them.

  “If you could do anything, what would you do?” Beth wasn’t sure what to expect. She could tell by his hesitation that he didn’t think about it much. "Let's pretend that your parents don't exist in this scenario."

  “Okay." Liam chuckled. "I would backpack through Europe. I want to get out of Ruby Valley, and out of my house. And I don’t mean the lavish vacations my parents take. I want to experience everything the way the locals do.”

  Beth looked at him and she didn’t see Liam King, the school heartthrob and infamous rich boy. She saw Liam for who he really was. A regular guy. Beth looked him up and down. He was much taller than her, and his brown hair curled slightly. He was wearing an old band t-shirt and jeans, and Beth realized she had never seen him out of his school uniform before. He looked even more attractive than he usually did. She smiled, her eyes meeting his.

  “That’s exactly what I want to do,” Beth responded. "Copycat."

  "You're joking." Liam tilted his head as he looked at her.

  "Not at all," she answered.

  The sky opened up and the two became drenched in a sudden rainstorm. Thunder rolled above them as the sky darkened like someone had suddenly turned off the lights.

  Beth clutched her camera and the two of them ran for cover under a nearby tree. Beth and Liam were completely soaked. She glanced up and was surprised to see that Liam was looking at her. He put a hand on her face, wiping away the raindrops with his thumb. He pulled back a strand of Beth's hair. Liam leaned in, and their lips finally met. It was Beth’s first kiss, and it felt magical. The world seemed to stop for a moment, like in one of her photographs. Beth felt weak, and when their lips parted softly, she noticed the look in Liam's eyes. He had felt the same chemistry between them that she had felt.

  Beth and Liam started seeing each other secretly after school. Their relationship had grown into more than just studying. Both of them had agreed not to say anything to their peers. The students at Dalton Academy wouldn't understand and Beth wanted to stay out the spotlight.

  Graduation crept on them like a thief in the night. It was a bittersweet ending to their senior year. Beth knew that she would have to say good bye to Liam and move on with her life. It was better that way. Less complicated.

  “Listen, Beth,” Liam started after they had both received their diplomas, and met for the last time in Beth’s old car.

  “I know what you're going to say,” she replied. She had seen this coming for a while.

  “You know what our relationship means to me, but …" His eyes seemed unable to meet hers, and Beth was sure his lip was quivering.

  “Liam, it's okay," Beth said. "What we had was amazing, and I’ll never forget it. But it's time for us to go our separate ways. I’ll always care about you Liam.”

  Beth was sad but she had been preparing herself for this moment for a while. Parting ways was the smart thing to do although she felt as if her heart had been torn in half. A tear rolled down her cheek. Liam wiped it away and gave her one last kiss.

  “You'll always have a special place in my heart, Beth Davis.” Liam got out of the car and closed the door.

  Beth forced herself to smile as she drove home. She focused on the tasks that awaited her. A graduation dinner. Lots of packing. There was a lot to distract herself with. Besides, she told herself over and over again, Beth knew that she would never see Liam King ever again.

  Chapter 3

  Beth was pulled from her daydream by the gentle shake. Jojo stared at her looking concerned. Beth had been in a daze, remembering the highlights if her senior year at Dalton Academy.

  “Beth, are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital?” Jojo’s voice forced Beth back to the present. They were now standing right outside the door to the gymnasium, safely out of Liam King's sight. But that fact didn’t stop Beth's head from spinning.

  “I can’t do this, Jojo,” Beth responded, her voice emanating only in a soft whisper. "I can't take any more pictures. Here. Take my camera and finish the job yourself."

  “Normally, I would be pissed if you said something like to me but today I'll make an exception.” Jojo took Beth's camera and rushed back into the gym. Beth leaned back softly against the lockers, her breath finally slowing down.

  “Beth.” A voice echoed from down the hallway. “I thought I’d find you out here.”

  “Liam,” Beth gasped, trying not to act too surprised. Her whole body was shaky, and an uneasiness floated through her stomach.

  “You look great," he said casually. "
It’s nice to see you again.” Liam studied her, noticing her delicate features that hadn't changed at all. She had the same angelic silhouette and wavy hair.

  “Ditto,” Beth replied, falling back into her old rhythm of banter. She did her best to set aside her pain. It took all she had just to appear normal.

  Liam and Beth walked down their old hallway together. Beth struggled to keep up with Liam's long strides in her black wedges.

  “I didn’t think you’d be here today.” His eyes wandered to every corner of the hallway. Nothing had changed much.

  “I almost wasn't,” Beth said. “I didn't think you would show up either.”

  “I'm glad I did." Liam smiled at her, his pearly smile compelling her to smile back at him. His heart fluttered as did Beth's. There was still chemistry between them even after all these years. “How are you?”

  “Good," Beth answered, wishing she could run off and be done with their conversation. Her curiosity wouldn't let her.

  “I'm sure you have lots to say. So do I. Let me take you to dinner. Are you free tonight?"

  Beth stopped in her tracks. This wasn’t what she was expecting at all. It astounded her how casually Liam was behaving considering their history. She didn't know if she could sit through an entire dinner with him.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Beth was determined not to give in to his charm like she had in the past. “You're engaged, remember? I don't want my face plastered all over the cover of gossip magazines.” Liam took a deep breath. "I do read, you know. I know all about your girlfriend, Francesca."

  “I’m not engaged anymore, Beth,” Liam replied, staring into her eyes.


  “We broke up. We're not engaged.” Liam seemed annoyed, not at Beth, but at the fact that he couldn’t do anything without the world knowing about it. It was the price he had to pay for being a member of the King family.

  “Oh.” Beth paused, embarrassed by her outburst.

  “Can't we just talk? I miss being able to talk to you.” Liam grinned, hoping that she would give him a chance.

  Beth stamped her foot. She couldn't say no to him like she could back in high school though she'd tried many times. Beth cared for Liam too much, and that had been her downfall.

  “I bartend at the tavern down the street. The one all the teachers go to. You can pick me up there tomorrow night after my shift ends." Beth knew she would feel more comfortable at a local bar than a fancy restaurant.

  “Okay," Liam agreed. "It'll be like old times."

  Old times, Beth thought. She watched Liam walk calmly down the hall. Things could never be like old times. Not anymore.

  Chapter 4

  Six Years Ago …

  “Okay, everyone,” the professor announced. "Say your name, major, and your post-graduation plans. We'll start in the front row."

  It was Beth's first day of her senior year of college. As usual, she had arrived early to get a seat in the front row. She was eager to conquer this class like she had all of her others. At twenty-two, Beth already had her answer to this question down, and was happy to be the first to stand and introduce herself to the class.

  “Hi everyone, my name is Beth Davis. I’m an art major, and after graduation I’m planning on backpacking through Europe and the rest is up to fate.” After a smile and nod from her professor, Beth sat back down. Only listening to a few names of her peers, Beth zoned out. She had been planning and saving for her trip for a long time.

  Beth often dreamed of the shots she would get in Iceland, Amsterdam, and even Hungary. Her daydreams took her across the countryside and all the way to the sophisticated galleries that would purchase her work. She saw her name in lights and at exhibits worldwide. Beth imagined her photography plastered along the walls of some of the most famous exhibits in the world. Sure it was a big dream, but Beth knew if she worked hard enough she could make it happen.

  Beth grabbed her notebooks after her class had ended and stuffed them sloppily in her bag. She never stopped dreaming about what her future had in store for her. Not even when she journeyed back to her townhouse that she shared with multiple roommates.

  “Hey, Chloe.” Beth announced herself as she walked into the house. Her roommate Chloe was in her usual spot on the couch. Beth wasn’t the most social but with Chloe, she felt like she didn’t need to be. Chloe did all the work for her.

  “You're home early," Chloe yelled from the couch, scooting over so Beth could sit next to her.

  “Yeah, and I already have an exam on Wednesday.” Beth put her legs up on the coffee table. "Looks like I'll be studying this weekend."

  “Beth, it’s our senior year. You have to come out tonight.” Chloe sat up with a look of concern on her face.

  “Some other weekend,” Beth promised. "I don't want to fall behind the first week of classes."

  "I won't take no for an answer," Chloe argued. "You always say you have to study and you last year you only went to one party. And left early, I might add. No, you're going out with me tonight. No exceptions."

  “Fine. You win.” Beth smiled reluctantly, already knowing she would give into Chloe’s antics.

  “That's what I like to hear," Chloe responded. "You won't regret it. It's going to be the party of the year."

  “I have nothing to wear.”

  “Leave that to me.” Chloe jumped up and beckoned Beth to come to her room.

  Chloe pulled out a very risqué black dress. When Beth tried it on, the hem was so short that she couldn’t bend over without flashing her underwear. Her chest seemed even more exposed in the front. Beth wasn't used to showing off any cleavage.

  “You look hot," Chloe commented, fanning herself.

  Even among Beth’s resistance, she had to admit when she looked in the mirror that she did look attractive. Though the dress was one she would never buy on her own, she decided to wear it just once. Besides, Chloe wouldn't let her take it off and revert to her usual party outfit of a t-shirt and jeans.

  When Beth donned her black heels and carried around her vodka cranberry like it was an accessory she felt confidence ooze from her veins. Walking into the crowded house party, Beth pushed a curl out of her face and felt all eyes in the room fall to her. Guys were trying left and right to talk to Beth, to get her a drink, and to dance with her. But before Beth could say yes to anyone, a tall, mysterious stranger led her away from the crowd.

  When they arrived in the backyard, the man turned toward Beth with a giant grin on his face. She gasped as she met the pale green eyes of Liam King. She still thought about him, but he had been a distant memory in her mind all of these years. Liam hugged Beth, and she didn't resist. It was refreshing to see his face after all this time.

  “Liam, what are you doing here?” Beth asked.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing.” Liam seemed to be equally surprised to see her.

  “I go to school here," Beth replied, giddy with excitement.

  "I had no idea. My friend, Brock Hill, goes to school around here. He convinced me to come for the weekend to let loose. It’s been a tough summer for me.” Liam felt grateful to finally be able to talk to someone who understood him, and didn’t just want to talk to him because their picture might end up in a magazine.

  “Sorry to hear that,” Beth replied. Beth and Liam grabbed a few drinks and sat down on the patio.

  “I'm having some trouble adjusting to the family businesses. I guess that's no surprise to you.” Liam looked at Beth for a few moments, memorizing her features, new hairstyle, and greater confidence.

  After what felt like hours of reminiscing about high school, gossiping about rumors they had heard about various students and teachers, Liam leaned in closer to Beth. His breath was warm against the soft skin of her cheek.

  “You know, Beth, I’m proud of you for pursuing photography,” Liam confessed after one too many drinks.

  “I’m actually planning that backpacking trip through Europe. It’s happening after graduation.�
�� Beth had also had too much to drink. She whispered in Liam's ear although she didn't need to.

  “No way,” Liam said, turning so that his lips brushed across her ear. Beth’s body tingled. Sure, she was a little drunk, but the chemistry she still felt for him was even more powerful.

  Liam leaned in and kissed Beth softly on the lips. Their bodies connected like two pieces of a forgotten puzzle, finally back together. They kissed deeper, with a passionate longing for each other that wouldn't go away. Beth felt dizzy, and she didn't want to stop. Liam pulled away for a moment and grabbed her hand.

  “Here it comes," Liam teased her. "Another kiss and another fling."

  Chapter 5

  Five Years Ago …

  “Happy twenty-third birthday, babe. I'll see you later at our usual spot." Beth listened to the voicemail she knew would be waiting for her as soon as she woke up. She couldn’t believe it had been almost a year since she had started seeing Liam King again. Their meetings had been sporadic as most flings are but it had been the best year of Beth's life.

  Beth texted Liam her usual good morning message, and promised to meet him at the beach right before sundown. All the sneaking around had become normal to Beth. At first, it had been exciting and romantic. Now, Beth wished their relationship would jump to a new level. That must be the concession, she'd thought, of dating someone so high profile. But to Beth, it was a small concession, because she got to see Liam, and he made her so happy. She knew she made him feel the same.

  Beth drove along the sunny Californian coast after a long day of freelance photography shoots. It had been her easiest avenue to earning extra cash. Her crazy school hours had made it difficult to hold down a traditional sort of job. Beth drove with the windows open so she could feel the salty air kiss her tanned shoulders and mingle in her wavy hair.

  She thought of her last session that she'd had taking photos of a newborn baby. Beth loved the way the parent's eyes had lit up when they had seen the images of their child. Beth wished that life wasn’t as orchestrated, but seeing these images swirl through her mind like pictures coming to life in the dark room, she couldn’t shake the feeling that everything was too perfect. She loved giving image to the imperfections of life, the pictures no one paid to have taken, but for now Beth needed the money.


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