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The Forever Fling: A Billionaire Love Story

Page 4

by Anna Lakewood

  Memories from last night began circling in her brain and Beth gasped. Like a vision from an old movie, she remembered Liam kissing her outside the bar. She rubbed her forehead in embarrassment, remembering another detail of her wild night. She had asked Liam to come back to her apartment.

  Beth shook her head, upset with her behavior. The clock on her wall dinged behind her, but that was impossible. It only did that at noon. Tumbling out of bed, still in her clothes from last night, she groggily went searching for her cell phone.

  Beth's eyes went wide as she looked at the time and realized that it was, indeed, noon. She was supposed to take pictures at a family reunion at one of the vineyards in an hour. Beth quickly combed through her messy hair and changed her clothes. She washed her face thoroughly, getting rid of the mascara that had smeared around her eyes. She couldn't handle alcohol the way she could in college.

  Beth grabbed a pair of sunglasses and fixed herself a cup of coffee. She was running too late to stop anywhere. She looked at the piles of clothes she'd neglected to put away and sighed. A loud knock on the front door pounded through her temples.

  “Geez," Beth yelled, her own voice making her dizzy. She assumed it was Jojo but to her surprise it was Liam.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Liam said. He chuckled as he entered her messy apartment. He was holding two large to-go cups of coffee and a bag that looked like it was from Mike’s Deli, the best deli in Ruby Valley.

  “Is that coffee?” Beth asked, skipping the niceties to satisfy her body’s need for caffeine.

  “Only the finest,” Liam said, handing her the hot cup. After a few sips, Beth felt more awake.

  “Thank you.” Beth smiled, not wanting to bring up the embarrassing events of the night before.

  “I figured you’d need it. Last night was …" Before Liam could finish Beth was overcome with the need to explain herself.

  “I'm sorry I asked you to stay the night," she blurted out. "I was drunk. Clearly, I was drunk, right?"

  “Clearly." Liam grinned the way he normally did. "That's why I said no and went on my way."

  “Oh.” Beth paused, feeling relieved. “I’m running pretty late for work.”

  “Here then." Liam handed her a bag. "It's an egg and cheese bagel. I hope you're still into those.” Beth smiled up at him, grateful and proud that he still remembered her usual hangover meal.

  “I definitely am,” Beth joked, grabbing the bag and locking up her apartment.

  “Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about this morning,” Liam said, putting his hands in his pockets. “I was wondering if you would come to this party we’re having tonight at the vineyard.” Liam paused, his mouth almost sputtering the words. He turned just enough to see Beth stop before she had reached her car.

  “I’m not sure if I can do that,” Beth answered.

  “I know you’re seeing someone else, but it wouldn't be a date. I'm asking you to go with me as a friend. Please, Beth.” Liam nervously paced the sidewalk. He met her gaze for a moment and faltered under her stare. They reached Beth’s car and stopped, looking at each other.

  “Your family hates me or have you forgotten?” Beth sighed, opening the trunk to check her camera equipment. She was thankful she had something to occupy her mind from the sinking feeling in her chest. The thought of going back to the King Manor made her sick to her stomach.

  “That’s not true,” Liam replied. “Besides, you would be my guest. I won't let anyone treat you unfairly.” Liam pleaded, his hand resting on the roof of her car.

  “Your mother won’t approve.” Beth gave in a little and noticed Liam’s body perk up. Just the thought that she might say yes gave him a burst of energy.

  “I don’t care what she thinks anymore,” Liam said, his expression unchanging. Beth looked straight ahead at the winding road ahead of her, her mind escaping to her memories of Mrs. King.

  “I can't believe I'm saying this," Beth muttered to herself. "If things end up like last time, Liam, I'm gone.” Beth knew she should have refused, but part of her was too curious. Had Liam really changed? A piece of her was desperate to find out.

  “It will nothing like last time,” Liam assured her. "I promise."

  “I want that in writing,” she teased him. "I'll see you later."

  Beth's mind throbbed as she sped away in her car. After what had happened three years ago, Beth had never thought she’d be back in the King household again. Last time had been a disaster.

  Chapter 9

  Three Years Ago …

  After boarding the plane home from the most breathtaking four months of backpacking through Europe, Beth slumped into her stiff airplane seat. She had never been able to sleep on planes so Beth took her backpack out from under the seat, careful not to wake the sleeping woman beside her. Beth carefully took out the book she’d brought for the plane ride, but the sight of her camera immediately caught her eye.

  Beth started looking through pictures and thinking about her professional portfolio. She scrolled carefully through the thousands of photos she had saved to her camera. She analyzed the composition, the lighting, and how she felt when she stared at each photograph. Beth lapsed eagerly back into memories of her and the friends she had met while waltzing around Buckingham Palace. The months had gone by so fast, and Beth was thankful that she could step back into her pictures on the plane, and not think of heading home.

  Beth studied her picture of the Eiffel Tower. Paris had easily been one of her favorite cities. Liam would have looked so carefree standing next to the monument in this picture. She grieved his absence in the other pictures too, knowing he would have loved sailing in Croatia. Her heart sunk as she remembered the phone call she had received right before she'd boarded the plane to London.

  “Liam, where are you?” She had been frantic, running around LAX with her backpack, on the verge of tears.

  “Beth, I am so sorry,” Liam had said to her when he'd finally answered his phone.

  “Are you kidding me, Liam? You're not coming?” Underneath her sobs Beth had been furious. She'd been planning her trip since high school, and she'd wanted everything to go perfectly.

  “My father needs me here. I can't go," Liam had explained.

  Beth had hung up the phone before Liam could say any more. It had been hard for her to comprehend why he'd canceled on her at the last second. Liam had been looking forward to the trip just as much as she had. While Beth had understood that Liam had the family business to run that phone call had changed their entire relationship.

  Beth had called Liam after she'd arrived in London. And while they had talked about it some more and had eventually made up, Beth still carried the scar. The calm between them hadn’t lasted for long. Beth had spent hours writing Liam letters and emails from all over the globe. She'd written him everything about the trip. Liam had seemed grateful at first, replying immediately with updates from Ruby Valley. After a while, however, Liam’s letters and emails had stopped coming. Eventually Beth had also stopped writing to him.

  Looking at the photos on that plane ride home, Beth never once regretted her trip to Europe. She had grown so much, and she'd been able to see and experience a whole other world. However, as Beth studied each photo, she knew that her relationship with Liam was now just as distant as these faraway places.

  Jojo jumped up and down, greeting Beth at baggage claim with a giant sign that said Beth Davis, World Traveler. At the tail end of her trip, Beth had begun sending out job applications. She had built a small portfolio from her trip, and must have sent it to dozens of galleries. With little money, and no one answering her applications, Jojo had graciously offered Beth her couch until she could get back on her feet.

  Although Beth loved her sister, she didn’t want to overstay her welcome. A few days after arriving home, still getting over her jetlag, Beth finally found a job as a bartender at their local bar. It would pay the bills, and Beth thought with a bartending gig and some freelance photography she could s
ave enough for an apartment of her own. At the very least, the bartending would give her some time to continue job searching.

  Right after Beth got a job as a bartender, a notification popped up in her email. She was shocked to see that the message was from Liam King. He never emailed her, and Beth’s heart jumped as she clicked it. Her eyes darted across the screen. She hadn’t heard from Liam in a while and she wasn't sure what to expect. The email was short.

  Beth, it would make my night if you could make it to the party we're having at my parent's vineyard tonight. Please come. - Liam

  Beth was taken aback, and read the email again to make sure she wasn’t missing anything. Liam had never taken their relationship public, and up until now everything had been very secretive. Maybe Liam had a change of heart while she'd been gone? Maybe he wanted their relationship to be more official?

  Beth nervously tore apart her and Jojo's closet, and found the most expensive dress either of them owned. She knew the King’s and their friends would be dressed flawlessly in designs that costed more than Beth’s entire trip to Europe, and she desperately wanted Liam to see that she could fit in with his family.

  Beth never spent so much time on her makeup as she did that night. She stood in front of the mirror for what felt like hours until she had the perfect golden smoky eye. Her face was clear and glowing, and blush added color and depth to her long cheekbones. Because she hadn’t gotten her hair cut, it was now down to the small of her back. Beth, not knowing what else to do with the long, sunlit tresses, borrowed Jojo’s curling iron. Once her hair was curled she put it into a messy up-do. One that her roommate Chloe had taught her in college. Beth looked in the mirror. She was satisfied with her appearance although she looked nothing like herself.

  Beth swallowed her nervousness and began the long drive to the King's mansion. As soon as she pulled up to the manor, she sensed that something was off about Liam. Standing in the long, winding driveway, he seemed rigid and stiff. His body straightened, and the smile on his lips was translucent. Beth had been gone for four months, and though she didn’t know what kind of greeting she expected, it wasn’t this.

  “Beth, you made it,” Liam said calmly as he gave her a quick hug.

  “It’s nice to see you again,” Beth answered, her breath hot against Liam’s suit jacket.

  She'd imagined their meeting over and over again and her stomach dropped in latent disappointment. She'd daydreamed of a flurry of excitement upon seeing each other with him lifting her up and twirling her around, completing the cycle with a passionate kiss. What Beth felt now was not love. The air between them was steeped in awkwardness.

  “Come on in and you can meet everyone,” Liam said, grabbing her hand and leading her up the cobblestone pathway. Beth liked feeling his warm touch again, but he still seemed distant. She couldn’t quite place the unease and anxiety she felt walking up to the King's mansion.

  Inside the house, Beth was greeted with the most exquisite crystal chandelier and spiral staircase. From the fine china to the expensive paintings and grand sculptures, everything fit perfectly into the décor. Though this was what she'd expected, Beth’s eyes lit up at the extravagance.

  “Your house is so beautiful,” Beth whispered. It was larger than Beth’s apartment and the one next door combined.

  Beth observed the gold embellishments on the napkins and utensils covering each table. Looking around at the other guests, Beth instantly felt out of place. What she'd thought was her nicest dress now felt like a piece she'd picked up at a thrift store. Beth clutched her little gold necklace, looking at the pearls and diamonds adorning all the other women.

  Liam did not seem to notice Beth’s inner turmoil. He led her straight to an older women who was the best dressed of everyone. Next to the older woman was a younger man with a stern expression. He was handsome, but he looked down at Beth menacingly.

  “Mother, I’d like you to meet Beth," Liam said, introducing her. "She’s going to be joining us for dinner.”

  “Brock Hill,” the young man cut in, nodding at Beth before turning away. Beth had seen Brock before in the halls of Dalton Academy though this was the first time she had spoken to him.

  “Judith King,” Liam’s mother said in a haughty tone. "Your dress is very … quaint."

  Beth didn't know what to say. After smiling and complimenting Mrs. King’s large diamond earrings, Beth looked at Liam desperate for support. He didn't say anything to lighten the mood. Before Beth could excuse herself to freshen up in the bathroom, someone announced to the guests that dinner was ready.

  Men in full tuxedoes carried out dozens of plates of fancy, five-star dishes. Beth took a seat next to Liam and across from Brock. The dinner proceeded, and Beth was met with soups, salads, and an intricate fish course. But her appetite dwindled as she listened to the fast-paced conversations around her and struggled to learn which fork to use next. By the end of the night, Beth felt completely invisible. Even to Liam.

  “Hey,” Beth whispered to Liam, who was picking off the last of his dessert. “Can we talk for a second in private?”

  “Sure.” Liam put his fork down and led Beth outside. The large patio, decorated with shrubbery and statuettes, overlooked the beautiful vineyard that sunk deep into the horizon. The sun was quietly setting, but its beauty went unnoticed by the two.

  “What's this all about?” Beth asked, unable to make eye contact. Instead, she focused intently on the marble patio flooring. "Why am I here?"

  “I wanted to see you,” Liam responded.

  “Really?" Beth took a deep breath. She'd been waiting for an explanation all night. "You haven’t even asked me about my trip, not to mention you stopped returning my letters and emails.”

  “I'm sorry,” Liam answered. Beth’s stomach tied itself in knots. “The truth is that I wanted to say a proper goodbye. I’m moving to New York City next week with my father. I figured I owed you some closure.”

  “You’re what?” Beth stammered.

  In Beth's eyes, Liam had changed. Even the way he looked at her was different. It was like the fire inside his soul had died. The usual energy that had surrounded had gone. Beth also realized that she had changed a lot in the past four months too. She had grown more than she knew. Though Beth didn’t want to part with Liam, she didn’t want to stick around and be, in his eyes, just some fling.

  Judith King ran onto the patio, waving her hands about in a frenzy. She was out of breath from the sudden exertion of energy, and her pearls precariously flew back and forth from her fragile neck.

  “Liam, stop that girl,” Judith cried, pointing frantically at Beth. "She's stolen my silver!"

  “Excuse me?” Beth said instinctively, looking at Liam for backup, but he remained silent. Tears stung her eyes.

  “This is what happens when we invite people over from the other side of town. Please, give me back my silver.” Judith crossed her arms.

  “I didn’t steal anything,” Beth exclaimed. Her chest tightened. Her night couldn't get any worse.

  “You are a liar and a thief, my dear.” Judith pointed her finger at Beth and Liam stood there in awe. Beth waited patiently for a moment for Liam to say something in her defense. Liam looked puzzled.

  “I can't believe this." Beth opened her purse. "Here then, if you don’t believe me. See for yourself.” Beth turned her bag upside down, the contents spilling onto the floor. There was no sign of any silver. "Should I strip down to my underwear as well? I'm sure your guests would love that."

  “Leave my property immediately,” Judith responded. Beth angrily collected her things.

  “So you admit I didn’t steal anything," Beth said. Mrs. King remained silent just like her son. "I think you owe me an apology.”

  “I don’t owe you anything.” Judith pursed her lips.

  Looking at Liam, Beth felt disgusted and disappointed. He should have said something, but his actions only confirmed that his loyalties were no longer with her.

  “I never want to see
you again,” Beth said to Liam. Without wishing him luck in New York or even a friendly smile, Beth jogged back to her car and sped away from Liam King, the guy who had stolen her heart, for good.

  Chapter 10

  Beth remembered her painful visit to the King's mansion three years ago s she pulled up the driveway. She couldn't believe that she was back. This time, Beth had taken all the precautions she could. She was determined not to let Judith King get to her this time. She doubted that she would even approach her and say hello.

  Beth had bought an even nicer dress than before. She had Jojo do her hair and makeup, and Beth looked gorgeous. If she didn’t belong, at least she was much more confident this time. But most importantly, Beth was prepared for the rude guests. She didn’t get her hopes up, and instead expected the worst. So maybe the Kings would exceed her expectations.

  Beth walked up the lengthy driveway, trying hard not to trip in her sleek nude heels that showed off her legs. An eerie silence hung over the King's mansion. It wasn't bustling with activity. Beth wondered if she had mixed up the dates, or misinterpreted Liam’s invitation. Beth rang the doorbell. Her French manicured index finger pushed it softly first. After no response, she hit it again. Still no answer.

  Beth backed away from the front door, worried that Liam might be in trouble somehow. Making her way around the house, Beth spotted a man exit quickly from the back patio. His figure was distant, but Beth had to shield her eyes from the large ring that directed sunlight into her eyes. The man ran into the vineyard, and suddenly disappeared from her view.

  Beth was confused but she brushed it off when she heard the subtle clopping of a horse in the distance. She returned to the front of the house and saw Liam riding out of the vineyard on a large white horse. Beth chuckled at the sight.

  Liam's black slacks were plastered against his body as he straddled the horse, and the sun reflected in his hair. It looked like an image from an old movie. As he dismounted the horse, Liam ran to Beth and enveloped her in a tight hug. She felt the warmth of his body against hers, and smelled of fresh grapes and musky sweat.


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