Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596 Page 3

by Wen Chao Gong

  A red warning continued to flash 3 times in succession. This caused Leylin to fall into a state of shock.

  “Average stats of 3.0!” After Leylin scanned the information several times to double check that the A.I. Chip hadn’t made a mistake, he was left completely speechless.

  “Even the world champion doesn’t have these kind of stats. In the previous world, this person could easily dress up as Superman!”

  As a scientist, Leylin understood well that a stat of 3.2 meant the person’s fighting capabilities, viral resistance, and body recovery speed was all three times greater than a normal person’s!!!

  The various stats displayed being threefold greater than a typical person’s wasn’t as simple as just adding numbers together. What kind of concept was this?

  It meant that this person could defeat dozens of people empty-handed, and even get past a group attack by 100 people. In his previous world, he really counted as a Superman!

  “I’m afraid that a person with these kinds of stats could only be created by genetically modifying their biochemistry in a lab. Moreover, only the minimum would be reached! This world is indeed not a simple one!”

  Leylin thought to himself as he looked at the person possessing these terrifying stats once again.

  It was a black-clothed person responsible for handing out food. He looked like he was middle-aged, and he had a scar on his face that stretched from his forehead to his lip. It pretty much split his entire face in half, and looked extremely fierce.

  The freckled boy from before was completely frightened by this person.

  “This is the academy’s servant responsible for receiving us. It’s said that he’s not a magus, yet he’s already so frightening. What would a real magus be like then?”

  Leylin suddenly discovered that a strong interest and curiosity about the profession of a magus had arisen inside him. It was to the point where he was itching to go to the academy now and investigate everything.

  The line was really short, and it was soon Leylin’s turn. After the black-clothed, scarred man gave Leylin a piece of white bread and some juice, he wordlessly waved Leylin away with an impatient expression on his face.

  If it were the previous Leylin, even if he didn’t dare to drag this guy out and lash him a few times because it wasn’t his home, his expression still would’ve turned quite ugly, and would probably have ranted at the man a bit.

  But the current Leylin was naturally not that stupid. Following his memories, he formally bowed and said, “Thank you! Mister!”

  The black-clothed man remained expressionless as he watched Leylin turn to leave.

  “Ai! I didn’t think that Leylin would really seem like a noble after bowing!” The two youths behind Leylin couldn’t help but secretly whisper to each other.

  “Hurry up and move forwards!” The scarred man shouted, suddenly blasting the two’s eardrums.

  The great sound scared one of the youths so badly that he fell down onto the ground.

  Leylin ignored the discussion behind him as he surveyed the area with a cold gaze. He then bitterly smiled, “Great! I’m really an unwelcomed person!”

  When he looked at George, George also hurriedly turned his head away. His hands made a secret gesture behind his back.

  “Eh! Fine! Since you gave me the medicine, I won’t expose you!” Leylin sighed, then found a relatively remote place. Without caring whether or not the ground was carpeted, he sat down and began to eat heartily.

  “This plain white bread isn’t as good as that from the previous world! But according to Leylin’s memories, this is already considered a food that one can only get during celebrations!”

  Leylin thought as he ate.

  Based on Leylin’s memories, the production capabilities in this world were quite low. The white bread was an aristocrat’s food. Normal, minor nobles could only enjoy it during celebrations of major holidays.

  To typical peasants, who only had hard, nutritionless black bread to eat, this was a supreme delicacy.

  When he thought of the black bread as hard as rocks from his memories, Leylin sighed, “It’s a good thing that I’m quite fortunate; regardless of whether I’m a noble or a magus, I’m still in the upper levels of this world, so I won’t need to suffer!”

  He ravenously wolfed down the bread, and downed the juice in one gulp as well. Leylin then wiped his mouth in satisfaction, and returned to the carriage.

  Based on the experience in his memory, noble youths would set up tents in camp and rest for the entire night before moving again. However, it was clear that nobody would invite Leylin to join them. He didn’t have a tent himself, so he could only sleep on the cold and hard carriage!

  “When I looked just now, there seemed to be 50 some apprentices, 25 black robes, and 3 of the highest status white robes!”

  When he thought of the the scene just now when he had been noticed from a distance, the hairs on Leylin’s body rose.

  Added on to that, the A.I. Chip’s warnings of [Discovered an unknown radiation source!], [Received disturbance from unknown force field, impossible to scan!]

  This formed a shadow in Leylin’s heart!

  “It looks like even with the A.I. Chip, I’m still extremely weak in this world! But it’s precisely due to this reason that I desire to obtain the strength of a Magus!”

  Leylin’s eyes seemed to light up in flames.

  “It’s best if I sleep earlier! I still need to hurry on with the journey tomorrow!”

  Leylin took off his jacket and laid it on the ground to make his sleeping more comfortable.

  “So far, since this journey was started, it’s already been over 3 months. We’ve passed through a few dozen kingdoms, yet we still haven’t reached our objective. These ancient transportation conditions are really…..”

  He closed his eyes and fell into a daze. After some time, the carriage door opened with a bang.

  Leylin suddenly sat up. His nose was then filled with the scent of a rose.

  It was sweet and aromatic, extremely pleasing to the nose. It also made his body throb as to invoked his memories.

  “Ley…Leylin! Are you well?” A pleasant, female voice said.

  “Bessita? Please come in!” Leylin moved his body.

  The fragrant scent in the carriage suddenly grew more powerful as a beautiful young girl entered.

  She had fair skin, and wore red, tight-fitting clothes that accentuated her voluptuous curves.

  What was even harder for Leylin to forget was this girl’s platinum hair and eyes like crimson jewels. Combined with her beautiful face, it presented an exotic charm.

  This was the girl that caused Leylin to be beaten up, and even lose his life, Bessita!

  “May I ask if you have anything to ask me?” Although this girl had developed quite well, and seemed extremely enticing to Leylin, having come from a different world and experiencing an endless barrage (of beauties), this girl was only somewhat good-looking to Fang Ming.

  His attitude was extremely cold and indifferent.

  It was clear that this manner somewhat shocked the young girl, as the words she was about to say didn’t leave her mouth.

  After a long period of silence, she pulled out a small, glass bottle and placed it in Leylin’s hands, “This… this is a medicine for injuries. If you apply it to your body, it’ll help you! I’m… sorry!”

  The girl bowed, revealing the ample, snow-white curves of her chest, causing Leylin’s heart to race.

  WMW Chapter 3 – Knight

  After she made her apology, the girl ran off like a startled little fawn, leaving her wonderful scent behind.

  Looking at the disappearing red figure in the distance, Leylin was rather puzzled. “It was clearly Leylin who had assaulted you, why did you come to apologise? Is there something wrong with your brain?”

  He touched the bottle in his hand, thinking to himself: “Did I misjudge her earlier? Could this Bessita be a kind-hearted girl?”

  Leylin studied th
e glass bottle in his hand curiously. “It seems like they already have the technology to produce glass. Although, judging by the workmanship, it still seems rather rough, it is quite decent already!”

  As he opened the bottle cap, a medicinal fragrance wafted out.

  Following the habits of his past life, Leylin immediately said: “A.I Chip! Scan this medicine and analyse its components!”

  [Beep! Task Established! Begin Scan!]

  [Discovered unknown components. Starting simulated experiments!]

  [Experiments complete! Unknown Medicine has effect of strong itching! Duration: 7 days!]

  “Eh!” Looking at the results of the experiment, Leylin was struck speechless. “I retract my previous statement; that girl is rather blackhearted!”

  However, he soon had the feeling of an adult being pranked by a naughty kid.

  “She is still a child after all! She can’t use truly malicious tricks! Perhaps if it were a few years ahead, the bottle would be full of deadly poison instead!”

  Looking at the bottle in hand, Leylin thought about it and decided to keep it. “I’ll just keep this for now, who knows when it might come into handy in the future!”

  After Bessita left, no one else came to disturb him.

  Leylin lay back down. Though it seemed as if he were sleeping, his mind was actually working in overdrive as he thought through things.

  “It seems like there shouldn’t be any problems or risks of being found out by going to a magus academy. Those white robed figures should be Magi, and I have walked by them a few times without drawing attention. It seems like they are also unable to detect anything strange about me. This means… entering a magus academy should be relatively easy in that sense.”

  “However, according to rumours, Magi are all secretive and cruel, at least according to what Viscount John heard. It also seems that in the academies, there is extremely fierce competition amongst the apprentices of the same level despite it being against the rules to kill one another. I need to at least have some form of self-protection.”

  As he thought about that, he once again touched the ring hung around his neck, and held it in his hands.

  The ring was jet black and nondescript. Within the inner ring, there was a small ‘Y’ inscribed, along with elaborate inscriptions around it.

  “With the technological advancements of the Middle Ages, to be able to inscribe such a complicated pattern onto the inner ring is incomprehensible! However, regardless of the issue, as long as it has to do with the mysterious Magi, it shouldn’t be surprising at all!”

  Leylin muttered to himself, and issued another command: “A.I Chip! Scan the ring in my hands!”

  [Beep! Task Established! Begin Scan!]

  [Discovered unknown metallic components. Comparing to Data Banks. Insufficient Data. Unable to analyse!]

  “As I’d thought! With the A.I Chip’s current level, it is still inadequate to analyse something that a Magus left behind!” Leylin sighed and stored the ring.

  “How can I increase my power? This body of mine is truly too weak! It cannot even compare to those of the same age. That will not do.”

  “If it were my past life, I could still undergo genetic modification. Alas, there is no such option here. Perhaps I should explore this Leylin’s memory once again, and see if there are any methods…”

  Leylin thought to himself once again, then found a comfortable spot to lie down, thinking out aloud in his mind: “A.I Chip! Scan the entirety of Leylin’s memory and arrange it!”

  [Beep! Task Established! Starting arrangement!]

  In Leylin’s former world, the world of science had always been of the opinion that the majority of the human brain’s power was not being harnessed. Amongst that power was the ability to access every memory since birth.

  Some memories, even if the person in question could not recall them, were actually still stored somewhere in the brain!

  Now, as Leylin gave the command, memories of Leylin’s entire life, from birth to his being chosen as a Magus Apprentice and going on this journey, were all displayed in front of Leylin’s eyes with the A.I Chip’s assistance.

  Every single memory, down to what was eaten in every meal, as well as their tastes, were retained and displayed in his mind.

  Such a large mass of memory was just too confusing, and was also full of useless information. In the past, Leylin had only taken what he had urgently needed, and ignored the rest.

  At this point, with the help of the A.I Chip, he was arranging and sorting everything out!

  [Data sorting has been completed!] The A.I Chip notification sounded out.

  “Create a new file, named ‘Leylin Farlier’, and save it!” Leylin gave a new order.

  [Beep! File created – Leylin Farlier!]

  “New task, search the file for all possible methods for the host to improve strength quickly!”

  [Beep! Task Established. Begin Search!]

  In front of Leylin, innumerable amounts of data flashed past, seemingly forming a beautiful picture.

  [Search Complete! Search Results – 453 methods!]

  “So many?” Leylin paused a while as he thought. “Remove those with estimated success rate of 50% and below for the Host. Also, add another requirement: The Host must be able to carry out the strengthening method now. Begin filter!”

  [Beep! Filter Complete. Remaining methods: 2!]

  “Show them to me!”

  [Method 1: Become a Magus.]

  [Method 2: Begin Knight Trainng]

  “Oh! Method 1 is not realistic at the moment; at least, not until I reach the magus academy, Otherwise, how could I possibly learn how to become a Magus? As for the Knight Training, I wonder what that is?”

  As Leylin muttered to himself, he immediately assigned a new task. “A.I Chip, assemble all memory regarding Knight Training. Once it has been arranged properly, send it into my memory!”

  After the data was directly transmitted to his brain, Leylin began to understand what a so-called Knight was.

  In this world, there were several mysterious forces. However, the ones commoners had the most experience with were Knights!

  Knights were warriors who had gone through tough training and had stimulated their inner life energy. Their physical attributes were way beyond that of a normal human.

  To be a Magus, it required a specific kind of gift, and amongst tens of thousands of people, it was possible that there wasn’t even one such person. However, being a Knight was different; as long as they were willing to put in the effort, anyone could become a Knight!

  For these Knights, not only were their physical attributes several times that of normal humans, they were also well versed in using various weaponry, as well as in the killing arts. Some Knights even had special secret skills that could unleash a sudden burst of power!

  The kingdoms of the common world, along with the nobility, were generally made up of Knights.

  The Farlier Family which Leylin was part of was also a Knight Family. The original founder of the Family had fought in wars together with the King, and had accomplished much meritorious service. Thus, they had been awarded with the Viscount title, as well corresponding holdings.


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