Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596 Page 64

by Wen Chao Gong

  * Sssii! * Pink smoke rose into the air continuously, before finally turning into the shape of a large pink ear.

  “Who is this? This energy wave?” Beside the ear, Kroft’s voice sounded, carrying many other static noises with it.

  “It’s me! Professor!” Leylin spoke softly.

  “This voice! These Spiritual Force waves! You are Leylin! You have actually become a Level 3 Acolyte!” Astonishment could be heard in Kroft’s voice.

  For third grade acolytes, if they wanted to advance from a Level 2 Acolyte to a Level 3 Acolyte, it often required at least 5 years of constructing the mind runes and reinforcing of the sea of consciousness.

  However, Leylin had spent only 3 years to advance to a Level 3 Acolyte, which shocked Kroft.

  “You are only 17 this year, yet you have entered the realm of a Level 3 Acolyte!” Kroft’s voice, which was usually stable, carried a trace of excitement in it, “An acolyte who is Level 3 before the age of 20 often has an extremely huge chance of advancing to an official Magus. However, the numbers of such acolytes are extremely rare. Even your senior, Merlin, only advanced to a Level 3 Acolyte when he was 21.

  If Kroft knew that Leylin had advanced to a Level 3 Acolyte only 1 year after he had left the academy, he might immediately label him as a genius!

  However, striking it rich silently was always Leylin’s norm of handling his affairs. Towards his mentor’s astonishment, Leylin only bowed and said, “I was only lucky, and found a rare Void Flower ….”

  A Void Flower was a type of mysterious plant. Its petals were purple, and it if a magician were to raise it, it would be an extremely strong stimulant towards a magician’s Spiritual Force. The most crucial point was that the laws of reproduction for the Void Flower were strange. they could appear at any place on the continent. There were even cases in which magicians found traces of these plants at the bottom of the sea or in a pit of a volcano.

  Moreover, the Void Flower had a special attribute. Once its petals were plucked, the whole stalk will immediately combust, leaving no traces behind.

  Naturally, this was an excuse that Leylin thought of long ago. Through the A.I. Chip’s data gathering of various mysterious plants, he had already prepared this excuse as a reason for his advancement.

  It was not like there weren’t any other Level 2 Acolytes who had used a Void Flower to advance to a Level 3 Acolyte before.

  “Void Flower?” Kroft’s shock was relayed through the ear. “Such a precious magician resource could also be found by you… That is a top grade material of which one petal can cost several thousands of Magic Crystals…. It can even aid a magician in advancing….”

  However, it was extremely difficult to predict luck in this world. After sticking to his statement that the Void Flower was indeed used up, Kroft had no other choice but to believe him.

  What followed next was that the mentor and student spoke of Leylin’s recent journeying experiences. When Kroft learned that Leylin had successfully completed the mission from the academy, he expressed his congratulations.

  Towards the end, Leylin asked in a solemn tone, “Professor, regarding the recalling of the acolytes to the academy…..”

  Why he did not ask the academy directly was, naturally, because he was afraid that it would be a trap. It may have very well been that the chairman of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy had some other plans, and might be prepared to sacrifice a bunch of acolytes.

  “….” Kroft remained silent on the other side of the communication spell, before finally speaking again some time later.

  “The recall of acolytes, this time, had indeed been approved by the chairman and board of directors. I can assure you that there is no lie in the recall, but….”

  Leylin hesitated and held his breath, afraid to disturb his mentor.

  “Originally, if you were still a Level 2 Acolyte, I would most likely have not approved of you returning to the academy. However, now that you are a Level 3 Acolyte, things are different. Let me ask you, do you wish to advance to an official Magus?”

  Kroft asked suddenly.

  “A Rank 1 Magus. It is often the starting point for a Magus who pursues the truth. I definitely want to advance!” Leylin’s voice was low.

  “If that is the case, then come back! When you’re here, I’ll tell you everything! There isn’t much time now….” The pink ear shuddered and exploded immediately, turning into a huge cloud of smoke as it dissipated into the air.

  In the empty cave, Kroft’s voice finally resounded one last time, “Heed my words! This opportunity is extremely rare but is also accompanied by danger. If you wish to walk further down the path of a Magus, then hurry back!”

  Leylin looked at the gradually disappearing smoke and muttered to himself.

  Through the long distance communication with Kroft today, although time was short, Leylin was able to understand the circumstances within the academy.

  From this, he knew that the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy had indeed extricated itself from danger but the war seemed to still be ongoing. This was why the academy forcefully recalled its acolytes back.

  Moreover, opportunities often came hand in hand with risks. Looking at Kroft’s opinion, it seemed that plenty of opportunities would await him if he returned. It even related to the advancement that Leylin would have to undergo in the future.

  “An official Magus!”

  Leylin walked towards the entrance of the cave, and looked at the downcast sky and pitter-patter sounds of the downpour, letting out a sigh.

  These few days, apart from making haste, he did nothing else but to go to a few magician markets to have a look. However, no matter how many Magic Crystals he was willing to part with, the market never contained any information pertaining to the advancement of an official Magus. Moreover, no one even sold a method of obtaining such information.

  Looking at it, it seemed as though a large, invisible hand had directly hauled all of the information regarding official Magi away, not letting anyone else know of it.

  “To be able to monopolise the information to such an extent, it must be supported by, at least, a majority of magicians within the large organisations and factions in the South Coast….”

  81 - Granite Ape

  Leylin’s gaze seemed distant as if sparks of wisdom radiated from it.

  “For the Magi of the upper echelons, under the circumstances where they are unable to advance any further, their only concern is the protection and prosperity of their own family and factions!”

  “For that, they monopolised the knowledge of advancing to a Magus, isolating wandering magicians and halting their advancement. Moreover, even the academy has strictly regulated the information given for an acolyte to advance into a Level 3 Acolyte. . . ”

  Leylin, who came from another world, naturally saw through these methods of sealing away information.

  However, compared to those high and mighty Magi, Leylin was currently but an ant. Even if he saw through it, there was no way that he could resist it.

  After all, Leylin was only a Level 3 Acolyte, and not even an official Magus!

  “There is definitely information in the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy regarding the experience of advancement to a Rank 1 Magus, but I’m afraid it’s not something that I can obtain easily! It’s a pity, but this is already the most probable situation I can think of….”

  Leylin looked at the distant raindrops, sinking into deep thoughts.

  After the harrowing experience of advancing to a Level 3 Acolyte, Leylin was rather traumatic over the incident. Before making preparations fully and obtaining enough information, he would definitely not dare to breakthrough into an official Magus.

  For magicians, the step to become an official Magus, from an acolyte, was the most crucial step, and no mistakes could be allowed.

  Leylin was, however, unable to discover any information pertaining to this. Furthermore, to obtain this information, he could only plan to seize it from an official Magus.

However, the strength of official Magi far exceeded that of a Level 3 Acolyte. Not to mention that the defensive force field surrounding the official Magi which the A.I. Chip had detected. Leylin had no means, even now, to break through it. The difficulty of obtaining information on advancement from an official Magus had long surpassed Leylin’s limits. Only if Leylin was mad would he proceed with it.

  As for what Leylin knew, obtaining information on the advancement was the most appropriate method.

  “According to the news that Kroft had hinted at earlier, although it might be rather dangerous at this time, it is also the best chance to obtain these resources and information!”

  Leylin looked at the raging thunderstorm outside and suddenly steeled his heart.

  Although he was someone who treasured his life dearly, in this situation where his path seemed bleak, he could only muster up courage, and take a gamble!

  Right now, he was at the optimal age to advance to an official Magus. Once he missed this chance, even if he could obtain resources and information in future, it would be unlikely that his aged body would support him through the breakthrough to a Rank 1 Magus.

  Moreover, it was not as though he did not have any confidence. At the very least, according to his own hypothesis and the A.I. Chip’s simulations, there was, at least, a 90% chance that the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy required him to fulfill some sort of dangerous mission, and hence, would not sacrifice him! This was enough for him to take a gamble!

  “I’ll take a gamble this once! If I am unable to scale the absolute peak and observe the radiance from the rays of dawn, then let me be sludge and sink thoroughly into the earth, and rot!”

  His eyes sparkled as he gazed intensely at the thunderstorm raging in front of him.


  Three days later, in the outer vicinity of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

  More than half of the surrounding forests around the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy had already been destroyed. The ground was filled with traces of holes and depressions. Not far away, a few patches of the ground were white in colour, and on top of it were some rubble and ashes. From these, one could surmise what kind of bitter battle the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy had gone through!

  “It was actually reduced to a state like this….” Leylin rode the large horse and dashed ahead, feeling absolutely gleeful that he had made an unwavering decision to leave the academy beforehand.

  It had been such a massive battle that it had actually even ruined half of the geography around the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy. If Leylin were to remain here, he did not have any confidence in protecting his life.

  Following the path and traveling on for another dozen minutes, a huge graveyard appeared before Leylin’s eyes.

  This was the underground entrance to the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, a large granite graveyard. However, right now, half of the tombstones were shattered, and many graves were also dug open, revealing the dark passages within. The surrounding stone walls and mud reflected signs having been abused by many spells. Before Leylin’s eyes, the alert of the A.I. Chip continuously sounded, revealing the extremely high radiation from some traces of these spells.

  “Every little tombstone here was actually a personal passageway for each professor in the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy and all are now in such ruins….”

  Although he long knew that the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy would definitely suffer a catastrophic loss, this miserable scene still caused Leylin to inhale a mouthful of cold ai

  * Bang! *

  Leylin casually kicked a stone on the floor, and walked towards the centremost area of the graveyard, where a huge tombstone that looked like a castle was erected.

  This was the huge entrance to Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, and was the common path for all acolytes.

  The surface of the castle was littered with cracks, and part of the topmost area was chipped off. What remained was tottering, and seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Seeing such a sight made Leylin somewhat worried; he felt that if he were to stick a finger out and poke it, this castle of a tombstone would crumble.

  “Halt! Outsider! If you are unable to show any items of proof, I will make you pay the price of blood!”

  The two stone statues by the large entrance were completely destroyed. The Winged Earthworm and Two-Headed Dog from before were now gone. Right when Leylin wanted to enter, a metallic voice sounded.

  Accompanying that voice, a large shadow from the peak of the ashened castle climbed down at a rapid speed. This black figure was taller by an average human by two heads, and its hands were extremely long, extending to the ground.

  Although the castle tombstone was filled with cracks, no matter how this black figure climbed, the castle did not waver an inch. Obviously, the construction of Abyssal Bone Forest Academy was not as weak as it seemed on the surface.

  * Bang! * The black figure leapt, and a huge shadow was projected on the ground, completely engulfing Leylin.

  * Thud! * The black figure pounded on the ground, bringing up a layer of dust.

  Leylin squinted and finally saw the appearance of the black figure. This was a large ape-like creature. Its whole body was layered with granite, and both of its hands propped itself up on the ground.

  [Beep! A creature with high levels of energy has been detected. Now comparing to database. Determined as Granite Ape!] The A.I. Chip’s voice intoned.

  Granite Ape was a creature in the Magus World with a battle strength comparable to an official Magus.

  “I sense the energy waves emanating from the item of proof on your body, take it out!”

  The Granite Ape looked at Leylin, and sniffed him with its large snout. As the ape approached, an extremely dense and putrid stench wafted over. Leylin had to muster up a lot of strength to endure the need to frown.

  “Item of proof?”

  Leylin thought for a while, before hurriedly withdrawing the red metal card from his sack that he obtained before when taking up the mission.

  “So it was this!”

  The Granite Ape took the metal card and swallowed it in one gulp, as if munching on some delicacy. It even closed its eyes to savour the taste of it.

  “It’s an acolyte of Abyssal Bone Forest Academy who took on an outside mission previously!”

  After a dozen seconds, the Granite Ape opened its large eyes and said to Leylin, “Brat, enter!”

  “Please accept my offerings!” Leylin thought, and bowed before the Granite Ape, before taking a bunch of banana like fruits and placing it on the ground.

  “Elephant Stout Bananas! Not bad, not bad!” The large ape nodded its head, and took one from the bunch and peeled it, before tossing it into its mouth, as if it could not wait.

  “Can I ask what happened to the two guardians from before?”

  Leylin asked cautiously, after seeing the Granite Ape enjoying itself.

  “They’re dead!” The large ape answered concisely, and Leylin gasped silently.

  This was something that he had long guessed. The two statues were obviously the first line of defense for the academy. After being attacked, they would easily be the first to perish.

  After another bow, Leylin entered through the entrance of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

  The dimly lit flight of downward stairs was the same as from before, when Leylin had left the academy.


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