Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596 Page 120

by Wen Chao Gong

  Several hours later, Leylin bade Crew farewell with a huge grin on his face, and he returned to the villa.

  In the study room, a white ball formed from magic was floating in mid-air, giving off vivid rays of light that were not too harsh on the eyes, and brightening up the entire study as if it were day.

  Leylin sat on an armchair, holding a stiff goose feather quill pen, and seemingly deep in thought.

  On the surface of the piece of parchment spread out over the table, there were several handwritten lines written in black ink.

  At the very top of the list was Ennea Ivory Ring Tower and Mercifura Academy, followed by Four Seasons Garden, and the tier below was the Hand of Femke, Human Faced Lion’s Eye, Aide Society, and the like.

  These were obviously the names of the true powers behind Nightless City.

  “Ennea Ivory Ring Tower and Mercifura Academy are both schools and have the harshest requirements for Magi who wish to enter. They even demand that Magi hand over a part of their spirit, and make an unbreakable vow! Even though their treatment is the best, I won’t go there.”

  From the very start, Leylin crossed off Ennea Ivory Ring Tower and Mercifura Academy from the piece of parchment.

  “As for the Hand of Femke and the Human Faced Lion’s Eye, they are both organisations formed by and for half-humans. The ratio of pure humans to half-humans is quite low, and there are rumours that they are discriminated against, so I’m not going there either!”

  Once again, Leylin struck off two organisations from the list with a wave off his black goose feather quill pen.

  “As for Aide Society, they are more partial towards using positive energy magic. It’s an organisation made up of light Magi who are known for their healing abilities, which is definitely not my cup of tea…”

  Leylin struck off the characters that represented Aide Society.

  There was just one lonely option left on the parchment.

  “Four Seasons Garden. I guess this is my only choice…”

  Leylin had a bitter smile on his face. From the information that he had received from Crew, Leylin had a certain level of understanding regarding the organisations backing Nightless City.

  However, many of them did not meet his requirements.

  He was thinking of entering an organisation as an external lecturer or a visitor, but most organisations required their recruits to pledge their absolute loyalty to them.

  There were some with more lax prerequisites, but unfortunately, their specialisation did not coincide with Leylin’s interests, so he could not learn much from them.

  No matter how he saw it, Four Seasons Garden was his only option.

  Four Seasons Garden was a large scale Magi organisation. There were rumours that it was founded by a formidable Potioneering organization, and even now, Four Seasons Garden was still well known for its cultivation of vegetation, as well as Potioneering.

  This coincided with what Leylin was studying.

  The requirements to enter this organisation were also laxer, and those who had talent in Potioneering received excellent treatment.

  Leylin had already achieved a certain level of attainment in Potioneering, and with the help of the A.I. Chip, he was almost as good as his mentor, Kroft. If he revealed just a small portion of his talent, it would definitely be enough to gain the respect of the Magi at Four Seasons Garden.

  Since Four Seasons Garden was a Magi organisation renowned for Potioneering, it was sure to have many formulas, even including those ancient Potioneering formulas.

  In addition, the large quantities of documents and books that they possessed would definitely be extremely helpful for the A.I. Chip’s database.

  As Leylin pondered, a trace of anticipation flashed within his eyes.

  The next day, Leylin donned leather armour, with a cross blade in a silver scabbard, and went to the second level of the communal centre in the Nightless City.

  The level of activity in the construction resembling a gargantuan palm was very high; every now and then, magicians walked in and out like scurrying ants.

  This time, Leylin entered through the passage that resembled the thumb.

  Most of the Magi here were rank 1, with cold auras that deterred others from getting into close proximity with them.

  “These are most likely wandering Magi coming here to seek an opportunity!”

  Leylin inadvertently scanned his surroundings and saw several strangely dressed Magi. Just based on the energy waves radiating from them, Leylin felt a sense of danger. With just one look at them, one could tell that they were no pushovers.

  There was a large hall at the end of the passage, and straight ahead of it, there were several counters that were separated by glass windows. Within those counters, several magicians seemed to be scribbling on their papers.

  154 - Four Seasons Garden

  As there were only a few official Magi, empty counters were readily available.

  There were a few magicians sitting on the big benches around the hall as if waiting for something or someone.

  Leylin looked around and arrived in the front of an empty counter.

  “Hello!” The young maiden behind the counter seemed to emit the energy waves of a level 3 acolyte. Upon seeing Leylin, she greeted him cheerfully, as her face brightened up with a smile.

  “I wish to join Four Seasons Garden, hence I’m here to apply!” Leylin directly told her his purpose for arriving.

  “Nightless City welcomes you as our newest member!” After listening to Leylin’s request, the young maiden’s smiling expression was more pronounced. “Please show me your ring!”

  Leylin removed the silver ring from his finger and handed it over to her.

  The young maiden reached out for the ring, placed it onto an instrument from behind the counter, and then respectfully handed the ring back to Leylin.

  “Please fill out this form, and we will send a reply to you as soon as possible!” Subsequently, the young maiden handed a sheepskin parchment form to Leylin.

  Leylin glanced at the form.

  The questions on the form were simple. They asked for a name, aptitude, elemental affinity, address, and so on. On the back of the form was a note, allowing magicians to fill in other information they deemed as important.

  Leylin quickly filled out the form and handed it back to the maiden.

  The maiden accepted the form from Leylin and pressed on the crystal ball in front of her as if consulting something. Soon after, her face reflected her joy.

  “Lord Leylin! A few examiners from Four Seasons Garden will be here this afternoon to conduct a test. You’ll only have to wait for a bit…”

  “Oh? It seems like lady luck is shining on me!”

  Leylin smiled as he nodded his head; he had finally found out what those magicians in the hall were waiting for.

  According to Crew, after wandering magicians handed over their application forms, they would have to wait for the examiners of the various guilds, who would classify their abilities through an assessment.

  The timing was not fixed. It could be as short as a few days, or as long as a few months.

  This time, however, Leylin had managed to catch the right timing.

  “Thank you!”

  Leylin thanked the girl behind the glass window, and proceeded to a corner of the hall devoid of others, and closed his eyes as he waited.

  “Hello Mister, would you like some lunch?”

  A somewhat timid female voice sounded near Leylin.

  Leylin opened his eyes and realised that a maid pushing a white dining cart had come up to him.

  On the dining cart, there were a few silver plates on which a temperature-maintaining spell had been cast. Even though they were covered, the food’s aroma still drifted over to Leylin’s nose.

  “What kinds of dishes are there? Do they require magic crystals for payment?” Leylin asked with curiosity.

  It was evident that it was the first time the maid had seen an easygoing magician l
ike Leylin; her reaction was sluggish. “There is roasted lamb thigh, calf loin… As for dessert, there’s an assorted fruit salad! All of these are complimentary…”

  Leylin nodded his head. It seemed that official Magi were treated pretty well in the Nightless City.

  This was common sense. It didn’t matter where it was; a person who had mastered a certain degree of power or ability would always be valued.

  “Give me one portion of the roasted lamb thigh, as well as a portion of the fruit salad!”

  The lobby was very large, and there were even customised compartment rooms that one could choose so stay in. Other than meals, it seemed that there were other special offers.

  Leylin personally witnessed a huge magician pulling a maid into one of the compartment rooms. Following which, sounds of repressed moans could be heard.

  “L… Lord, if you want…” The maid servicing Leylin was also quite a beauty and combined with her slightly shy demeanour, caused one to feel lusty, and desire to ravage her.

  “There is no need. I’ll just eat outside!”

  Leylin shook his head. Inside the hall were some round tables and long benches, similar to the layout of a coffee place from his past life, where one could stay to dine.

  Leylin considered whether he had his sperms acting as a brain. With the assessment commencing this afternoon, how could that magician still think of something like this? Wasn’t he afraid that his current actions would adversely affect his state of mind and ability to produce results during the assessment?

  Upon hearing Leylin’s response, the maid released a sigh of relief. Soon afterwards, whether it was because she felt like she had been relieved of a huge burden, or she just felt empty, Leylin had made his way into her heart.

  While the maid looked at Leylin, who exuded elegance and charisma, she momentarily felt an indescribable feeling.

  Leylin, on the other hand, did not notice the maid’s feelings.

  He was currently skilfully controlling the knife and fork in his hands, sending the lamb thigh meat into his mouth. Every move he made had an indescribable feeling of elegance and grace to it.

  In his previous life, Leylin was someone who paid extra attention to etiquette, and as the heir to an aristocrat, the previous Leylin had also undergone etiquette lessons over a long period of time.

  As a result, the original Leylin was very noble-like, and when coupled with the charisma he had gained from the Kemoyin bloodline, plenty of young female magicians favoured him.

  Just by walking along the streets of Nightless City, the present Leylin would spot several young ladies stealing glances at him.

  There were even a few voluptuous female magicians that directly requested a date with Leylin, causing him to be dumbfounded.

  After having a pretty tasty lunch, Leylin waited for a while before entering the hall, in which a large commotion was occurring amongst the magicians.

  “Are they here?”

  Leylin watched attentively as two Magi, who wore white robes imprinted with four unknown flower designs, walked to the center of the hall.

  Next to them were two other Magi wrapped in white cloaks, revealing nothing but two pairs of green eyes.

  “Today is the day of assessment for Four Seasons Garden and Hand of Femke. Those who have submitted their application form and would like to join Hand of Femke, please come with me!”

  One of the Magi with green eyes spoke first in a hoarse voice as if his vocal cords had been damaged.

  At the moment that he began to speak, the surrounding air started to faintly vibrate. Circles of aquamarine light started to loom around his body.

  “This is …… a semi­-converted elemental Magus?!” Leylin blinked.

  This type of energy wave was similar to the one that he had seen from the clone of the elder of the Lilytell Family.

  After the cloaked figure revealed his strength as a semi-converted elemental Magus, the whole hall turned silent.

  Magi only respected and answered to power and strength, and this was even truer among wandering magicians and dark Magi.

  Furthermore, under normal circumstances, wandering magicians and wanted Magi had no fixed ways of breaking through their bottlenecks due to the lack of means to obtain advanced academic knowledge, potions, and the like.

  As a result, wandering magicians were generally of lower levels. Even amongst the wandering official Magi, it was extremely rare to find a semi­-converted elemental Magus.

  While the large Magi organizations of Nightless City could easily dispatch two semi-converted elemental Magi as examiners, this kind of power was something that smaller organizations could only hope to achieve.

  After the cloaked figured finished his speech, he left without delay, and headed to a nearby side tunnel, while his companion followed behind without a word.

  Upon hearing the words of the green eyed magician, many magicians in the hall stood up and followed closely behind him.

  Leylin could sense a mixture of energies emanating from these magicians. Some even had fur on their faces, which was an obvious trait of being half beast.

  “It’s a pity, They’re just a tribe of sub-human Magi and not Warlocks!”

  Leylin now anxiously wished to be able to find another Warlock organisation.

  He simply had too many unanswered questions regarding this ancient branch of Magi, the Warlock. With just the Book of Giant Serpents, he wouldn’t be able to go far upon the path of his bloodline.

  However, unfortunately, warlocks seemed to be extinct within the South Coast. Leylin had travelled this far and had only been able to find a little girl in the Inlan Dukedom, who had a very slight connection with warlocks.

  “Hello, everyone! I am Wade, a Magus from the Four Seasons Garden! This person next to me is Tyne!”

  In comparison to the lack of politeness received from the men from Hand of Femke, the two main examiners from Four Seasons Garden were friendlier.

  Wade, the middle-aged magician with golden hair, had taken the initiative and introduced himself. Tyne, who was next to him, was silent and taciturn, and sometimes even absent-minded.

  However, from their bodies, one could feel that they possessed the strong energy waves of a semi­-converted elemental Magus, discouraging wandering Magi from causing trouble.

  “Now! Those who want to be assessed for Four Seasons Garden, please come with me!”

  The golden-haired Wade turned towards the side road in the opposite direction that the Magi from the Hand of Femke had taken. Tyde followed closely behind.

  Leylin and the rest of the five or six magicians exchanged glances and started taking strides to catch up.

  The side road was long, and the path was made of an unusual and bizarre material. The floor had no traces of cracks, and it was smooth and glossy. Leylin could even see his own reflection on the ground.

  After walking for about ten minutes, Leylin and the rest arrived at a hall that was slightly smaller than the one from before.

  In the middle of the hall, there were several experiment tables and equipment for Potioneering.


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