Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596 Page 234

by Wen Chao Gong

  Unfortunately, although these underground resources were also very valuable, most of them held no interest for Leylin.

  With the A.I. Chip’s knowledge of some ancient information, he could easily identify the items on display and recognize their names and origins. It was a pity that while these resources were useful for a level 1 Magus, they were of no use to Leylin, who had already advanced to a level 2 Magus.

  However, after all was said and done, the underworld was not the same as the south coast. Leylin did not recognise some of the items on display, and as a result, his curiosity was piqued.

  “What is this?”

  Leylin walked up to a table just ahead and picked up an item that had been placed on a white tablecloth.

  It was a uniquely shaped bone flute, with one side having some irregular, round holes.

  “This is the Saxon bagpipes, which was inherited from the McKinsey era’s Leighton archduchy. It is said the tune it produces is very beautiful, even surpassing the songs sung by mermaids. Thus, it can be used as bait to trap mermaids. Unfortunately, ever since the Leighton archduchy’s destruction, there hasn’t been anyone who knows how to play this instrument…”

  The seller was a middle-aged fellow who was suitably attired for this occasion. In his hand was a long-stemmed wine glass full of a dark-red wine.

  “I am very interested in these kinds of ancient musical instruments. I have currently already acquired 3912 varieties of musical instruments from different eras, and have housed them in my collection room. However, this item that I’m holding right now will not be able to shine on my hands, so I am in search of a more suitable owner”

  The middle-aged gentleman’s face appeared regretful as if he was saying goodbye to his own lover

  “If you can use this item to play the ancient Requiem, then it is all yours.” He raised his glass of wine to toast Leylin.

  “Umm! I beg your pardon, but I have only a little understanding in playing a musical instrument…”

  Leylin was somewhat silent, but this was also the norm for Magi. Due to their long lifespans, apart from always doing experiments and cultivating, Magi also took some time to have some extra fun.

  Preferring to hoard some special kind of collectibles was not a very common or safe hobby. Some dark Magi even experienced a big change in their temperaments, as they got addicted to collecting strange collectibles—some of which even reeked of blood—and finally caused harm to others and themselves.

  “That is truly regrettable! However, one day, I will definitely be able to find its genuine owner.” This gentleman seemed to truly feel regret and sighed. “Come! Let us drink to the moment that my precious item will find its owner! Toast!”

  “Cheers!” Leylin inwardly sneered, but still picked up a glass of orange juice. Then middle-aged gentleman touched his glass to Leylin’s, issuing a clear ‘ding’ sound.

  There were but a few in this trading session like this strange, gentlemanly Magus. Most of the Magi were doing their exchanges quietly. There were some who had clearly defined that their items could only be exchanged for items or resources, while the others also accepted magic crystals and completed their transactions.

  In the Twilight Zone, magic crystals were also a commonly used currency among Magi.

  Leylin exploited those transactions that used magic crystals to buy several resources that could only be found in the Twilight Zone, intending to go back and look over each of them thoroughly.

  Because he was worried that both parties’ magic crystals might have subtle differences, Leylin had purified all the magic crystals he had brought from the south coast and had converted them into magic crystals with the purest essence he could produce.

  Magic crystals with this kind of purity were just like that magic crystal used by Leylin when he had opened the ancient teleportation formation. This was because after undergoing the purification process many times, it was now impossible to find any characteristics of the south coast in Leylin’s magic crystals.

  It was just like that matter with the gold coins. The decorative design on the gold coins from the south coast was not too similar to those from Twilight Zone, but Leylin had melted down all his gold coins into a lump of gold so that no person would be able to tell that it was from the south coast.


  While Leylin was walking around, he was occasionally observing the other Magi bargaining, trading, and so on, silently watching and learning from them. At this time, however, something on a white table caught his attention.

  “What is this?”

  Leylin picked up an item that looked like a shard of ice from the white table, appearing to be interested in that item.

  This ice shard was preserved within a green jade box as if it was a very valuable treasure.

  However, this feature wasn’t why it had caught Leylin’s eye.

  While he was walking to this table, he had felt a movement in his blood essence, as if it were reacting to some item, and that item was this ice shard.

  At this moment, while Leylin was holding onto the ice shard with both his hands, the sensation he had felt before had now intensified.

  *Zi! Zi*! A white mist appeared out from that ice shard and very quickly condensed into a layer of thick frost that froze Leylin’s fingers.

  This degree of white frost could not do any harm to Leylin, but he still was pleasantly surprised to find that when this cold air invaded him, there was an odd change that had occurred to the Kemoyin’s bloodline in his body.

  This feeling, it is as if a person who was burning with rage suddenly had ice-cold water poured on him. It really is very enjoyable!

  Leylin heaved a mental sigh.

  A Warlock’s emotional instability was a bloodline illness, and it had already caused Leylin trouble for a long time. Although the A.I. Chip, in accordance with the research notes and the original prescription of the tranquility potion left behind by the Great Magus Serholm, had allocated more of the high-level tranquility potion, in the end, it could only suppress the illness, and could not completely cure it.

  Now, this ice shard-like item in his hand caused him to feel some hope!

  “I feel that this item I am holding can suppress the negative effects on my emotions for at least a year! If I find more items like these, then perhaps the emotional instabilities can be completely cured.”

  A joyous sparkle appeared in Leylin’s eyes, but it was quickly concealed.

  He did not want to expose any emotion before he got his hands on the name and origin of the ice-shard.

  “This is the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath. Icy Jade Scorpions live deep within ice caves, and their saliva has the effect of boosting the advancement of plenty of ice element high-level meditation techniques. It is being sold for 500,000 magic crystals, or can be exchanged for an item of similar worth…”

  In front of Leylin was an extremely beautiful female Magus.

  Her long purple robes could not hide the curves of the body. Instead, it was even more enchanting as the robes failed to conceal them. Her light purple hair was let down like a waterfall, and her exquisite face carried a smile.

  This woman’s looks definitely ranked in the top ten of all females Leylin had ever seen, and in addition, she looked extremely intelligent and capable.

  “I have an experiment which requires a large amount of this item; can you bring me to the ice cave? Or perhaps, I can purchase them in bulk”

  From the smile of the woman, Leylin knew that she had seen through his urgent need for the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath, so he just calmly admitted it.

  Research And Experiment

  Meanwhile, a magic crystal was tossed onto the table.

  Leylin kept the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath in his palm with no intentions of returning it.

  “Is it just an experiment?”

  The purple-haired Magus said with a grin. The magic crystal on the table flew into her hands, leaving behind a flickering black afterimage.

n merely looked at her with a vacant stare, as if what he had said was the truth.

  “Alright then!” The female Magus elegantly raised her finger, on which her fingernail had been painted with the red sap of a daffodil, and kept the magic crystal.

  “I’m Celine! You can contact me in the future for more information regarding the Icy Jade Scorpion. This is my secret imprint!”

  She then passed her secret imprint, which looked like a purple daffodil, to Leylin.

  Leylin nodded and left the area, and right after that, a plump Magus walked up to Celine and began to chat with her earnestly.

  “Leylin, my friend! Where are you going?”

  At this moment, Siegfried strolled up to where he was.

  “You came at the right time. Do you know who that purple haired female Magus is?” Leylin pointed at the female Magus who occasionally covered her mouth and giggled while conversing animatedly with the plump Magus.

  “Oh! That’s Celine, the inheritor of a small guild. Although the guild’s strength isn’t much, she is a famous beauty of the eastern capital! However, she’s extremely crafty, and many Magi who have harboured designs on her have suffered. She’s not someone you’d want to provoke…”

  Siegfried looked at Leylin before grinning. “Why? Are you interested in her?”

  “No! We just had some dealings previously.”

  After listening to Siegfried’s explanation, he was even more sure that Celine was not a simple woman. The grip he had on the box unconsciously tightened.

  However, the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath was paramount to his path as a Warlock, so he absolutely could not miss this chance.

  “It seems like I’ll have to play with this vixen for a while!”

  Leylin smiled as he glanced at Celine.


  In the eastern capital, within the villa that Leylin bought.

  After Baelin’s silent farewell, only Leylin was left as the sole occupant of the grand villa. As Leylin had not bought any slaves, it felt rather empty in here.

  At this moment, Leylin had separately constructed a concealed tunnel in the underground cellar.

  At the end of the tunnel was a spacious underground lab, at the centre of which was a silver metal experimental desk with test-tubes lying on top of it. All of these things were items that Leylin had brought along with him.

  “What a strange item!”

  At this moment, Leylin used silver tweezers and held the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath as blue light shined in his eyes.

  With the aid of the microscopic analysing abilities of the A.I. Chip, the surface on the icy shard continuously enlarged, finally revealing a strange rune with six sides.

  Chilliness churned and emanated from this strange rune.

  [Beep! The analysis of the components of the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath is complete! Creating matrixes and images! Beginning simulation of the experiments on bloodline!]

  Soon, the A.I. Chip’s voice intoned.

  “Let’s begin!” Leylin inhaled deeply.

  [Authorisation received. Beginning the simulation of experiment on bloodline!] The A.I. Chip worked on the data. Leylin’s eyes blurred as he seemed to enter a different dimension. He could vaguely make out a translucent human figure with purple blood running through their veins.

  [Injecting the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath!] With the A.I. Chip’s voice, two thin metal needles pierced the humanoid figure at the shoulders, and images then showed a strange white liquid flowing into the body.

  *Huala!* Once the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath had entered the body, it frothed as if hot oil had met with icy water, creating a very strong reaction.

  The experimented-on body began to shake violently, and the numbers which represented the data of the figure changed wildly, almost turning into a blur.

  [Blood flow and pressure are increased, and burden on the body is multiplied by five!]

  From time to time, the A.I. Chip would update and interpret the new figures for Leylin.

  “Begin the radiation of energy particles! Stabilise the vitality within!” Leylin ordered once again.

  Soon, black Dark elemental energy particles began to emanate from the experimental body, and under such radiation, the body slowly began to stabilise.

  Finally, the experimental body returned to its original state, and the purple blood in the body continued to flow, just like wine inside a glass.

  The main difference was that the blood had dulled a little and become darker.

  [Warlock’s bloodline emotional stability experiment was successful! Estimated time for suppressing the core emotional waves: 345 days, 13 hours.] The A.I Chip gave an accurate analysis of the experiment.

  “If the dosage is increased, could it prevent any troubles in the future?” Leylin asked the A.I. Chip.

  [Data is insufficient. Analysing the data’s probabilities…] The A.I. Chip once again went into a computing mode.

  Only after five hours had passed did the A.I. Chip come up with a reply. [Success rate is 67%. Requires more high-level Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath.]

  “As expected! This kind of Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath can really cure problems with Warlocks’ emotions.”

  Leylin’s eyes shone brightly with happiness.

  Although the ancient bloodline Warlocks had powerful physiques and magic capabilities, it was very difficult for them to advance.

  However, this was not the main reason why the Warlock inheritance declined!

  As a result of their access to powerful ancient bloodlines, a Warlock would also inherit the intact genes—which were deeply imbued with tyrannical and terrifying emotions—of ancient predators.

  Because of this, a Warlock’s personality was often irascible, and they were quick-tempered, which was a fatal flaw in the Magus world.

  No matter how powerful one was, what was the point in having such power if one could not control their own spirit?

  Therefore, the calm and rational Magi could pass on their legacies. However, there were no traces of Warlocks on the south coast and Twilight Zone; perhaps only the central continent had some of the legacies left behind by Warlocks.

  “Icy Jade Scorpion!”

  Leylin quickly sorted out all the information he had related to this organism.

  After being told the name of this crystal, Leylin began an intensive study on the characteristics, habitats, capabilities, etc. of this organism, and gathered all of the relevant data.

  “Icy Jade Scorpion, a high energy organism that reaches the might of a rank 1 Magus in its adult stages. In search of fertile lands, they often reside in icy caves! Legend has it that they came from another world back in ancient times, and after entering the Twilight Zone, they underwent some evolutionary changes. Only the special radiation reflected from certain types of topaz are able to sustain their lives and reproduction capabilities. Their crystallised breath is known to have stimulating effects on certain high-grade meditation techniques.”

  This was a brief summary of all the information Leylin had gathered.

  The icy cave’s resources had already been monopolised by several guilds, and was in the process of being excavated. It would be extremely difficult for Leylin to enter on his own.

  “No matter what, I have to obtain the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath!” Flames of desire glinted in Leylin’s eyes, “Even if the heavens fall and the earth crumbles, I will not stop under any circumstances!”

  Suppressing a bloodline Warlock’s emotional instability proved to be extremely difficult, as even though there were so many ancient Magi, they could only discover ways to suppress it. If not for Leylin having the A.I. Chip and bloodline acting as a reminder, he definitely would not have been able to discover the use of the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath this easily.

  Leylin did not feel that he would chance upon such a lucky encounter again!

  “However, using the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath as a suppressant may not work for all Warlocks, and may not even work for others with the Giant K
emoyin Serpent’s bloodline. However, the A.I. Chip managed to find a resource that is able to work specifically for me!”

  Leylin’s face was extremely solemn.

  There were no remedies to treat the emotional instability of Warlocks. Also, due to the difference in bloodlines, each Warlock had a unique bodily attribute. Hence, Leylin himself was not sure whether the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath would be effective.

  It was very likely that the Icy Jade Scorpion’s Breath would aid Leylin, but not another Warlock with the Giant Kemoyin Serpent’s bloodline.

  In other words, the unique characteristics of this resource made it especially effective for Leylin!


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