Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596 Page 293

by Wen Chao Gong

  After all, all the resources he had plundered from Twilight Zone were more than enough for him to use for himself as well as to construct the Magus Tower. Since his needs were all taken care of, Leylin would not even consider this. It was much too shameless.

  It was now night.

  In the large Onyx Castle, candles and oil lamps were used everywhere to illuminate the area. There were even illumination spells such as Eternal Light in several areas, filling the interior of the castle with light. From afar, the castle was like a large, dazzling column of fire, overflowing with radiance and heat.

  All his subordinates and vassals were gathered in the ballroom. After enjoying a sumptuous meal together, Leylin returned to his bedroom alone.

  This was the most secure area in Onyx Castle. Not only were there many regular elite human troops patrolling, if one went further in, some specific detection spell formations and guard Warlocks would appear.

  He closed his eyes inside his bedroom, and the general situation in the castle entered his vision. He could not help but nod. “Looks like Parker and the rest are doing quite well.”

  The defence of Onyx Castle was not bad. Though it was far from perfect, it was impossible for rank 2 Magi to sneak in.

  ‘To truly make Onyx Castle a strategic stronghold against Magi, it might take over a hundred years to strengthen the defensive spell formations bit by bit. The radiation unwittingly given off by high-ranked Magi residing here has to affect the whole castle and strengthen it…’ Leylin rubbed his chin as he pondered.

  The higher ranked a Magus was, the easier it was for them to affect their surroundings. Leylin believed that just by emitting the terrifying might of their bodies in the castle, Breaking Dawn Magi could affect the quality of the castle itself. The powerful members of the Magus World could even give the castle a life of its own, having it give birth to many strange creatures.

  These were the best foundations in creating defensive spell formations. As long as one subdued the castle’s spirit and enslaved all the strange creatures, the defence of the castle would reach its peak.

  With his own radiation, he could achieve a similar effect. However, the time taken would be more than a century.

  If numerous Magi were to reside here, this time could be shortened.

  Hence, the older a Magus’ castle, the more profound the strength of the defence. There would also be many strange occurrences that even the Magus family occupying the castle would not be able to explain.

  But now? There was still a long way to go on his own.

  Leylin calmed his thoughts and conveniently pressed some button on his bed. With a mechanical sound, the large bed in front of him opened up and revealed a passageway that led downwards.

  Leylin walked in expressionlessly. After he entered, the machine closed itself and no trace of it could be seen from the outside.

  The path was long, and by the time Leylin had walked to the end, he had reached deep underground. It was at least several thousand meters below the surface.

  At the end of this path, there was a standard underground laboratory. The surrounding stone walls were full of runes that prevented energy from dissipating and isolated all auras.

  “Though this is still very crude, it’s good enough.” Leylin waved his hand as he entered the laboratory, and a defensive screen of light closed off the pathway. This screen was still flickering with a glaring light, and it was obvious that it concealed an extremely powerful defensive spell formation.

  This was a temporary laboratory Leylin had constructed. Before the Magus Tower was done, some secret experiments could be done here.

  Leylin patted the spatial pouch on his waist, and silver rays lit up. Three items appeared on the ground.

  One was a giant green crystal that contained a spell formation. Within the transparent crystal were a few runes that were constantly shifting like a fog.

  Another was an irregular black vessel in the shape of a shell. It held within a it green blood that emitted a nauseating smell.

  The last was a set three purple fruits that looked like apples, although they had a fine layer of snake-like scales on top.

  “A vapourisation spell formation, blood essence of the Corrosive Lizard, and Purple Leaf Snake-scaled Fruit.” Leylin extended his slender fingers, looking through these items once more.

  The A.I. Chip cooperated with a scan, and then relayed the news that there was no mistake.

  “Let’s begin!” Leylin muttered, sitting cross-legged at the heart of the vapourisation spell formation. With a flick of his hand, two pieces of pure magic crystal essence entered the groove in the spell formation.

  The vapourisation spell formation trembled, and the runes within began to undulate violently.

  [Host body beginning attempt to break through the bottleneck of the Vapour Phase. Beginning real time monitoring] The A.I. Chip’s robotic voice followed soon after.

  “Next is the blood of the Corrosive Lizard.” Two streaks of black shot out of Leylin’s eyes, disappearing into the black shell.

  *Plop Plop!* The green blood began to bubble, mist rising and forming a large green lizard in the air. On its skin were numerous signs of corrosion, and its white bones and internal organs could somewhat be seen.

  *Hiss hiss!* The green lizard’s front claw scratched at the earth, as if it was eager to give something a try.

  As if provoked by the Corrosive Lizard, Leylin felt the Giant Kemoyin Serpent bloodline in his body begin to stir.

  WMW Chapter 411


  Leylin’s pupils turned amber in an instant.

  As if it had been provoked, the Giant Kemoyin Serpent bloodline in his body operated frantically, emitting mysterious energy. This energy was nutritious to him, and thus his body immediately absorbed it.

  Under the effect of these mysterious substances, Leylin’s spiritual force began to increase; slowly, but surely!

  “This is the power of the Kemoyin bloodline! Warlocks definitely have a huge advantage in this regard!” he exclaimed.

  The Giant Kemoyin Serpent was a terrifying ancient species, adults of which possessed Morning Star strength. In other words, until a Kemoyin bloodline Warlock attained rank 4, the Giant Kemoyin Serpent bloodline in his body would release a large amount of power to help in his advancements.

  All bloodline Warlocks would receive this aid, but not all bloodlines were created the same. For instance, a Black Horrall Snake bloodline would exhaust its aptitude when helping the Warlock rise to rank 3, and could not help with the advancement to the Vapour Phase or further breakthroughs. It would even become an obstacle to the Warlock’s progress.

  “It is likely that the improvements of Warlocks, and my previous personal breakthroughs were largely attributed to this mysterious energy. Of course, the bloodline shackles thereafter is also largely due to this cause!” Leylin ordered the A.I Chip to record the nature and content of this particular energy so as to allow for future study.

  At the same time, under the influence of the boiling Giant Kemoyin Serpent bloodline, a terrifying phantom in the shape of a black snake had appeared behind Leylin, exuding a powerful and cold majesty.

  Thankfully, Leylin had gone underground and even set up a spell formation specifically to isolate his aura. Otherwise, he would definitely have alarmed the nearby Magi and Warlocks.

  *Hiss* The enormous lifelike Giant Kemoyin Serpent phantom flicked its tongue, and rushed towards the Corrosive Lizard.

  Compared to the enormous snake, the Corrosive Lizard was alike to a pitifully small rat. Even its roars had been suppressed into whimpers.

  *Rumble!* The giant snake phantom opened its big mouth and swallowed the Corrosive Lizard whole.


  Just at the instant when the giant snake shadow had swallowed the Corrosive Lizard, Leylin felt the bloodline strength in his body surge, as if it had become more concentrated. A large amount of strength began overflowing from his body.

  The A.I. Chip showe
d that his spiritual force had begun to skyrocket.

  255… 267… 289… It only stabilised at a value of 299.

  The abrupt surge of spiritual force caused Leylin’s vision to blur even as his brain ground to a momentary halt.

  “Compress!” A spell entered the Vapour Phase spell formation. Very soon, a resplendent glow erupted from the spell formation and enveloped his body.

  The originally violent bright silver spiritual force in his sea of consciousness shrunk under the pressure.

  The large amounts of spiritual force particles, under repeated compression, gave off a greater bright silver glow, and in the end slowly gathered together to form… a fog!

  That was spiritual force in Vapour Phase, the result of a successful compression of his bright silver spiritual force! Leylin was overjoyed at the sight.

  Originally, the bright silver spiritual force was only an indistinct glow. But now, it had become corporeal!

  After the first trace of spiritual force had taken shape, the rest of the spiritual force followed suit, and the conversion became much easier.

  Leylin shut both his eyes tightly. The energy around him shrunk, but it now held increased longevity and was more terrifying than before.

  *Kacha! Kacha!* Light glowed from numerous cracks that appeared on the spell foundation surrounding him, until eventually it crumbled into dust.

  It was at this instant that Leylin opened both his eyes. All the spiritual force in his sea of consciousness had been converted into a thick fog!

  [Ding! Host has entered the Vapour Phase! Spiritual force has experienced changes, re-tabulating results!]

  The A.I chip intoned, and not long after a set of data was projected before Leylin’s eyes.

  [Leylin Farlier. Rank 3 Warlock (Vapour Phase). Bloodline: Giant Kemoyin Serpent, Strength: 23.6, Agility: 20.1, Vitality: 39.1, Spiritual force: 251.3, Magic Power: 251 (Magic power in synchronisation with spiritual force)]

  Even though his spiritual force had reduced from before, it actually gave Leylin a sense of relief.

  The surge previously was just a surface phenomenon. Not only was the additional strength hollow, it was not consolidated. The quality of that type of spiritual force was very low. If not for having been compressed into a vapour, it would have actually impeded further progress.

  And now, even though the total amount had decreased, the quality had increased quite a bit!

  “Vapour Phase!” Leylin lightly waved his hand, and a foggy spiritual force immediately appeared at his fingers.

  This was the first time that his spiritual force had taken a physical form. The bright silver previously was just an indistinct glow, but this haze now was tangible!

  Just that alone showed how tremendous the changes to his spiritual force had been.

  “This is but the beginning! Rank 3 Magi at the Crystal Phase can actually directly condense their spiritual force into crystals that would not dissipate easily. Even after long-term storage, these crystals could be used to replenish their spiritual force, or even sold to others…”

  According to a few deductions of the A.I Chip and Leylin’s own conclusions, this was his future path.

  [Warning! Warning! More than 12.6% of the Host’s cells are injured! Immediate treatment suggested!] The emotionless voice of the A.I. Chip sounded out and Leylin stumbled, almost falling to the ground.

  “This must be the after-effects of the surge and sudden concentration of spiritual force. I’m afraid that, apart from my cells, even my sea of consciousness might have been affected slightly!” Leylin smiled wryly, and thereafter waved his hand once again.

  The three sets of Purple Leaf Snake-scaled Fruit that he had bought appeared in his hands.

  “Thankfully Giant Kemoyin Serpent Warlocks have a lot of experience, they even knew of some suitable medicine. The A.I. Chip ran some simulations as well…” Leylin swiftly swallowed a fruit.

  The exterior of the fruit had fine scales that felt like hard ice to his gums and teeth.

  When it entered the stomach, the icy sensation of the fruit immediately disappeared, instead being replaced by a flow of warm heat that swiftly spread throughout his body. Leylin’s cells were like humans that had almost died of thirst in a desert, rapaciously sucking up this warmth.

  [The agent’s cells have absorbed an unknown strength, and are currently in recovery! Current damage: 9.6%]

  The damage reported by the A.I Chip was decreasing, and eventually stopped at around 2%.

  Minor damage to the body was the most cumbersome to heal. Even with the best medication, Leylin could only heal himself down to 2% damage, after which it wasn’t easy anymore. After breaking through, Vapour Phase Warlocks would have to treat the damage over a long period by using the radiation they emitted during constant practice.

  Of course, that was a minor price to pay for the breakthrough.


  The Onyx Castle was holding a banquet to celebrate Leylin’s breakthrough.

  It was, of course, a gathering of Warlocks. The only ones invited had been Robin, a few other seniors, and other members of the Ouroboros Clan that Leylin had connections with.

  This was another tradition of the central continent. Leylin originally should have held the banquet upon the completion of Onyx Castle, but he had decided to delay until the Magus Tower had been built completely.

  Now, however, Leylin’s breakthrough called for a celebration, so he decided that he might as well hold a banquet to take care of both obligations.

  In the wide hall, large chandeliers hung up high from the ceiling, radiating a bright glow that was a mixture of spells and man-made flames.

  The numerous Warlocks were all gathered in a hall. Since Leylin’s status was not too low, there were many Warlocks who attended the event.

  Furthermore, because of the added value of their bloodline, all the Warlocks had were good looking, and even the old men looked handsome.

  Many female Warlocks wore gowns with plunging necklines, revealing their snow-white back and cleavage, whereas the male Warlocks wore black swallow-tailed coats. From time to time, they would talk over a drink or invite the females for a dance.

  At the corner of the large hall, a band was performing with all their energy, and next in line were poets and dancers.

  “Haha… Leylin, I knew you would succeed! Even though advancing to Vapour Phase is an obstacle for ordinary rank 3 Magi, Giant Kemoyin Serpent Warlocks like us will never face such a problem!” Robin laughed dramatically.

  Given how high this junior’s innate talent was, he was becoming increasingly important to the short Warlock.

  Even at the banquet, the differences in ranks between the various Warlocks was very obvious. The few rank 3 Giant Kemoyin Serpent Warlock Marquises, including Leylin, had gathered in a circle and none of the other Warlocks would dare to interrupt them. A few rank 1 or rank 2 Warlocks with pure bloodlines had the fortune to listen at the side, but even they had no right to speak.

  With regards to the other circles, Leylin needed only to make a toast and say a few words, but the guests in this circle required his personal accompaniment.

  Not only were there seniors like Robin, Lucian and Kesha around, there were a few merchants whom they had good ties with along with their children. They were essentially his Mentor, Duke Gilbert’s, influence, and hence good connections would have to be made.

  Speaking of which, Leylin was more familiar with them, and had held a few transactions with them, and even coordinated on some experiments.

  “This is the younger generation of my family. Come and see Uncle Leylin!” Kesha called forth two of her nephews and nieces. Those two youths though looked a bit reserved and flushed, but still respectfully bowed and said, “Uncle Leylin!”

  “Mmm! Hello, you two!” Leylin said, his face stiff. He was not even a hundred years old. These two Warlocks with pure bloodlines, who were their family’s hopes, were probably older than him!

  “Senior Kesha’s 2 nephews and
nieces have a very rich bloodline within them, looks like they have a bright future ahead of them!” Leylin complimented, which had caused Kesha to beam with delight.

  WMW Chapter 412

  Lamia Hair

  Much to his chagrin, Leylin had discovered that even though the Ouroboros Clan had a long heritage and was a large, powerful organisation, there were many traditions and complex regulations that were very tedious.

  Especially in terms of hierarchy; nobody knew whether it was inherited from the Giant Kemoyin Serpents, but their hierarchy was very rigid.

  Previously, even if they were all Giant Kemoyin Serpent Warlocks, Kesha who had reached the Vapour Phase would pay no attention to someone like Leylin. Yet, the moment he made the breakthrough himself, here she was, her attitude having flipped completely. This had dumbfounded Leylin.

  Lucian was the same. He who was at the Crystal Phase was the strongest here, and sat quietly in a corner, drinking smugly. Unfortunately, everyone had already accepted such behaviour as a norm.

  Even if he rolled his eyes internally, Leylin understood that he could only do things according to the rules.

  ”Senior Lucian has always been like this. He has suffered a lot previously, and just can’t bring himself out of it!” Robin transmitted after noticing Leylin’s gaze.

  ”Actually, he’s extremely delighted at your breakthrough. Normally, he wouldn’t even deign to take a glance at a banquet invitation!”

  Perhaps because he was Gilbert’s butler, Robin’s communication and observation skills were outstanding. Just a glimpse at Leylin in his peripheral vision and he’d realised things, explaining Lucian’s attitude.

  “Don’t worry, I understand!” Leylin smiled wryly. Even if Lucian decided not to show him respect, he could do nothing about it.

  Even with all his trump cards, Leylin could at most deal with a Hydro Phase rank 3 Magus. With that kind of difference in strength, it was useless to talk about it. Had Lucian not considered his Mentor Gilbert and the fact that it was Leylin’s first invitation, he might not even have come.


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