Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596 Page 333

by Wen Chao Gong

  Of course, one measly experiment would not be able to propel him to rank 4. Moreover, he was only at the beginning of the Crystal Phase, so he hadn’t even reached the threshold for advancement.

  There was an enormous gap between rank 3 Magi and those at the Morning Star realm. There was an abundance of Magi in the central continent, yet Morning Stars remained few and far between, their positions envied by all.

  Igniting one’s bloodline had the potential to boost one’s strength greatly, and even that had slim chances of facilitating a breakthrough.

  Still, this bloodline experiment wasn’t the only trick Leylin had up his sleeve.

  “My cumulations to advance to rank 3 have been progressing well! I have to start considering the next stage—Morning Star…” Leylin stroked his chin, evidently pleased.

  The central continent was currently in a dire state, especially the Ouroboros Clan. Not only were there disturbances on the borders, many families had perished and core members had gone missing. These disastrous events were a bad omen for the future.

  Amidst such chaos, the best defence one could rely on was their own ability!

  “I’m sure Mentor Gilbert and the other two have already been alerted about the circumstances. Why are they yet to make a move?” Leylin muttered under his breath. Suddenly, he thought about his own appointment as an enforcer. “Perhaps they were aware of it and had secret plans of their own that I might have missed noticing it…”

  Time crawled on as he waited in silence.

  Later, Leylin welcomed the presence of his own bodyguards. Boosting his own confidence was the presence of Lucian.

  “Do you really wish to do that?” Lucian stood in front of Leylin, unable to mask his astonishment.

  After finding out that the current Leylin had advanced, and was on par with him at the Crystal Phase, he sighed in his heart.

  This junior only needed a hundred years to catch up to his level. His talent exceeded any member the organisation had ever seen even in Morning Star seeds. And yet, compared to the temperamental Robin, Leylin whose potential was much higher remained humble and earnest. Lucian found this extremely admirable.

  “If we investigate further, the number of people implicated in this will increase… Although Mentor ordered me to assist you…” Lucian, after seeing the current Leylin, felt that this junior ought to have wholeheartedly entered seclusion, waiting for an opportunity to break through the Morning Star bottleneck instead of focusing on such small matters. He wondered what his mentor was thinking.

  Thoughts about Gilbert made Lucian heave a big sigh.

  To these high-ranking Giant Kemoyin Serpent Warlocks, the allure of the Purgatory World was much too huge, and they couldn’t help but be engrossed in their search.

  Thinking about the recent situations and Leylin’s terrifying military power, Lucian heaved another big sigh.

  “I’m in charge of information in the clan. I can give you anything you need. My only wish is for you to not get yourself involved!” Lucian smiled bitterly, took out a translucent crystal ball, and handed over to Leylin.

  “As an enforcer, it is imperative that I locate the rebels and all the disruptive elements hidden in the Ouroboros Clan and get rid of them!” Leylin smiled faintly, as if he was not affected by Lucian’s words. But once his spiritual force entered the crystal ball, his face changed.

  “The situation has deteriorated to such an extent?” He looked up in disbelief and glared at Lucian.

  “Yes…” he answered after a heartbeat, “The chaotic power struggles are not confined to the border regions. Even internally, some ambiguous problems have cropped up. Some of the clans and families especially, their betrayal is pretty much confirmed…”

  This top secret information was only available to Leylin because he currently held the position of an enforcement officer. If it were in the past when he only held the position of a Marquis, he wouldn’t have access to such things.

  ‘What exactly is Mentor doing?’ The thought left a bitter taste in Leylin’s mouth.

  “There’s no need for excessive worry. As long as we don’t lose our main base at Phosphorescence Swamp, given the presence of the three elders, we of the Ouroboros Clan will never be vulnerable and weak.”

  Leylin let loose a long sigh before he stood up.

  “I want the list of confirmed traitors!”

  “Alright, I’ll ready them immediately,” Lucian promised, “What do you plan to do?”

  “No matter what, since they have the audacity to betray the Organization, they will have to pay the price!” Leylin spoke with a steely voice. With his men behind him, he headed out.


  “The Stuart Family at the Stuart mountain range!”

  Black fires were blazing furiously. A large number of high-ranking Warlocks were surrounding a huge mountainous brutal bear.

  Behind the bear was a fort that was half-built into the cliffside.

  “Enforcer Leylin, I demand an explanation for this!” In the middle of the castle, the silhouette of an old Magus appeared. It entered the sky, becoming a huge projection.

  “Even though you are an enforcer, you do not have the authority to besiege the castle of a Marquis!” The illusory image of the old man roared in his hoarse voice.

  “Authority? Only the weak will abide by such rules and regulations while wishing that their predators would abide by them in this way too. By placing your hopes on such enforcements is truly foolish!”

  Leylin sneered. Still, on the account of the other men that went on this mission with him, he decided to explain further, ”If I have to give you an explanation, it would be your betrayal of the Organization. That is why all these Warlocks are out to kill you, and that is why you cannot escape your fate!”

  “Rubbish…” Having his biggest secret exposed, the Magus acted like he knew nothing and was hearing it for the first time. Veins popped out of his flushed neck and he fumed with anger.

  “True or false, we’ll know after you surrender.” Leylin’s face was emotionless. A brilliant ray of black ripped through the vast sky and streaked across the brutal bear’s head mercilessly.

  *Bang!* The huge mountainous brutal bear’s head was cracked open like a watermelon.

  “So long as they are from the Stuart Family, we have orders to kill them without exception. Property and assets will also be confiscated. We’ll be given bonuses of equivalent value!” Parker ordered clearly. Those Warlocks thirsty for achievements, and those who longed for the huge payout from the mission, howled and dashed forward.

  Seeing Snoopy taking the lead and defeating one Magus after the other, some even dying on the spot, Leylin couldn’t help but nod his head.

  The reason he’d taken on the job of enforcer, other than to acquire the huge wealth of the rebels, was for him to bring his men together for a round of actual field training.

  The bloody battle of magic and death carried on for a short while. Ten or so minutes later, Parker grabbed the Magus that had been speaking from the fort, and pulled him out. With the matter settled, he stood in front of Leylin and reported like a loyal long-time butler.

  “Except for this old man, all surviving members of the Stuart Family had been wiped out!”

  “Well done!” Leylin looked at the high-ranking Warlock on the ground. The opposite party evidently had the Giant Kemoyin Serpent bloodline in him too, yet when he saw Leylin, he began to shiver.

  “Do you feel resentment? Desperation?” Leylin stepped up, provoking the old Magus.

  “Hopefully, the next time, before your soul is destroyed, you should use some brains!”

  *Thud!* After Leylin was done speaking the chief’s head fell to the ground, staining it red.

  “A total of three Giant Kemoyin Serpent Families have been wiped out, along with their supplementary small-scale families and other influences. I think we’ll have some peace for a while now…”

  Standing at the edge of the overhanging cliff, Leylin glanced at the
result of the destruction caused by many Magi, involuntarily heaving a sigh of relief.

  “Only a while?” Standing by the side, Parker smiled bitterly.

  After numerous episodes, Leylin’s reputation had spread everywhere. With his formidable strength that could even slay Crystal Phase chiefs, he’d immediately established his status.

  Soon after, through the ruthless means of wiping out entire families and clans, Leylin’s fame as an enforcer became even more widespread. Thus, he was labelled ‘Annihilator’.

  WMW Chapter 479

  3 Helpers

  No matter what, with Leylin happily going on a killing spree, the internal affairs of the Ouroboros Clan stabilised despite the general unrest.

  Leylin guessed that this had more to do with how the opposing Morning Star powers had yet to make their move.

  Without these insider spies, it would take more effort to create chaos within the inner circles of the Ouroboros Clan which was currently already on the alert.

  With these achievements, his reputation soared not only within the Ouroboros Clan, but even in the nearby regions.

  ‘After the Stuart family is destroyed, we can take a small break!’

  Leylin sighed and asked Parker, “How is it going at Senior Robin’s side?”

  After taking on his role as an enforcer, Leylin was stunned at the realisation that this senior of his had accepted the responsibility from Gilbert before him, and was leading his family and pushing down all rebellions.

  In addition, there were rumours that Leylin’s senior had a large change of personality. Not only did he like to torture his enemies, he even enjoyed eating human flesh.

  Upon hearing this, Leylin’s heart sank.

  Though it was terrifying when bloodline issues acted up in high-ranked Warlocks, Robin’s behaviour had surpassed the pattern of any problems arising from bloodline.

  ‘Mentor might have wanted to capitalise on his insanity, which is why he arranged for him to purge the inner regions.’

  Leylin took in a deep breath.

  Compared to him, Robin was going too far. Leylin had merely destroyed families where there was conclusive evidence against them, but Robin went even further. If he had the slightest suspicion at all, the entire family would be purged by him mercilessly.

  Even a few bloodline noble families who had a deep connection with Robin’s own thus lost their inheritance.

  Through the list of families Robin had destroyed, Leylin made a discovery. Robin seemed to only to have an interest in pure-blooded families, and the higher the purity, the more pitiful their deaths were. Even their corpses were not complete.

  Knowing all this, Leylin felt a chill as he put two and two together.

  Though he knew he wasn’t the best person in the world, he was still better than Robin. He wouldn’t do anything so disgusting.

  “Complaints against Robin are becoming more widespread. Who knows, we might need to stop him next!” Leylin smiled wryly at Parker.

  “Robin is master’s senior. I believe Duke Gilbert wouldn’t do this,” Parker consoled him.

  “I hope so!” Leylin sighed. A distance away, many white dandelions fell down like snowflakes, flying freely atop the ancient castle that had already been ruined.

  Night fell, and outside what had been the castle, Leylin’s vassals set up simple tents. Iron pots bubbled with meat soup and large amounts of mushrooms, giving off a tempting aroma.

  A merry atmosphere permeated the camp; the plan had gone quite well, Though Leylin planned to train his vassals this way, he still made his move when the casualties were about to be too high.

  Hence, they had not suffered much, and instead reaped massive gains. For this reason, they were motivated to continue striving on.

  Even the most ferocious Warlock was full of admiration when gazing at Leylin’s tent at the heart of the camp.

  They had been with Leylin for the longest period of time, and could be said to be the people who knew Leylin the best out of everyone in the Ouroboros Clan.

  It was because they knew the terrifying strength of their master that they held reverence for him.

  Of course, he did not put too much thought into this. As long as he maintained his crushing strength, these vassals would follow him for their entire life.

  Within the tent, Leylin was half-lying on the ground, dressed in tight black clothing. His hands were held behind his back in a strange position.

  There were a few strange runes written on his body with blood.

  Buzzing sounds were produced from Leylin’s lips from time to time, his entire body slightly moving along to a rhythm.

  During this process, threads of mysterious energy seemed to be pulled from the air, disappearing into Leylin’s limbs.

  This process continued for almost an hour. Only then did Leylin stand up, taking a look at his hands.

  A prompt popped up at this moment.

  [Host body completed a cycle of Multilimb Strength. Vitality increased by 0.5, no changes to strength. Estimated that in 20 days and 13 hours, host body’s vitality will increase by 6.7, and strength by 2.1…]

  “This progress is not bad!” Watching his stats that were refreshed again, Leylin couldn’t help but nod.

  Multilimb Strength was a cultivation technique he had gathered from the race in the Blackrain World. Though the Morning Star realm chief had purposely left out a lot of things, the complete version of this path to strength was completely deduced, with the A.I. Chip organising the data and making inferences.

  Toughening his body with this method, Leylin found that his body, which had already developed to the maximum, now held the possibility of advancing even further.

  Though this increase was small, it was enough for him to be happy.

  Furthermore, with Multilimb Strength, the toughness and coordination of his body had increased by a whole level. He could even launch a physical attack similar to that of an ancient giant beast.

  This coordination, when paired with the Knight techniques Leylin had previously learned, turned his body into a frightful killing machine.

  Still, these were all just serendipitous. What Leylin focused on was the increase Multilimb Strength gave to his vitality.

  The corporeal body sustained the spirit. If spiritual force was said to be water, then a Magus’ body would be the cup. The larger and sturdier the cup, the more liquid it could contain.

  Leylin was still unable to peep at the Morning Star realm, but after reaching the Crystal Phase, what he needed to do was continuously increase his vitality and accumulate spiritual force. Once enough had been gathered, his crystallised spiritual force would eventually condense to form point mass.

  The point mass represented everything to a Magus. It represented their journey, bloodline, strength, and even soul!

  Hence, this process was irreversible. The moment the ascension to the Morning Star realm failed, and the point mass grew unstable, a terrifying explosion might occur.

  If a Magus encountered such a situation, they would be left without a corpse.

  Historically, the Magi who failed to ascend to the Morning Star realm and fell far outnumbered those that had succeeded.

  Wondering about his future path, Leylin’s expression changed as he asked the A.I. Chip a question, “How is the simulation of information regarding the Morning Star realm going?”

  [Simulation is 13.5% complete. Unable to process deeper calculations without concrete data] The A.I. Chip robotically answered.

  If he could gain an understanding of the Morning Star realm now, it would be incomparably useful to Leylin’s advancement.

  However, it was difficult to meet with Morning Star Magi, and even more impossible to perform research on them.

  It wasn’t as if Leylin could look for Gilbert and tell him that he wanted to do an experiment, and ask him to be a specimen.

  It would be a wonder if Gilbert did not destroy Leylin in that instant!

  “Perhaps the corpse of the Scorpion Man in
Twilight Zone will be useful to me!” Leylin touched his chin. The Scorpion Man was truly a Morning Star creature, and his corpse would definitely be useful as a reference for the A.I. Chip’s simulations.

  Immediately after, Leylin overruled his own thoughts. “There’s not enough time. It isn’t the volcano’s dormant period. Furthermore, based on the predictions of the Coin of Destiny, rank 3 Magi will meet with dangers that cannot be predicted in the Icy Cave. Only those with Morning Star strength can be safe…”

  Leylin steeled his expression and let the A.I. Chip continue research.

  Leylin was counting on the Lamia fingerbone and the bloodline ignition experiment as well as the A.I. Chip’s analysis of the Morning Star realm to advance.

  As long as he did persevered in that regard, he would definitely be able to reach the threshold of Morning Star.

  If he was a regular Giant Kemoyin Serpent Warlock, just obtaining one of those would be difficult. However, Leylin had everything, and even without assistance all these would increase his chances of reaching Morning Star by a lot when compared to other Morning Star seedlings.

  Leylin had no doubt about this.


  *Sha sha!* The pendant at Leylin’s waist suddenly emitted bright light.

  Leylin’s brows furrowed, and he tapped on a secret imprint.

  “Is this Marquis Leylin, Sir Enforcer?” A low, hoarse voice was produced from the secret imprint.

  This was the communications officer that the Ouroboros Clan had specifically allocated to him. He was in charge of contacting Leylin alone, and just by hearing his voice, Leylin could guess that something terrible had happened.

  “I am Leylin. Is there anything wrong?” His voice was calm and steady, even causing the voice from the other side to become gentler.

  “Headquarters has received a denouncement. Marquis Miranda is accusing Marquis Robin of attempting to kill her. There is also a large amount of evidence! Based on the information, something has also seemingly happened within Robin’s family.”


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