Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596 Page 345

by Wen Chao Gong

  It was indeed true that destroying the Arm of Vengeance was a piece of cake for the Ouroboros Clan. A simple slightly-powerful formation would be enough to send them packing, and even the heavens above would not be able to save them.

  However, what worried the Magi the most was how these hostile forces could cold-bloodedly watch the members of the Arm of Vengeance die so easily. They did not seem to even consider the possibility of helping the battered and exhausted Robert out, which was why they stopped considering the option of initiating the spell formation.

  “Sir! Why did…” Robert, who was seriously injured, shouted with a sore voice when he was finally saved. However, the rest of the members of the Arm of Vengeance were not as lucky as him; most of them fell at the hands of the steel puppets.

  “Don’t worry. Your sacrifice will not be in vain! Now it’s time for us to avenge you,” A green-haired magus said coldly, sounding insincere. He had an air of steeliness about him.

  Yet, he was sneering secretly, ‘It’s only a given that we’ll reduce your strength and manpower after we’re done using it. Did you really expect us to leave you with so many benefits after the war? Dream on!’

  Not giving Robert, whose fists were clenched, a chance to say anything else, the green-haired Magus waved his hand, “Plant legion, attack!”

  *Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!* Many of the vines started moving and, within a moment’s time, a gigantic Man-eating Flower emerged from the mud and started moving towards the steel puppets.

  “Targets locked! Beginning the second wave of attack!” In front of the steel puppets stood a gigantic black steel robot which was more than five metres tall. After its laser eyes marked its target, the gun barrels that were hung on either side of its shoulders begin to roar.

  *Pew!* When the white lasers swept past the Man-eating Flowers, many of them fell and thick sludge started to permeate from their wounds.

  “Even the Azure Rain Knights would find these kinds of lasers hard to endure. Fortunately for my plant legion…” Looking at this scene, the green-haired Magus displayed a teasing smile.

  A large amount of spores started to shoot out from one of the Man-eating Flowers. Before these spores even reached the ground, they began to swell up into a giant ball, and within seconds another one emerged from the earth. The two intertwined, forming a gigantic one, at least ten metres tall, that swallowed the huge puppet from earlier.

  The earth rumbled as a war of green and black, nature and machine played out. These two incredible forces were fighting head on against each other. The whole surroundings were filled with white rays and green sludge.

  Looking at the scene outside, Lucian sighed.

  “I’m afraid that they’ve already found out about our last defence system from their earlier experiments, even keeping their battlefront exactly one kilometer away which exactly reaches our boundary of attack.”

  Faisal’s face turned black. Even though none of them said it out loud, everyone knew that this was his fault for initiating the combined spell formation too hastily.

  At this moment, another Crystal Phase Warlock screamed, “Look at this!”

  *Gush!* All the Crystal Phase Magi looked up. The sky was enveloped by the giant shadow of a sail that enveloped the place in complete darkness.

  “Initiate warzone number 2’s all-over attack!”

  *Bang! Bang! Bang!* Like shooting stars falling from the skies, bombs were thrown down from the giant ships above, wiping away the mess created by the Man-eating Flowers and puppets.

  Under these terrible attacks, the original giant puppets became a pile of scrap iron.

  WMW Chapter 499


  With explosions ringing continuously, the Warlocks fell silent as they fixed their gazes on the battlefield, watching the debris from the occasional fights between broken metallic limbs and vines of flowers.

  “Their plant legion can obviously regenerate very fast. On the other hand, our steel puppets have complicated structures and use too much of the energy stored in our Magus Towers. This exchange is a huge loss for us…” Lucian smiled bitterly, his voice sounding raucous.

  Outside the city, a sea of flowers lay above the ruins, numerous shoots struggling their way out of the earth. The army of carnivorous plants had reformed in a few minutes.

  Not only that, the other military forces were closing in along with the Azure Rain Knights and the Demon Magus Army.

  “Let’s focus on our own areas of defence! Although we have the protection of the Magus Towers, it will still be best if our Crystal Phase Warlocks attend to them.” Faisal smiled.

  The images disappeared with a few snaps, leaving Faisal and a few others remaining.

  Most of the people here were just projections of the other Crystal Phase Magi using the network of the Magus Towers. Due to their advanced technology, the projections were almost the same as themselves.

  Faisal’s face turned dark, his thoughts indiscernible.

  In the meantime, a wisp of dark smoke sprouted from the corner, forming a dark shadow, “My lord! Will you consider what I said before?”

  Faisal frowned at his appearance, but he then calmed down. The people here were all his men, and he wasn’t afraid that they’d leak his secrets.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Hehe! The Ouroboros Clan is about to vanish! There might be traitors among the people you met just now, my lord. Think about your future, and the future of your family!”

  The shadow said slowly and with a confidence derived from the chasm between their absolute strengths.

  Faisal’s men grew angry, and even his own face showed some hesitation before he waved his hands.

  “I… I need to reconsider this!”

  “I hope you reply soon. Our offer only exists up to the city’s fall!” The envoy said patiently, then disappeared like a ghost.

  “Ah…” Faisal sighed after he was gone. Something crossed his mind, and his eyes glowed with a strange light.


  West Zone. Freya smiled bitterly while looking at the approaching enemies, “Such bad luck. I have to meet these Demon Magi…”

  The opponents in her area were the elites of Nefas— the Demon Magus Army!

  All members of the Demon Magus Army were at least rank 2 Magi. And since they’d made deals with unknown demons, most of them had mysterious abilities or powerful skills.

  What’s more, the Magi from Nefas were wanted men with bad reputations. They were tough and bloody, even more crazed than the uber-emotional Warlocks!

  No wonder Freya was unhappy.

  “Hehe! I didn’t expect such a beautiful woman to be my opponent!”

  Below the wall, the head of the Demon Magus Army touched his chin with his left hand. A pair of horns were on his head, and his right hand was tied up in iron chains.

  The Demon Magi around him maintained a distance out of fear and admiration. Many glanced at his right hand, their eyes full of dread. It was as if some horrible demons existed under the cover of those iron chains.

  This leader paid no attention to the fear of his men, and instead waved his hands, ”Attack!”

  Many Magi roared at the sound of the command and their bodies began to undergo massive transformations. Some even grew blacks wings as they charged towards the city walls.

  “Get ready!” Freya ordered with an emotionless expression. Many of the Warlocks couldn’t help but get wound up.

  The next moment, the attacks from those Demon Magi reached the defensive light membrane.

  “The energy of the defensive matrix can’t be consumed like this. We must attack!” Freya grit her teeth. A layer of black scales covered her body, and her pupils turned amber.

  *Swish!* Her body disappeared from on the wall, and when she appeared again she’d already grabbed a Demon Magus and torn him apart. Blood rained down, interspersed with flesh, organs, and bones.

  “Petrifying Gaze!” Every Magus below rank 3 she stared at turned into a stone s
tatue. Even Magi at rank 3 would lose their minds for a moment, during which they couldn’t fight back.

  “Kill them!” Seeing their chief fighting outside, the snake bloodline Warlocks rushed out with red eyes, fighting the Demon Magi.

  Relying on the defensive matrix of their spell formation, they didn’t have to care too much about their own safety. Thus, they acquired many victories, and a lot of Demon Magi fell.

  “I’m your opponent!”

  Freya’s attack crashed into a giant hand bound by iron chains as the chief of the Demon Magus Army appeared in front of her.

  “Warlocks with the dirty bloodline of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent have no right to live in this world!” he said with an indifferent face as a weird energy sprouted out of his right hand.

  “Dirty worms that make deals with demons! You have no right to say anything!” Freya frowned. Her opponent’s aura made her feel discomfort, even fear. But since he was an enemy, there was no need for her to hold back.

  “Throughout history, branches like the Branded Swordsmen, Elemental Bards, and Steel Knights have continually disappeared. You bloodline Warlocks are meant to join them!” The head of the Demon Magi roared, turning into a streak of black as he crashed into Freya.

  Scenes like this occurred all over the defensive perimeter of the Ouroboros Clan.

  Magic shone in all sorts of colours, flooding the whole city.

  However, under the joint defence of the Magus Towers, these attacks just left small marks on the translucent membrane which soon disappeared.

  “It seems like the Magus Towers in the Ouroboros Clan’s headquarters have stored plentiful amounts of energy!” Seeing this, the green-haired Magus frowned.

  “So what? Inform your guys, they can start their plans now!” A female Magus with red hair sashayed in, rolling her eyes at him.

  “Okay!” The Magus nodded, “And that thing, let it out now!”

  “You want to use ‘that’ now?” The female Magus with red hair covered her mouth in shock.

  “We have to. I promised those lords that we could deal with the headquarters of the Ouroboros Clan within 3 days!” The Magus with green hair smiled, saying something to his envoy.

  Something sinister flashed across her eyes as she watched the movements of the Male magus, and she followed him…


  “My lord!” Even though there was fighting outside, some important places were still under heavy guard.

  And currently, two elites of the Blood Serpent Family were saluting to Ivanov.

  “Good!” Ivanov nodded. But suddenly, his eyes suddenly started glittering.

  *Schlick! Schlick!* Two black daggers shot out of his sleeves like lightning, disappearing into the guards’ chests.

  Their Kemoyin Scales were pierced through by the daggers in an instant, as if they were nothing more than a sheet of paper. The light in their eyes dimmed, before they crumbled to the ground.

  “Hmph! You idiots. Even if they’re innate defensive spells, there are methods to pierce through them. How can you two defend against an elite of the family like me?” Ivanov sneered, and pushed open the wooden door they were guarding.

  Behind the wooden door was a small sealed room, magic tools and spell formations lying everywhere. It was enriched with energy, and obviously working at full capacity.

  “This seems to be one of the key points. As long as I ruined this, the defence of the city should be weakened by at least 20%!” Ivanov smiled proudly, and gave the formation genie an order, “Deactivate both the defence and alert mode!”

  “Please input the code!” A robotic voice sounded from it.

  “Long live the bloodline!” Since he was one of the elders in the family, he naturally knew the code. At this moment, he thought about Freya.

  “Fools like you can die, because as long as I’m alive, our bloodline will be preserved…”

  However, Ivanov’s expression changed at the next words of the formation genie.

  “Wrong code! Intruder alert! Beginning annihilation!”

  “What? What?” Ivanov murmured. At this moment, the image of a well-behaved and sometimes rebellious girl popped into his mind.

  “You’re saying she was acting all along?”

  But there was no time left for him to think. Blood-red lightning in the form of snakes appeared out of thin air, drowning him within.

  Blood red light flashed, and Ivanov was slowly melted within.

  After the lightning faded, the space in the room distorted to reveal a red figure.

  “Traitor verified. Blood Serpent Family, Ivanov!” The voice sounded cold and chilling.

  WMW Chapter 500

  Duo Serpent Annihilator

  “Have you decided, my Lord?” The black shadow couldn’t help but feel delighted in front of Faisal.

  The satisfaction in being able to threaten the leader of the Ouroboros Clan, one of the largest clans on the continent, was something that could not be described with mere words. It was only furthered by the conflicted expression on the other party.

  The rewards if he succeeded at this were so great he wouldn’t even dare to think of them before.

  “Reporting in, my Lord!”

  At this timing, a high-ranking Magus pushed opened the door. Ignoring the shadow’s existence, he began his report, “The operation was a success! We’ve captured seven traitors and killed twelve. The energy of the combined spell formation has been conserved, and we’ve only lost a mere 2.75%…”

  “What is this supposed to mean?” the envoy questioned, his voice growing deeper and gloomier.

  “What is this supposed to mean? It’s exactly what you think it is!” Faisal suddenly gave an empty smile as his body instantly appeared before the shadow, grabbing his neck and lifting him up.

  “If you do this, the Lords outside will definitely not let you off!” Surprisingly, even at this moment, the shadow was calm.

  “I’ll be waiting,” Faisal nodded his head as he said seriously, “If you think that I’m unable to deal with you just because you’re a spirit projection, you’re wrong. You’re very, very wrong.”

  The moment he finished speaking, there was a visible change in the expression on the blurred face of the black shadow and he couldn’t help but give a cold smile, “It’s a pity, but it’s too late!”

  *Boom!* Huge amounts of blue electricity rushed towards the shadow, blowing him to pieces.

  Faisal sighed. “With such a huge stream of disordered data rushing in, even the main body would have its sea of consciousness suffer irreversible damage!” he said in an unhurried manner.

  “My Lord, this is brilliant!” The Magus that had just entered immediately bowed.

  “This is nothing, it’s just a little scheme, and it definitely won’t affect the general situation,” Faisal said. He then exclaimed, “The Ouroboros Clan is my family and the pillar of support for all Warlocks of our Giant Kemoyin Serpent bloodline. I want to be in control of it, not let it be destroyed…”



  The green-haired Magus who was standing outside the city fumed upon listening to the grievous news as he witnessed the death of one of his envoys.

  “Release the Kyasha Beast immediately!”

  “But, my Lord…” Just as he was about to continue, the attendant at the green-haired Magus’ side was interrupted, “I know I have limited authority. I’ll explain things to the other Lords later, but for now, I want those ignorant Warlocks to pay with their deaths!”

  “Coo coo…” After the order of the release of the warbeast, the brave and blood-soaked Magi standing on the frontline heard a bizarre roar.

  The roar resembled the beating of a broken drum, and carried a heavy pant with it. It created a sense of oppression that made one feel like they were suffocating the moment it fell on their ears.



  The ground started to shake. How scary was it for only one creature to cause the entire city to s
hake with its mere footsteps?

  Faisal couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable in that moment, as he quickly ascended to the highest vantage point.

  From there, he saw an incomparably large creature, a four-legged beast with a horn on its head. The creature was so huge and tall that in order to avoid it, the enormous airships in the sky could only wave their flags and ascend further into the sky, opening a pathway for it to walk through.

  The earth rumbled under this creature’s arrival, its enormous aura even causing Faisal’s breathing to stop momentarily.

  When it finally stopped right outside the Ouroboros Clan headquarters, Faisal thought he was seeing a mountain range instead.

  The Kyasha Beasts roared in anger. A terrifying and violent wave of energy swept across the battlefield, causing everyone to lose their balance.

  “Morning Star! It is a Morning Star realm creature!” Faisal’s expression blanked out as he clenched his fists tightly. “I’m afraid the cleansing operation this time provoked the enemy so badly that he’s using the deadly weapons that were used in the last big war. .”

  On the other hand, the enemy who’d lifted the restriction on the warbeast didn’t feel too good about it either.

  “My Lord, is it okay to lift the restrictions now? After all, we haven’t performed final adjustments on it… Besides, a lot of our soldiers will be injured by it as collateral damage…” One of the Magi smiled bitterly as he looked at the giant Kyasha Beast with a heavy heart.

  This giant beast was absolutely not a natural creature. It was a precious experiment created by a Morning Star Magus.

  When the creature was not in use, it would be sealed in ice. The Morning Star Magus that created it even warned that if they didn’t provide enough food for the beast to eat, even a large troop of Magi would be eaten alive by it.

  Naturally, despite such shortcomings, a Morning Star realm creature had its own worth. This was a beast that had a physique at the Morning Star realm. Together with its enormous body and terrifying defence system which included the ability to heal itself, the idea of battling such a creature was a joke.


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