Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596 Page 381

by Wen Chao Gong

  Leylin nodded. In this meeting, he had found that the two Dukes’ soul undulations were obviously much more powerful than in the Magus World. It seemed to be the effect from the firasource stones!

  “Then… where’s the First Elder?” Leylin asked, and the atmosphere immediately became gloomy. A long while later, Gilbert spoke, his voice hoarse.

  “There are many powerful beings in the Lava World. At the peak are a few who have a strength similar to Radiant Moon Magi. At the beginning, with the three of us working together, everything went smoothly, and we even seized quite a lot of firasource stones. However, the organisation Jupiter’s Lightning set up here was obviously much larger, and even had relations with the higher ups in Atlan. The head of their union was one who had trained up to the thirteenth level of the Fireplume technique, which was unheard of in history. He was a peak Radiant Moon Magus! Under his assault along with many other Magi, the First Elder fell… while trying to protect us…”

  Though Gilbert explained it in a simplified manner, Leylin could tell how desperate that battle had been. He could keenly tell that Gilbert had concealed some things.

  Whatever it was, he would never believe the First Elder was so selfless, but Gilbert and Emma had not asked why Leylin had not come here right after the battle and instead done so only now. Leylin thus would not make his opinion known.

  “This means Mentor and Madam Emma are preparing to stay here for a period of time and conspire to obtain more firasource stones? In that case, we can collaborate!” Leylin touched his chin. He held the same thoughts as these two Morning Star Warlocks. With two Morning Star helpers, he had more confidence.

  “That’s great. With you joining us, Leylin, our strength will increase by a large amount, and we will even have a way to retreat!” Emma and Gilbert exchanged a glance, the elation obvious in their eyes.

  It looked like they had been planning to cause a huge ruckus before leaving this world.

  Leylin could not help but feel his scalp tingle. The unrestrained attacks of three Morning Star Warlocks would definitely throw the entire Atlan Union into chaos.

  However, this was none of his business. As long as he could obtain enough firasource stones, he didn’t mind pushing the union into the abyss, or breaking it into smithereens.

  Leylin patted his head, suddenly remembering something as he spoke. “Right! I’m lying low in the Special Task Force in Atlan for now. In order to obtain their trust, I destroyed a few of Triserpent Sect’s strongholds…”

  “It doesn’t matter. Those are just the surrounding organisations. We can just create a few more soon. To really obtain their full trust, it doesn’t matter even if we hand over the whole Triserpent Sect.”

  Gilbert waved his arms, not minding the least.

  “In actuality, we’ve also been keeping a low profile in the Atlan Union and even obtained titles. Most of the intel regarding the Triserpent Sect was intentionally divulged by us!” Emma laughed, a layer of sparkling red feathers appearing on her body.

  “The Emberwings and Fireplume,” Leylin chuckled. Morning Star Warlocks were all grandmasters at remodelling bloodlines. With Emma and Gilbert’s experience, passing off an identity as an Emberwing was way too easy.

  On top of that, these two were ruthless and had even sold away their organisation just to obtain trust. That was probably how they gained their titles, and why they did not mind Leylin’s actions.

  Leylin was rather speechless at that, feeling like he still needed to learn much more from his seniors in these dark areas. If the followers of the Triserpent Sect found out they had been betrayed by their leaders, they would probably just break down.

  Leylin could not help but begin to pity them.

  “Do you have any intel?” Leylin asked. These two Warlocks had been laying low here for longer than he had, and definitely knew more secrets.

  “Of course!” Gilbert laughed proudly.

  “Based on our sources, there is only one place where the firasource stones are being generated, and that’s the capital of the Atlan Union— Tylasus! It only comes from the head himself, which means the source is being controlled by him. There are very few reserves outside!”

  “The head who is at the thirteenth level of Fireplume, the peak of Radiant Moon?” Leylin sighed lightly, knowing things were going to get troublesome.

  Three Morning Stars cooperating was still not enough to snatch something from this opponent.

  That was not all. Fighting in another world, foreign beings like them obviously had a disadvantage compared to the people of this land. The World’s Will itself would also have a bias and help its own people, and even if a peak Radiant Moon were to head over, they might not be able to deal with this opponent.

  “Gilbert and I have already set up a plan. We’re planning to sneak into Tylasus two months later, on the Holy Solar Day. You’re just in time!” Emma exclaimed.

  Leylin touched his chin. Holy Solar Day was a very important festival of the Emberwings. During that time, the head would have to make a speech, participate in the feast and whatnot. There were more than enough opportunities to sneak into his residence.

  WMW Chapter 561

  Setting A Plan

  “Good! I’ll be there then!” Leylin nodded.

  “Of course you will, because you’ll have the greatest chance!” Gilbert chuckled.

  “Oh? Why’s that?” Leylin’s thoughts were lightning quick as he immediately came up with a reason. “Could it be…”

  “Hehe… that’s right. Lord Schiker is the illegitimate child of the head of Atlan. With this connection, and you yourself as part of the Special Task Force, you’ll get the most opportunities to sneak into his residence.” Emma revealed.

  “No wonder I’ve been thinking Schiker has a very solid backing and very powerful connections. So he’s the illegitimate child of the head of the union…” Leylin spoke in understanding.

  “Hehe… This is called an opportune moment. We’d wanted to sneak into the Special Task Force too, but the bloodline scanning there is very strict. We can only imitate up to the seventh level of Fireplume, which is pretty much useless. Even if we got in, we’d only be at the bottommost level. You’re different. Not only is your Emberwing aura unbelievably pure, you’ve even improved in Fireplume up to the ninth level. What a genius!”

  Gilbert praised. He was now feeling he’d been blind not to have noticed a super talent like Leylin. However, he had managed to take Leylin under his wing, which was a huge relief.

  “Alright! I’ll do my best and follow Schiker back to the capital!” Leylin nodded, watching these two Kemoyin Dukes. Before heading to the Lava World, he’d been worried that they were injured or something like that, but now, it looked like there was nothing to worry about.

  What was difficult for Morning Stars to heal from were injuries to the soul, but as long as firasource stones were in their possession, even the most troublesome soul injuries could be healed quickly.

  In actuality, Leylin guessed that these two Kemoyin Dukes had used all their firasource stone reserves to heal the injuries from breaking away from the attack. If not, they would not have had just this slight improvement to their aura.

  “By the way, there’s someone called Loke under Schiker. Is he also someone you arranged for to be there?” Leylin suddenly thought of something and asked.

  “Loke?!” Suspicion flashed on Emma and Gilbert’s expression as they exchanged a glance. Even Leylin, who had been observing their facial expressions, could not tell if these expressions were genuine.

  “No, I don’t know him! He’s not a spy we sent out. Is there something wrong?”

  “A little. I suspect he’s from another race who feigned an identity to enter the Special Task Force!” Leylin casually brought this up.

  “In that case…” Gilbert rubbed his shiny bald head, “You’ll need to be more wary of him. He’s most likely someone from the Mobius Organisation!”

  “Mobius Organisation? Do you know that org
anisation well?” Leylin’s interest was piqued at this. Or rather, at the large amount of resources and firasource stones that this organisation had stolen.

  “Though this is just a guess, we are almost certain that it’s Jupiter’s Lightning’s organisation here!”

  Emma looked grim, “Due to the suppression from Atlan, Zegna of Jupiter’s Lightning does not dare come to this world. He’s only dispatched a few Morning Star Magi here to secretly build up an organisation!”

  “Zegna?” Leylin touched his chin. It was only now that he found out the name of this rank 5 Magus who had been opposing him.

  “In this case, Loke is probably a spy or something to that effect sent out by Zegna?” Leylin chuckled.

  “Just a mere pawn. It doesn’t matter even if that’s true. As long as he’s not a Morning Star, he won’t be that vital in this game here…”

  Ruthlessness flashed in Gilbert’s expression, “If you really think he’s annoying, then dispose of him. If it’s not convenient for you, just tell us, and we’ll handle it…”

  Though Gilbert and Emma seemed to be nobles in the Atlan Union, they were actually one of the three wicked leaders of the Triserpent Sect. It was obvious that they would seek trouble with the Special Task Force, and Loke’s death wouldn’t be that significant anyway.

  “Let’s keep him around for now and not alarm the Mobius Organisation. By the way, is that Morning Star who had caused major casualties and stole a lot of resources still around?”

  “Why? You want to know where he is?” Emma and Gilbert both had on something that seemed like a smile.

  “Of course! I don’t really care about other resources, but I must get those firasource stones!”

  Leylin answered decisively, “Besides, I can gain more of Schiker’s trust with his help. Think about it, if I give Schiker news of the Morning Star who landed him in his current state, what would happen?”

  “Actually, we’ve been trying to track him down and seem to have found some trails…”

  Emma exclaimed, “Just as well! That is Collins of Jupiter’s Lightning. Neither of us is certain we can kill him, but with you around, we have enough strength. We shall divide the firasource stones equally though!”

  “That’s fine!” Leylin immediately thought of Collins, who he’d disciplined at his ceremony, and the corner of his lips quirked up in a smile.



  The earth split open, the sky falling. Space was constantly being destroyed, causing turbulence. Silver storms wreaked havoc and ravaged the region.

  At the very centre, three phantoms in the form of indistinct giant black serpents streaked across the horizon, surrounding a figure.

  “Collins, hand over everything you have on you, and we can let you off!” Gilbert yelled loudly.

  Trapped in the middle was Collins, who Leylin had seen once before. Now, bloody wounds were all over his body, and it was obvious that his injuries were not mild.

  His own strength lost to even Leylin. Under the joint attack of three Morning Star Warlocks, he was actually pretty good to have survived so far.

  “Lord Zegna won’t let you off…” The energy undulations from Collin’s body were all over the place. The battle with Morning Star Arcane Arts had already landed him in a critical state.

  “Zegna? Hmph! Even if he doesn’t look for us, we’ll look for him. We can’t just forget about what happened with the First Elder.” Emma snorted coldly.

  Collins could only whine about the situation inside his mind. Though his strength surpassed that of Demon Hunter Cyril, he was still no match for three Morning Star Warlocks working together.

  Unfortunately, Jupiter’s Lightning was huge, and needed many Morning Stars taking charge in the Magus World. There were few Morning Star Magi in the Lava World, and he was the strongest of all those sent over, having committed a serious sin that he had to make up for.

  But now? He first had to think about how to save himself!

  “Alright! I can give you all the firasource stones, but you’ll need to swear on the astral plane that you won’t harm or imprison me!”

  Collins shouted. This was usually what happened in battles between Morning Star Magi. It might be easy to define the winner, but killing the opponent was difficult and often not worth it. That was why after being defeated, it was common to agree to an unfair contract and concede to a huge compensation.

  “You don’t have any leeway to bargain over this!” Leylin’s tone was firm. With his opponent’s life in the palm of his hands and unable to escape, there was no space for negotiation.

  “Alright. In that case…” Collins seemed to acknowledge his fate and placed his hands on his waist. All of a sudden, his expression turned sinister.

  Berserk black lightning closed in with him in the middle.

  Above his right hand, a simple leather scroll was slowly opening, revealing the phantom image of a Magus with a black moon rune on the forehead.

  “It’s a rank 5 magic scroll!” Emma’s expression instantly changed, countless blood-red rays exploding forth.

  A giant black snake that spanned across the horizon appeared, charging in his direction.

  “Kemoyin Serpent Transformation!” Gilbert and Leylin, who were trailing behind, immediately acted as well. The power of a rank 5 spell was not to be underestimated, and they had to go all out.

  On top of that, since this was another world, there was no danger even if they destroyed anything. Their methods were frenzied and cruel, not considering the destruction of the environment.

  “Hissss…” A giant black phantom snake collided with the lightning, and the energy undulations created could be felt even hundreds of kilometers away.

  *Boom!* A human figure was sent flying, Collins’ figure. Black blood shot out of the corner of his mouth, and there were traces of rot that continuously penetrated deeper within. Even his Morning Star body was full of bloody holes.

  While he flew backwards, he flung large amounts of fiery-red ores, and even some other precious resources and treasures of his collection. They flew in all directions, emitting brilliant light.

  “The firasource stones are all here, as well as my collection. Don’t go too far!” he yelled, his figure turning into a streak of light and disappearing into the horizon.

  *Swish!* The fog dissipated, and three black figures floated down, gathering the many firasource stones.

  “What do you think of this?” Leylin spoke first.

  “Since we’re acting, we need to seem genuine. I’m going to chase him for a while longer…” Gilbert nodded, before dashing towards the black streak.

  “Well then, Madam Emma, I’ll head back now!” After keeping the portion of firasource stones that belonged to him, Leylin was in an exceptionally good mood and bowed to Emma.

  “Mm! Take care of yourself. I don’t want Freya to become a widow at such a young age,” Emma hummed, though there were hints of concern in her tone.

  “I understand!” Leylin was slightly touched, nodding as he turned back into Ley the Emberwing. He returned to the Special Task Force encampment in Wox City.

  “Boss, the energy undulations just now?” The moment he entered, Mies rushed over hurriedly, his expression grim.

  “It’s probably a fight between Star ranks!” Leylin obviously knew the reason for the change in his expression.

  WMW Chapter 562

  Leaking Intel

  To Mies’ knowledge, Star ranks were the most powerful existences in the Lava World.

  He, who had not seen much in the world, was not aware there was an even more powerful realm after the Star rank.

  However, just one Star rank was enough to cause their leader, Schiker, to be heavily injured, and Sky ranked experts to die in large numbers. If another one had appeared? Mies didn’t even want to consider that.

  “Has his Grace, the Northern Duke, arrived?” he guessed.

  Well aware of all that was going on and actually the main offender himself, Leyli
n had a serious expression, “I’m afraid not! I’ll need to see the instructor!”

  On the way, Leylin met Loke again. However, the man seemed to have much on his shoulders, and he could not tell if this was real or a pretence.

  “Reporting in!” Leylin and Loke shouted outside the door.

  “Come in!” Schiker’s slightly weary voice sounded from within. After entering the room, Leylin’s nose twitched, the smell of disinfectant and ointment filling his nostrils.

  Schiker was still looking like a mummy, but looked to be in a better mental state. He could now perform simple actions.

  “Did you feel those undulations too?” Schiker asked with his eyes unfocused, watching a gigantic white tree whose light yellow flowers were blossoming.

  The undulations from a Star rank battle were as dazzling and bright as a torch in the dark night. Most likely, all the Earth ranks in a 500km radius around them had sensed it at as well. Leylin and Loke nodded.

  “Sigh… Looks like one more powerful person has appeared apart from the previous Morning Star… The situation does not look good. Ley, send down the directive. Our Special Task Force is to wait for orders. Do not act recklessly!”

  “I know!” Leylin apprehensively did as he was asked, but seemed hesitant.

  “What is it?” Schiker asked. Seeing Leylin this way, he found it funny.

  “Actually, instructor, I actually went into the battlefield in secret…” Leylin mumbled.

  “What…” Schiker’s mouth went wide, as if he had just seen a rare beast.

  Just a single stray wave from a Star rank battle could easily cause serious injuries or even death to Sky ranks. And this fearless fool had actually rushed in?

  It was not only Schiker. Loke who was at the side was also stunned, feeling like he had to refamiliarize himself with this ‘Ley’.

  “Hehe…” Leylin touched his head, looking embarrassed.


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