by Molly Bryant
“A suit for what?” Maria came out of the bathroom with a pinstripe mini skirt, a white silk top, and black and white heels on. Her hair was in curls on top of her head, and her red lips were sexy as hell. I could play secretary all morning. I cleared my throat and looked away towards my sister in the kitchen. If I kept looking at Maria, I wouldn't be able to get off of the couch.
“He is going to work at Glow,” Vanessa smiled at me. “The ladies will love him,”
Maria looked at me with wide eyes then her face relaxed into a sexy smirk. “Ah, you're our model for the July issue,” she laughed.
“I'm a what!?” I jumped off of the couch in nothing but my PJ pants and stalked to the kitchen counter. “You didn't say anything about me modeling, Nessy,” I hissed.
“Oh calm down. You have a perfect body and such an adorable face,” she cooed, pinching my cheeks.
“Dude, my aunt likes you. She will be happy about it,” Ben came out of the hallway and into the kitchen, planting a kiss on my sister.
I groaned. “What am I modeling?” I dropped my head onto the counter top with a thud.
Vanessa slid a cup of coffee toward me. “You know, Fourth of July... stuff,”
“What kind of Fourth of July stuff are we talking about? And how big is this shoot?” I took a sip of my coffee.
“Oh, just our centerfold. A few pages with a lot of red, white, and blue,”
“Okay, Nessy,” I rolled my eyes. “Just a whole damn centerfold, God,”
“Oh hell,” Maria came into the kitchen. “Swimming trunks, khaki's... sparklers,” she laughed, then stuck her tongue out. I felt a growl wanting to force it's way from my throat. She is so damn sexy when she does that. I felt the urge to take her tongue between my teeth.
I pushed away from the counter. “Fabulous, Nessy.” I sighed.
“You've got this. You're such a sexy fucking beast,” Ben wiggled his brows.
“Ben, language,” Vanessa smacked Ben's arm.
“Bite me, asshole,” I glared at Ben which earned me glare from Vanessa.
“Language,” she pointed a finger at me.
Maria was pursing her lips trying hard not to laugh. I smiled at her on my way out of the kitchen to go and take a very cold shower. At least then this whole modeling thing wouldn't seem like such a bad thing after all, and I could get rid of this half-wood that I have been trying so desperately to hide.
“I cannot believe I agreed to do this,” I sighed from the backseat of Ben's BMW. “You blindsided me, you didn't tell me that this is what I was going to do,”
“Ugh, Ethan, please stop. I'm sorry and it will be fine. You're tan, muscular, and have a fabulous smile. You're perfect for it, just shoosh already,” Vanessa turned from the front seat with a pleading smile. “The issue is supposed to be out in two days and all of the models we interviewed either had a mole, a funky smile, or an attitude like Borat. Please, make my life a little easier by helping your sister out,”
“Fine, but I'm still not happy about it,” I stared out the window at the passing buildings.
“Thank you,” Vanessa smiled before turning herself forward.
I looked down at my lap as Maria grabbed my hand, I interlaced my fingers with hers. She gave my hand a quick squeeze. Shivers ran up my spine and ended with jolt of electricity through my stomach. I looked over at her, she was smiling at me comfortingly letting me know it would be okay. I understood the look she was giving me and I nodded, she squeezed my hand again.
“Here we are,” Ben sighed, stepping out of the elevator with Vanessa, Maria, then me right behind them.
I took in all of the woman running around in sexy designer clothes, heels clicking everywhere, and phones ringing off the hook. I felt my heart start to race as I was used to a quiet atmosphere in the office, not this. I shook my head.
“Nope,” I turned to get into the elevator.
“Uh-uh, I don't think so road runner. You told me you would help me,” Vanessa grabbed the back of my gray blazer and pulled me back out into the hallway. She quickly tapped the down arrow and the door closed.
Maria was laughing, walking away and clicking her heels down the hallway. Vanessa and Ben were running their mouths, something about taking me to Ellen's office but I ignored them. My eyes stayed focused on Maria, watching her walk away instead. My chest ached, and I felt like she had a hold of my heart and was dragging it along behind her. I snapped out of it when Maria's frame was replaced with my sisters.
“Come on lover boy,” Ben pulled on my arm. “Aunt Ellen's office awaits,”
“Fuck me,” I sighed, following Ben down the opposite hall.
As I stood before Ellen McGurthy, I wanted to hide in the corner with a blanket over my head. She stood there with her long, waist-length black hair, in a tight designer business suit eye fucking me. I am usually a pretty confident guy, but come on.
“My, my. Have you grown up, Mr. Montello,” she smiled widely.
“Aunt Ellen, Vanessa thought he would be great for the Fourth of July shoot,” Ben stood next to me in his black suit and tie, his hands in his pockets with a smile on his face that I want to smack off for putting me in this position right now.
“Mm, yes.” she nodded, circling me. She squeezed my ass with her hands making me jump.
“Hey, hey,” I hopped two steps forward smacking at her hand. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.
“Let's see your chest,” she sat behind her desk in the brown leather chair. Her hands together atop a pile of papers.
“What?” I looked over at Ben. “My chest?” I whispered.
“She needs to see your chest, she has to approve every model, Ethan. Do it,” he said through his teeth as he smiled at his Aunt Ellen.
I sighed, quickly taking off my gray blazer, black tie, my white button up shirt and white under shirt. It felt as though it took me an hour to get them off as they both freaking stared at me.
“Flex,” she relaxed, sitting back in her chair. I flexed my biceps and pecks. “He will do,”
“Thank you, Aunt Ellen,” Ben tossed me my clothes, shoving me out the door before I could get dressed.
“I hate you,” I growled tossing my undershirt over my head.
Ben was laughing his ass off. “It's not that bad,”
“She grabbed my ass!” I whispered loudly, throwing my hands wildly in the air whipping my blazer and white button up around wildly.
“When you calm down I am taking you down to wardrobe,” I hear a soft voice twang from behind me. I looked at Ben who was smiling over my shoulder.
“This is Ellen's assistant, Mary,” he gestured his hand.
I turned around to face a tall, skinny, blonde with big green almond shaped eyes, and pink lips in a floral print dress. She was every guys deep south fantasy. “Hey,” I nodded.
“Hi,” she drawled, looking at me like I was something to eat. I swallowed hard.
“That way?” I pointed down the hall.
“Yup,” she popped the 'P' then smiled widely.
“Have fun, sexy,” Ben turned, walking down the hall with his hands in his pockets.
“After you, Mr. Montello,” I took a few steps in front of her and she grabbed my ass with a giggle.
“Hey!” I wriggled, jumping ahead. This was going to be a long fucking day.
Chapter Five
“Vanessa Montello's office,” I sighed into my headset. “Just one moment,” I hit the transfer button and placed my chin back in my hand.
I was shocked this morning to learn that Vanessa had hired Ethan to work here. But then my heart dropped a thousand feet at the thought of him modeling for the July issue. I knew what happened in that shoot room. The woman all flock down there on their breaks, gawking, staring and flirting like crazy. I wanted to trust Ethan that he was smarter than that and would blow them off. I huffed.
“Tell me about this new hottie I keep hearing about. Is he super sexy or what?” Mandy from fil
es said as she walked past my desk swaying her ass in a purple mini dress and heels.
“I hear he is Vanessa's brother,” Suzanne, a tall brunette from wardrobe said. “I got to see him with out his shirt on, and wow! He is all sorts of sexy. The woman are going to be jumping him after this issue comes out,” she giggled, tossing her locks over her shoulder.
I rolled my eyes. Blah, blah. Ethan is very sexy and yes, I am sure the woman would love to get their hands on him. But I didn't want to hear about it.
“Hi, Ethan!” I heard Suzanne squeal from down the hall. I froze.
“Hi,” he said politely back as I listened. “Could you tell me where I can find Maria Anderson at?”
“You must be looking for your sister, right?” she pushed.
“Actually no, I am looking for Maria,”
“Oh-um,” I could hear the shock and disappointment in Mandy's voice. “Just walk down the hallway there and her desk is on the left,”
“So, uh... Ethan, how about we do lunch? My treat to say welcome to Glow,” Vanessa offered. Please, say no. Please... I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers.
“Thanks, but I already have a lunch date, a beautiful one. If you'd excuse me,” Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I fist pumped the air, my legs were doing the shake under my desk.
My eyes snapped open when I heard Ethan's footsteps drawing closer. I quickly pulled up the Ask Nessy emails which I have already pulled twice. To my surprise there were already ten more. I hit send and spun around in my chair to face the printer.
“Hey, beautiful,” I could hear the relief in his voice. I smiled, grabbing the printed emails and spun around. I was speechless as he stood in front of me in a pair of tan khakis, a light blue button up open to his bellybutton, his hair and make up was perfect and flawless. He looked like a freaking God.
“Hey,” I smiled. “How is it going downstairs?”
“I have make up on,” he looked at me like I should take in the obvious.
“Noted,” I smiled.
“And I have hairspray in my hair,” he tapped his impossible to move hair, it crunching beneath his fingers.
“It's a rather sexy wet look,” I winked. “Just stay out of my make up, please?” we stared at each other for a moment until my phone rang.
“Vanessa Montello's office,” I looked up at Ethan, he was watching me intently with a smirk on his face. “Hi, Mrs. Montello. Vanessa is here, hang on a second,” I rang Vanessa on her intercom.
“I'm going to lunch, take a message,” she answered.
“Freaking bossy,” Ethan mumbled, taking a seat on my desk.
“It's your momma,” I emphasized the word 'momma'. “She said it's about the caterer,”
“Christ,” she sighed. “Send it through,”
I hit the transfer button and at the same time I looked up at Ethan to ask him why he insisted on sitting on my desk like everyone else, he quieted me with a kiss. At first I gasped, then relaxed with a moan against his lips. He pulled away.
“What was that for?” I said completely high from our connection. I was staring at his wet lips while biting my own.
“I missed you,” he said nonchalantly with a shrug.
“So, you kissed me?” I chuckled, crossing my arms as I sat back in my chair.
He looked around, then nodded. “Yeah,”
“Why? I don't kiss people I miss,” I bent over, grabbing my purse from beneath my desk and headed down the hallway to lunch with Ethan at my heels.
“Can I buy you lunch?” he was dodging on-comers down the hallway trying to stay with me. “Anything you want,”
I stopped, his chest bumping into my back. “Anything I want?” I smiled.
“Anything,” he answered.
“Mmm,” I giggled. “This is so good,” I took another bite of my double cheeseburger with bacon before swallowing what I already had in my mouth.
“I still cannot believe you chose to eat here,” he threw a fry into his mouth, looking around at the tables with parents and their children.
“Are you kidding me? Try having your sister as a best friend, I starve to death. Last nights ice cream consisted of a table spoon. When she orders pizza, it's not a pizza. Thin crust that shreds the roof of your mouth, fat free cheese and piled high with artichokes and spinach.” I cringed. “I want the big nasty and greasy stuff, you know?” I took another bite, then took a long drink of my soda. “Ah, yeah,” I chewed.
“You amaze me,” he grabbed my hand.
“Why? Because I eat like a man?” I shoved the last two bites into my mouth with a wink.
He laughed. “No. Because you enjoy who you are and you don't care what other people think about you,” he smiled. “I'm just not used to seeing that I guess. You're a breath of fresh air,”
I quickly pulled my hand away and set it in my lap. He was being way nice to me... extremely too nice. I have had men sweet talk me quite often, but they were never charming like Ethan. I could see it in his ocean blue eyes that he meant every word he said, and that scared me a little bit.
“I am so full,” he sighed, sitting back in his chair. “I'm going to laugh if I go back to the shoot and I look like a fat ass,”
“Second that, I need to unbutton my skirt,” I hiccuped, picking up my tray and dumping my trash.
“Fat ass or slim ass, you will always be a sexy ass,” he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple.
I laughed aloud. “Thanks, you ass,”
“So, please explain to me why we had to reschedule the swimsuit shoot until tomorrow?” Vanessa's arms were crossed as she stared out the window.
“Because I was bloated,” Ethan heaved a sigh.
“That explains your bitchiness this morning,” Ben joked.
“Right? And the greasy food at lunch,” Ethan went a long with it.
“Ethan, you didn't,” Vanessa laid her head on the headrest and closed her eyes. She rubbed her temples slowly. “Everybody knows that stuff bloats you and gives you gas for crying out loud,” she groaned.
“You stand corrected because I didn't know that. I. Do. Not. Model, Vanessa,”
“You know what, Ethan? I thought that I could help you out at the same time you could help me,”
“Seriously? I wasn't helping you? God, Vanessa. I ate lunch,”
“Stop!” I placed one hand in Ethan's face, and one in Vanessa's. “Nessy, this was my fault, not his. I chose lunch at a fast food restaurant not thinking about the fact he was on a shoot, okay? So, if anyone is to blame for the cancellation, it's me. There, it's done,”
“But-” she opened her mouth.
“No!” I put my hand back in her face.
“Maria-” Ben tried to butt in.
“Nah-uh,” I stopped him.
I waited for a few seconds before relaxing against the seat to make sure no one was going to say anything, I nodded. Ethan placed his hand on my leg and was tracing his fingers up and down my thigh slowly. I looked at him and he was staring out his window with a peaceful look upon his face not meaning it as a sexual gesture. But, the tingle of his fingertips alone was causing my core to ache with the need for him, and my panties were undoubtedly being soaked with the desire. I grabbed his hand and placed it between my legs. I wasn't worried about Ben or Vanessa seeing anything as it was dark outside. We stayed at Glow late due to the fact that they were feeding Ethan Gas-X to try and get rid of his bloat so they could continue with the shoot. With no success, we headed home.
Ethan snapped his head in my direction with his bottom lip between his teeth, he then swallowed hard staring between my legs. My hand was working his against my moist core.
Five minutes into torturing myself and Ethan, Ben pulled into Vanessa's driveway. I tossed his hand across the back seat and took a deep breath before getting out of the car. The second that Ben and Vanessa go to bed, Ethan is mine.
Ethan waited until they walked ahead of us. Vanessa was whining to Ben about how the caterer wa
s talking Salmon when he should be talking steak. Ethan grabbed my wrist, flinging me in a circle and kissed me. He quickly pulled away.
“You're mine,” he pecked my lips, walking past me and left me on the walkway, whimpering to myself. I quickly shuffled my heels up the walkway and into the front door.